ࡱ> `c_{ ubjbjzz .\C$   8<t(44444'''''''$+.`''44'44''ri&T'4{R(p&*q''0(&2 /O /' /'X''( / : Draft 24 March 2013 Draft Terms of Reference for a GOOS-Biology/Ecosystems Panel Recognizing growing scientific and societal needs for sustained observations of ocean biological and ecosystem variables, and building on the GOOS Framework of Ocean Observing and the work of the Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations, the GOOS Steering Committee [and other partner groups] have established a Panel for Observations of Coastal and Ocean Biology and Ecosystems with the following Terms of Reference: Review and Prioritize requirements for sustained ocean (high seas and coastal) observations of biological and ecosystems Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) to achieve the goals of its sponsors, and in particular to: engage the broad scientific community to define EOVs based on scientific and societal information needs, assess the readiness of observing technologies, identifying those that have high feasibility and high potential impact in delivering required information, assess the adequacy of present global EOV observations and make recommendations for phased implementation [contributing as relevant to sponsor's plans], provide a source of technical advice on the development of national coastal and ocean observing requirements and observing system implementation plans, and propose pilot projects (that will also serve to co-ordinate networks, articulate data models and inform an evaluation process). Coordinate observing networks that contribute to these EOVs by: encouraging national commitments to global observing networks, promoting common best practices and observing standards for global and national observations, promoting data sharing for global and national observations, identifying opportunities for synergistic cooperation and/or common technical support, and developing metrics of implementation. Work with partner organizations to articulate a consensus data model for the biological and ecosystem EOVs, encouraging interoperability. With respect to this, maintain close links with GEOBON. Develop a process for ongoing evaluation of the observing system, in liaison with users of the data, assessing whether information outputs (analytic and model-based) are adequate for research and societal goals, feeding back into expressed requirements. Support global ocean observing activities by involved parties, through liaison and advocacy for agreed plans. Report to GOOS SC [and other sponsor governing bodies, including GEOBON and IPBES]. The Chair of the Panel will be appointed by the GOOS SC [and partner organizations]. Members will be approved by the Chairs of the GOOS SC and other partner organizations, and serve (repeatable) two year terms. Continuation of the panel and/or adjustment of its Terms of Reference will be reviewed by its sponsors after no more than four years. Potential partner organizations to contact: Potential partner/sponsorkey contactskey meeting / noteGEO BON Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observing NetworkIsabel Pinto ispinto@ciimar.up.pt co-chair WG 5 Marine Ecosystem Change Michele Walters mwalters@csir.co.za Executive Officer, GEO BONGEO BON "All-hands" meeting, 3-6 December 2012, Monterrey CASCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic ResearchEd Urban ed.urban@scor-int.org Executive Director SCOR(primarily for link to IMBER and LOICZ below)IMBER IGBP-SCOR Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research Eileen Hoffman hofmann@ccpo.odu.edu LOICZ IGBP Land- Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone[contact?][not sure if link with LOICZ is more focused: biogeochemistry/IOCCP or biology/ecosystems]PICES North Pacific Marine Science OrganizationAlex Bychkov bychkov@pices.ing Executive Secretary PICESICES International Council for Exploration of the SeaJon Hare jon.hare@noaa.gov led "Workshop to define the Ocean Observing Needs for ICES" Manuel Barange maba@pml.ac.uk Chair, ICES Science CommitteePOGO Partnership for Observation of the Global OceansTrevor Platt tplatt@dal.ca Executive Director, POGOPOGO-24, 22-24 January 2013, Cape TownGODAE OceanView Ocean forecast system research coordination activityeither: Andreas Schiller and Eric Dombrowsky (Co-Chairs) or: chair of the coastal forecast system task teamperhaps not as a direct sponsor but for liaison? Existing global/basin-scale components that have expressed interest: OBIS, GACS, OTN potential FOO elementkey contactsnotesGACS Global alliance of CPR SurveysGraham Hosie ghosie@aad.gov.au Chair GACSOBIS (IOC/IODE) Ocean Biogeographic Information SystemWard Appeltans ward.appeltans@gmail.com OBIS project manager, IOC/OostendeOTN Ocean Tracking NetworkFred Whoriskey FWhoriskey@Dal.Ca Executive Director OTNIOC HAB Harmful Algal Bloom programmeHenrik Enevoldsen h.enevoldsen@unesco.org HAB programme manager Other observing networks or data collection efforts of note: GCRMN Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, UNEP-WCMC UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre [How will panel interact with regional and national programmes of more coastally-focused observations? - providing advice on setting requirements, promoting common observing standards and data sharing ...]  This is one of three expert Panels established under GOOS (the other two being for Physics and Carbon/Geochemistry). The Terms of Reference for the three panels are similar (while recognizing they are at different levels of maturity with respect to articulation of EOVs and operationalization of observing system components), however they are focussed on discrete components of the ocean system. Recognizing the imperative for synergies between and integration across Panels (and the GOOS SC), the Panel Chairs will be members of the GOOS SC.       "#-012389@AJKL]^efpqtu}~    h PJhQG hz$:PJhz$: hz$:5PJ hz$:5 hQG6 hs6PJ hQG6PJ hz$:6PJ hz$:6LQR 5 i  c!O+$< & Fh<^h & F8<^8 & Fh<^h<          * + 2 3 @ A D E I J R S \ ] a b g h o p w x | }      & ' , - 2 3 7 8 ; < D E Q R T U _ hz$:5 h!PJjh 0J)Uh!hs h PJh  hz$:PJhz$:R_ ` c d n o x y ~         ! 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