ࡱ>  &bjbjBrBr ;  |)cyyyyTTT((((((($b+.!)TTTTT!)yy6)|||Tvyy(|T(||r%k'y5z"&(L)0|)&z..k'k'8.'DTT|TTTTT!)!)|TTT|)TTTT.TTTTTTTTT : 2012-2017 MAN Projects and Work Plans for the Intersessional Period (draft) (Based upon the decisions atJCOMM-4, May 2012) DRAFT by IOC secretariat for consultation with WMO, MAN Board, 15 January 2013 Modified 21 January 2013 General requests from JCOMM-4 ReminderFocal pointJCOMM-4 referenceImprove the ratio of funding between governance and activities in the futureCo-presidents and secretariat leads4.03Address the 23 actions for JCOMM in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=6176&lang=en" GCOS Implementation Plan (2010 update) in reviewing and assessing progress, in developing work plans, and in setting prioritiesOPA and DMPA coordinators5.1.3Enhance activities to support research and development for climate services GFCSPeter Dexter5.4.1Work with IMO and IHO, and relevant national authorities to encourage greater responsiveness to marine meteorological warnings [IMO 3 main branches: pollution, maritime safety, technical cooperation help in identification of requirements, standards Also link to OceanScope / ship design for OPA] [Action: For MAN May 2013: agenda item on this WMO Secretariat (working with co-presidents)]Co-presidents8.3.2Keep relevant publications regarding technical regulations and recommendations under review and advise on future updates as necessary [Elena Manaenkova: WMO has TT looking at all technical regulations, want focal point for this TT action?]PA coordinators (through ETs)10.01,10.07, 10.08,10.09Prepare proposals for further amendments of these Technical Regulations in parallel with the implementation of intersessional work planSFSPA and DMPA coordinators (through ETs)10.06Ensure necessary coordination for the Commission to be a full partner in the discussion on the requirements for a broad suite of coastal, biological and biogeochemical observationsNadia, OPA coordinator, through GOOS SC11.02Oversee specific activities and projects that would be implemented though time-bound task teamsPA coordinators12.4.2Ensure succession plans for key posts [Action for MAN May 2013: some proposals for specific names from the teams: vice-chairs for ETs and CGs, keeping gender and geographic balance, and youth in mind; for PA coordinators to do via communication with ETs]Co-presidents and PA coordinators12.4.7- Continue the scientific and technical workshop, include the presentations in final publication online, and - shape objectives and work programmes in an achievable wayPA coordinators and ET leaders13.02, 13.03 MAN work plan Green Project outcomes achieved by JCOMM-5 White Completion time line to be determined Yellow Possible to achieve the outcomes by JCOMM-5 Blue Lead by other PAs/Organization Workplan / expected outcome, deliverablesHow(Key Activities/Actions)Lead (bold) MembersNext step (timeline)Priority Resource Requiredfor (apart from meetings)Groups/ Linked WithJCOMM-4 ref.0Update JCOMM Strategy[Finalize] JCOMM Strategy, keep it under review and revise as necessary; publish revised JCOMM Strategy Document in electronic form on JCOMM website [note co-pres to present at MAN 2013 the existing draft strategy]Co-presidents + Sec.First review by MAN, May 2013HighMAN12.1.31The JCOMM Operating Plan[proposal from IOC Sec] Core of the Operating Plan is the Programme Area and MAN 'Dashboards' supplemented by secretariat responsibility and financial information Establish a JCOMM Operating Plan 2013-2017, aligned with the adopted JCOMM work programme and the Operating Plans of WMO and IOC [indication of priority order in the OP]SecretariatFirst draft for MAN May 2013High PA Coordination Groups4.06 12.1.3 12.2.22Establish TT-SAT [Document non-climate satellite requirements, promote development of integrated satellite-in situ products]Ensure appropriate areas of expertise in designation of task team membership would be represented in TT-SAT to efficiently coordinate the development of integrated Surface Vector Wind (SVW) products, in close collaboration with interested satellite and surface-based observation communities Develop a plan to address integrated data products extended beyond SVW [sea level, ocean colour, waves, [SST]]. Document