ࡱ> q vbjbjt+t+ TAAqG]&&&&<B &l6 :p p p p p p ^``````${op p p p p p p p p p ^&&p ^nT"z^p N|`I!&&\ SECOND IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING MEETING FOR THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN MARINE APPLICATIONS PROJECT (WIOMAP) Grand Bay, Mauritius, 1 November 2002 FINAL REPORT JCOMM Meeting Report No. 21 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION _____________INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ___________ SECOND IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING MEETING FOR THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN MARINE APPLICATIONS PROJECT (WIOMAP) Grand Bay, Mauritius, 1 November 2002 FINAL REPORT JCOMM Meeting Report No. 21 N O T E The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariats of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO), and the World Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. C O N T E N T S Report 1 ANNEX I - LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 6 ANNEX II - AGENDA 12 GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE WORK OF THE MEETING OPENING Opening of the meeting 1.1.1 The second implementation planning meeting for the Western Indian Ocean Marine Applications Project (WIOMAP) opened at 0900 hours on Friday, 1 November 2002, in the International Conference Centre, Grand Bay, Mauritius. The Director of the Mauritius Meteorological Services and Permanent Representative of Mauritius with WMO, Mr S. N. Sok Appadu, welcomed participants and introduced the opening ceremony. He first requested the representative of the WMO and IOC Secretariats to address the meeting. 1.1.2 On behalf of the Secretary-General of WMO, Professor G.O.P. Obasi, and the Executive Secretary IOC, Dr P. Bernal, the Secretariat representative welcomed participants to the meeting. In doing so, he expressed the sincere appreciation of WMO and IOC to the Government and people of Mauritius, and in particular to the Mauritius Oceanography Institute and the Mauritius Meteorological Services, for hosting the meeting and providing such excellent facilities and support. The Secretariat representative then recalled that the newly established Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) had, as primary objectives, the implementation and maintenance of a fully-integrated, global, operational ocean observing, data management and services system, in support of a large number of marine users and applications. As such, it directly supports the implementation of systems such as GOOS, GCOS and the World Weather Watch of WMO. For JCOMM to be successful in achieving these objectives, it requires the full involvement of all maritime countries, both as contributors to and beneficiaries of the operational systems. In this context, regional cooperative projects such as WIOMAP are of critical importance in supporting the necessary enhancement of the capabilities of maritime countries, both nationally and regionally, to become involved in the work of JCOMM. 1.1.3 The Secretariat representative then briefly outlined the development of the WIOMAP concept since its initialization in 1997. He emphasized that the purpose of the present meeting was to undertake a thorough review of the full draft project document, with a view to its revision and finalization, for presentation to the heads of potential participating agencies in the region for formal adoption. The Secretariat representative concluded by assuring participants of the full support of the joint Secretariat, and in once more thanking the Government of Mauritius, the MOI and the MMS for their excellent support and hospitality. He wished everyone a successful meeting and an enjoyable stay in Mauritius. 1.1.4 Speaking on behalf of the Government of Mauritius, the Secretary of Home Affairs, Prime Ministers Office, Mr S. C. Seebaluck, extended a very warm welcome to all participants in the meeting. In doing so, he expressed his personal pleasure in being associated with the WIOMAP Project, particularly as he had already been involved for most of his career with oceanographic matters in two Government ministries, and most recently as a member of the Board of the MOI. Mr Seebaluck then noted that Mauritius had agreed to host the present meeting for a number of reasons. These included in particular the importance to Mauritius of the ocean and coastal areas within its very large EEZ, as an environment for significant socio-economic activity, including substantial tourism development and the associated need for sound environmental management. In this context, the Mauritius Oceanography Institute plays a coordinating role. 1.1.5 Mr Seebaluck expressed his appreciation for the present high level of cooperation and coordination between WMO and IOC in the development of