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ACTION PROPOSED The panel will be invited to comment, and particularly make decisions or recommendations, as appropriate on the following topics: Note and comment on the information contained in this document, including the draft text for inclusion in the final report; Review the Terms of Reference for the DBCP Executive Board; Review the Membership of the Executive Board; Take into account the contents of the report when discussing relevant agenda items. ______________________ Appendices: A. Terms of Reference of the DBCP Executive Board -A- Draft TEXT for inclusion in the final report 4.x.1 Mr David Meldrum presented a report on behalf of the Executive Board. The Executive Board welcomed two new members during the year: the recently elected vice chairperson for Asia, Dr V Rajendran (Raju), and Mr Etienne Charpentier, who replaced Dr Miroslav Ondras as the WMO representative. The Executive Board is presently comprised of David Meldrum (DBCP chair), Ken Jarrott (DBCP vice-chair), Al Wallace (DBCP vice-chair), Raju (DBCP vice chair), Sid Thurston (Panel member), Etienne Charpentier (WMO), Keith Alverson (IOC), and Hester Viola (DBCP Technical Coordinator). 4.x.2 The Panel noted that the Executive Board had been consulted during the last intersessional period to approve the following actions and expenditures, within the guidelines established at DBCP-XXIV: Missions by the DBCP chair, DBCP delegates and the JCOMMOPS TCs; Iridium upgrades for the DBCP Iridium Pilot Project; Expenditures for the Argos-3 Pilot Project Approval of draft documents such as the DBCP brochure prior to their submission to the full Panel. 4.x.3 The Panel agreed with these actions and expenditures and thanked the Executive Board for its efficient work on its behalf during the intersessional period. -B- DISCUSSION Composition of the DBCP Executive Board (EB) The Executive Board welcomed two new members during the year: the recently elected vice chairperson for Asia, Dr V Rajendran (Raju), and Mr Etienne Charpentier, who replaced Dr Miroslav Ondras as the WMO representative. The current composition of the EB is: David Meldrum (DBCP chair) Ken Jarrott (DBCP vice-chair) Al Wallace (DBCP vice-chair) V Rajendran (DBCP vice-chair) Sid Thurston (Panel member) Etienne Charpentier (WMO) Keith Alverson (IOC) Hester Viola (DBCP Technical Coordinator). Actions undertaken by the Executive Board Following established practice, the EB did not meet in person during the intersessional period. However it was consulted on a number of matters by e-mail and took decisions as described below, all within the guidelines that had been established for it at DBCP-XXIV. Missions by the Chair, Etienne Charpentier and the JCOMMOPS Technical Coordinators. The EB approved a number of missions by the DBCP Chair in support of the Panels aims and workplan. These are described more fully under the Chairs report (agenda item 4). It also approved the travel of Etienne Charpentier its delegate to the WMO Commission for Basic Systems in Dubrovnik. As regards the DBCP-TC, a number of missions were approved from the DBCP Trust Fund held at WMO in order to avoid the 10% levy on all transactions imposed by UNESCO. Currently the SOT-TC travel budget is held in the same Trust Fund and travel for its TC was likewise approved. Iridium Pilot Project. The EB approved further expenditures on Iridium upgrades and related expenditures to enable deployments during the third year of the Pilot Project to be maintained at a healthy rate. Argos-3 Pilot Project. In similar vein, the EB approved barometer upgrades and related expenses to enable to agreed rollout of the Argos-3 Pilot Project. DBCP documentation. The EB reviewed a number of important DBCP documents, including the new brochure, prior to their submission for publication ___________ Appendix a Terms of Reference of the DBCP Executive Board (as approved at DBCP-23) The DBCP Executive Board shall: Seek guidance from the Panel at its regular sessions regarding specific issues to be addressed by the Executive Board and the Tasks Teams during the intersessional period; Act promptly to deal with any administrative, financial and planning issues and opportunities that might arise, within the guidelines established and reviewed regularly by the Panel; Authorise the Chairperson to commit any expenditure necessary for the resolution of these issues and the promotion of the Panels aims and objectives, up to the maximum amounts that might be agreed in advance by the Panel at its regular session; Review the DBCP Implementation Strategy to ensure that it is kept up to date and complies with ongoing activities and users' requirements; Set working priorities for the Technical Coordinator according to the DBCP recommendations at its regular sessions, and provide further guidance during the DBCP intersessional period; Confer primarily regularly by e-mail, and exploit opportunities afforded by attendance at other meetings (e.g. the JCOMM OCG meeting) for face-to-face meetings; Conduct meetings annually, following an agenda drawn up by the DBCP Chairperson; Consult with Panel members and the Chairpersons of the DBCP Task Teams during the intersessional period if required; Report its activities to the DBCP at its regular Session, and throughout the intersessional period as appropriate. Membership The following individuals are members of the DBCP Executive Board: DBCP Chairperson, or his/her appointed deputy (Executive Board Chairperson) DBCP Vice Chairpersons DBCP member (appointed by the Chairperson) DBCP Technical Coordinator (ex officio) Representative of the IOC secretariat (ex officio) Representative of the WMO secretariat (ex officio) Note 1: A quorum of the board should consist of at least three members, and must include the Chairperson or his/her appointed deputy. Note 2: Any Panel Member may attend DBCP annual Executive Board meetings as an observer, subject to the availability of adequate meeting room space. If required, the Chairperson of the DBCP Executive Board will make a final decision as to which observers may attend, and may also invite other persons to attend at his/her discretion. ____________     DBCP-25/Doc. 4(2), p.  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