ICGPTWS also has the sub-groups : ICGPTWS-Officers (PTWS-O) , ICGPTWS-Steering Committee (PTWS-SC) , WG1-Understanding Tsunami Risk (PTWS-WG1-UTR) , WG2-Tsunami Detection Warning and Dissemination (PTWS-WG2-TDWD) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Service Providers (PTWS-WG2-TT-TSP) , WG2-TT-Integrated PTWS Sensor Networks for Tsunami Detection and Characterisation (PTWS-WG2-TT-ISN) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Forecasting from Ocean Observations (PTWS-WG2-TT-TFOO) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Generated by Volcanoes (PTWS-WG2-TT-TGV) , WG3-Disaster Risk Management and Preparedness (PTWS-WG3-DRMP) , WG3-TT-Tsunami Ready (PTWS-WG3-TT-TR) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System on the Central American Pacific Coast (PTWS-RWG-CAPC) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the Southeast Pacific Region (PTWS-RWG-SEP) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region (PTWS-WG-SCS) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region-TT-Capacity Development and Services (PTWS-WG-SCS-TT-CDS) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation (PTWS-WG-PICT) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Capacity Development (PTWS-WG-TT-CD) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Information Sharing Platforms (PTWS-WG-PICT-TT-ISP) , Task Team on PacWave Exercices (PTWS-TT-PWE) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Seismic Data Sharing in the Southwest Pacific (PTWS-WG-PICT-SDSSWP) .

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Name Group Role Country FirstName