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ACTION PROPOSED The Meeting will be invited to note the activities of the Ad Hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunications Systems (SATCOM Forum) Paris, France, 3-4 October 2013. It will further be invited to discuss the SATCOM Forum, identify JTA interests in the SATCOM Forum and recommend actions to interact with SATCOM Forum activities. ______________ Appendices: 1 DISCUSSION 12.1 The Secretariat reviewed the final report of the Ad Hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunications Systems (SATCOM Forum) Paris, France, 3-4 October 2013. The forum was chaired by Mr David Meldrum (United Kingdom). 33 participants from 12 countries, and representatives of the satellite data telecommunication service providers, and the satellite equipment manufacturers also attended the meeting. 12.2 The WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 May 3 June 2011) decided to initiate the establishment of the Forum covering a wide user base, and to address remote data communication requirements - including tariff negotiations as needed - for automatic environment observing systems coordinated through WMO and partner organizations such as IOC. The Satcom Forum is meant to be an entirely self-funded body jointly sponsored by the WMO and the IOC of UNESCO. 12.3 The Forum reviewed existing Satellite data telecommunications systems, with presentations about CGMS, EUMETSAT, Inmarsat, Iridium, Argos, Orbcomm, Globalstar and other systems. User requirements were highlighted through presentations about Automatic Weather Stations, Hydrological stations, polar observatories, buoys, drifters, ship based observations, sea level stations, Argo and other profilers, and wildlife tracking. Requirements for data processing, exchange and handling were discussed. Regarding Tariff negotiation issues and the role for the Forum the meeting agreed that the JTA provided an invaluable example, which could be augmented with more information on the wider scope of providers and that the current Argos Joint Tariff Agreement (JTA) should eventually operate as an independent programme of the future Forum. 12.4 The SATCOM Forum identified a need to provide informed guidance to WMO and IOC users on the selection and use of Satcom systems, including guiding them on how to make the best arrangements for the purchase of airtime. By sharing knowledge and ideas, it is expected that the informed discussions of the Satcom Forum would build a stronger informed user base, served by a more responsive and dedicated industry. The SATCOM Forum decided that it was in the participants interests to form an interim Executive Committee to drive a workplan leading to the formal establishment of the Forum by sponsoring organizations. 12.5 The SATCOM Forum recommendations are reproduced in the Appendix A. The Argos JTA-34 are invited to respond to these recommendations as appropriate. ______________ APPENDIX A RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AD HOC SATCOM FORUM The ad hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (Satcom Forum, Paris, France, 3-4 October 2013) made the following recommendations: Recommendations regarding the use of the Inmarsat satellite data telecommunication system: Inmarsat is used for moored data buoys and tsunami buoys for the transmission of data terminal to terminal and terminal to server. For many countries including India, Inmarsat is a Government approved satellite telecommunication system and is critical for data transfer applications. All buoy systems have been developed with suitable hardware and software capability and the meeting stressed that Inmarsat should continue services of SAT C transmitter which is suitable for buoy applications, and thus Inmarsat may appreciate this societal need. This technology is well accepted and proven and hence should be retained and not withdrawn; Inmarsat charges vary between Land Earth Station (LES) and there would be value in establishing a common tariff arrangement among all LES operators / Service providers; Efforts should be made to prioritize data transmission according to applications, and give high priority to disaster risk reduction applications so that tsunami buoys would transmit their data as quickly as possible. Inmarsat can propose specific serial numbers, and the LES should ensure transfer within 3 minutes of the data required for tsunami early warning; As there are many Government approved satellite communication, Inmarsat should not withdraw SAT C unless an alternative plan is made available for the scientific community; On technological improvisation, transceiver manufacturers could be asked to provide Inmarsat transceiver to have additional USB based connectivity port to interface with desktop PC / Laptop PC, since PCs with serial ports are becoming obsolete; Inmarsat LES provides a very good service and are available for support. However at times, when faced with specific issues, a working mechanism with Inmarsat HQ/LES and Buoy operators could be developed to address transmission issues faced by Buoy operators; Inmarsat can consider providing data transfer as free a service because they are linked to societal application as weather services are being provided to Ships. Moored buoy data would also be made available to the global community in GTS. For operational systems (and in particular for disaster risk reduction purposes), any GPRS/GSM telemetry solution should be supported by a backup Satcom system, and Satcom service providers need to recognize their importance in this regard and not impose punitive fixed charges for a backup service; A certification process should be established for companies providing GTS data distribution service on the basis of environmental data collected via satellite; To develop guiding materials with inclusion of synthetic description of the capabilities of the relevant Satcom systems, using metrics to be agreed upon; To establish a mechanism to allow for a useful dialogue to take place between the users and the Satcom service providers in particular for (i) informing Satcom providers about the user requirements; and (ii) informing users about the Satcom capabilities. Appropriate metrics should be developed for both aspects; In order to facilitate communication between Satcom users, Satcom service providers, and equipment manufacturers, explore the use of (i) conferences and expositions where users would make scientific and technical presentation, and vendors would be offered table to display their equipments; (ii) social media (explore existing sites, and define #hashtags), and (iii) Internet forums like Wikipedia; Investigate whether tariff for low data rate applications could be negotiated with the Satcom service providers; To consider placing the Satcom Forum not only under the umbrella of the CBS, but also of JCOMM, so that the Satcom Forum becomes a joint JCOMM-CBS body; To widen the scope of the Forum as much as possible in terms of the user communities represented, and to approach organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Movebank, and Bio-Logging in the view to invite them to join the Forum as co-sponsors; To analyse six months of traffic from Argos JTA platforms by platform class in the view to highlight actual use of the system and to do a comparison with the Argos charges paid by the users of each class.  Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites     ARGOS-JTA-34/Doc. 11, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ARGOS-JTA-33/Doc. 3, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ARGOS-JTA-34/Doc. 11, Appendix A, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ARGOS-JTA-33/Appendix B, p.  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