marine meteorology and oceanography at the intergovernmental level, and in particular for its manifestation in regional projects such as WIOMAP. This was especially important in view of the high cost of ocean monitoring and related activities, and the resultant need for extensive regional cooperation to achieve desired objectives in terms of enhanced ocean observations to support activities such as regional climate studies, sound environmental management, and informed response to global change. Mr Seebaluck recognized the key role being played in enhancing global and regional cooperation among meteorologists and oceanographers by JCOMM, and noted that in Mauritius a National GOOS Coordinating Committee had been established to facilitate such coordination, including in support of both GOOS and JCOMM. 1.1.6 Mr Seebaluck concluded by noting that WIOMAP would eventually constitute a regional contribution to GOOS, and in particular to a future Indian Ocean GOOS, which was the subject of the conference to take place the following week. He noted with pleasure that a large measure of consensus had already been reached on the objectives and broad outline of the project, and expressed the full support of his office for its eventual implementation. He thanked WMO and IOC for their support for the project, and wished participants a successful meeting and enjoyable stay in Mauritius. He then formally declared the meeting open. 1.1.7 The list of participants in the meeting is given in Annex I. Election of the chairman 1.2.1 The meeting elected Mr S. N. Sok Appadu, as its chairman for the duration of the session. 1.3 Adoption of the agenda 1.3.1 The meeting adopted its agenda, which is given in Annex II. 1.4 Working arrangements 1.4.1 The meeting agreed its hours of work and other practical arrangements. The documentation was be introduced by the Secretariat. REVIEW OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Results of first Implementation Planning Meeting 2.1.1 The first Implementation Planning Meeting for WIOMAP took place in Mauritius in May 1997. Based on a presentation from the Secretariat, the meeting briefly reviewed the lead up to and conclusions of this first meeting, to provide a background for the present meeting. It noted in particular: (i) The initial survey, undertaken prior to the first meeting, of national and regional user requirements for marine data and services, as well as of the existing status of relevant national facilities and capabilities; (ii) The strong support provided to the project concept; (iii) The agreement reached on project outline and development timetable. Development of project proposal 2.2.1 The meeting noted that, following the first project meeting, the following actions had been undertaken to further develop the project: (i) An expert mission to potential participating agencies in western Indian Ocean countries was undertaken in late 1999 by Mr Sachooda Ragoonaden, WMO consultant, to further review requirements, existing capabilities and development potential; (ii) A first draft project document was prepared in early 2000 by Mr Ragoonaden; (iii) This document was then circulated to a number of experts in WMO and IOC for review; (iv) A second revised draft project document was developed, based on this input, by MrRagoonaden in early 2002. (v) This second draft was distributed to potential participating agencies in mid-2002, together with the invitation to participate in the second Implementation Planning Meeting for WIOMAP; (vi) Based on some comments received, a further revision to the draft was prepared and distributed for discussion and review at WIOMAP-II. REVIEW OF DRAFT PROJECT DOCUMENT 3.1 The meeting then undertook a thorough review of this latest version of the project document. This review was structured in two parts: a general review of project concept and structure, as well as broad cross-cutting themes; and a more detailed review of the contents of the proposal, based on the four component sub-projects. 3.2 With regard to the general review, the following major points or general themes were noted in particular: (i) Care must be taken in the project to avoid duplication and therefore enhance coordination with existing national and regional projects and programmes on related themes, including ocean data management, climate monitoring and prediction, communications (such as the PUMA project) and coastal area management. The project document must therefore explicitly emphasize this aspect, both to reassure donor agencies and also to make the best use of available resources; (ii) At the same time, duplication in training and related human capacity building is a good thing, and a range of such capacity building should be implemented in relevant institutions throughout the region. Any such