Eighteenth Session of the Ocean Observations panel for Physics and Climate

14 - 17 April 2015,

Tohoku University
Aobayama Campus
6-3,Aramaki Aza-Aoba,

Sendai, Tohoku

Annotated Agenda

1 Joint Plenary. Introductions, overarching GCOS and GOOS Talks
1.1 Welcome, Local Logistics
1.2 GCOS Priorities, Next Implementation Plan, focus, process and milestones
1.3 GOOS Strategic Mapping: rationale, process, next steps
1.4 DISCUSSION: contributions to planning prcesses, scope/drivers, areas of progress/development in Ocean observing
2 OOPC Only: Introductions
2.1. Update from the OOPC C-Chairs, Activities since OOPC-17, Agenda for the meeting
2.2 DISCUSSION, including changes to and approval of the agenda
3 OOPC Only: Status of the Sustained Observing System
3.1 Observing System Status, risks, challenges, opportunities
3.2 Discussion
4 OOPC Only: Feedback from CLIVAR Panels
4.1 Global Synthesis and Observations Panel
4.2 Atlantic Panel
4.3 Indian Ocean Panel
4.4 Pacific Panel
4.5 Questions,
4.6 Southern Ocean Panel
4.7 Discussion
5 Joint Session: Recap/Input from Separate Panels Sessions, Focus of Joint Day
5.1 Agenda and Aims of the Joint Session
5.2 Recap OOPC
5.3 Recap IOCCP/GOOS Biogeochemistry
6 Joint Session: GCOS Implementation Plan, GOOS Strategic Mapping activities
6.1 GCOS IP: Priority areas in new plan, focus of ocean section
6.2 GOOS Strategic Mapping, rational for Variable/Network Specifications
6.3 Discussion
6.4 Summary of Physical Variable Specs, common issues, areas for improvement
6.5 Summary of Biogeochemical Specifications
6.6 Discussion of next steps for Variable Specs
6.7 Network Specifications: rationale, templates, process
6.8 Discussion: feedback on templates, next steps, process for proposing new networks
7 Joint Session: Quantitative Targets for Observing Networks
7.1 Intro: process for developing targets for physics/climate networks to date, lessons learnt, next steps
7.2 Discussion: Development of BGC Network Targets (and what should be in the next GCOS IP
7.3 Observing System Metrics (By Variable, Network)
7.4 DISCUSSION: Feedback, next steps in developing observing system metrics
8 DISCUSSION: Next steps for joint OOPC/OCG Activities
9 OOPC Only: Recap from joint Day.
10 OOPC Only: Observing System Development Activities
10.1 TPOS 2020
10.2 DISCUSSION: TPOS 2020 Climate Timeseries Activity
10.3 AtlantOS
10.4 Deep Ocean Observing Strategy
10.5 Discussion
10.6 Boundary Currents and their interaction with the Shelf
10.7 Air Sea Fluxes
10.8 Polar Oceans and Ocean/Cryosphere Interactions
10.9 Discussion
11 OOPC Only: Discussion on way forward.
11.1 OOPC Work Plan Progress and Actions
11.2 Discussion and agreement on way forward for O.S: Evaluations, Priorities/Milestones for input to GCOS IP, OceanObs19, etc
11.3 GCOS Status Report, IP, Next Steps for Variable Specifications
11.4 Developing Network Specifications
11.5 Future Priorities (New Variables, New Requirements, Opportunities arising from Development Projects, Coastal requirements, BGC ECVs
11.6 Planning for Next Meeting
12 Japanese workshop