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ACTION PROPOSED The panel will be invited to note the information contained in this document and to provide the Group with guidance regarding its future work, as necessary. ______________________ Appendix: Reports by the Task Team on Moored Buoys. -A- Draft TEXT for inclusion in the final report Mr Jon Turton, chairperson of the Task Team reported on the activities during the intersessional period. The full report of the Task Team is provided in the meeting document as well as in the CD-ROM for the final report. The Panel agreed on the recommendations, as following: [Recommendations made by the Panel] The Panel then agreed on the following action items: [Actions agreed by the Panel] The Panel thanked Mr. Turton and members of the Task Team for their efforts. ____________ Appendix: 1 Report by the Task Team on Moored Buoys (Submitted by Jon Turton, TT Chairperson) 1. The Task Team on Moored Buoys was established at DBCP-23, Jeju, Republic of Korea, October 2007. . 2. As agreed at DBCP-24, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, October 2008, the initial priority for the Task Team is on documenting the existing moored buoy systems operated by participants. This is needed because there is at present no collection of the relevant information (metadata) on moored buoy systems. 3. This would include building a more complete list of sustained (both operational and research funded) moored buoy systems, detailing the systems and what parameters they measure. For example, it would be useful for data users, as well as platform operators, to know what sensors are being used (including heights of exposure), whether the winds are corrected to 10m or not, what satellite data telecommunication systems are used, what hulls are used etc. Sharing such information could help everyone to adopt best (and hopefully more consistent) practices. 4. Specifically, at DBCP-24 it was noted it had been proposed that the JCOMM ODAS information bulletin ( HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/odas/main.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/odas/main.htm) maintained by MEDS, Canada should be transferred to the JCOMM ODAS Metadata Centre ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odas.org.cn/" http://www.odas.org.cn/) operated by NMDIS, China. The latter is based on a Metadata structure (ODAS Metadata base Version 1.1) which includes an extensive list of variables and also covers other platforms (drifters, fixed platforms, light stations etc). However, it is not obvious that this database is up to date as concerns moored buoy systems, or includes description of all the required/relevant information. Hence it was suggested at DBCP-24 that JCOMMOPS should develop a system to collect relevant moored buoy metadata directly from the platform operators, this information could then be forwarded to the JCOMM ODAS Metadata Centre and ingested into their system. 5. The approach suggested, for discussion at DBCP-25, is that a data collection system for moored systems similar to that implemented for notification of Argo floats is developed at JCOMMOPS. This is via an intuitive (menu-driven) interface and is relatively easy to use (both for the input of data and for updating). To facilitate ease of input, such a system for moored buoys, could specify a limited number of core inputs together with optional additional parameters. Only parameters relevant to moored buoy systems would be required. However it is essential that such a system must be simple to use and intuitive, otherwise it will not be used. Also, developing such a system will have resource implications for JCOMMOPS as it may require extra staff effort to be bought in. 6. A list of metadata parameters that could be collected via such a system has been suggested (for discussion at DBCP-25), which is consistent with (but not identical to) the ODAS Metadata format version 1.1, such that the data collected could be used to populate the ODAS meta database using (as far as practical) the version 1.1 format field abbreviations for identification. However, not all format version 1.1 parameters are included, as not all are regarded as being relevant to moored systems. The suggested list of parameters includes a number of the parameters/descriptors for wave measurements as recommended by the JCOMM Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET). However, at this stage sub-surface variables have not been included, but it should be possible to follow the underlying methodology to include them. 7. Following discussion, review and agreement by DBCP of the suggested list of parameters, it would then be necessary to generate the information needed to initially populate such a database. The simplest way to do this is likely to be by generating computer-readable files for each platform that can be ingested automatically. Thereafter, system changes could be recorded via the proposed JCOMMOPS metadata interface. ______________________     DBCP-XXIV/Doc. 6.3, p.  PAGE 1 Appendix DBCP-XXIV/Doc. 6.3, Appendix p.  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