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Field, GSSC Chair) Coastal GOOS Implementation has developed since 2005 according to the following main steps: The COOP Implementation strategy GSSC-JCOMM-GRA Task team report (2006-2007) The GOOS Regional Alliance Forum (GRF) (Nov. 2006) I-GOOS Board meeting (Nov. 2006) The end result of these meetings and documents has been that the Task Team, under the able chairmanship of Tom Malone, has produced a final report that has been accepted and recommended for implementation by the team itself and by the I-GOOS Board. The JCOMM Management Team, IO-GOOS and participants in the 3rd GOOS Regional Forum reviewed a preliminary draft, and their recommended changes have been incorporated into the final report. The GSSC is asked to review the scientific and technical aspects of this report and make recommendations for action on these aspects to I-GOOS, JCOMM, and the GRAs. It is noted that, in spite of the lack of established formal bodies to coordinate Coastal GOOS implementation globally, a start has been made to Coastal GOOS implementation in a number of regions of the world. GOOS Structure: It important to note the roles of various bodies in implementing GOOS. In particular, I-GOOS is the policy body whose decisions bind member nations. GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) are regional policy and implementing bodies. JCOMM is a joint implementation body that coordinates operational marine meteorological and oceanographic services and their supporting observations, data management, and capacity building world wide (e.g., operational measurements of core variables that have an established group or institution that is responsible for making quality controlled data available). The GSSC is the Scientific and Technical advisory body to both I-GOOS and GRAs. Amongst the key recommendations that have emerged is the distinction between GOOS Regional Alliances (policy and implementing bodies) and Regional Ocean Observing Systems (ROOSs) the systems themselves. There is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between GRAs and ROOSs. For example, GOOS-Africa is a GRA that has several ROOSs which roughly correspond in geographic extent to Large Marine Ecosystem projects funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) in African coastal waters. It is important to note that GRAs are engaged in the implementation of both the global and coastal modules of GOOS (e.g., EuroGOOS, IO-GOOS and U.S. GOOS). Another key recommendation is that there should be a GOOS Regional Forum (GRF) that represents the interests of the GRAs and their member nations to the I-GOOS and other international bodies and coordinates the development of ROOSs to ensure interoperability between the coastal and global modules worldwide. The GRF consists of representatives of the GRAs and is recognised by and linked to I-GOOS. Yet another concerns the need for a body to link between the Ocean and Terrestrial components of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). The GSSC will be asked to endorse the formation of such a sub-group (Panel on Integrated Coastal Observations, PICO) corresponding to the Open Ocean Panel for Climate (OOPC). The GSSC has no power to create a joint body with GTOS (J-PICO); this decision must be taken by the GOOS and GTOS sponsors, which will take time. However, it does have the power to create a subcommittee, such as PICO.  EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.8  Recommended relationships between the GOOS Regional Council (GRC) and the Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (JPICO) and the I-GOOS and GSSC. Key recommendations of the Task Team concerning the GSSC: The GSSC should: 2.1 Advise the GRC as needed to help customize observing requirements for the common variables regionally and to periodically review and update these requirements for the Global Coastal Network (GCN) as a whole. 2.2 Using the implementation strategy for the coastal module as a guide, formulate a 5-year plan for building a GCN that is operational, including the specification of research priorities, the implementation of regionally organized pilot (proof of concept, demonstration) projects, phased implementation of operational capabilities, and performance metrics. 2.3 In collaboration with the GRC, identify and promote implementation of high priority, regionally organized pilot projects that will lead to improved operational capabilities of the coastal module. High priority projects are those that have clear socio-economic benefits and a high probability of success. Such projects must be evaluated periodically (e.g., annually) to assess progress toward the projects objectives and to determine and disseminate to all GRAs information on what works (best practices) and what does not. 2.4 Collaborate closely with the GTOS-SC to formulate strategic plans for coordinated implementation of the coastal and global modules of GOOS and GTOS. 2.5 In collaboration with the GRC, determine the research to operational status of the common variables from measurements and data telemetry to data management, models and services and advise JCOMM accordingly. 3.2 Review existing GOOS-related, regional activities and assess their research-pilot project-preoperational-operational status and their importance to developing the GCN. GSSC and GRAs should: 3.8 Promote implementation of priority pilot projects recommended in the COOP implementation strategy1 and the IGOS coastal theme.5 An example of a recommended coastal GOOS pilot project that should be given high and immediate priority is the Ocean Colour Pilot Project of POGO, the IOCCG, and GEO. 3.9 Identify and prioritize additional pilot projects for implementing on national and regional scales. 4.2 The GSSC should work with the GOOS Regional Forum to establish criteria for recommending to JCOMM that it take on the non-physical, common variables recommended in the implementation strategy for coastal GOOS, e.g., criteria for being classified as pre-operational. 4.3 The GSSC should periodically review and update the list of common variables based on their operational status and their use in the provision of products and services. The Task Team Report also has some notes of interest to the GSSC: Note on roles of GSSC and OOPC (Technical advisory committees for strategy and guidance) The GSSC provides technical guidance for implementing both the global and coastal modules of GOOS. The Committee advises I-GOOS and is composed of experts in relevant disciplines of marine science and global observation. Co-sponsored by IOC, WMO, UNEP, FAO and ICSU, the GSSC (i) advises the I-GOOS on all scientific and technical aspects of GOOS, including resource requirements; (ii) develops and updates, as appropriate, a long-term scientific and technical plan and accompanying short- to medium-term action plans and