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ACTION PROPOSED The Panel will review the information contained in this report and comment and make decisions or recommendations as appropriate. ______________________ -A- Draft TEXT for inclusion in the final report Mr Val Swail, co-chair of the pilot project as well as the chair of the JCOMM Expert Team on Wind waves and Storm Surges (ETWS), presented the progress of the pilot project. The progress report is reproduced as Annex XXX to the report. The Panel was reminded that, in October 2008, a Technical Workshop on Wave Measurements from Buoys ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/wavebuoys" http://www.jcomm.info/wavebuoys) was organized by the Panel jointly with the Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surge. The Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/wet" http://www.jcomm.info/wet) was proposed at this workshop in order to demonstrate ways for continuous testing and evaluation of wave measurement systems. The Panel, at its 24th session, endorsed this project for an initial period of two years. Mr Swail reported that the steering committee of the pilot project established the protocols for intercomparison activities, and developed a contribution to the Community White Paper on wave measurement for the OceanObs09 conference in Venice. The committee also reviewed and updated the work plan and schedule for the pilot project that were presented to DBCP-XXIV. The Panel expressed its appreciation to several national agencies including Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and ESURFMAR, and USA for their participation in the intercomparison projects, and in the development of metadata bases in coordination with the Task Team on Moored Buoys. The Panel also welcomed the contribution from US IOOS and the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in setting up the intercomparison methodology, web site and metadata criteria. The Panel made the following recommendations: Member Countries are invited to participate in the intercomparison activities which was led by the Pilot Project Buoy operators are encouraged to communicate with the Pilot Project Steering Committee via email and website communication in order to improve/update the intercomparison methodology and metadata criteria [Recommendations by the Panel] The Panel decided on the following action items: To continue its support at the same level for the second year, particularly to assist Member Countries who wish to participate in the intercomparison activities but do not have the technical resources available [Actions agreed by the Panel] B- Background information In October 2008, the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel and the Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surge, organized a Technical Workshop on Wave Measurements from Buoys ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/wavebuoys" http://www.jcomm.info/wavebuoys). This workshop recognized and supported the recent work carried out in the development of the US IOOS Operational Wave Observation Plan, and recommended that appropriate elements of that plan be adapted and extended to an international context to enhance global wave observation programs. One of the key recommendations of the workshop was that continuous testing and evaluation of wave measurement systems is an essential programme activity, of equal importance to the deployment of new assets; multiple locations are required to appropriately evaluate the performance of wave measurement systems given the wide spectrum of wave regimes that are of interest. A Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test (PP-WET) was proposed and subsequently endorsed and supported by the 24th Session of the DBCP ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/DBCP24" http://www.jcomm.info/DBCP24) for an initial period of two years. The objectives of the Pilot Project included the development of the basis for an international framework for the continuous testing and evaluation of existing and planned wave buoy measurements, coordination of buoy inter-comparison activities, development of technical documentation on wave measurement systems, training material and contribution of appropriate material to the JCOMM Standards and Best Practice Guide. A Steering Committee comprised of a wide representation from end-users, wave experts, buoy manufacturers, and buoy operators was established, co-chaired by Robert Jensen (US) and Val Swail (Canada). In May 2009 the PP WET Steering Committee established the protocols for intercomparison activities, and developed a contribution to the Community White Paper on wave measurement for the OceanObs09 conference in Venice. The work plan and schedule presented to DBCP-XXIV were