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There are only two major items of interest to GOOS. AR-09-03: Advocating for Sustained Observing Systems is the major GOOS task, led by Boram Lee, IOC and with involvement by POGO and IEEE. DI-09-03: Warning Systems for Disasters is the tsunami action item, led by Peter Koltermann, IOC and UNOSAT. However this task was recommended to be terminated once in the South Africa Forum, but appears to have to come back again. Another item of note are the EC-09-01: Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network (GEO EcoNet) with subtasks of the ANTARES project (South America) and the global-scale ChloroGIN project  under POGO and IOCCG. The carbon task would be of interest to GOOS when the IOCPP joins the GOOS: CL-09-03: Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System but it is hard to tell if the ocean programs are a major factor in the planning so far. The GOOS involvement in the major task items of the GEO Work Plan seems to be well placed. The degree of involvement is difficult to maintain. Execution of the task requires that GOOS progress as it is. Interfacing with GEO requires participation on other communities of practice to cross cut and integrate ocean observations into other GEO products. This is an amorphous idea, which requires large investments of time in GEO without obvious return to GOOS goals. Action Item: Formulate a response to the GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan and identify GOOS contacts responsible for GEO tasks. Action Item: Encourage a I-GOOS member state to fund participation in GEO activities by providing travel expenses for a GOOS representative. GEO Call for Contributions Secretariat GEO < HYPERLINK "mailto:secretariat@GEOSEC.ORG"secretariat@GEOSEC.ORG> 13/01/2009 5:20 PM >>> Dear Colleague, As GEOSS moves into a new phase of implementation, it is our pleasure to call for your contribution to the GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan (attached). This call for contribution is an important step towards fostering partnerships around GEOSS implementation in 2009, and we look forward to receiving your input at  HYPERLINK "mailto:secretariat@geosec.org"secretariat@geosec.org by Thursday, 12 February 2009. The GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan as accepted by the GEO-V Plenary will serve as the reference working document throughout 2009 for implementing GEOSS. The Work Plan contains 42 overarching Tasks designed to build an integrated GEOSS and strengthen the nine Societal Benefit Areas. These Tasks provide strategic objectives and practical actions for the teams responsible for putting in place the various components of an interoperable GEOSS. As a representative of a GEO Member country or Participating Organization, you are invited to consider each Task (and its underpinning sub-tasks) in the 2009-2011 Work Plan and to fill in the attached spreadsheet (so-called Task list matrix) to announce a new contribution. Contributions already included in the hyperlinked Task Sheets do not need to be re-iterated. We request that you indicate, as appropriate: (1) your intention to take the lead in implementing a sub-task (or Task when there are no sub-tasks); or (2) your intention to contribute as a partner to a sub-task (see Section III of the Work Plan Management document for a description of the roles of Leads and Contributors). The information provided in the matrix should include: (i) the name of the  Entity carrying out the work ; and (ii) the name and email address of a contact person. It should also include a brief description of the contribution proposed and how it relates to the activities and outputs listed in the corresponding Task Sheet. Please note that this information should only be provided to the extent that it is different from, or not already included in, the Task Sheet. To facilitate this process, the Task list matrix outlines all Tasks and sub-tasks in the 2009-2011 Work Plan and proposes hyperlinks to the corresponding Task Sheets - providing information on work to be performed, achievements to date and current contributors. Please note that the Task Sheets proposed are only in draft version to be updated in mid-March 2009. Your response to the present call is crucial to the success of the 2009-2011 Work Plan, the promotion of partnerships and collaboration for building GEOSS, the reduced