ࡱ> MOL .bjbjqq 4Bee&SSSSSgggg{<gxzzzzzz$G"ZSSSdddRSSxdxddV\@pN8g d0T"j""Shdd" : The Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Third In-Region Capacity Building Workshop of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel for countries of the Western Indian Ocean 16-20 April 2012, Mombasa, Kenya A resolution undertaken from the above-mentioned workshop was to collate information on the existing capacity within institutions and countries participating in the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) Capacity Building workshops, with particular reference to instrumentation, data, usage thereof and modelling. We therefore request that the form outlined below, for Oceanography, be completed by someone from your institution (if not yourself as a former DBCP workshop participant) to the best of your capabilities. Some basic guidelines: Where a question has no reference to your institutions work, please indicate with a n/a to show a not applicable answer. We would like to get as much information as possible, so please extend the questionnaire as long as you need to by adding extra lines when completing the form electronically. Should there not be sufficient space, please provide us with the necessary information on a separate page. Please consult fellow colleagues within your institution for additional information to ensure we create as accurate as possible an idea of your institutions capacity. It is preferable that the form be filled in electronically. However, should this be difficult, please print it out and complete in English (if possible) and fax back to the details listed below. Should you have any queries, please contact: Tammy Morris  HYPERLINK "mailto:tammy@oceanafrica.com" tammy@oceanafrica.com Office telephone: 0027 21402 3261 Fax: 0027 865428 928 In country indication of Oceanographic (Observational) capacity: Institution: _____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Details: _________________________________________________________________________ Instrumentation: What types of instrumentation does your institution currently have? Indicate numbers where possible. CTD Yes No Number: ______ Niskin Sample Bottles Yes No Number: ______ Tide gauges Yes No Number: ______ Temperature sensors Yes No Number: ______ Current meters Yes No Number: ______ Other (please add _____________ Number: ______ as many as required) _____________ Number: ______ _____________ Number: ______ How often is your instrumentation used? Please indicate which: Daily __________________________________________________________________ Weekly __________________________________________________________________ Monthly __________________________________________________________________ Annually __________________________________________________________________ How many instruments are deployed on a long term basis (i.e. tide gauges, etc)? ____________________________________________________________________________ Indicate your key areas geographically where your instrumentation is used (i.e. coastal surveys, offshore deployments, etc). ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ How often is your instrumentation calibrated? Monthly __________________________________________________________________ Bi-Annually __________________________________________________________________ Annually __________________________________________________________________ Do you undertake in-house calibration and / or manufacturer calibration (thus sent away for calibration)? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Is your instrumentation in good working order? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Where would your institution like to extend their skills sets regarding instrumentation? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Data sets What data sets do you have? Please indicate historical data sets as well. Coastal monitoring Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ Oceanographic surveys Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ Long-term monitoring Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ Historical data sets Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ Does your institution have any long term monitoring initiatives currently underway? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ What data quality control measures do you have in place for your data sets? In-house data quality control methods Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ International standards Yes No Description: _____________________________________________________________ Where would you like to expand your data collections? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Data processing What software packages do you use? Please indicate both instrument specific software packages (e.g. for downloading data) as well as those used for data processing, analysis and presentation. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Do you program / apply scripts using MatLab (or other higher level post processing software packages) to your data sets? Yes No If yes, description: ___________________________________________ Rate your skill levels in data processing techniques. Basic (i.e. download data and store) Semi-skilled (i.e. download, basic analysis and storage) Skilled (i.e. download, analysis, some interpretation and presentation, storage) Data quality control level (i.e. download, analysis, interpretation, presentation, trouble shooting and storage) Where do you think further data processing training is needed? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Data storage Where is your data currently housed? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Do you submit your data sets to your National Data Centres? Yes No Is your data being used in publications, government policy making decision processes, etc? Yes No Modelling capacity Does your institution run any ocean or coupled ocean/atmosphere models? Yes - Regional, model description (which model, region, spatial and temporal resolution etc) Yes - Global, model description (which model, spatial and temporal resolution No Does your institution use output from any global orregional models run elsewhere, if yes, which ones? Do you have a dedicated ocean modeller in your institute? Yes, name and contact details No Not yet, but would like to build capacity Not yet, people are being trained but resources are limited Is your institution interested in pursuing ocean modelling for research or operational oceanography coastal modeling for research or operational oceanography What is the skill level within your institution with regards modelling? Basic Semi-skilled Skilled Is any of your in situ data being used to validate models? Yes No If yes, which ones: _________________________________________ Does your institution do any hindcast modelling? Forecast modelling? Hindcast: Yes No Forecast: Yes No In-country and regional collaborations Does your institution have a collaborative relationship with other institutions in your country, particularly in terms of instrument and data sharing? Yes No If yes, which ones: _________________________________________ Does your countries oceanographic and meteorological departments have a good working relationship? Yes No Does a regional collaboration exist between your country and others? Yes No If yes, which ones: _________________________________________ Please list any other institutions / research groups in your country, along with their contact details (email address preferably) that are collecting data and may want to contribute to this questionnaire further. We will contact them with regards completing the questionnaire. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments, suggestions: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ OY e FGqr#]i!MgzkaMO P !H!i""##V$$$$$%W%ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŮhoh$QPJ^JnH tH hTh6hVh_vh_vhrF5h_vhV5h_vh65hh0JjhUh h5AOP  F  8m#$5 & FgdVgd_v & Fgdgd$a$gd52X!jMgNch`hgd6 h^h`gd68^8gd6 & FgdVe.zku'DaM8^8gdT & FgdV8^8gd6 & FgdV5O_ l P !H!n!!!i"""@#### $ & FgdT & FgdV & FgdV8^8gdT $V$$$$$%X%%&&n&&&&&/'Z'''(( & FgdT & Fddd[$\$gd$Q & Fddd[$\$gd$Q & FgdV & FgdV8^8gdTW%X%'((0(k((())****++*,+,k--.h<hJah5_VhTh$QhVhoh$QPJ^JnH tH h$Qh$QPJ^JnH tH (((0(k((())@))****++,{,,-k---gdVh^hgd5_V & FgdJa & Fgd5_V8^8gd5_V & FgdV8^8gdT & FgdV & FgdT-3...gdV21h:pV. 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