targets for GOOS; (iii) is responsible for the scientific and technical aspects of GOOS design and operation, and undertakes appropriate activities to support the design process; and (iv) submits, as required, reports to the sponsoring organizations and to I-GOOS. The Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) provides technical guidance for sustained implementation of the global ocean observing system for climate in support of the goals of its sponsors (GOOS, GCOS, and WCRP). This enables collaboration between GOOS and GCOS for coordinated development of the global ocean and marine meteorological elements of GOOS and GCOS, respectively. No such body exists to provide technical guidance for coordinated development of the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS. In this context, it is noteworthy that the IGOS Coastal Theme report (which has been approved by the IGOS Partners) recommended the formation of a Joint (GOOS/GTOS) Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (JPICO) to satisfy this need. The recommendation has been endorsed by JCOMM and by the GSSC, but was not approved by the IOC Executive Committee at its 2006 meeting. Currently, this important activity must be done via the GSSC and the GTOS Coastal Panel. Note on GRAs (Implementation) Successful development of GRAs is critical to implementing the coastal module. GRAs are coordinating bodies for national commitments to implementing GOOS. They have been created to meet common scientific, technical or logistic needs and social and political aspirations that can benefit from coordinated ocean observing system elements. GRAs are recognized and encouraged as an important bottom up means to build the GOOS through the gradual development of regional and national observing systems leading to enlarged spheres of coordination and cooperation. As such, GOOS Regional Alliances are responsible for designing and implementing Regional Ocean Observing Systems that contribute to the development of GOOS as a whole and provide data and information on oceans and coasts that are needed by user groups in the respective regions for decision making, research and education. Note on a network of ocean basin observing systems We take up again here concept of Global coastal network (GCN) proposed as an element of the strategy of development of the coastal GOOS module , but while widening. One can indeed consider that the basic unit of development of GOOS is the Ocean region, defined either around an individual sea (the Mediterranean, the Caribbean Sea, the Arctic Ocean), or from an oceanic or coastal region showing individual characteristics (the margins of the North-East Atlantic, the western coast of South America). The geographical, physical and biological characteristics of these Ocean Basins condition the users' requests on the one hand, and the configuration of the observation network and of the corresponding information systems, on the other. We will designate them as regional ocean observing systems (ROOS). The examples of this approach of the observation by basin are numerous and often old. It is the case of the systems developed in Europe around the Baltic (BOOS), of the Mediterranean (MOON) and of the margins of the North-East Atlantic (NOOS). It is that of the Indian Ocean (IOGOOS). The interest of the approach by basin is to make of the climatic GOOS module an observation system among others. Let us note that we do not speak