are monitoring the coastal environment along Odisha coast since the past
decade. Observations and the output in a model framework immensely help us to
interpret the coastal environment accurately. The importance of basic concepts regarding ocean circulation, sea temperature,
ocean waves, ocean current, salinity and sea level is essential to have better
knowledge on marine weather. Therefore, I hope to acquire the relevant
knowledge in the field of Forecast oceanography which shall facilitate understanding
the interaction between Ocean and weather system.
More than ten years of
research experience in observing/monitoring the coastal environment along
Odisha coast, east coast of India. The datasets includes beach-dune profile,
shoreline position, sediment grain size, littoral environmental observation
(LEO), hydrodynamics conditions (wave, tide, current), coastal bathymetry,
continental shelf sediments and near shore water quality.
I have gripped with sound knowledge in coastal
processes and coastal zone management related studies. Besides, I am finely skilled with knowledge in the application of remote sensing and GIS studies on
coastal and marine areas through participation in trainings/workshops etc.