training should focus directly on problem solving in relation to the objectives of WIOMAP. In addition, in-service training should be included as an integral component of the work plan of all the proposed specialized centres. Training should also focus on enhancing capabilities to make use of specialized marine data and products as they become available; (iii) Explicit recognition should be included in the document of existing technology and communication developments in the region which can contribute to the project; (iv) Initial emphasis in the project should be on requirements and services in coastal areas, since these are of primary concern to countries in the region. This may eventually lead to a phased approach to implementation, with the first phase based very much on strengthening existing capabilities, largely within National Meteorological Services, and a later phase moving to the deep ocean through ocean agencies; (v) While the primary initial focus of the project is on marine meteorology and physical oceanography, there are potential longer-term requirements and benefits related to non-physical oceanography. The project document should therefore clearly recognize this long-term link; (vi) A range of new satellite data and products for the marine environment, based on new technological capabilities, is becoming available in the region. This should form a part of the project strategy and be formally recognized in the document; (vii) The project must make optimum use of existing national capabilities and programmes, including those related to maritime safety, tropical cyclone forecasting, etc., and such activities must be shown explicitly in the project document as counterpart national commitments; (viii) The overall project objectives need to be very explicit regarding real user requirements and the specific end point values for national development. (ix) It is important to maintain the present modular structure, to allow for a potential diversity of funding mechanisms. This will thus necessitate some duplication in wording within the project document. At the same time, it is also important to show clearly that all components are linked, and to develop an integrated strategy for a group of potential donors. 3.3 The meeting next undertook a more detailed review of the document on a section-by-section basis. With regard to overall document presentation, it was agreed that the text should be considerably shortened, and specific issues, objectives and activities given in bullet form, to facilitate review and understanding by both participants and potential donors. In view of the large number of suggestions made, the meeting agreed to set up small drafting groups to revise specific parts of the document, including in particular: the introductory sections dealing with project justification; the capacity building sub-project; overall project costing and staffing; observing system enhancements. The drafting groups were requested to provide their revised sections to the Secretariat by the end of the IOGOOS Conference, for incorporation into a consolidated revised document. 3.4 The Secretariat was requested to arrange for the finalization of the new revised document, taking into account the input from the drafting groups and the general comments noted above, if possible before the end of 2003. This complete revised draft should then be distributed once more to meeting participants for their further review, prior to a formal distribution to agency heads for approval. NATIONAL AND/OR AGENCY COMMITMENTS 4.1 Agencies and institutions represented at the meeting were then requested to indicate their willingness to become partners in the project. This included some indication of potential future commitments to an agency or national contribution to the project, bearing in mind that the project document will need to carry a clear expression of such contributions when it is submitted to potential funding agencies. Statements also included indications of agency requirements for support under the project. In summary, both meteorological and oceanographic agencies in the following western Indian Ocean countries indicated a strong desire to participate in and contribute to the project: Comoros, France (La Runion), Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania. In addition, the meeting accepted with appreciation the offer from India to support and contribute to project implementation, most likely indirectly through wider regional cooperative groupings such as IOGOOS. FUTURE ACTIONS 5.1 The meeting agreed to the following plan and timetable of future actions for the further development, finalization and formal adoption of the project document: (i) Individual or group contributions to the revised project document to be submitted to the