RA I Sub-Regional Workshop for WIGOS and WIS for North Africa including Training in Marine Instruments

18 - 22 November 2013,

Direction de La Météorologie Nationale, Casablanca
Face Préfecture Hay Hassani Ain Chock
B.P. 8106 Oasis



1 Opening of the workshop (Abdalah NASSIF, Morocco)
2 Marine observations and JCOMM contirbution to WIGOS (Etienne Charpentier, WMO)
3 National Presentations
3.1 Algeria
3.2 Libya
3.3 Morocco
3.4 Tunisia
3.5 Discussion on the national marine observation capabilities and instrument calibration and testing requirements in the sub-region
4 Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMIC)
4.1 Activities of the RMIC for the Regional Association IV (Walt MCCALL, USA)
4.2 Activities of the RMIC for the Asia Pacific region (Aina WU, China)
4.3 Discussion on the development of the RMIC for RA-I, and future collaborations within RA-I in this regard
4.4 Discussion on future collaborations between RMICs
5 State of the art of in situ Sea Surface Temperature (SST) measurement (David Meldrum, UK)
6 Calibration of Sea Surface Temperature Sensors (Mounir AZZIZ, Morocco)
7 Infrastructure and instruments of a standard laboratory, including visit and tour of MétéoMaroc facilities, and hand-on work (Mounir AZZIZ, Morocco)
8 An Automatic Weather System for the Marine Environment (Rydall JARDINE, South Africa)
9 Wave height and mean water level measurement of a fixed platform (Henri KARANJA; Kenya)
10 The Laboratory Calibration of the Wave Height and Period Measurements from the Gravitational Acceleration Wave Buoys (Jianging YU, China)
11 Quality Control Routines for Marine Instrument Data Distributed in Real-Time (Walt MCCALL, USA)
12 Preparation and Calibration of Argo floats (Mathieu BELBEOCH, JCOMMOPS)
13 General discussion and conclusion