Highest Degree
Habilitation Diriger des Recherches in 2013
I am a Biologist specialist in ocean color remote sensing at IRD. My expertise is in marine optics for the validation of ocean colour
reflectance. I have over twenty years
of experience in ocean color remote sensing use for studying open ocean as well
as coastal ocean phytoplankton dynamics. As a SeaWiFS-POLDER PI, I
developed an algorithm for detecting surface blooms of Trichodesmium, the main
tropical functional phytoplankton type.
As a member of the COOC GIS, I am involved in French National remote
sensing Programs aiming at using ocean color in oligotrophic lagoons (New
Caledonia) and Fiji Islands. I planned sea cruises and coastal surveys dedicated to ocean
optics measurements, mainly inherent optical properties (a, bb) and pigments. I am collaborating
since 1996 with Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Japan Aerospace Space Agency JAXA for validation of AVNIR,
GLI and MODIS and Sentinel3 validation (member of S3VT) Biological
Oceanographer, Institute for Research and Development since 1984.
dynamics in open ocean and coastal waters; Satellite remote sensing; Ocean
color; Detection of phytoplankton functional groups; Coastal bio-optics;
Seasonal and inter-annual ocean variability; Validation of biogeochemical
models. Toxic algae. Trichodesmium detection from space and in situ measurements.