ࡱ> LNK "bjbj "Fjj6l0008h$dp)2"((((((($* ,(()..(( 8&c(( ["ִ60Lj{((4)<p)(,V-V-(Provisional Agenda and Timetable of the Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances DAY 1: Tuesday 14 November 2006 Plenary Session 1 Morning Session-: 08:30-13:00 Co-Chairs: Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit Chair of I-GOOS, Franois Grard Rapporteur: Technical Secretary of the Forum, Justin Ahanhanzo Opening ceremony 08:30 09:00 08:30-08:40 Welcome Note to Africa by the Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit 08:40-08:50 Welcome Address by the Chair of I-GOOS, Franois Grard 08:50-09:00 Opening Remarks by a South African Governmental Officer 09:00-09:10 Introduction of documents and agenda, by the Technical Secretary of the Forum, Justin Ahanhanzo 09:10-09:20 Review of Objectives and Outputs of the Forum by the Co-Chairs, Chair of I-GOOS, & Chair of GOOS-AFRICA 09:20-09:30 Logistics by the Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit 09:30-10:00 Results from the 1st and 2nd GOOS Regional Forum and Summary of Progress since the 2nd Forum by the past Chair of I-GOOS, MedGOOS Chair, Silvana Vallerga 10:00 10:30 Coffee break 10:30-11:15 Overview of the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of GOOS including information on the proposal for a Joint GOOS/GTOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice by the past Chair of COOP, Chair of JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team, Tom Malone 11:15-11:45 Progress Report of the JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team on the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of the Global Ocean Observing System (to be determined by the Chair of the Task Team) 11:45-12:30 The LME Concept, its Development and Contributions to GOOS including GOOS Ecological Objectives by Kenneth Sherman and Ned Cyr 12:30-13:15 Developing Synergy between LMEs and GRAs based on GOOS-AFRICA Experience including the outcome of the two previous Pan-African Meetings by the BCLME Director, Mick OToole. 13:15-14:00 Lunch DAY 1: Tuesday 14 November 2006 Afternoon Session 14:00-17:00 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 14:00-14:15 Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG0 by the First Vice-Chair of I-GOOS, Mary Altalo WG0: Potential mechanism(s) for a coordinated development of the Global Coastal Network of the coastal module of GOOS taking into consideration the JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Progress Report (output 4.0 (i)). 14:15-14:30 Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG1 by the Chair of GSSC, John Field, and Kenneth Sherman WG1: GRAs-LME partnerships (output 4.1) 14:30-17:00 Breakout Session 1 Each Working Group will appoint 2 Co-Chairs DAY 2: Wednesday 15 November 2006 Plenary Session 2 Morning Session: 08:30-13:00 Co-Chairs: Director SOPAC, Cristelle Pratt Chair of NEARGOOS, Takashi Yoshida Rapporteur: Technical Secretary IOGOOS, Srinivasa Kumar 08:30-09:15 Progress Report of Working Group (WG0) and discussions 09:15-10:00 Progress Report of Working Group (WG1) and discussions 10:00-10:30 Coffee break 10:30-10:50 Presentation1 on the PI-GOOS 10:50-11:10 Presentation2 on EuroGOOS 11:10-11:30 Presentation3 on SEAGOOS 11:30-11:50 Presentation4 on GRASP 11:50-12:10 Presentation5 on IOCARIBE GOOS 12:10-13:00 Discussions 13:00-14:00 Lunch DAY 2: Wednesday 15 November 2006 Plenary Session 3 Afternoon Session: 14:00-18:00 Co-Chairs: Chair of GRASP, Rodrigo H. Nunez Black Sea GOOS Technical Secretary, Sukru Besiktepe Rapporteur: Coordinator of SEAGOOS, Somkiat Khokiatiwong 14:00-14:20 Presentation6 on NEARGOOS 14:20-14:40 Presentation7 on IOGOOS 14:40-15:00 Presentation8 on Black Sea GOOS 15:00-15:20 Presentation9 on US-GOOS 15:20-15:40 Presentation10 on OCEATLAN 15:40-16:00 Presentation11 on GOOS-AFRICA 16:00 16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-16:50 Presentation12 on MedGOOS 16:50-17:10 Presentation13 on Artic GOOS 17:10-17:30 Information on emerging GOOS Regional