Job Type
Data Management
Institutional Management
Decision Making & Policy
Subject Area
Physical Oceanography
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Deputy Head Servicio de Hidrografía Naval.Technical Secretary at Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (2020 - 2024). Head Oceanography Department (2008-2020) Overall managerial responsibility for the department. Oversee the development and implementation of programs and projects, provision of services to the general community in operational mode. Seek program support. Coordinate data gathering, analysis and reporting of results. Provide assessment for development of action plans. Promote communication and awareness.
Act as liaison between the Department and the local, national and international research community and general public. Advise the Head of the Office on marine scientific research activities and policies.
As Director of the NODC, pursuing the principal aim of the CEADO: to acquire, quality control, process and store the oceanographic data to provide adequate information to the scientific community, private and publics enterprises and other users.The CEADO performs the specific functions of a National Oceanographic Data Center established by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) within the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange System (IODE).As Responsible National Oceanographic Data Center for the Southern Oceans (RNODC/SOC) within the IODE System, collaborate with World Data Centres in all matters related to physical and chemical oceanographic data obtained within the area south to 50º South.In 1990, the CEADO was accredited by the IOC and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to operate as Specialized Oceanographic Center within the Integrated Global Oceans Service System (IGOSS) covering an area of responsibility in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Sea regions of study
South Atlantic Ocean
Southern Ocean
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (2023 - )
IOC Chairperson (2019- 2023)
IOC Vice-chair (2015-2019)
IODE Co-chair (2011-2015)
Magister en Política y Gestión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología