PILOT COURSE: TSUNAMI EVACUATION MAPS, PLANS, AND PROCEDURES (TEMPP 3) / Mapas, planes y procedimientos de evacuacion en caso de tsunami

15 - 19 August 2016,


Annotated Agenda

1 Opening
1.1 Opening Ceremonies
1.2 Logistics and Administrative Items, Introductions, Course Overview
2 End-to-End Tsunami Warning, Science and Hazard, Inundation Mapping, Evacuation Mapping
2.1 End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Responding Rapidly and Effectively
2.2 Community Preparedness – CARIBE-EWS, PTWS Tsunami Ready Pilot Recognition Programs
2.3 Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards for Honduras and Central America - Overview and Results from Seismic Sources Expert Meeting (June 2016)
2.4 Tsunami Risk Assessment - Using Numerical Modeling to create Tsunami Inundation Maps – Overview; Guidelines for Establishing Tsunami Inundation Areas for Regions Not-modeled or with Low-hazard - Sambo Creek
2.5 Tsunami Mitigation and Preparedness - Importance of Evacuation Maps for Saving Lives – Overview
3 Using QGIS - Making the Evacuation map
3.10 Using QGIS to decide on the optimal Tsunami Evacuation Zone and Assembly Points
3.1 Using GIS to develop Evacuation Maps – Overview
3.11 Hands-on activity
3.12 Using QGIS to identifying Evacuation Routes
3.2 QGIS software, IT requirements, and how to install and use
3.3 Inputting ComMIT Inundation results (amplitude, arrival time) and other data layers into QGIS
3.4 Hands-on activity
3.5 Data necessary for tsunami evacuation map-making
3.6 Integrating GIS data layers for evacuation map-making; Using QGIS to identify critical and sensitive infrastructure – schools, hospitals, hotels, airports, etc
3.7 Hands-on activity
3.8 Guidelines for defining the evacuation zone, including zones (number), colors, symbology
3.9 Hands-on activity - Making the evacuation map using paper and pencil
4 Community engagement, Cedeño visit
4.1 Community engagement and participation - Objectives, Stakeholder Input, Cedeño visit plan
4.2 Town-watching' - Ground-truth evacuation map, walk evacuation routes
5 Cedeño - Community meeting
5.1 Opening
5.2 Qué es un Tsunami y que lo genera ?
5.3 El Litoral Pacifico de Honduras está en peligro de ser afectado por un Tsunami?
5.4 Modelaje de inundación y sitios más vulnerables ante la llegada de olas de tsunami a la costa pacífica de Honduras
5.5 Como funciona el Sistema de Alerta Temprana ante Tsunami
5.6 Esta Preparado el Municipio de Marcovia para asistir a su población en caso de Tsunami.
5.7 Mapa de evacuación por Tsunami para Cedeño y el programa Tsunami Ready en Cedeño
5.8 Closing
6 Finalizing Evacuation Map
6.1 Finalizing Evacuation Map - Guidelines for Map publication (scale, text, legend) and Official Endorsement
6.10 TEMPP3 Training Evaluation
6.2 Finalizing Evacuation Map – Summarizing feedback, Integrating observations from site visit
6.3 Using QGIS to create final map, with Standard Symbology, Color, and Legend
6.4 Hands-on activity
6.5 Using QGIS to create maps in different formats and platforms for Outreach and Education
6.6 Sign Guidance (what and where to place), Socializing Evacuation Map and Plan: Complementary Map Information,
6.7 Hands-on activity - Signage, Finalize Evacuation Map
6.8 Group Presentations - Final Evacuation Maps
6.9 TEMPP4 Overview - Tsunami Response Plans and Drills, Tsunami Ready
7 Closing Ceremonies