ࡱ>  '` .bjbjLULU &F.?.? h  L O9 $   )<1 48686868686868$ =hu?~Z8iΥ "ΥΥZ8   8DΥ,  48Υ48  p~ad,| 9HO9>?B4?P?, 6']tVz 6 6 6Z8Z8v^ 6 6 6O9ΥΥΥΥ) Intergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionReports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies    Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS) Sixth Session Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2629 April 2011 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionReports of Governing and Major Subsidiary BodiesIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS) Sixth Session Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2629 April 2011 UNESCO 2011 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Paris, France June 2011 English only( table of contents page TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  Executive summary.............................................................................................................. .(iii)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294014" Rsum excutif (vi)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294015" Resumen ejecutivo (ix)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294016" P01>G55 @57N<5 (xii)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294017" 1. WELCOME AND OPENING 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294018" 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294019" 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294020" 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294021" 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294022" 3. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc295294022 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294023" 3.1 IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARYS REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc295294023 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294024" 3.2 CHAIRPERSON`S REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc295294024 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294025" 3.3 CARIBE EWS SECRETARIAT REPORT 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294026" 3.4 REPORT OF THE CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER (CTIC) 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294027" 3.5 REPORTS FROM UN AND NON UN ORGANISATIONS 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294028" 3.6 STATUS OF OTHER ICGs 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294029" 3.7 NATIONAL PROGRESS REPORTS 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294030" 3.8 INTERIM ADVISORY SERVICES REPORT (PTWC) 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294031" 4. WORKING GROUP PROGRESS REPORTS 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294032" 4.1 WORKING GROUP 1 PROGRESS REPORT: MONITORING AND DETECTION SYSTEMS, WARNING GUIDANCE 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294033" 4.2 WORKING GROUP 2 PROGRESS REPORT: HAZARD ASSESSMENT 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294034" 4.3 WORKING GROUP 3 PROGRESS REPORT: WARNING DISSEMINATION AND COMMUNICATION 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294035" 4.4 WORKING GROUP 4 PROGRESS REPORT: PREPAREDNESS, READINESS AND RESILIENCE 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294036" 5. SPECIAL INVITED LECTURES: COMMUNITY-BASED TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294037" 6. POLICY MATTERS 15 page  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294038" 6.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294039" 6.2 REPORT OF THE CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI EXERCISE (CARIBE WAVE 2011) 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294040" 7. UPDATES TO THE CARIBE EWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294041" 8. PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 2012-2013 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294042" 9. NEXT MEETING 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294043" 9.1 CONFIRMATION OF DATE AND PLACE OF ICG/CARIBE EWS-VII 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294044" 9.2 TARGET DATE FOR ICG/CARIBE EWS-VIII 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294045" 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294046" 11. ADOPTION OF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295294047" 12. CLOSURE OF THE MEETING 19 ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "A1" I. AGENDA  HYPERLINK \l "A2" II. ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS ( HYPERLINK \l "A2f" French,  HYPERLINK \l "A2s" Spanish,  HYPERLINK \l "A2r" Russian)  HYPERLINK \l "A3" III. OPENING SPEECHES iV.  HYPERLINK \l "A5" LIST OF PARTICIPANTS v. LIST OF DOCUMENTS HYPERLINK \l "A6"vi. LIST OF ACRONYMS Executive summary The Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBEEWS-V) was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 26 to 29 April 2011. The meeting was attended by 70participants from 18Caribbean countries and threeobserver organizations (UNDP, CDEMA and WMO). Main topics discussed during the meeting were the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center (CTWC) in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) in Barbados ( as well as the lessons learnt and report of the CARIBE WAVE11 exercise. The ICG encouraged ICG members to make annual financial contributions to the CTIC. It also agreed that CTIC should develop a robust training and communications programme between the CTIC and key stakeholders within Member States throughout the region on all aspects of the warning system. The ICG furthermore agreed that CTIC shall create a business plan that includes (1) an annual work plan, (2) a five year strategy; (3) a four-year budget and fund-raising plan; (4) a partnership strategy (5) a communications plan (6) an annual report. The ICG agreed that it is important to explore methodologies to assess after a tsunami event the amount of lives saved due to tsunami preparedness. The ICG decided to establish of a Task Team composed by the ICG Officers, Director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and Manager of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme (CTWP) to provide feedback during the development of enhanced tsunami warning products for the ICG/CARIBE EWS, validate these new products, procedures and implementation and provide a report to the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBE EWS. This Task Team will be chaired by the director of the PTWC. The ICG instructed Working Group 1 to establish a Task Team to address the full implementation of the observing networks by providing support to Member States to allow them to contribute their observational data to CARIBE EWS and efforts. The ICG decided to organize a training on ComMit (NOAAs MOST model) to be hosted by France in the second half of 2011. The ICG instructed Working Group 2 on Hazard Assessment to provide a catalogue of tsunamigenic sources in the Caribbean region (tectonic, landslide, volcanoes) and coordinate a validation process for the tsunami run-up data in the NOAA/NGDC database for the Caribbean. It further instructed Working Group 2 to make an inventory of tsunami models being used in the Caribbean. The ICG requested that the Technical Secretariat defines a web page for sharing Standard Operating Procedures protocols and standards. The ICG agreed to revise the ICG/CARIBE EWS Communications Plan to include the following schedule for PTWC TWFP communication tests: Hold communication tests on the first Thursday of every month at 15:30 (UTC/GMT) as from 1st September 2011. Members States TWFPs should report only issues and errors during these monthly tests to the PTWC and IOC Secretariat; Hold twice yearly TWFP No Notice verification communication tests. For these tests, Member States TWFPs shall verify PTWC communication (and all means received and not received) within one (1) hour of the No Notice test; all verifications by Countries for issues from monthly tests shall be sent to the PTWC within one (1) hour to facilitate active action or repetitive action education on a monthly basis; The ICG instructed WG 3 on Warning Dissemination and Communication to evaluate automated feedback mechanisms for communication tests and report to the Seventh session of the ICG. The ICG further agreed that the Technical Secretariat notifies ICG Member States of the testing to be held routinely. It also encouraged Member States to internally document messages received from PTWC and others. The ICG agreed that the CTWP collects from each Member Stated the receiving method for tsunami products using a template to be sent to Member States by the Technical Secretariat. Each Member State should identify at least two (2) ways of receiving the PTWC notification at the TWFP. This should be an ongoing task in the Implementation Plan. The ICG instructed the WorkingGroup3 on Warning Dissemination and Communication to address, in cooperation with the CTWP, the multi-lingual issue in the Caribbean for tsunami alerts, warning and testing messages. The ICG instructed WorkingGroup3 to explore whether faxing each Watch message during an actual incident is essential, with a view to decide if only the initial Watch Message could be faxed during an actual incident unless fax is the only means of notification. It further instructed PTWC to explore alternate technologies for sending fax messages to include (eFax) and report at the next ICG meeting. The ICG acknowledged that United States has agreed to work with ICG/CARIBE-EWS for the submission and approval of requests for additional high rate slots, and will work toward providing as many GOES slots to the Caribbean Region as possible. The ICG recommended to review and revise the following areas in the Communications Plan: (i) Section 4, Page 8 Product Dissemination to add new currently used technologies such as EMWIN, WIS etc and reflected new terms in the Acronym list; (ii) Section 5, Page 9 Communications Test to revise Tsunami Warning testing schedule; and (iii) Working Groups 1 & 3 to evaluate the sample products in Appendix 2. The ICG appointed MrJuan Luis Guzman (Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela) as chair of Working Group 4 on Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience and MrJuan Salado (Dominican Republic) as vice-chair. The ICG urged the USA to continue the phased implementation with the establishment of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center to serve the Caribbean and Western Atlantic Basin by December 2012; and requested the USA to present a schedule for fulfilling the requirements approved by the CARIBE-EWS for the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center including its full staffing at the Seventh session of the ICG. The ICG encouraged Nicaraguas and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelas continued efforts and technical advances for the establishment of an additional Regional Tsunami Warning Center in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center; invited the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to present a document defining the roles of the additional regional tsunami warning centres at the Seventh session of the ICG and encouraged other nations to further develop their capacities and additional tsunami warning centres in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center. The ICG agreed to have the next CARIBE-WAVE in 2013. It will be then evaluated for annual vs biannual. The ICG recommended that the exercise be conducted, when feasible, in partnership with the US LANTEX exercise. The ICG further recommended that the CARIBE-WAVE be the basis and platform for testing outreach and education effectiveness at the Country level. The ICG requested the Technical Secretariat to update the CARIBE-EWS Implementation Plan and to submit it to Member States by July 2011 The ICG acknowledged the offer from Curacao with appreciation and agreed to hold the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS in Curacao during the first semester of 2012. The ICG agreed March 2013 as a target date for the Eighth Session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS. Trinidad and Tobago offered to host the ICG/CARIBEEWS-VIII. Rsum excutif Le Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes (GIC/CARIBE-EWS) a tenu du 26 au 29 avril 2011 sa sixime session Saint-Domingue (Rpublique dominicaine). Y ont assist 70 reprsentants de 18 pays de la rgion et les observateurs de 3 organisations (PNUD, CDEMA et OMM). Parmi les principales questions examines la session figuraient notamment les suivantes: cration, Porto Rico, dun Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes (CTWC) et, la Barbade, dun Centre d'information sur les tsunamis dans les Carabes (CTIC), ainsi que les enseignements tirs de CARIBE WAVE 11 et le compte rendu de lexercice. Le GIC a encourag ses membres verser des contributions financires annuelles au CTIC. II est aussi convenu que le CTIC devrait laborer avec les parties prenantes cls au sein des tats membres, travers toute la rgion, un solide programme de formation et de communications sur le systme dalerte sous tous ses aspects. Le GIC est convenu en outre que le CTIC tablirait un plan daction qui comprendrait (1) un plan annuel de travail; (2) une stratgie quinquennale; (3) un budget et un plan de collecte de fonds de quatre ans; (4) une stratgie de partenariat; (5) un plan de communications; et (6) un rapport annuel. Le GIC est convenu quil importait de prospecter les mthodes qui permettraient, au lendemain dune catastrophe lie un tsunami, de faire une estimation du nombre de vies humaines sauves grce la prparation aux tsunamis. Le GIC a dcid de crer une quipe spciale compose de son bureau, du directeur du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans le Pacifique (PTWC) et du responsable du Programme d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes (CTWP), laquelle fournirait un retour dinformation pendant la mise au point de produits amliors dalerte aux tsunamis pour le GIC/CARIBE-EWS, validerait ces nouveaux produits, procdures et applications, et lui soumettrait un rapport, sa septime session. Lquipe spciale sera prside par le directeur du PTWC. Le GIC a charg le Groupe de travail 1 de crer une quipe spciale qui semploierait la mise en uvre intgrale des rseaux dobservation en apportant un appui aux tats membres afin quils puissent contribuer au CARIBE-EWS, avec leurs donnes dobservation et actions. Le GIC a dcid dorganiser un stage de formation au Modle d'interface pour les tsunamis l'intention des communauts (modle MOST de la NOAA), lequel sera accueilli par la France au cours du second semestre de 2011. Le GIC a charg le Groupe de travail 2 sur l'valuation des risques dtablir un catalogue des sources tsunamignes dans la rgion carabe (tectonique, glissement de terrain, volcans) et de coordonner un processus de validation pour les donnes relatives au run up dans la base de donnes de la NOAA/NGDC pour les Carabes. Il a charg par ailleurs le Groupe 2 de dresser un inventaire des modles de tsunamis qui sont actuellement utiliss dans les Carabes. Le GIC a demand que le Secrtariat technique dfinisse une page Web pour la mise en commun des procdures oprationnelles normalises, protocoles et normes. Le GIC est convenu de rviser le plan de communications du GIC/CARIBE-EWS, qui comprendrait