reviewed and updated as appropriate. Several national agencies (Canada, US, UK, Australia) have already commenced activities for intercomparison projects, and development of metadata bases (the latter coordinated with the DBCP TT on Moored Buoys). A centre for the intercomparison results has been set up at the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the preliminary results including the intercomparison methodology, web site and metadata criteria have been developed and presented at the DBCP Technical Workshop preceding the 25th Session of the DBCP. A special session on wave measurement has been organized, chaired by Dr. Boram Lee, as part of the 11th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting to be held in Halifax, Canada 18 23 October 2009 to further develop guidelines and participation in the Pilot Project ( HYPERLINK "http://www.waveworkshop.org" http://www.waveworkshop.org). The next meeting of the Steering Committee is scheduled for April 2010. The Pilot Project ivwǷ|mYB7he:CJnHo(tH-hXh+HB*CJ^JmH nHphsH tH'h+HB*CJ^JmH nHphsH tHhGih+HB*CJ^Jph"h+HB*CJ^JnHo(phtH%hGih+HB*CJ^JmH phsH *h+HB*CJ^JmH nHo(phsH tHh+HB*CJ^JmH phsH %hXh+HB*CJ^JmH phsH !hXh+HB*^JmH phsH (hXh+H5B*CJ^JmH phsH DEvwp```$  $Ifa$gdO$$If]a$gdO`kd$$IfxF %S    4 xaxytO $$Ifa$gdO$x$If]a$gdO 0M_M    $ n$If^ngdO n$If^ngdO n$If^ngdO$:$Ifa$gdO$  :$Ifa$gdO        $ % & ' , < B T ԾԾԘwf[WNB4Bhe:5;aJnHo(tHhe:he:5;aJhA)5;aJh< hSh< mH sH !hXh+HB*^JmH phsH he:CJnHo(tH*h+HB*CJ^JmH nHo(phsH tHh+HB*CJ^JmH phsH *he:B*CJ^JmH nHo(phsH tH*hbqB*CJ^JmH nHo(phsH tH%hXh+HB*CJ^JmH phsH 0hXh+HB*CJ^JmH nHo(phsH tH$ % & '   $$Ifa$ d]$If$a$$a$`kd$$IfxF %S    4 xaxytOT U     H  ж~k~U~IЬhA)^JaJmH sH *he:he:H*^JaJmH nHo(sH tH$he:he:^JaJmH nHsH tH!he:^JaJmH nHo(sH tHhqh)V^JaJmH sH jhUmHnHu h< 5 h)V5 hT5 h6he:6nHo(tH h< 6h< !hPSh< 5;aJnHo(tHhe:he:5;aJhe:5;aJnHo(tH V W X Y p q r s {{yyy $^a$gdbq$a$gd]gdU$N^N`a$$a$6kd$$IfTxB4 xaT$h$If^ha$gd!s $$Ifa$gde: U V W X Y p q s t u v z * 5 8 A B Ĺĕ|ti[PJDPD hRNaJ h+aJhe:aJnHo(tHh!hHDOaJnHo(tHh-aJnHo(tHh-h-5 h.L5;h)Vh-5;h!h!5hHDOnHo(tHhe:5nHo(tHh< 5nHo(tH h< 5hbq5nHo(tHh< hhU^JaJhT^JaJhU^JaJmH sH hS^JaJmH sH hT^JaJmH sH s t v nokl| $$$a$gdb$a$gdb$$$ & F H^`a$gdb$a$gdq$ & F H^`a$gdq$a$gd4@$ & F H^`a$gd4@gdT $1$7$8$H$a$gdbq B H X }  ' ) * + J K L u ￱oaWWhqaJnHtHjhqUaJnHtH(h27hqB*]^JaJnHphtHhkjh4@0JaJnHtH'jhkjh4@UaJnHtHh4@aJnHtHjh4@UaJnHtHh4@h4@aJnHtH h4@aJo(!hqhq6]aJnHo(tHhqaJnHo(tHh4@aJnHo(tH hz<aJ "#%12oB6Vlmno­“ƒvvl_Q_Q_QvChbh4@aJnHo(tHhbhqaJnHo(tHhbhqaJnHtHhqaJnHtHhqh4@aJnHtHhqhqH*aJnHo(tHhqhqaJnHtHh4@hqaJnHtH(h27hqB*]^JaJnHphtHhqaJnHo(tHhkjhq0JaJnHo(tHjhqUaJnHtH'jhkjhqUaJnHtHo08UYbkox}.jklpvٸt[0hbhb6]^JaJhmH nHo(sH tH'hb6]^JaJhmH nHsH tH*hb6]^JaJhmH nHo(sH tH h8yaJh!h!aJhHDOaJnHo(tHhHDOh!aJh4@aJnHo(tHhbhbaJnHtHhbaJnHo(tHhbh4@aJnHtHhbhbaJnHo(tH!l  +, !gdS $ Sa$gdHDO$ & F Sa$gdrgdr$ SFWD^F`a$gdHDO$ S^a$gdb$ & F Sa$gdbgdT$ & F H^`a$gdHDO+,-/ "%ʽybPA: h!5;hHDOaJmH nHo(sH tH#hbd%h!aJmH nHo(sH tH-h/DhHDO6]^JaJhmH nHsH tH0hrhbd%6]^JaJhmH nHo(sH tH-hrhr6]^JaJhmH nHsH tH hraJhHDOhHDOaJnHo(tHhHDOhHDOaJnHtHhHDOh!6]aJ'hr6]^JaJhmH nHsH tH*hr6]^JaJhmH nHo(sH tH!"<=>VW|~wx ##MMMMMM/M $^a$gdbd%$a$gd4@ _L'5$7$8$9DH$]'gd4@gdT $1$7$8$H$a$gdHDOgdS%;<=>OR1234579tRt8t2hY`*h4@0JCJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(tHCjhY`*h4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH7jh4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH1h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(phtH.h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtH4h27h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtHhrnHo(tHh-nHo(tHh-h-5h)Vh-5;9UW _abnxz~ 崘̴v\̴C1hrB*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(phtH2hY`*h4@0JCJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(tHCjhY`*h4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH7jh4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH.h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtH1h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(phtH4h27h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtH R!]!"""""""###<#>#@#D###$L^L͛]C͛AU2hY`*h4@0JCJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(tHCjhY`*h4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH7jh4@B*CJOJQJU]^JaJnHphtH1h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(phtH1hrB*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHo(phtH.h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtH4h27h4@B*CJOJQJ]^JaJnHphtHs progressing well after its first year, and it is recommended that DBCP continue its support [at the same level] for the second year, particularly to assist Members who wish to participate in the intercomparison activities but do not have the technical resources available. ______________________     DBCP-24/Doc. 8.4, p.  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