duplication of activities, and the optimized use of Earth observation resources worldwide. We look forward to welcoming you as a new contributor to the GEO Work Plan. With best regards, The GEO Secretariat  HYPERLINK "http://www.earthobservations.org/" \n _blankwww.earthobservations.org Evaluate GEO_WP0911_Rev1.pdf for GOOS Related Tasks. Extractions follow: AR-09-03: Advocating for Sustained Observing Systems Establish actions for the maintenance and expansion of GEOSS-underpinning observing systems, including atmospheric, terrestrial and oceanic, both in-situ and space-based. Promote stable, reliable and long-term operations of Earth observing networks within the framework of national policies and international obligations. In line with the  Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC , accelerate the implementation of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) through enhanced support for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), the WMO Global Observing System (GOS) and Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW), and the global hydrological networks. c) Global Ocean Observation System (former CL-06-06) This sub-task is led by GOOS (b.lee@unesco.org), IEEE and POGO, and is supported by the Coastal Zone Community of Practice Enhance and improve the coordination of coastal/open-ocean observations and modelling initiatives, in support of a global ocean observation system. Related activities will include: Improve the global coverage and data accuracy of the coastal/open ocean observing systems as well as the management and archiving of the resulting data and information. Contribute to the implementation of global coastal and open ocean observing networks using the mechanism of GOOS and Regional Alliances. In particular sustain and extend the network of Argo buoys and encourage the establishment of a Program Office to ensure the ongoing implementation of this global array of profiling floats in the ocean. Building on existing capabilities, develop a global coordinated information and data system for deep-ocean monitoring to better understand the dynamics of the ocean processes throughout the ocean water column. DI-09-03: Warning Systems for Disasters Support the development, improvement and coordination of early warning systems for natural disasters. a) Tsunami Early Warning System of Systems (former DI-06-04) This sub-task is led by IOC (p.koltermann@unesco.org) and UNOSAT, and supported by the Geohazards and Coastal Zone Communities of Practice Support the establishment and continuation of a multi-hazard fully-operational global tsunami early warning and mitigation system of systems. Promote full and open exchange of publicly-funded, unclassified data relevant to tsunami warning/mitigation systems and enhancement/development of mechanisms for real-time data sharing, including seismic and sea level (deep ocean and tide gauge) data. Contribute to the operationalization of comprehensive observing networks (in-situ sea level, seismic stations and remote monitoring) and data management systems (including integration of the global ocean observing system (GOOS), international seismic networks, and related global telecommunication systems). Define and promote standards/protocols for operating observing systems, and managing data exchange/transmission for multiple observing systems relevant to tsunami detection, early warning and mitigation. Build upon GMES projects in the area of emergency response and marine aspects. EC-09-01: Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network (GEO EcoNet) Coordinate and improve the observation, characterization and monitoring of terrestrial (forest, urban agriculture, woodlands, grasslands, and deserts), freshwater, ice and oceans ecosystems  especially in terms of acquisition and use of satellite/aerial/in-situ observation. Develop a global integrated sampling frame in coordination with the GEOSS Geodesy activities. c) Regional Networks for Ecosystems (former EC-06-07) This sub-task is led by GTOS and POGO (shubha@Dal.Ca), and supported by the Coastal Zone Community of Practice Build upon the successful extension of the regional-scale ANTARES project (South America) to the global-scale ChloroGIN project  under POGO and IOCCG. Further develop existing initiatives (e.g. IOC-sponsored regional networks; GOFC-GOLD regional networks and ILTER for terrestrial