here directly about the regional coastal observation networks (RCOOS). The coastal applications are so diverse that they can be treated in GOOS only through a very strict principle of subsidiarity. The coastal systems will thus be regarded as elements of the basin systems. The proposal are therefore. Elementary bricks for the the implementation of GOOS are the ROOS, these systems including coastal components (RCOOS); ROOS first meet the needs expressed on the ocean region under consideration, while contributing also to the overall system relating to the climate; The coherence of all the ROOS is ensured by: the definition of a number of variables of common interest for the overall observation system, as proposed in the strategy of implementation of the coastal GOOS module; the definition of methods, tools and common standards in the areas of the measure at sea, data management, modelling and analysis of the oceanic phenomena, to which each ROOS will have to adhere to be accredited as a system taking part in GOOS. Each ROOS should be implemented by operators (existing entities or to be created) in charge of observations, data management, modelling and analysis, on the scale of on the region and its coastal areas. We do not propose any standard model of organisation for the operators of the basin observation systems. This organisation will arise from the socio-economic characteristics and from the technical capabilities of the bordering actors of the region. The initiative is regional. On the other hand, the responsibility for overall consistency belongs to GOOS. Groups who are led to play the first roles in the implementation of this network network are in particular the JCOMM and IODE, which have a long practice of the questions of coordination and of standardisation. These are not the only entities able to intervene on the matter of implementation, these are today first. It is therefore through this prism that we have to study the proposals made by the task team. RCOOSs and the GCN RAs should oversee and manage the development of Regional Ocean Observing Systems (ROOSs) that include both global and coastal components. The term RCOOS should be dropped. Implement the GCN in collaboration with the global module of GOOS (basin scale) and the coastal module of GTOS (land-based sytems). Propose 1 pilot project per region that demonstrates compliance with GOOS principles GOOS and LMEs GRAs should partner with LMEs to achieve common goals in those regions where both are active. To stimulate this process and demonstrate the power of such a collaboration, GOOS Africa and the Benguela LME Programme should implement an end-to-end (observations-data management-modeling) pilot project that contributes to the development of both efforts. ___________  UNESCO. 2005. An Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of the Global Ocean Observing System. GOOS Report No. 148, 141 pp.  See Documents GSSC-X/B4.1, B4.1(1), B4.1(2) and B4.1(3)  For the purposes of this report, operational means the routine and sustained provision of quality controlled data at rates and in forms specified by decision makers for applied purposes relevant to achieving the six societal goals of the coastal module.  