Secretariat by end-December 2002; (ii) The consolidated revised project document to be finalized and distributed to meeting participants for a final review and revision by mid-2003; Final comments and individual, informal agreements to the document to be submitted to the Secretariat by end of September 2003; Review of the revised document by the JCOMM Task Team on Resources, for their advice on contents, structure and potential donors; (iv) The final revised project document to be distributed to the heads of potential participating agencies (by the Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary IOC) by the end of 2003, seeking their formal approval of the document as well as the willingness of their agency to participate in the project; (vi) Agreement by participating agencies should be sent to the Secretariat in early 2004; (vii) Submission of the agreed project document to potential funding agencies, by one country on behalf of all participants, in early 2003; (viii) A possible review meeting of all potential donor agencies to be convened by the Secretariat in mid-2004. 5.2 The meeting accepted with appreciation the offer of Mauritius, through the Mauritius Oceanography Institute and the Mauritius Meteorological Services jointly, to act as the submitting country for the project. CLOSURE 6.1 The meeting recognized that, because of time constraints, it was not possible to prepare and agree the final meeting report prIor to the formal closure at the end of the one-day session. It therefore requested the Secretariat to prepare the provisional report after the meeting, and distribute it to participants for review before the end of the IOGOOS Conference, in which all meeting participants would also take part. Comments and revisions to the report would then be passed to the Secretariat before the closure of IOGOOS on 9 November, with the agreed final report to be distributed to participants in early 2003. 6.2 In closing the meeting, the chairman, Mr Sok Appadu, noted the strong support of all participants for the project concept, as well as the very positive approach to the draft project document and the constructive comments received during the meeting. He offered his appreciation to all participants for their input, which had contributed very much to the success of the meeting, and expressed his confidence in the ultimate success of the project. Speaking on behalf of participants, the Secretariat representative offered his sincere thanks to the chairman for his informed and insightful conduct of the meeting, which had been instrumental in its successful conclusion. 6.3 The second Implementation Planning Meeting for the WIOMAP Project closed at 1730 hours on Friday, 1 November 2003. oOo ANNEX I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMORES Mr Abdoulkarim Ahmed CNDRS BP 266 MORONI Comores Telephone: +269 73 09 61 Telefax: +269 74 41 89 E-mail: cdo.cndrs@snpt.km FRANCE Mr Laurent Perron Directeur interregional ajoint la Reunion Mto-France B.P. 4 97491 SAINTE CLOTILDE Cdex La Reunion France Telephone: +262 92 11 02 Telefax: +262 92 11 47 E-mail: laurent.perron@meteo.fr INDIA Dr G. Narayana Swamy National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula 403004 GOA India Telephone: + 91-832 456 700 X 4271 Telefax: + 91-832 456 703 Email: narayana@darya.nio.org KENYA Dr Johnson M. Kazungu Director Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute P.O. Box 81651 MOMBASA Kenya E-mail: jkazungu@recoscix.org Mr Charles Magori Kenya Marine Fisheries Research Institute P.O. Box 81651 MOMBASA Kenya Telephone: + 254 11 475 153/4 Telefax: + 254 11 475 157 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:cmagor@recoscix.org cmagori@recoscix.org cmagori@yahoo.com Mr James Wahome Muhoro Kenya Meteorological Department Port Meteorological Office Box 98512 MOMBASA Kenya Telephone: +254-11 433789 Telefax: +254-2 577373; +254-11 433689 E-mail: jw_muhoro@yahoo.com MADAGASCAR Mr Jean Gervais Rafamantanantsoa Coordinateur General de la Recherche Ministre de la Recherche Scientific pour le Developpement Rue Fernand Kasanga Tsimbazaza, P.O. Box 694 101 ANTANANARIVO Madagascar Telefax: +261-20 2256633 E-mail: dgrmrs@dts.mg Mr Alain Solo Razafimahazo Direction Gnrale de la Mtorologie B.P. 1254 ANTANANARIVO 101 Madagascar Telephone: +261-20 22 405 35/40575 Telefax: +261-20 22 405 81/408 23 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:meteo@dts.mg meteo@dts.mg meteo@simicro.mg MAURITIUS Mr S.N. Sok Appadu Permanent Representative of Mauritius with WMO Meteorological Services St. Paul Road VACOAS Mauritius Telephone: +230 68 610 31/32 Telefax: +230 68 610 33 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:meteo@intnet.mu meteo@intnet.mu  HYPERLINK mailto:luxmi70@hotmail.mu luxmi70@hotmail.mu Mr Aslam MONIARUCH