Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
Dear Madam/Sir,
graduated (MSc (+5), Aquatic Biology, 1st Rome
University, 1989), Master (Technical cooperation programs management, ILO,
International Training Centre, 2000) and certificates of virtual attendance:
“Emerging practices in development evaluations”, "Equity-focused and
gender-responsive evaluations", "National evaluation capacity
development for country-led M&E systems". Evaluation Partners –
UNICEF/IOCE March to May and September 2013. Several post-graduate training
courses in aquatic resources sustainable management and fisheries.
26 years post-graduated experience in marine and inland
aquatic resources sustainable and equitable development and management, notably
in Africa, Caribbean, Europe and Mediterranean.
International experience: IOC and WB (International
consultancies), EC DG AIDCO, EC DG Fish, USAID. Field: Albania, Belgium,
Botswana, Congo Brazzaville, Ethiopia, France, Gabon, Ghana, Western Indian
Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles, Kenya, Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar), Jamaica, Italy,
Ivory Coast, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Norway, Romania, Sierra Leone,
Senegal, The Gambia, Tunisia.
Oxfam, October, 2015. Short-listed
and interviewed for the Fisheries and Strategic Development consultant position
in Somalia. IFAD, Yemen, December 2014. Short-listed and interviewed for the
ITA Sustainable Aquaculture Consultant position. Sustainable Fisheries
Partnership (SFP), September 2014. Short-listed and interviewed for the SFP
Director position. United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP), August 2014. Shortlisted and interviewed for the position of
Associate Program Officer in Nairobi. FAO, June 2014. Short-listed for
the Fishery Officer (Statistics on Fishing Fleet) position. FAO Somalia,
January 2014. Short-listed and interviewed for the Project Coordinator
Position. November 2013. Selected and interviewed for the position of
Coordinator IUCN Regional Marine and Coastal Program (MACO) for Central and
West Africa. October 2013. IUCN Global Gender Office’s Gender Expert Network.
Selected and included in the gender experts’ network. FAO, August 2013. Selected
and interviewed for Global Tuna Project Coordinator position. July 2013.
Spanish Agency for international cooperation to the Development of the Ministry
of Foreign Relations and Cooperation, selected and included in the experts
roster for Africa. October 2012. Commission Member - CEM Coastal Ecosystems
Group 2013-2016, Commission Member - CEM Island Ecosystems Thematic Group
2013-2016, Commission Member - CEM
Members 2013-2016, Commission Member - CEM Western Europe 2013-2016, Commission
Member - WI-IUCN SSC Freshwater Fish Specialist Group 2013-2016. February 2012,
BTC. Selected and interviewed in Brussels for the long term position
of Expert in organizational and institutional development, co-manager
– MALI. FAO, November 2011. Selected and interviewed for the Fishery and
aquaculture expert position in Abu Dhabi. FAO, May 2011. Selected and
interviewed for the Executive Director position of the General Fishery Council
for the Mediterranean (GFCM) at the FAO HQ. September 2010, WWF
International short-listed and interviewed for the Tuna Manager, Smart Fishing
Network Initiative position. August 2010, UNOPS, short-listed and interviewed
for the Senior Fishery expert position of the Sulu-Celebes project. April 2010,
UNOPS, short-listed and interviewed for the Regional Project position of the
ATSEA; Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action and UNDP office
of Bratislava, short-listed and interviewed for the interview for the GEF
IW vetted roster of consultants. March 2010, pre-selected for the Evaluation of
FAO Regional and Sub-regional Offices in the Near East Team members. February
2010, UNDP Office for Mauritius and Seychelles, short-listed for
the position of Socio-Economic Data Processing and Analysis. February 2009,
UNIDO, short-listed and interviewed by for the Coordinator position of the
GLCME Program in Accra (Ghana). October 2008, SEAFO regional
organization short-listed and interviewed in Windhoek (Namibia) for
the Executive Secretary position. August 2008, UNDP/UNV short-listed and
interviewed for the environmental specialist position in Guinea Bissau and SRCF
regional organization in Dakar (Senegal for a coordinator
position. July 2008, FAO, short-listed and interviewed for a socioeconomic
position in Malaga (Spain). April 2008, UNOPS selected and
interviewed for an ASCLME Program coordinator position in South Africa.
Aquatic resources. Sustainable and equitable management of the aquatic ecosystems Sustainable management of marine and coastal areas. Marine
and inland fisheries and aquaculture sustainable and equitable development and
management. Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) and IUU fishing. Policies
and governance. Institutional strengthening and capacity building. Strong skills
for working in/with International Organizations and in/with multicultural
teams, as well as for field based activities in Developing Countries programs
and projects. Negotiation skills (Surveying, Participatory approach,
Co-management, Vocational Training, Workshops and Awareness campaigns). Wide
knowledge of tender and program/project design, implementation, management and
evaluation, including PCM (Programming, Identification, Formulation, Financing,
Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation) of the main Funding Donors.
Experience in strategic management and evaluation of large programs and
projects, as well as fund-raising. programs or projects design and
implementation, preparation of Terms of Reference (services) and technical
annexes (works, supplies) and evaluation of offers ( evaluation of grant
proposals, evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.), monitoring. Good ability to lead, motivate and
work in Team and for working with decentralized and stakeholders Organizations.
Great interest in field based activities world-wide. Great aptitude to travel.
Excellent command of English, French Italian (mother tongue) languages.
Mr. Adam Pierzchala, HTSPE Ltd -
UK. Director EC framework contracts. E-mail:
Mrs. Amandine Weinrob, program coordinator, AECOM
International development (USA). E-mail: .
Mr. Bruno Moreau, Quality Manager, SOFRECO (France),
Please, kindly find this motivation letter and attached
my updated CV (English language) and some related references.
forward to hear from you, let me thank you, Madam/Sir, for the efforts that
your Organization do to enhance the International cooperation, sustainable
development and to eradicate poverty and hunger.
Gianluca RAGUSA – International
consultant (Fisheries and aquaculture specialist)
Via Tuscia, 7
. 00191 Rome (Italy)
Ph.: (+39) 063291240
Mobile: (+39) 3393096798
Linkedin :
Skype : gianluca.ragusa12
Aquatic resources. Fisheries and aquaculture. Policy and governance. MCS. Institutional strengthening and capacity building. Negotiation skills (Surveying, Participatory approach, Co-management, Vocational Training, Workshops and Awareness campaigns). Strong skills for working in/with International Organizations and in/with multicultural teams, as well as for field based activities in Developing Countries programs and projects. Knowledge of Tender design and implementation and PCM (Programming, Identification, Formulation, Financing, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation) of major Funding Donors. Experience in strategic management of large programs and projects, as well as fund-raising. Good ability to lead, motivate and work in Team and for working with decentralized and stakeholders Organizations. Great interest in field based activities world-wide. Great aptitude to travel. Excellent command of English, Italian and French languages, Spanish (low).
Looking forward to hear from you, let me thank you, Madam/Sir, for the efforts that your Organisation do to enhance the International cooperation, sustainable development and to eradicate poverty and hunger.
Gianluca Ragusa - International consultant (Fisheries and aquaculture)
Via Tuscia, 7 - 00191 Rome (Italy)
Ph: (+39) 063291240
Mb: (+39) 3393096798