Makran Subduction Zone Science Strengthening Tsunami Warning and Preparedness

14 - 16 November 2022,


1. Opening
2. Latest seismicity, paleo-tsunami, and hazard assessment studies
3. Enhanced government and community awareness using hazard and risk assessments
4. Tour of UAE National Center of Meteorology
5. Breakout groups
6. Probabilistic Tsuami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) results
7. Potential for ulitising the PTHA for inundation modelling in NWIO
8. Unified regional approach to inundation modelling for NWIO Member States
9. Breakout Groups
10. Access to PTHA and associated data for hazard assessment
11. Panel discussion: "What further science and information will help strengthen tsunami warning and preparedness in NWIO"
12. Closing remarks