les tests de communication des TWFP du PTWC, comme suit: procder des tests de communication le premier jeudi de chaque mois 15h30 (UTC/GMT), compter du 1er septembre 2011. Les TWFP des tats membres devraient, pendant ces tests mensuels, ne signaler au PTWC et au Secrtariat de la COI que les problmes et erreurs; procder deux fois par an, aux fins de la vrification par les TWFP, les tests de communication inopins. Pour ces tests, les TWFP des tats membres vrifieront la communication du PTWC (et tous les moyens reus et non reus) dans lheure qui suit (1 heure) le commencement du test inopin; toutes les vrifications par les pays se rapportant des problmes dcoulant des tests mensuels seront envoys au PTWC dans lheure (1 heure) afin de faciliter, sur une base mensuelle, lducation relative laction active ou laction rptitive. Le GIC a charg le Groupe de travail 3 sur l'alerte, la diffusion et la communication dvaluer les mcanismes automatiss de retour dinformation aux fins des tests de communication et de lui faire rapport sa septime session. Le GIC est convenu par ailleurs que le secrtariat technique notifie aux tats membres du GIC les tests qui doivent tre effectus titre dactivit courante. Il a aussi encourag les tats membres rpertorier, sur le plan interne, les messages reus du PTWC et dautres. Le GIC est convenu que le CTWP recueillerait auprs de chaque tat membre la mthode de rception des produits relatifs aux tsunamis en utilisant une matrice que le secrtariat technique ferait parvenir aux tats membres. Chaque tat membre devrait identifier au moins deux (2) modes de rception, au TWFP, de lavis du PTWC. Cela devrait tre une tche permanente dans le plan de mise en uvre. Le GIC a charg le Groupe de travail 3 sur l'alerte, la diffusion et la communication de rsoudre, en coopration avec le CTWP, le problme que prsente pour les messages dalerte et dessai le multilinguisme dans les Carabes. Le GIC a charg le Groupe de travail 3 de dterminer sil est indispensable denvoyer par tlcopie chaque message de veille pendant un incident rel, le but tant de dcider si seul le message de veille initial pourrait tre envoy par tlcopie pendant cet incident, moins que la tlcopie ne soit le seul moyen de transmission. Il a charg en outre le PTWC de prospecter les technologies de rechange pour lenvoi des messages par tlcopie, y compris eFax et de lui rendre compte sa prochaine session. Le GIC a pris acte que les tats-Unis taient convenus de contribuer, avec le GIC/CARIBE-EWS, la soumission et lapprobation des demandes de tranches horaires supplmentaires forte redevance et semploiera fournir la rgion des Carabes autant de tranches horaires du GOES que possible. Le GIC a recommand dexaminer et de rviser les domaines suivants dans le plan de communications: (i) section 4, page 8 diffusion des produits ajouter les technologies actuellement utilises, tels EMWIN et SIO, et, dans la Liste des sigles et abrviations, les nouveaux termes correspondants; (ii) section 5, page 9 test de communications rviser le calendrier des tests dalerte aux tsunamis, et (iii) les Groupes de travail 1 et 3 valueront les chantillons de l Appendice 2. Le GIC a nomm M. Juan Luis Guzman (Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela) Prsident du Groupe de travail 4 sur la prparation, la disponibilit oprationnelle et la rsilience, et M. Juan Salado (Rpublique dominicaine) Vice-Prsident. Le GIC a exhort les tats-Unis continuer la mise en uvre graduelle avec la cration du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes pour desservir les Carabes et le bassin de lAtlantique Ouest avant dcembre 2012, et a pri les tats-Unis de prsenter, sa septime session, un calendrier pour la mise en conformit avec les spcifications approuves par le CARIBE-EWS pour le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes, y compris la dotation complte en effectif. Le GIC a encourag laction soutenue que mnent le Nicaragua et la Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela et les progrs techniques raliss pour la cration de centres rgionaux supplmentaires d'alerte aux tsunamis lappui du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes, a invit la Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela prsenter, sa septime session, un document dans lequel seraient dfinis les rles des centres rgionaux supplmentaires dalerte aux tsunamis et encourag dautres pays renforcer encore leur capacit et poursuivre la mise au point des centres supplmentaires dalerte aux tsunamis lappui du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes. Le GIC est convenu de mener en 2013 le prochain exercice CARIBE WAVE. cette date une valuation serait faite pour dterminer si lexercice aurait lieu chaque anne ou tous les deux ans. Le GIC a recommand de mener lexercice, lorsque cela est possible, en partenariat avec lexercice amricain LANTEX. Le GIC a recommand en outre que CARIBE WAVE serve de base et la plate-forme pour tester lefficacit de la mobilisation des publics et lducation au niveau national. Le GIC a demand au secrtariat technique de mettre jour le Plan de mise en uvre du CARIBE-EWS et de le soumettre aux tats membres avant juillet 2011. Le