properly the outcome of TT-SAT work, and to update the User Requirements documented in the WMO Rolling Review of Requirement (RRR) database and the Statement of Guidance (SoG) for Ocean Applications as needed Coordinate with appropriate programmes of WMO and IOC to develop and document best practices and standards for data and product integration Enhance the partnership with the various CEOS virtual constellation groups, CBS, and CGMS and develop joint activities with various CEOS virtual constellation groupsCo-presidents, Etienne, Long consultation with MAN Later actions led by TT-SATDevelop proposal for ToRs, identify proposed chair of TT-SAT and select members (MAN May 2013)High Large, to be identifiedOCG5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.43Reports on climate information and services for fisherieswork with the CAgM Management Group to identify the members of the new joint Team (Task Team from JCOMM view)Peter DexterFinalize appointment of members of TT-fisheries (MAN May 2013) Low travel fundsSCG5.4.74Develop Marine Climate Data System Establish CMOCs: Work by correspondence with Members / Member States through a fast-track procedure to seek approval of CMOC proposals by China and Germany within six months after the IODE Session (March 2013)SissyLetter to Member/Member States (April 2013)Medium -DMPA7.2.65Draft competency framework for Quality Management Systems implementationCoordinate discussion with IMO, on behalf of WMO, on future directions and strategy related to developing the QMS requirements for marine meteorological and oceanographic services Maintain close liaison with the Task Team on Quality Management Systems Implementation Continue keeping track of progress of QMS pilot project of Australia Bureau of Meteorology, and carry out demonstration projects Prepare a draft of an internationally acceptable competency framework focusing on the competency requirements for marine meteorological and oceanographic services Work with PA Coordinators to ensure that all training activities would be incorporated with a framework to enhance competencies of national meteorological and oceanographic institutions Organize a survey for national forecasters and related operators to help identifying qualification and competency requirements and associated training needs Bryan Boase (TT-MCR lead) Report to MAN May 2013 Prepare and submit draft to WMO EC in 2014 DMPA8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.8 9.09 9.10 6Review relations with other programmes/organizations Explore further collaboration, including possibility of establishing formal relations with IUGG, EEA, LME [move to reminders] Keep relations with other programmes and organizations under regular review, particularly for identified joint activities Plan and continuously review work plan to maintain and strengthen JCOMM collaboration with governments, academic and NGOs (like GEO) Co-presidentsIdentify potential cooperation areas and ongoinglowAll11.02 11.05 11.06 12.2.6 7Capacity buildingAssign one member to oversee the overall activities in capacity developmentAli MafimboReport at MAN May 2013 on activities since JCOMM-4Medium 8FundraisingEstablish an ad hoc group to consult, and facilitate Members / Member States on improved in-kind and financial support for JCOMM activitiesSet up ad hoc group (Q2, 2013)High All12.2.49External reviewReview JCOMM priorities, and establish a mechanism for external reviewAlbert, Edgard, and NadiaDraft ToRs for MAN 2013 for discussionMedium EXBSecretariat12.2.5 _______________   LMUjq}~跟|l_RE5*hIhh4O^JaJhDXh y56CJ^JaJh y56CJ^JaJh56CJ^JaJh4O56CJ^JaJhDXh4O56CJ^JaJh4O^JaJ4hIhh4O56CJ\]^JaJmH nHsH tH.h4O56CJ\]^JaJmH nHsH tH7hIhh4O56<CJ\]^JaJmH nHsH tH(h4O5CJ\^JaJmH nHsH tH.hIhh4O5CJ\^JaJmH nHsH tHLM}~    - $$1$Ifa$gd4O $1$Ifgd4O1$gd4O $1$a$gd4O   . 6 7 8 ^ _  % Ǻzk]ǺF,h4Oh4OB*CJ^JaJnHo(phtHh_wB*CJ^JaJphh4Oh4O0JCJ^JaJ0jPh4Oh4OB*CJU^JaJph*jh4Oh4OB*CJU^JaJph!h4Oh4OB*CJ^JaJphh4Oh4OCJ^JaJh4Oh4OCJ^JaJh4Oh4O5CJ^JaJh4O^JaJh4O5^JaJhBh4O5^JaJ- . { qfXX $$1$Ifa$gd4O $1$Ifgd4Okd$$IflF& 4X9/'J K t06    44 la qfXX $$1$Ifa$gd4O $1$Ifgd4Okd$$IflF& 4X9/'J K t06    44 la + 8 > qfXX $$1$Ifa$gd4O $1$Ifgd4Okdw$$IflF& 4X9/'J K t06    44 la% * > ? 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