8th session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS

13 - 16 June 2007,

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
1 rue Miollis

75732 Paris

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening and Welcome
2 Administrative Arrangements
2.1 Adoption of the Agenda
2.2 Designation of Rapporteur
2.3 Conduct of the Session and Formation of Working Groups
3 Reports
3.1 Report of the I-GOOS Chairperson
3.2 Report of the GSSC chairperson
3.3 Review of past I-GOOS actions
4 Global GOOS Implementation and Sustainability
4.1 Terms of reference for the I-GOOS board
5 Regional GOOS Implementation
5.1 Report on the 3rd GOOS Regional Forum
5.2 Proposal to form a GOOS Regional Council
5.3 Proposals to recognize new GOOS regional alliances
5.4 Formation by GSSC of a Coastal Advisory Group (PICO)
6 Program and Budget
6.1 Report of the GPO Secretariat Director
7 Capacity Building
8 GOOS within GEOSS
9 Elections to the I-GOOS Board for 2007-2009
10 Adoption of Action Items and Decisions for inclusion in the report of the 8th session
11 Any Other Business
11.1 Next Session (I-GOOS IX)
12 Closure of the Session