http://www.ocean-partners.org/documents/GOOS_ChlPilotMtgReport.pdf  http://www.ioc-goos.org/content/view/19/33/  http://www.igospartners.org/docs/theme_reports/IGOS%20COASTAL%20REPORT%20midrez.pdf  26 April 2001, IOC-XXI/2, Annex 8 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001246/124684e.pdf#search='GOOS%20Regional%20Policy'     IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 page  PAGE 10 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.2 page  PAGE 3 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.2 page  PAGE 2 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 Annex page  PAGE 1 12345BDEMZ[ij g h v ο󍂍xqmq`PDhtomH nHsH tHh>/hyCJaJnHo(tHh#CJaJnHo(tHh# h>/h#h>/h#5\h#5CJ\aJh#CJaJh#h#CJaJnHo(tHh#CJaJnHo(tHhCJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJaJnHtHhtoCJaJnHtHh*csCJaJnHtHho]_CJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJPJaJ5[ij $$Ifa$gd>wgd# '7$8$]'`gd# '7$8$]'`gdto '7$8$]'`gd\# <@@ A h ~~~~~ytyll$a$gdZ=gd#gdto$a$gd#gd#skd$$Ifx\ q)   U(4 xayt>w Y Z   !"ٷ}}qi]iN= jI hZ=htoCJUaJjhZ=htoCJUaJhZ=hto5CJaJhZ=CJaJhZ=htoCJH*aJ!jhZ=hto0J+CJUaJhZ=htoCJaJhZ=h\#CJaJnHtHhZ=h#CJaJnHtH%hVh#5\mH nHo(sH tHhto5\mH nHsH tH%hVhV5\mH nHo(sH tHh#mH nHsH tHh#mH sH  9 [ PQ% $h^ha$gdZ=$a$gdZ= $ & Fa$gdZ=$a$gdZ="#$klz{) * !!H""" &÷ַ֦֕։~pddַ֕÷֕hZ=htoCJH*aJhZ=hto5>*CJaJhZ=5>*CJaJhZ=hto>*CJaJ!jhZ=hto0J+CJUaJ hZ=hto5B*CJaJphhZ=hto5CJaJhZ=hZ=CJaJhtoCJaJhZ=htoCJaJjhZ=htoCJUaJjhZ=htoCJUaJKL^_yz) * :!;!!!)"*"""%$a$gdZ= $h^ha$gdZ=%%^)_)})~),,)-N0O011/3033=4k45 666=8>89 $ & Fa$gdZ= $ & Fa$gdZ=$ & F ha$gdZ=$a$gdZ= &3&t&''''_)l)~)*+++,)-.3/303999x;;<<<<x=y===>>>ӶӦӋӶӋӃxxӋpe[W[W[W[WhZ=jhZ=0J+Uh\#hznHtHh\#nHtHhZ=hZ=CJaJhtoCJaJhZ=hto5CJaJhZ=htoCJaJmH sH hZ=hto5CJaJmH sH !jhZ=hto0J+CJUaJhZ=hto6CJaJhZ=htoCJaJhZ=htoB*CJaJph$hZ=hto0J,5B*CJaJph"9999:";w;x;;;;<<x==>>'?}???*gdto*gdZ=$a$gd\#$ & F ha$gdZ=$ & F h7$8$H$a$gdZ= $7$8$H$a$gdZ=$a$gdZ=>>'?(?}?~??@@@@@@ @ @ @@%@'@*@+@0@1@7@8@:@;@=@>@P@W@Y@ǵoaoPoǵ hZ=0JCJaJhmHnHuh\.hZ=0JCJaJh$jh\.hZ=0JCJUaJhh\.hZ=CJaJmH sH 'h\.hZ=CJaJmH nHo(sH tHhZ=B*CJaJnHphtH"hZ=B*CJaJnHo(phtHh\.hZ=B*CJaJphhKC]hZ=B*CJaJphjh#XDUh#XDhZ=jhZ=0J+U?@@@@@@ @ @ @+@<@=@>@[@k@l@m@@$ y$B^a$gdto $B^ $B^gdto y$B$ y$B^a$gd#$ y$B^a$gd*csY@[@`@a@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@@@@@@@@@ѵ᧣s`Q>0h\.hZ=0JCJaJh$jh\.hZ=0JCJUaJhh\.hZ=CJaJmH sH $h\.hZ=CJaJmH nHsH tH"hZ=B*CJaJnHo(phtHh\.hZ=B*CJaJphhKC]hZ=B*CJaJphhZ=hZ=CJOJQJmH sH  hZ=0JCJaJhmHnHuhZ=0JCJaJhjhZ=0JCJUaJhhZ=CJOJQJmH sH hZ=B*CJaJnHphtH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ɺugcXh\#hznHtHh#XDh\.hZ=0JCJaJh'h\.hZ=CJaJmH nHo(sH tHhZ=B*CJaJnHphtH"hZ=B*CJaJnHo(phtHh\.hZ=B*CJaJphhKC]hZ=B*CJaJphhZ=h\.hZ=CJaJmH sH  hZ=0JCJaJhmHnHu$jh\.hZ=0JCJUaJh@@@@@@@@@@$a$gd\#gdr39 y$B^gdr39 y$Bgdr39$ y$B^a$gdr39 : 00&P 1hP. 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Coastal GOOS Implementation John Field Normal.dot Boram Lee4Microsoft Office Word@ @h[8@^t Y@Y -GHE Rtt  "   g."Systemg &K -@Times New Roman- .2 SaiRestricted distributiont7% %%** **** 2 Sxai 2 S aiIOC <7 2 S ai-2 S aiWMO OJ= 2 Sai-2 SaiUNEP<<3/ 2 Sai-2 S aiICSU/GSSC7.<<./7 2 STai-2 SpaiX/< 2 Sai5* 2 Sai. 2 Sai2* 2 S,ai %ia'2  aiAgenda Item: <)&)*%&?2 mai5.* 2 ai2* 2 ai H 2  aiParis, /% 2  aiFebruary 2007.%*)%(**** 2 ai %ia' 2 ai 2  aiEnglish only3))!)*)) 2 ai &ia'@Times New Roman- 2 zai )@Times New Roman-&2 jiINTERGOVERNMENTAL $B==BGHB=BBW=B>B= 2 O[jiOCEANOGRAPHIC HB=BBHGBB8H$B2  jiCOMMISSIONBHWV$33#HB 2 4ji 1-2  ji(of UNESCO).BB83=B 2 ji --2 d iWORLD \HB=B"2 Od iMETEOROLOGICAL W===HBH<HG$BB=2   d iORGANIZATIONHBGBB$<B=$HB 2  d i /"2   BiUNITED NATIONS BB$==BBB=$HB32 O  BiENVIRONMENT =BB$BHBW=B=2 -  BiPROGRAMMEN9BHGBBVW= 2   Bi - 2 <_iINTERNATIONAL $B==BBB=$HBB=2 O  <_iCOUNCIL FOBHBBB$=82 O <_iOR LHB2 <_iSCIENCE 3B$=BB= 2 <_i /- 2 ai )@Times New Roman-X2 B3aiTenth Session of the Global Ocean Observing System C,8!88,''281"!8,M282N,,28N8',,28282'!