Private Bag 13355 Brendan Simbwaye Square
Block C Corner of Uhland & Goethe Streets
+264 612053911
+264 61 233 286
Namibia's fishing industry is well known for its world class capabilities, in handling, distributing, and marketing of fish products. As the custodian of fisheries and marine resources, the ministry welcomes the fishing industry at large, private sector, and all stakeholders to enable them to share information, and other newsworthy developments in the sector. Namibia has embarked upon the development of aquaculture in order to create employment for Namibians, reduce poverty and increase economic growth.
Today the fisheries sector is one of the highest contributors to our economy, and second only to the mining sector in terms of exports. Management of commercial fisheries is based on a system by which rights are granted, total allowable catch are set based on research results and quotas are issued to rights holders.
Our management system has evolved over the years and it has served us very well in terms of monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and stock rebuilding. Our industrial fisheries will continue to develop in a sustainable manner. We are keen to capitalize in, on the gains we have made since independence, to greater benefits of all Namibians.

Kathleen PEARD

Fisheries Research Technical Assistant