Senior Meteorological Technician Mauritius Meteorological Services St. Paul Road Vacoas Mauritius Telephone: +230 6861031 Telefax: +230 686 1033 Dr Ranadhir MUKHOPADHAY Director Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ranadir@intnet.mu" ranadir@intnet.mu Mr Sachooda RAGOONADEN Board Member Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail: rajouma@yahoo.com Mr Mohamudally BEEBEEJAUN Meteorologist Mauritius Meteorological Services St. Paul Road Vacoas Mauritius Telephone: +230 686 1031 Telefax: +230 686 1033 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:m.bbjohn@odinafrica.net" m.bbjohn@odinafrica.net Mr Vishnu SOONDRON Assistant Director Mauritius Oceanography Institute France Centre Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail: vishnu9@moi.intnet.mu Mr Sharveen PERSAND Project Officer Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 Email: sharveen@moi.intnet.mu Mr. Baboo Dooshyant RATHACHAREN Divisional Fisheries Officer Ministry of Fisheries Mauritius Telephone: +230 211 2470 E-mail: fish@intnet.mu Mr Navinchandra LUCHOO Senior Surveyor Ministry of Housing & Lands Mauritius Telephone: +230 212 3585; 210 0938 Telefax: +230 208 3623 E-mail: subashluchoo@hotmail.com Dr James H. LEVEN Project Manager Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jiml12@intnet.mu" jiml12@intnet.mu Mr Balraj DUNPUTH Meteorologist Meteorological Services Vacoas Mauritius Telephone: +230 686 1031 Telefax: +230 686 1033 E-mail: meteo@intnet.mu Dr Beenay PATHACK Deputy Director Meteorological Services Vacoas Mauritius Telephone: +230 686 1031 Telefax: +230 686 1033 E-mail: bpathack@mail.gov.mu Mr Sylvio HO MAN CHEONG Adviser, Prime Ministers Office Mauritius Telephone: +230 201 3604 Telefax: +230 212 9393 Mr P. E. Daniel MARIE Project Officer Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:danielme@moi.intnet.mu" danielme@moi.intnet.mu Miss Reena GOPAL NURSIMHULU Project Officer Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail: rgnursimulu@moi.intenet.mu Mrs Kamla Ruby MOOTHIEN PILLAY Project Officer Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail: rubykm@moi.intnet.mu Captain Premananda PONAMBALUM Port-Master Mauritius Port Authority Mer Rouge Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 216 3504 Telefax: +230 242 8314 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mauport@intnet.mu" mauport@intnet.mu Mr Roshan T. RAMESSUR Senior Lecturer University of Mauritius Reduit Mauritius Telephone: +230 454 1041 Telefax: +230 465 6929 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ramessur@uom.ac.mu" ramessur@uom.ac.mu Mr Feeizal JEEROBUKHAN MIE Reduit Mauritius Telephone: +230 454 7667 Mr Didier SLACHMUYLDERS Technical Advisor Indian Ocean Commission Sir Guy Forget Avenue Quatre Bornes E-mail: didierslach.omi.intet.mu Dr H. TERASHIMA JICA Expert Japan International Cooperation Agency c/o Albion Fisheries Centre Petite Rivire Telephone: +230 238 4131 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:afcjica@intnet.mu" afcjica@intnet.mu Mr A.H. SOOBRATTEE Deputy Chief Surveyor Ministry of Housing and Lands Edith Cavell Street Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 212 7487 E-mail: soobashluchoo@hotmail.com Mr Prakash SEEBURRUN National Coast Guard Port Louis Mauritius Mr Patrick RANDAMY National Coast Guard Port Louis Mauritius Mr Mahadeo RAMCHURN Mr Yadowsun BOODHOO Divisional Meteorologist Meteorological Services Vacoas Mauritius Telephone: +230 686 1031 Telefax: +230 686 1033 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:meteo@intnet.mu meteo@intnet.mu Mr Diwakar GANGAPERSAD Research Officer Mauritius Research Council Maison de Carne Rose Hill Mauritius Telephone: +230 465 1235 Telefax: +230 465 1239 Email: mrc@intnet.mu Mr Belal D. HANSROD Geologist 14 Ave. Labourdonnais Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 425 2162 Mr M.I. Yousouf ATCHIA Scientific Officer Department of Environment Corner Line Barracks St. George Street Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 466 1080 Telefax: +230 4661382 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ieres@intnet.mu" ieres@intnet.mu Mr Rajaram LUXIMON Technical Officer Ministry of Environment Ken Lee Tower Barracks Street Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 2126975 Telefax: +230 211 9903 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rluximon@intnet.mu" rluximon@intnet.mu Mr Toshio NAGUI JICA Expert c/o Ministry of Housing & Lands 5th Floor Rainbow House Edith Cavell Street Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 211 6308 Telefax: +230 211 6308 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tnagai@intnet.mu" tnagai@intnet.mu Mrs Neera Satishchandra KOONJUL Scientific Officer Albion Fisheries Research Centre Albion Petite Rivire Mauritius