Initiatives 17:30-18:30 Interactive discussions on lessons learned and challenges for GRAs including Scientific and Technology gaps and Fund raising strategy DAY 3: Thursday 16 November 2006 Plenary Session 4 Morning Session: 08:30-13:00 Co-Chairs: Chair, GSSC, John Field and Co-Chair JCOMM, Peter Dexter Rapporteur: Technical Secretary, OCEATLAN, Janice Romaguera Trotte 08:30-09:00 Final Report of Working Group (WG0) and discussions 09:00-09:30 Final Report of Working Group (WG1) and discussions 09:30-10:15 Panel Discussions on the role of GRAs in the implementation of Integrated Multi-hazards Systems including tropical cyclones and Tsunamis (Panelists: Chair ICG/EAS, Director of GCLME, Chidi Ibe and the Representative of ICG/IOTWS- to be determined) 10:15-10:30 Coffee Break DAY 3: Thursday 16 November 2006 10:30-10:40 Plenary introduction to the objectives and outputs of WG2 by the Chair of JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team, Tom Malone WG2: Roles of GRAs in implementing the Coastal Zone Community of Practice and in developing a Multi-hazards Integrated Systems for Disasters Mitigation for tropical cyclones, extra-tropical storms, and Tsunamis. (outputs 4.0 (ii) and (iii)) 10:40-10:50 Plenary introduction to the objectives and outputs of WG3 by the MedGOOS Chair, Silvana Vallerga WG3: Progress since the 2nd Forum and GRAs Strengths, constraints, challenges, priorities, potential solutions, and best practices (including enabling regular interactions among GRAs to improve collaboration and coordination); North/South and South/South Cooperation and potential sources for funding; Next steps/actions to be taken before the next Forum (outputs 4.2 and 4.3). 10:50-13:00 Breakout Sessions 2: WG2 and WG3 13:00-14:00 Lunch Afternoon Session: 14:00-18:00 14:00-16:00 Breakout Sessions 2 continued: WG2 and WG3 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break Plenary Session 5 Co-Chairs Chair of EuroGOOS, Peter Ryder Fourth Vice-Chair, I-GOOS, Kouadio Affian Rapporteur: Technical Secretary, MedGOOS, Aldo Drago 16:30-17:15 Final Report of Working Group (WG2) and discussions 17:15-18:00 Final Report of Working Group (WG3) and discussions 18:30-21:00 Special Evening Event offered by the Hosts DAY 4: Friday 17 November 2006 Morning Session 08:30-13:00 Plenary Session 6 Co-Chairs: Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit Chair of I-GOOS, Franois Grard Rapporteur: Technical Secretary of the Forum, Justin Ahanhanzo 08:30-09:00 Recommended organisation of the GOOS Regional Alliances to implement the GCN within the GOOS institutional framework (discussion led by the Chair of WG0) 09:00-09:30 Recommended procedures for enabling synergy between LME programmes and GRA development (discussion led by Chair of WG1) 09:30-10:00 Recommendations on roles of GRAs in the implementation of the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice and through these in the implementation of coastal elements of the GEOSS (discussion led by the Chair of WG2) 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-11:00 Recommended roles and contribution of the GRAs to the development of Multi-hazards Integrated Systems for Disasters Mitigation including for tropical cyclones, extra-tropical storms, and Tsunamis (discussion led by a designated member of WG2) 11:00-11:30 Recommendations for addressing GRA priorities, for developing pilot projects and for increasing funding for regional development (discussion led by Chair of WG3) 11:30-12:00 Recommendations to the Joint JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team (discussion led by the Chair of WG0) 12:00-12:30 Recommendations for amendment of the final report of GOOS Regional Alliances Network Development (GRAND) (discussion led by the Chair of GRAND) 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Integration of the Forum Report 16:00-16:30 Adoption of Forum Report 16:30-17:00 Closure of the Forum by the Hosts IOC-UNESCO/GOOS/GRF-III/1 Prov. 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