ࡱ>  bjbjk\   $PQT<hYYYYY"<$<$<$<$<$<$<$ ?ApH<H<YY4]<"""YY"<""<""89d;YPר>J9<s<0<:\BiB0d;d;"B;"H<H<"<B  : Proposed Structure, 18 January 2013 Boram Lee JCOMM Operating Plan 2012-2017 0. Executive Summary (1p) 1. Introduction (3p) 1.1 WMO, IOC, and JCOMM 1.2 Goals, objectives of JCOMM and its Strategy (2012-2017) 1.3 JCOMM Operating Plan for intersessional activities by Teams and Groups JCOMM OP, based on the WMO-IOCs operating plans JCOMM Strategy 2012-2017 plans and decisions at JCOMM-4 to be the basis for the WMO-IOC budget implementation for JCOMM implementation comprising planned programme activities to accomplish JCOMM duties and responsibilities as a WMO Technical Commission and as a IOC subsidiary body, showing timelines allocated and required resources expected outcome/deliverables to be a living document - to be updated regularly to include newly identified resources (e.g. extrabudgetary funds, voluntary contributions) and newly developed projects during the intersessional period. 2. Requirements for and Benefits of JCOMM (1p) 2.1 Requirements for JCOMM 2.2 JCOMM Priorities for 2012-2017 2.2 Benefits of Successful Implementation of JCOMM * priorities identified at JCOMM-4 * identifying users / bodies providing requirements, and partners for implementation 3. Activities planned and funded for implementation (see annex for template) 3.1 Services development 3.2 Observing System implementation 3.3 Data Management 3.4 Capacity Development 3.5 Management, Cross-cutting Activities and Communications * based on the agreed PA workplans *CD: as parts of PA implementation, but document separately Annex: A1. Terms of Reference for JCOMM (1p) A2. An Integrated Approach (3p)- Description on strategic needs and plans for integrated approach for: satellite products requirements partnership with related programmes for observations partnership with related programmes for DRR continuous improvement and quality management Improvement in user interaction A3. Acronyms (3-5p) Annex Proposed template 3. Activities planned and funded for implementation 3.1 Services development Expected Outcome / DeliverablesWMO ER, IOC MTS Key Activities / TimelinesLead Required Resources (USD)Identified funding / sourceNoteWMO-RBWMO-EXBIOC-RBIOC-EXBVoluntary ContributionDevelop a Guide to Operational Ocean ForecastingER 1 MTS ??ETOOFS-4 meeting (Mar13) Publication in 6 languages (Dec16)ETOOFS40,000 + Meeting host 50,000 5,000 TBD0 TBD?? TBD?? TBDHosting meetingUSA hostUpdated SoG docs & Contribution to RRRER 1,3 MTS ??IPET-OSDE-1 (Jul14)ETOOFS/ G. Liu3,00000????Developing operational performance metrics to monitor operational ocean forecastsER 1,3,4 MTS ??(ETOOFS-4: see above)ETOOFS/ F.Bub, G.Brassington00000Establish the first set of metrics and thresholds to identify ocean extremes for OOFSET 1,3 MTS ??Definition of ocean extremes (Mar'13) Establish first metrics and review (14) Consolidate and document in the Guide(15)ETOOFS/ G.Brassington0 0 00 TBD TBD0 TBD TBD0 TBD TBD0 TBD TBD0 TBD TBDCoordination in Seasonal Climate Forecast SystemsET 1,3,4 MTS ??(ETOOFS-4: see above)ETOOFS00000Contribution to the IPCC AR5 on future wave climate projectionET 1,5 MTS ??ETWCH-4 (Apr13) Develop questionnaire for storm surge models, data bases (May13) Questionnaire results analyzed (Dec13)ETWCH / K.Horsburgh40,000 + Meeting host 0 10,00040,000 0 00 0 0?? TBD TBD?? TBD TBDHostIOCSupport storm surge related S&T fora (JCOMM2007SSS follow-up)ET 1,5 MTS ?? NIO Final Project Workshop (India, Feb13) ESA Storm Surge project meetings (Sep12, Apr13) 13th Wave Workshop and 4th Coastal Hazards Symposium (Oct'13) Plan for 2nd SS Symposium (post13) Liaison with tsunami warning system activities (through TOWS)ETWCH / K.Horsburgh15,000 + Meeting host 10,000 15,000 + host 100,000 + host 10,000 0 0 10,000 TBD TBD0 0 0 0 0?