Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Climatology, Meteorology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Mr Sei is a Natural Resource Management Expert with expertise in Oceanography
and marine resources assessment, governance and policy analysis. He has served as a
Lecturer and Research Fellow and Head of Department for Physical Sciences at
the Science College of the University of Liberia in 2000. He was a
Part-Time Lecturer in Aquatic Resources Economics and Management at the
Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography (IMBO), Fourah Bay College,
University of Sierra Leone from 2006-2009. Mr Sei has over 18 years work
experience (from 2001 to 2019) in the fisheries and marine resources sector,
rising to the position of Head of Research, Statistics and Policy Unit of the Ministry
of Fisheries and Marine Resources in 2015-2016. He served as a National Pelagic
Fisheries Expert for hydro-acoustic abundance estimations of fish resources. He
also served on several oceanographic and fishery abundance survey cruises
including on board the Norwegian Research Vessel R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen and
the Senegalese Research Vessel R/V Itaf Deme. He co-authored survey cruise
reports from 2007 to 2009. Mr. Sei was the National Project Coordinator for the
NEPAD Partnership for African Fisheries Program (PAF) from 2012 to 2014), a
DfID/NEPAD funded project to provide long-term policy support to the Ministry
of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Sierra Leone. Under this project, he
coordinated the development of Fisheries Policy and Legal Framework, Strategy
and fisheries management plans. Mr. Sei
served as the National Coordinator for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(EAF-NASEN) project in Sierra Leone-a project funded by NORAD and FAO to
strengthen the management of artisanal fisheries of Liberia and Sierra Leone
from 2011 to 2014. He also served as a member of the technical working group
(TWG) for the implementation of voluntary guidelines for the governance of
tenure of land, forests and fisheries (VGGT) in the context of food security in
Sierra Leone. Mr. Sei served as an expert at the 2017
United Nations Ocean Conference to contribute to sessions and build knowledge
on issues relating to the implementation of sustainable development goal
(SDG)14-to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development. He was recently a Lead Expert Oceanographer for
Feasibility Studies for the Construction of an 8km Coastal Bridge Linking
Freetown to Lungi International Airport, a Project under the Office of the
Presidential Infrastructure Initiative (OPII). Under this project, Mr. Sei
mapped the seafloor of proposed bridge location, modelled the climate extremes
including design wind speed for the bridge design, waves and storm surges, and
calculated 100 years water level return period for the Lungi Bridge, Coastal Road
and seafront infrastructure construction. He also conducted debris, marine
fouling and corrosion studies for the proposed Lungi Bridge with a 120 years
design life. Mr. Sei is published in many international
journals. Mr. Sei is currently a PhD Research Fellow at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, undertaking a research in climate change adaptation policy planning
Sea regions of study
North Sea
South Atlantic Ocean