Twenty-Seventh Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange
22 - 24 March 2023
Organizer & Staff
7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
Twenty-Seventh Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange

[View a simple printable version of this agenda]
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/IODE-XXVII/3 | IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, twenty seventh session, UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France, 22-23 March 2023 | 08/05/2023 |
Agenda Documents
Background Documents
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/IODE-XXVI/3 | IOC/IODE-XXVI/3 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, twenty sixth session, online, 20-23 April 2021 | 07/05/2021 |
IOC/IODE-XXVI/3s | Twenty-sixth session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, 20–23 April 2021, online | 02/06/2021 |
IOC/IODE-MG-2022/3 | 2022 Meeting of the IODE Management Group , 21-22 March 2022 (hybrid) | 29/04/2022 |
Other Documents
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
CL-2900 | Twenty-Seventh Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXVII) and Scientific Conference, Paris, 20–24 March 2023 | 26/08/2022 |
participants associated with
Twenty-Seventh Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange
[View a printable participants list]
IODE Co-Chairs
Name | Country |
BELOV Sergey | Russian Federation |
DE BRUIN Taco | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
IODE Past-Chair
Name | Country |
MICHIDA Yutaka | Japan |
IODE National Coordinator for data management
Name | Country |
LESCRAUWAET Ann-Katrien | Belgium |
FYRBERG Katarina Lotta | Sweden |
TROISI Ariel | Argentina |
LEITH Alex | Australia |
LAGRING Ruth | Belgium |
TYBERGHEIN Lennert | Belgium |
GUASTINI Ricardo | Brazil |
SHI Suixiang | China |
DADIC Vlado | Croatia |
GONZÁLEZ Juan | Dominican Republic |
LINTHON ALVAREZ Michael | Ecuador |
TIKKA Kimmo | Finland |
FICHAUT Michele | France |
TAMM Susanne | Germany |
IONA Athanasia | Greece |
TAVAKOLI Mortaza | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
O'GRADY Eoin | Ireland |
GIORGETTI Alessandra | Italy |
KOMORI Tatsuo | Japan |
HASHIMOTO Takafumi | Japan |
YAJIMA Hiroki | Japan |
SAGEN Helge | Norway |
WICHOROWSKI Marcin | Poland |
NUNES Paulo | Portugal |
LEE Joon-Soo | Republic of Korea |
BUGA Luminita | Romania |
SHAIMARDANOV Vladislav | Russian Federation |
HEBDEN Mark | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
GARCIA Hernan | United States of America |
CARRERA Juan | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
ADU contact points
Name | Country |
CARTER Sheldon | Jamaica |
CRONNE-GRIGOROV Lise | Denmark |
ELLORAN Christian | Philippines |
HANLEY Laura | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
HOLDSWORTH Neil | Denmark |
MAVRAKI Dimitra | Greece |
PENZLIN Anke | Germany |
POSTLETHWAITE Clare | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
PYE Jonathan | Canada |
RODRIGUES Andrew | Denmark |
SIERRA-CORREA Paula | Colombia |
Project Steering Group Chairs
Name | Country |
DROUINEAU Ludovic | France |
GARELLO René | France |
HADDAD Tanya | United States of America |
Additional member state participants
Name | Country |
GORRINGE Patrick | Sweden |
SUZUKI Toru | Japan |
SUN Miao | China |
JIMENEZ Juana | Belgium |
YANG JinKun | China |
WAN Fangfang | China |
ARIAS-ISAZA Francisco | Colombia |
KAZADI Jocelyne | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
HERRERA Andrea | Ecuador |
TUTASI Pritha | Ecuador |
ROBALINO PONCE César | Ecuador |
HARSCOAT Valerie | France |
TIACOH Hector | France |
LYKIARDOPOULOS Angelos | Greece |
BATISTA DE VEGA Gloria | Panama |
JEONG Kwang-Young | Republic of Korea |
IVACHEV Igor | Russian Federation |
ENYAEVA Galina | Russian Federation |
DRAME Awa Bousso | Senegal |
SAAD Adib | Syrian Arab Republic |
ZINKANN Ann-Christine | United States of America |
GUERRERO Andres | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
DÍAZ Gregoria | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
DÍAZ Rafael | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
GONZALEZ DARWIN | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
DE ABREU DE ABREU Héctor | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Other organizations
Name | Country |
BERRY David | Switzerland |
BRÖNNER Ute | Norway |
CALEWAERT Jan-Bart | Belgium |
FERNÁNDEZ Vicente | Belgium |
GANN Jeanette | United States of America |
GOINS Meredith | United States of America |
HILL Katy | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
KASKELA Anu | Finland |
KILCOYNE Emma | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
KONJEVIC Sofija | Croatia |
KONSTANTINOU Zoi | Belgium |
LIPS Inga | Belgium |
MCCONNELL Terry | France |
MCGRATH Fergal | Ireland |
MOULTON Christopher | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
O'BRIEN Kevin | United States of America |
SCORY Serge | Belgium |
SHI Peiliang | Switzerland |
TACONET Marc | Italy |
TEN HOOPEN Petra | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
VALLIUS Henry | Finland |
WALTON Jennifer | United States of America |
Invited experts
Name | Country |
BUTTIGIEG Pier Luigi | Germany |
IODE staff
Name | Country |
APPELTANS Ward | Belgium |
DE BAENST Sofie | Belgium |
DE LICHTERVELDE Kristin | Belgium |
LAMBERT Arno | Belgium |
PISSIERSSENS Peter | Belgium |
REED Greg | Belgium |
SCOTT Lucy | Belgium |
SIMPSON Pauline | France |
IOC staff
Name | Country |
DEMARGNE Louis | France |
DIWA-ACALLAR Johanna | Belgium |
HESLOP Emma | France |
ISENSEE Kirsten | France |
LINDOSO Vinicius | France |
RYABININ Vladimir | Switzerland |
= Person has confirmed their participation and been approved to participate.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 112
Confirmed: 112
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 112
Confirmed: 112
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IODE Official meeting
Created at 14:11 on 02 Aug 2022 by Peter Pissierssens
Last Updated at 11:19 on 30 Jan 2025 by Arno Lambert
Label(s): IODE Official meeting
Created at 14:11 on 02 Aug 2022 by Peter Pissierssens
Last Updated at 11:19 on 30 Jan 2025 by Arno Lambert