OceanExpert ID : 11491

Organization for Research and Conservation of Aquatic Animals

(Organization for Research and Conservation of Aquatic Animals)


Cerro Hermoso L-16, San Ignacio de Monterrico, Surco.
Lima City 33


Private non-profit


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+51 1999 38 9430




ORCA is a non-profit organization based in Lima, Peru, dedicated to do research and rescue of sea-lions, dolphins, marine otters, whales sea turtles and penguins, next to promote sustainable development and the conservation of a healthy marine ecosystem, preventing and monitoring the cumulative effects of human impact throught advanced research, animal welfare strategies, and innovative education campaigns promoting marine mammals as sentinels of the ocean, from the Eastern South Pacific to the world.

Our vision

ORCA strives to be a strong and sustainable organization that articulates a stable network of operating bases on the Peruvian coast, ensuring a balanced relationship between humans and the marine ecosystem.


• To protect the marine ecosystems in Peru by promoting marine mammals as sentinels of the ocean’s health. 

• To develop strategies for conservation, and to promote sustainable development between communities and the marine ecosystem, and to integrate the idea of a marine culture for communities in Peru.

• To raise public and government awareness of social and environmental issues through educational programs.

• To conduct cutting edge research in marine mammalogy in the context of human and environmental health, and to develop specialized protocols for marine animal welfare.

Associated Experts
Displaying 1 – 1 results of 1.
Show Records

Director, Scientist, Marine Veterinarian

Created: 2008-10-08 | Last Updated: 2017-12-05 by Mark Van Crombrugge