-R 2 8ai 7@Times New Roman--@2 nP#aiScientific Steering Committee (GSSC8,,8!",8!,,,82H2SR"!,,"M88H 2 n ai-!2 n aiX)H!- 2 n ai . 2 aiSeoul, Korea, 8,22H2!,,2 8 ai13 E22 2  ai2 2  ai 16 March 200722Z,!,22222 2 c ai .- 2 K ai ) 2  ai )-C2 f%aiREPORT ON COASTAL GOOS IMPLEMENTATIONB=9HB=HBBHB3=B=GHH3$V9==W=B=B=$HB 2  ai 1- 2 ai(submitted by $..F)..-12 aiJohn G. Field, GSSC Chair %...B2(.B33==.) 2  ai) 2  ai ( 2 ai ) 2 [ ai )@2 #aiCoastal GOOS Implementation has devO=.)$(BBB3F.*F).(...)$.)-_2 8aieloped since 2005 according to the following main steps:)..(.#.)).-..))(.-.-..)..B.-F).$(.$ 2 ai (@"Arial-@Times New Roman--- 2 - ai1. 2 - ai.- 2 - ai Q-;2 - G aiThe COOP Implementation strategy9.(=BB3G.)F).).-$))-.-ia- 2  u1'- 2 - ai )ia'-- 2 ai2. 2 ai.- 2 ai Q-2 GaiGSSCB33> 2 -ai-2 JaiJCOMMC%=BRR 2 ai-22 aiGRA Task team report (2006B=B9)$-))F).-.... 2 ai-2 ai2007)C....-ia- 2 m 2'- 2 ai )ia'- 2 ai3. 2 ai.- 2 ai Q-V2 G2aiThe GOOS Regional Alliance Forum (GRF) (Nov. 2006)9.(BBB3=)-..)B)-))3..FB=3B.-.... 2  ai (ia'- 2 j ai4. 2 j ai.- 2 j ai Q- 2 j GaiI 2 j eai-82 j aiGOOS Board meeting (Nov. 2006)BCB3=.).F)).-A.-.... 2 j ai (ia' 2 ai )@2 < #aiThe end result of these meetings an9.(!).-!)$-!.!-)$(!F)).-$!).}2 < hLaid documents has been that the Task Team, under the able chairmanship of Tom . ..).F).#!.)# .)). .( .( 9)$- 9))F ...)!-)!(.(!)-)F).$..!. 9/G2 uaiMalone, has produced a final report that has been accepted and recommended for implementation by the team itself and R)-.).($.-..)).)-)(..-)-)$.().))((.).(..().GF)..)..F.)F).)-..-.)((F$)(..-2  aiby the I.-.) 2  9ai-I2  W)aiGOOS Board. The JCOMM Management Team, IO BBB3=.).9.(%=ARRR).)-)F).9)(FC 2  ai-2  aiGOOS and parBBB3)...)&2  & aiticipants in the 3(.(.$.-).-2 aird-+2  ai GOOS Regional Forum BBB3=)-..)3-.F2 y taireviewed a preliminary draft, and their recommended changes have been incorporated into the final report. The GSSC )-)B)-)-(F.)--().--))).FF)..).).).-)$-)-).)(..)-.-))....(.().-9.(B33<2 caiis asked to review the scientific and technical aspects of this report and make recommendations for$"($-)."-")-)B!.("$((.)").-")).-)("($.()#".!.$").-!).."F)-)")).GF)..)-.$!.%2 ai action on these r!)(.-"..".)#'2 K aiaspects to I)$.)($".# 2 Kai-2 KdaiGOOS, JCOMM, and the GRAs. It is noted that, in spite of the lack of established formal bodies to BBB3#%=BRR#)..#-)#B=B$##$#$#..).".(#.##.)#.".)"))-#.#)#)-$.).#.F)#...($#-2 kaicoordinate Coastal GOOS implementation globally, a start has been made to Coastal GOOS implementation in a )..-.(()=.)#()BBB3)F.)F).)..)-.-)-)))#))-)$(.))-)F).))-(=.)$()BBB3(F.)F).)..(.)'(2 ainumber of regions om..F.).)-..$-2  aif the world.-)A.. 2 ai ( 2 ai )-"2 aiGOOS Structure:GHH32)3(3)(- 2 ai ( 2 Zai )2 WaiIt important to note the roles of various bodies in implementing GOOS. In particular, IF..)....).)-($.-)..$.-.($.F.(F)..-BBB3..))-) 2  ai-82  aiGOOS is the policy body whose BBB3$.)..)-.-.-B..$*2 -kaidecisions bind member nations. GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) are regional policy and implementing bodies..))$.-$'-.-'F*F.)'.(.-$&'BBB3'=)-..)'A).()$&B=B$'))')--.)&..)-').-'F.)F)..-'...)$2 -Fai 2 saiJCOMM is a joint implementation body that coordinates operational marine meteorological and oceanographic services %=BQR$)-.F.)F).(..-..-.))-.-.()$..().