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Host Financial support Host+ financial support 0 TBDIndia ESA Canada USACE Update WMO-No. 702 & WMO-No.1076ET 1 MTS ?? Outline of wave fcst system for GDPFS (Dec.12) update dynamic wave/SS guides (Dec 13) update RRR and SoG (Jun13)ETWCH / K.Horsburgh, V.Swail, T.Bruns, A.Saulter0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0?? ?? ??  Expected Outcome / Deliverables As identified and agreed in the workplans WMO ER, IOC MTS Identified ER/MTS that the activity will directly contribute to. Key Activities / Timelines Associated meetings, consultation (requiring resources), etc. with target deadlines for deliverables Lead Team. Group. Member Required Resources Budgetary requirements In-kind (in-kind contribution from countries for hosting meetings, etc.) Experts time not included Identified funding/source To be regularly updated (e.g. annually)     #-.BLMabfgjwxyz|}  ) 6 > ?  \ f m u v    4 = hWdB* o(phphWdhWdB* o(phphWdhWdB* phphsB* o(phph B*o(phKhJ}h h B*o(phK h o( hi6o(hJ}hJ}o( hJ}hJ} hJ}o( hSo(:$.Mg} 7 Q j v - R gdi6gdWd & FgdWd  & F^gdWd*^*gdi6gdJ}$a$gdJ}$a$gdS= # , - . 1 T e y  1 2 F G U ` a b ·¢ӚylhShWdB* o(phphsB* o(php hso( hWdo(hShSB* o(phphi6hi6o(hi6hJ}B* phphi6B* o(phphi6hi6B* phphi6hi6B* o(phphi6 hi6o(hJ}h h B*o(phK h o( hJ}o(hWdhWdB* o(php%R  3 H b /Efz{$a$gdS$a$gdS & FgdS*^*gdSgdSgds*^*gdWdgdWd ^`gdi6  )*./3IJLNQDEefrstwyz{Ѻ~~~yrhhShSaJ'o( h`aJ'o( hJ}o(hJ}h B*o(phK hShJ}h h B*o(phK h o(hS hSo(hShSo(hshShsB* o(phphJ}B* o(phphsB* o(phphshsB* o(phphi6hsB* phphi6hsB* o(php' /5HNjopqFf&$i$& #$/If]i^a$b$gde ol $$& #$/Ifa$b$gde ol &$$& #$/If]^a$b$gde ol *^*gd@Xgd`  ./45HMNijnopqu#$ٻٻˢ{qm{m{mh *he oho( ho(he oh5\he ohB*phhe ohB*o(phhe oh^_B*phhe oh5B*\phhe oh5B*\o(phhe ohaR5B*\phhe ohaR5B*\o(ph h@Xo( hso( h`o( hSaJ'o(*qrstu|uu$& #$/Ifb$gde ol FfE&$$& #$/If]^a$b$gde ol &$i$& #$/If]i^a$b$gde ol $$& #$/Ifa$b$gde ol (/8ELMSTXZ[_bc#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol & & F$& #$/If^`b$gde ol $& #$/Ifb$gde ol $'(./89LMWX^_abfgijnops~GTVWlms˶ֶ˶ڣh= *he oh=o( h=o(he oh=5\he oh5\o(he oh=5\o(h^_ ho(hh@X h@Xo( *he oho(h ho(@cgjkoFf#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol Ff $& #$/Ifb$gde ol GPWm!& & F$& #$/If^`b$gde ol Ff#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol $& #$/Ifb$gde ol y,-3456789:;<=@Aսh@X *he oh@Xo( h@Xo(he oh@X5\h8| *he oho(he oh5\h ho( *he oh=o(he oh=5\h^_h= h=o(?!Ky$Ifgdl $& #$/Ifb$gde ol #i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol & & F$& #$/If^`b$gde ol FfT$& #$/Ifb$gde ol $Ifgdl -468:<>?@A & & F$& #$/If^`b$gde ol Ff#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol $& #$/Ifb$gde ol  <=IJQRT^_aklpqtuv~ ]z~2345ABDEFHJLOQSUVWYŻŰŷŰŷŷŷŷŻŻŻŷ *he oh^_o( h8|h8|h8| *he oh8|o( h8|o(he oh@X5\he oh8|5\o(he oh8|5\h^_ *he oh@Xo( h@Xo(h@XA346=DEFHJLMNPRUVW[_bcdhl$Ifgd@Xl $& #$/Ifb$gde ol lquv ^#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol & & F$& #$/If^`b$gde ol $Ifgd8|l Ff#$& #$/Ifb$gde ol  !()*./35689;<=?@$& #$/Ifb$gde ol @BEFIJMNORSVWZ[^_bcdghk$Ifgd^_l $Ifgd8|l $& #$/Ifb$gde ol Y[]_adfhjklmpqrsabvw­ h^_h^_he oh@X5\o()he oh^_5CJOJQJ\^JaJo(*he oh^_5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhe oh^_5\o( h@Xo(h^_h@X *he oh^_o( h^_o(:klqr & F$If^`gde ol Ff($Ifgd^_l $& #$/Ifb$gde ol Ebw$Ifgd^_l $& #$/Ifb$gde ol #i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol  & F$If^`gde ol Ff`-$& #$/Ifb$gde ol $Ifgd^_l Ff#2#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol $& #$/Ifb$gde ol %&'P_";MNefhn    øÞëukhqB*o(phKhqh^_B*o(phKh^_B*phKhaRB*o(phKh^_B*o(phKhqhB*o(phKhqhaRB*o(phKhqhaRB*phKhqhsB*o(phKhqhsB*phK hso(h he oh 5\h^_h@Xhe oh@X5\*Ff;#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol Ff6$& #$/Ifb$gde ol gdsFf/E#i$& #$/If]i^b$gde ol Ffl@$& #$/Ifb$gde ol &P`"';Ne    dgdCgdq & F gdq & F gdq hqB*o(phKhe ojhe oU gdq21h:pS. 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