domains). CL-09-03: Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System Implement a global carbon observation and analysis system addressing the three components of the carbon cycle (atmosphere, land and ocean) and providing high-quality regional information on CO2 and CH4 concentrations and emission variations. Combine observations, reanalysis and product development to develop tools for carbon tracking and carbon storage evaluation. Build upon 2004 internationally accepted strategies and the work of the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) to implement the atmospheric component of those strategies. a) Integrated Global Carbon Observation (IGCO) (former EC-06-01) This sub-task is led by EC (COCOS) and USA (NOAA, USGS), and supported by the Carbon Cycle Community of Practice (former IGCO including GAW, rogerd@unimelb.edu.au) Support the development of an integrated global carbon observation system, including improved global networks of atmospheric CO2 observations, air-surface exchange flux networks as well as surface ocean CO2 and related marine biochemistry observations. Encourage the development of highresolution global and regional data-assimilation and modelling systems to enhance the utility of the spatial and temporal resolution of those observations and provide relevant regional-scale information. AR-09-02: Interoperable Systems for GEOSS Address the various interoperability aspects of contributing systems, including observing, modelling and information systems. a) Virtual Constellations (former DA-07-03) This sub-task is led by CEOS (mary.kicza@noaa.gov) and GTOS (GOFC-GOLD) Advocate rapid development of the  CEOS Constellations Concept . Observations from a virtual constellation would provide better temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution and related data management and dissemination. A series of virtual constellations are in definition by space agencies, in consultation with user communities within the CEOS framework, each addressing key GEOSS observation gaps in the process. Prototype Constellations address: - Precipitation, which aims to strengthen international cooperation on space-based observations of precipitation, including realisation of the GPM mission and providing guidance to new; - Land Surface Imaging, designed to ensure the relevant synergy with High Resolution Multispectral Imager Continuity; - Ocean Surface Topography, designed to ensure continuity of Sea Level measurement in accordance with GCOS requirements; - Atmospheric Chemistry, which will address many of the needs for atmospheric observations of the climate community; - Ocean Colour Radiometry which will provide scientific data products related to marine ecosystems and ocean biogeochemistry for near-surface global ocean and coastal waters (pending on final approval by CEOS Members); - Ocean Surface Vector Winds to collect observations of ocean surface vector winds over the global ice-free ocean that will be used for operational analyses and forecasts, as well as retrospective research (pending on final approval by CEOS Members) Other cases, for instance constellations of SAR systems or micro-satellites for a range of Earth observation applications, will be considered along the line. ~*z8 О ь B В €‚жикРТFHд)ж)F*H*J*|*~*+†+@,-д-ž.`/0Ь0J1L1Ж1v2Ќ2Ў2t3ж3œ4P56м6†7X89Ж9И9:–:д:ж:P;д;T<f<h<0=ъ=Њ>p?6@њ@ЌAbB*CђCDD№№№у№сйсдссЬсдссФсдс№уууууууууууууууууууууу№уууууууууууууууууууjZUj­U0J0JjUUCJPJ^JaJOJQJCJ5PJ^JaJ\OJQJMDŒDІD6EТETF№FrGŠGŒGјGЊHжH˜I\J KK"K’K$LАLMM"M&MИMHNиNLOОOРOBPјPŠQFRˆRŒRS$S(SмST^UdUИU‚VДV WœWVXYрY–Z[ [т[\”\:]|]€](^n^r^2_X_\_`Ц`aaдa˜bcФc№№ууууууууууууу№ууужуЩууууууууууужуужууу№уууууууууМууМууМууМууМуууМууууCJPJ^JaJOJQJCJPJ^JaJOJQJCJPJ^JaJOJQJCJPJ^JaJOJQJCJ5PJ^JaJ\OJQJJФc>d@dѓCJPJ^JaJOJQJtŒЊd &(^\„*ђ*++†+@,-д-ž.`/ђщромкиждвраЮрЬЪФФФФФФ$a$7$  & F Ц  & F Ц  & F ЦЄ№Єx`/0Ь0J1L1Ж1v2Ќ2Ў2t3ж3œ4P56м6†7X89Ж9И9:–:д:ж:P;д;T<f<h<љљљїљљљљљљљљљљљљљљѕљљљљљљљљљ$a$7$h<0=ъ=Њ>p?6@њ@ЌAbB*CђCDDDŒDІD6EТETF№FrGŠGŒGјGЊHжH˜I\J Kљљљљљљљљљљљїѕљљљљљљљљѓљљљљљљ$a$7$ KK K"K’K$LАL&MИMHNиNLOОOРOBPјPŠQFRSмST^U`UbUdUИU‚VДVљїѕљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљѓёяљљљ$a$7$ДV WœWVXYрY–Z[т[\:]|](^n^2_X_`Ц`aдa˜bcФc>d@dљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљї$a$7$0Аа/ Ар=!Аn"Аn#n$n2P1h0p3P(20Root Entryџџџџџџџџ РF@CompObjџџџџjOle џџџџџџџџ1TableџџџџџџџџŸ Data џџџџџџџџџџџџ.SummaryInformation(џџџџ7фWordDocumentџџџџџџџџџџџџ 2vDocumentSummaryInformation8џџџџџџџџџџџџ;t