Telephone: +230 238 4829 Telefax: +230 238 4184 Mr A. SUDDHOO Executive Director Mauritius Research Council La Maison de Carne Rose Hill Mauritius Telephone: +230 465 1235 Prof. Indur FAGOONEE Pro Vice Chancellor University of Mauritius Reduit Mauritius Telephone: +230 454 1041 Telefax: +230 466 7900 Prof. Sunil RUGOOPUTH University of Mauritius Mauritius Telephone: +230 454 1041 Dr Asha Devi POONYTH Biological Oceanographer Mauritius Oceanography Institute Quatre Bornes Mauritius Telephone: +230 427 4434 Telefax: +230 427 4433 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:moi@intnet.mu" moi@intnet.mu Atnanun VENKATASAMI Divisional Scientific Officer AFRC Albion Petite Rivire Mauritius Telephone: +230 238 4100 Telefax: +230 2384184 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fish@intnet.mu" fish@intnet.mu Mr Parves Aly MOHAMUDALLY Senior Economist Ministry of Foreign Affairs Port Louis Mauritius Telephone: +230 201 3642 Telefax: +230 201 1337 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:m.forc@intnet.mu m.forc@intnet.mu Jean Thomas GENAVE Rodrigues Regional Assembly Rodrigues Mauritius Telephone: +230 831 2032 Telefax: +230 831 2185 Mr Jean Rex PIERRE LOUIS Rodrigues Mauritius Mr Thomas HOOPER Director Shoals Rodrigues Pointe Monier Mauritius MOZAMBIQUE Mr David Chemane Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegao (INAHINA) Av. Karl Marx 153-5/12 C. Postal 2089 MAPUTO Mozambique Telephone: +258-1 43 01 86 / 8 Telefax: +258-1 43 01 85 / 42 86 70 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:albanogove@teledata.mz albanogove@teledata.mz david@inahina.uem.mz SEYCHELLES Mr Denis Chang-seng Seychelles National Meteorological Services Policy, Planning and Services Division Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1145 Victoria MAHE Seychelles Telephone: +248 384067 Telefax: +248 384078 E-mail: d.chang-seng@pps.gov.sc nms@pps.gov.sc Mr Evariste Michel Policy, Planning and Services Division Ministry of Environment and Transport P.O. Box 1145 Victoria MAHE Seychelles Telephone: +248 384066 Telefax: +248 384078 E-mail: e.michel@pps.gov.sc scmet@seychelles.net SOUTH AFRICA Mr Geoff W. Bailey Head Physical and Chemical Oceanography Marine and Coastal Management Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X2 ROGGE BAY 8012 South Africa Telephone: +27-21 402 3306 Telefax: +27-21 425 6976 E-mail: gwbailey@mcm.wcape.gov.za Prof. Mark Jury Environmental Science Department University of Zululand Kwa Dlangezwa 3886 South Africa Telephone: + 27-35 902 6326 E-mail: mjury@uzulu.ac.za Mr Mark Majodina South African Weather Service Department of Environment Affairs Private Bag X097 PRETORIA 0001 South Africa Telefax: +27-12 309 3127 E-mail: majodina@weathersa.co.za TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF Mr Abidan Jesse Mlaki Tanzania Meteorological Agency P.O. Box 3056 DAR ES SALAAM United Republic of Tanzania Telephone: +255-22 211 0231/0227 Telefax: +255-22 211 0231/213 7665 E-mail: amlaki@hotmail.com (Dr Alfred Muzuka University of Dar es Salaam Institute of Marine Sciences P.O. Box 668 ZANZIBAR United Republic of Tanzania Telephone: +255-24 2232128 / 230741 Telefax: +255-24 233050 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:director@zims.udsm.ac.tz director@zims.udsm.ac.tz) JCOMM Mr Johannes Guddal Co-president of JCOMM Norwegian Meteorological Institute Allegt. 70 5007 BERGEN Norway Telephone: +47-55 236 626 Telefax: +47-55 236 703 Email: j.guddal@dnmi.no SECRETARIAT Dr Peter E. Dexter Oceans Affairs Division World Weather Watch-Applications Department World Meteorological Organization 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix Case postale No 2300 CH-1211 GENEVE 2 Switzerland Telephone: +41-22 730 82 37 Telefax: +41-22 730 80 21 E-mail: dexter@www.wmo.ch Mr Bill Erb Head Perth Regional Office IOC P.O. Box 1370 WEST PERTH WA 6872 Australia Telephone: +61-3 9226 2899 Telefax: +61-3 9226 0599 E-mail: w.erb@bom.gov.au Dr Mika Odido IOCINCWIO Project Office P.O. Box 05832 MOMBASA 80106 Kenya Telephone: +254-11 472527 Telefax: +254-11 475 157 E-mail: m.odido@unesco.org Mr Victor A. Simango Technical Cooperation Department World Meteorological Organization 7 bis, avenue de la Paix Case postale No 2300 CH-1211 GENEVE 2 Switzerland Telephone: +41-22 730 8303 Telefax: +41-22 730 8047 E-mail: simango_v@gateway.wmo.ch ANNEX II AGENDA OPENING Opening of the meeting Election of the chairman Adoption of the agenda Working arrangements REVIEW OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Results of first Implementation Planning Meeting Development of project proposal REVIEW OF DRAFT PROJECT DOCUMENT NATIONAL AND/OR AGENCY COMMITMENTS FUTURE ACTIONS CLOSURE -  PAGE 4 - -  PAGE 1 - WIOMAP-II/Doc. -, p.  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