Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Contract-based work (reports, submissions, advocacy, briefings, fact sheets, presentations, background documentation etc) with regards to aspects related to marine biodiversity conservation, primarily marine protected areas selection, management and policy - bridging the science-policy divide:
OSPAR-related work to promote the establishment of a network of MPAs: site proposals, justifications and management proposals in territorial waters, EEZ and high seas; EBSA proposals, ecosystem approach in the NEA and EcoQOs, nominations and justification reports, draft OSPAR recommendations for elements on Initial OSPAR List (focus deepwater habitats and fishes);
NEAFC related work on deepwater conservation measures, lately the implementation of UN GA 61/105 a.o.
CBD related work on high seas MPAs and EBSAs,
EC expert workshops (ecosystem approach, EMMA, N2000 guidelines, spatial planning, marine experts)
ICES WG Deepwater Ecosystems
EU FP5 OASIS project on seamount science and conservation
Sargasso Sea case study for a PSSA and Special Area
Deepsea mining, International Seabed Authority, InterRidge and national work in Germany
Fisheries measures in European and German Natura 2000 sites in the EEZ and coastal waters
Good Environmental Status - Descriptors 1 and 4. NGO demands in Germany, MFSD implementation OSPAR CPs
Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ - demands by WWF Germany
Concept study of marine national parks, PAN Parks certification
Marine Stewardship Council - sustainability of example certified fisheries
Alternative fishing gears
EUNIS classification, in part. pelagic classification and complex habitats

Region of Study
North East Atlantic, High Seas, Deep Sea
scientific background in biological oceanography, marine ecosystems, with research experience North Sea/North Atlantic/Arctic.
15 years experience in international marine conservation work with a focus on offshore, high and deep seas and German waters