Data Analysis with Python Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) [online]
Training Course
26 February - 19 March 2024
Organizer & Staff
Attendance by application.
Given the development of new tools in studying the ocean in more detail and on larger scales, early-career ocean professionals, students and other oceanographers need programming skills for effective data management and analysis. This course serves as an introduction to the Python programming language and software environment, enabling participants to process, analyze and visualize data more robustly. It is specially designed for early career ocean professionals who are beginners in Python programming, and who aim to explore different ocean datasets in their research. The training will utilize relevant oceanographic datasets, including physical, chemical and biological data, as well as fisheries datasets. This approach makes it easier to relate to, understand and apply concepts covered in the course.
Learning outcomes
- Be familiar with the Python environment.
- Acquire the ability to use Python for common data tasks such as loading, cleaning, and visualizing data.
- Generate meaningful descriptive statistics and informative graphs.
- Perform statististical analysis using Python.
Target audience and prerequisites
ECOPs who are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree and ECOPs who are pursuing their postgraduate studies (Masters & PhD), and who intend to use Python in their academic or research related work are all encouraged to apply. No prior Python knowledge will be required. The current course is specifically targeting ECOPs from and/or based in Central America.
Language of instruction
English >> Materials will be given in English. Classes will be imparted in English and Spanish.
Course content
- Setting up environment with MAMBA or Conda
- Installing and setting Python,
- Python basics
- Introduction to Google Colab
- Programming notebook
- Pandas
- Plot vs. scatterplot
- Datetime
- Data e.g National Data Buoy Centre (NDBC dataset)
- Basic statistics
- Histograms
- Running averages
- Annual Cycle by Month or Day
- Inter-annual Variation and Variability2
- Working with Xarray
- Anomaly plots
Dr. Leonardo Alvarado – Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Dr. Andrea Lira Loarca – MeteOcean research group, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa
Rieke Schäfer - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Gabriel A. Juma – Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) Capacity Development Coordinator
Xochitl E. Elias Ilosvay – Coordinator, Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) Central America Node
Natalia Solis – Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) Training and Mentoring Task Team
Prior to the course, the learners will be required to:
- Visit the Python software page and download the software.
- Download the datasets that will be uploaded on the OTGA platform.
- Do a self-introduction on the OTGA platform and highlight their expectations.
- Read the course materials notes that will be prepared by the lecturers.
Learner assessment and certificate
- Going through all the modules either synchronously or asynchronously
- Submitting the assignments on time.
- Submitting a brief individual/team project report.
Certificate will be issued to all participants who will have completed the modules and attained the 50% pass mark.
Technology requirements
To complete this course, you should have access to:
- A laptop or desktop from which the students can perform tasks and join the synchronous sessions.
- Latest version of either Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari web browsers
- Linux (preferably ubuntu 16.04 or above)
- Access to internet
Course Duration and Format
The course will take place online between 26 February and 19 March 2024, with an estimated duration/workload of 30 - 35 hours. The course will consist mainly of asynchronous work, including reading assignments, watching tutorials, and completing assignments and group work.
Synchronous sessions
Although most of the materials will be uploaded in advance for asynchronous learning, there will be live sessions for troubleshooting, Q&A, and discussions.
The synchronous sessions will run 3 times(2h) a week. The live sessions will take place from 10:00 HRS to 12:00 HRS, El Salvador time (GMT-6) to allow for the participation of teachers and students from a wide range of time zones. Recordings of the live sessions will also be provided to students who might experience internet challenges or be unable to attend.
Application Process
A limited number of seats (25) are available. Please complete the oline application form available on this LINK. The applications start 16 January 2024. The deadline to submit the application is 31 January 2024 (23:59 CET: Central European Time).
UNESCO is committed to promoting equal access principles. Applications from minority or underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.
Selection process/criteria (25 seats available):
- be an ECOP from an Central American country
- ECOPs who are pursuing their undergraduate degree or have graduated with a Bachelor and are pursuing their postgraduate studies (Masters & PhD), and who intend to use Python in their academic work will be encouraged to apply.
- Course Coordinator: Gabriel A. Juma (
- OTGA Secretariat:
In case of questions please contact the Course Coordinator and the OTGA Secretariat always using the name of the course as email subject.
Costs: Free of charge. There are no tuition fees.
The instructors will give the course voluntarily with support from the OceanTeacher Global Academy.
Cancellation policy:
In the event of cancellation of the course by the OTGA or its affiliates, we will provide notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date. In the event of cancellation by the attendee, we should receive notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
ALVARADO Leonardo | Ecuador |
ELÍAS ILOSVAY Xochitl | Spain |
JUMA Gabriel Akoko | Germany |
LIRA LOARCA Andrea | Italy |
SCHÄFER Rieke | Germany |
SOLIS-MIRANDA Natalia | France |
Name | Country |
ABREGO Luisa | Panama |
ÁLVAREZ VÁSQUEZ Jennifer | Costa Rica |
BETHANCOURTH Yamireyka | Panama |
CABRERA Amilcar | Nicaragua |
CANALES Denia | Honduras |
CHAMALE Oscar | Guatemala |
CHANG Nadia | Guatemala |
COREA Johnny | Nicaragua |
CORNEJO Diego | Costa Rica |
CORRALES Tifanny | Costa Rica |
FRANCO Luis | Guatemala |
GARCÍA Jenniffer | Guatemala |
GIRON Salvador | Honduras |
HERNÁNDEZ MURALLES Jennifer | Guatemala |
IBAÑEZ ROMERO Maria | El Salvador |
MARTÍNEZ José | Mexico |
MEJIA Eber | Honduras |
MONTALVAN Carolina | Honduras |
NORORI Tania | Nicaragua |
PAÍZ MENA Jazminne | El Salvador |
PALMA Derian | Spain |
PÉREZ Watson | Nicaragua |
RODRIGUEZ Miriam Chantal | Honduras |
RODRÍGUEZ CHÁVEZ Balbina | El Salvador |
SALAS CASCANTE Marcelo | Costa Rica |
SANTAMARÍA Andrés | Panama |
SHERIDAN-RODRIGUEZ Carolina | Costa Rica |
VALLE Celeste | Panama |
VALVERDE Marilyn | Costa Rica |
VILLALOBOS CUBERO Tatiana | Costa Rica |
VIQUEZ ACOSTA Ronald | Costa Rica |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 38
Confirmed: 37
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 13:44 on 12 Jan 2024 by Ana Carolina Mazzuco
Last Updated at 21:06 on 27 Mar 2024 by Sofie de Baenst