Subject Area
Physical Oceanography
Marine Geology
Marine and Coastal Engineering
sediment research, resuspension, sediment transport, deposition, physical oceanography, pollution monitoring, pollution containment, monitoring programmes, sediment consolidation and conditioning, oil cuttings research, beach processes, coastal zone management, dredging research, sediment plume research, aggregate extraction, beach nourishment, radioactive contamination in the eastern irish sea and from dounreay
Policy advice at national and International level - e.g. MCAA in England, MSFD
Design of Strategical Monitoring for Kuwait - eMisk
Emergency response modelling for Oil and Chemical spills
Forensic Oceanography - modelling of the source of bodies (backtracking) and also the predicted fate of lost persons/objects
Sea regions of study
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel
Bristol Channel
English Channel
Celtic Sea
North Sea
North Atlantic Ocean
Persian Gulf