-)F).)F)(...-()(...)()..-).-)$(-))#2 uaiand their supporting observations, data management, and capacity building world wide (e.g., operational measurements )...($...-.-..$),)..$.()F).)-)F).)..)).()-..-.-B..B.))-..((.-)F))$.)F).#,2 iaiof core variables that.#(.(#-)).)##-)2 iAaai have an established group or institution that is responsible for making quality controlled data #.)-)#).")#)-$.)-#-...#-".$--.".("##($...#-)".#F)-.-#..)-#).-.)-#.((2 Maiavailable). The GSSC is the Scientific and Technical advisory body to both I)-))-(9.)B33=$-)3)).)(..9()..)((.-$.-...-.... 2 / ai- 2 M aiGOOS and GRAs.BCB3)..B=B$ 2 ai ) 2 <ai )m2 AaiAmongst the key recommendations that have emerged is the distinctCF..-$.(-)-)).FF*..)..#.).)-))F)-).#.).#.)S2  0aiion between GOOS Regional Alliances (policy and .-.(B))-BBB3=)-..)A)-))#..)-).-n2 Baiimplementing bodies) and Regional Ocean Observing Systems (ROOSs) F.)F)..-)...)#)).-)=)-..))B))).)B.#)-.-)4-$)F$)=BB3$) 2 . ai.F2 \ 'ai the systems themselves. There is not ).))$-$)F$).)F$)-)$))8.))($)..%2 yainecessarily a one .)))#$(-)..) 2 yai-2 yaito. 2 yai-g2 y=aione correspondence between GRAs and ROOSs. For example, GOOS..)).($...-).)(.(B))-B=B$)..=BB3$3-)-)G.)BBB3 2 yai-(2 yaiAfrica is a GRA thaB)(#)B<B.(2 yait has .'#2 maiseveral ROOSs which roughly correspond in geographic extent to Large Marine Ecosystem projects funded by the $)-))$=BB3$$B-).#.--.-$).)$.-..$.$-).-(..)$(.(.#.$8(-)$R).)$8).$-$)F$.-)($$.-.).$.-$.)2 KuaiGlobal Environmental Facility (GEF) in African coastal waters. It is important to note that GRAs are engaged in the B..)8.-..F).(3()-B83-B().)-)$)B()$$F..)-...(-)B=B$))).-)-)..,(/2 aiimplementation of both tF.)F).)-....-a2 9aihe global and coastal modules of GOOS (e.g., EuroGOOS, IOG-)-..))-.).($)F...($.BBB3)-8..BBB2C 2  ai-+2  aiGOOS and U.S. GOOS). hCBB3)..B3BBB3 2 Xai ( 2 ai )2 taiAnother key recommendation is that there should be a GOOS Regional Forum (GRF) that represents the interests of the B...(-)-)).GF)..)..$.(.))$..-.-))BBB3=)-..)3..FB=3.().)$)-$.)-()#$--(D2 &aiGRAs and their member nations to the IB=B$#)..#.)#F*F.)#.)..$#.#.)# 2 /ai-)2 MaiGOOS and other interBBB3#)..$..(#.)X2  3ainational bodies and coordinates the development of -)..(#..-)$")..#)...-)($#.)#.)-)-.F).#. 2 ZgaiROOSs to ensure interoperability between the coastal and global modules worldwide. The GRF consists of =BB3$9.8).$-)8-).-))--9.(B)(.9.)8).($(9(..9-..(9F...(#9B..B.)89.(9B=39(..$$#9.k2 @airepresentatives of the GRAs and is recognised by and linked to I).)$(.(-)$-.)B=A$)..$)).-.#)..-)...-).. 2 X ai-2 u aiGOOS. IBBB3 2  ai *@Times New Roman--iaC2 X( 2 X '- @ !>-  - 2 Xai -@Times New Roman- - ia- 2 1'-2 6wai UNESCO. 2005. An Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of the Global Ocean Observing System. GOOS Report No. <<3.7<****;)?*&@&)%*).%%*)*)%7*% &J**)%*)%<**%<%%%)<* %)))/)!&?<=<.7&**<*2  ai148, 141 pp.******** 2 ai $- - ia- 2 U2'-(2 {6ai See Documents GSSCr.%%<*%*?&) <./8 2 {9ai-A2 {T$aiX/B4.1, B4.1(1), B4.1(2) and B4.1(3)<8**8)*)7*)*%)*8*)* 2 {@ ai $-iiaahh``gg__ff^^ee]]dd\\cc[[bbZZaaYY ` `X X  _ _W W  ^ ^V V  ] ]U U  \ \T T [[SSZZRRYYQQXXPPWWOO՜.+,0t hp  ;GSSC`4 GSSC-X* REPORT ON COASTAL GOOS IMPLEMENTATION - (submitted by John G. Field, GSSC Chair) Title Headings  !"#$%&'()*+,-./013456789:;<=>?@BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz{|}~Root Entry FFYData 281TableAlWordDocumentbSummaryInformation(x4GDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q