Task Team Tsunami Preparedness Near-Field Tsunami Hazard [Online]

22 - 23 August 2022,


1. Opening
1.1 Welcome by Head of Secretariat for IOC-UNESCO IOTWMS
1.2 Opening Address by Chair TT TPNFTH
1.3 Review ToRs
1.4 Review and agree agenda
2. Secretariat Report and Global Perspectives
3. TOWS-WG TT Disaster Management & Preparedness and UN Ocean Decade Related Activities
4. UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme
5. Tsunami Risk Reduction into Spatial Planning and Critical Infrastructure Preparedness
6. Current Tsunami Service Provider Capabilities and Future Plans
7. Lessons Learnt
8. Relevant Outcomes from the Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness
9. Day 1 Summary
10. The Near-Field Tsunami Threat in the NWIO
11. UNESCAP NWIO Project Progress Report
12. SOP Development in NWIO for Near-Field Tsunami Threats
13. Tsunami Monitoring, Warning and SOP Development by InaTEWS for Near-Field Tsunamis Generated by Seismic, Non-Seismic and Complex Sources
14. Joint German-Indonesia Tsunami Risk Project
15. Discussion and Brainstorming: Natural Warning Signs Integrated into National Tsunami Warning Chains and Community Education
16. Integrating Response to Near-Field Tsunami Threat into UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme
17. Capacity Development Opportunities
18. Opportunities for Exercising Enhanced Preparedness against Near-Field Threat
19. Recommendations to ICG
20. Meeting Summary