Training on scientific cruise planning, oceanographic sampling, fisheries and data management
Workshop on RV Mtafiti
Training Course
18 - 27 April 2016
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Headquater & Mombasa Station
PO Box 81651
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
The workshop includes classroom training as well as a hands-on experience on-board RV Mtafiti covering all aspects on how to operate and plan a scientific cruise, demonstrations of the use and maintenance of marine sampling equipment, oceanographic (biological, chemical and physical data) sampling applied to the local demands, data collection and data management. The ambition of the workshop is to: create a critical pool of staff in the WIO-region (and beyond) with the capacity to effectively undertake oceanographic research using RV Mtafiti and to act as scientific campaign leaders for their scientific crew during research cruises; ensure the cost-effective use of ship time and guarantee the excellence and quality of data as well as samples collected during surveys and therefore maximize the benefits to be gained from cruises undertaken using RV Mtafiti; create awareness of the availability of RV Mtafiti for regional research campaigns and promote the deployment of RV Mtafiti for joint research and education projects. The workshop is organised in collaboration with the IOC Project Office for IODE (link is external) (Oostende, Belgium) and the UNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (link is external) (IOC Africa in Nairobi, Kenya) and contributes to the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (link is external) (IIOE2) (2015-2020). Classroom courses and onboard training will be made available online through the OCeanTeacher Global Academy (link is external) Platform.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
CATTRIJSSE Andre | Belgium |
HERNANDEZ Francisco | Belgium |
DENEUDT Klaas | Belgium |
ONGANDA Harrison | Kenya |
Name | Country |
BOINA Rahamata | Comoros |
SAUTYA Sabyasachi | India |
AURA Christopher | Kenya |
KIMELI Amon | Kenya |
MWAKHA Victor | Kenya |
MAGONDU Esther | Kenya |
OKEMWA Gladys | Kenya |
NDIRANGU GACHI Samuel | Kenya |
MUTHUMBI Agnes | Kenya |
NGULI Mathew | Kenya |
MWAKA Victor | Kenya |
OMUHAYA Johnstone | Kenya |
RASOARILAIAO Florette | Madagascar |
DA SILVA Noca | Mozambique |
MUTOMBENE Rui | Mozambique |
GERRY Calvin | Seychelles |
FABIANI Godfrey | United Republic of Tanzania |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 21
Confirmed: 20
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 1
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Training course , IODE Training course , OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 15:49 on 16 Mar 2016 by Cláudia Delgado
Last Updated at 17:24 on 04 Feb 2019 by Astrid de Lichtervelde