GIC a pris acte, en lapprciant, de loffre faite par Curaao et est convenu dy tenir sa septime session au cours du premier semestre de 2012. Le GIC est convenu de mars 2013 comme date cible pour sa huitime session et Trinit-et-Tobago a offert daccueillir la session. Resumen dispositivo La sexta reunin del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes (ICG/CARIBE EWSVI) se celebr en Santo Domingo (Repblica Dominicana) del 26 al 29 de abril de 2011. Asistieron a la reunin 70 participantes de 18 pases del Caribe y tres observadores de organizaciones (el PNUD, el CDEMA y la OMM). Los principales temas discutidos en la reunin fueron el establecimiento de un Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe (CTWC) en Puerto Rico y el Centro de Informacin sobre los Tsunamis en el Caribe (CTIC) en Barbados, as como las lecciones aprendidas y el informe del ejercicio CARIBE WAVE 11. El ICG alent a los miembros del ICG a aportar contribuciones financieras anuales al CTIC. Tambin convino en que el CTIC deba dotarse de un vigoroso programa de formacin y comunicaciones entre el CTIC y los principales interesados en los Estados Miembros en la regin, relativo a todos los aspectos del sistema de alerta. El ICG acord adems que el CTIC deba preparar un plan institucional que comprendiera: 1)un plan de trabajo anual; 2) una estrategia quinquenal; 3) un presupuesto cuatrienal y un plan de recaudacin de fondos; 4) una estrategia de asociacin; 5) un plan de comunicaciones; y 6) un informe anual. El ICG convino en que era importante buscar metodologas para estimar, despus de un tsunami, la cantidad de vidas salvadas gracias a la preparacin para el fenmeno. El ICG decidi establecer un equipo de trabajo compuesto por la Mesa del ICG, el Director del Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Pacfico (PTWC) y el Administrador del Programa de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe (CTWP) encargado de reenviar informacin durante la elaboracin de productos mejorados de alerta contra los tsunamis para el ICG/CARIBE EWS, validar esos nuevos productos, procedimientos y puesta en prctica, y presentar un informe en la Sptima reunin del ICG/CARIBE EWS. Este equipo de trabajo ser presidido por el Director del PTWC. El ICG encarg al Grupo de Trabajo 1 que estableciera un equipo de trabajo que abordara la implantacin completa de las redes de observacin prestando apoyo a los Estados Miembros para permitirles aportar al CARIBE EWS sus datos de observaciones y actividades. El ICG decidi organizar una actividad de formacin sobre el ComMit (modelo MOST de la NOAA) que ser acogida por Francia en el segundo semestre de 2011. El ICG encarg al Grupo de Trabajo 2 sobre Evaluacin de riesgos que suministrara un catlogo de fuentes tsunamignicas en la regin del Caribe (tectnicas, deslizamiento de tierras, volcanes) y coordinara un proceso de validacin para los datos sobre la altura de inundacin de tsunamis en la base de datos NGDC de la NOAA para el Caribe. Encarg adems al Grupo de Trabajo 2 que preparara un inventario de los modelos de tsunamis que se utilizan en el Caribe. El ICG pidi que la Secretara Tcnica diseara una pgina web para intercambiar protocolos y normas sobre procedimientos normalizados de operaciones. El ICG convino en revisar el Plan de Comunicaciones del ICG/CARIBE EWS para incluir el siguiente calendario de pruebas de comunicacin del PTWC con los Puntos focales de alerta contra los tsunamis (TWFP): Efectuar pruebas de comunicacin el primer jueves de cada mes a las 15.30 horas (UTC/GMT) a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2011. Los Estados Miembros de los TWFP deben informar solamente de los problemas y errores ocurridos en estas pruebas mensuales al PTWC y a la Secretara de la COI. Efectuar dos veces por ao pruebas "sin aviso previo" de verificacin de comunicacin con los TWFP. Para estas pruebas, los TWFP de los Estados Miembros debern verificar la comunicacin con el PTWC (as como todos los medios recibidos y no recibidos) a ms tardar una (1) hora despus de la prueba sin aviso previo. Todos los problemas observados por los pases en estas pruebas mensuales debern comunicarse al PTWC a ms tardar una (1) hora despus para facilitar cada mes la educacin sobre "accin activa" o "accin repetitiva". El ICG encarg al Grupo de Trabajo 3 sobre Difusin y Comunicacin de Alertas que evaluara los mecanismos de retorno automatizado de informacin para las pruebas de comunicacin e informara al respecto en la Sptima reunin del ICG. El ICG acord adems que la Secretara Tcnica notificara a los Estados Miembros del ICG acerca de las pruebas de rutina previstas. Tambin alent a los Estados Miembros a que documentaran en el plano interno los mensajes recibidos del PTWC y otros. El ICG convino en que el CTWP recabara de cada Estado Miembro el mtodo de recepcin de los productos sobre tsunamis mediante una plantilla que ser enviada a los Estados Miembros por la Secretara Tcnica. Cada Estado Miembro ha de sealar al menos dos (2) mtodos de recepcin de la notificacin del PTWC al TWFP. Esta tarea debera tener carcter permanente en el Plan de implantacin. El ICG encarg al Grupo de Trabajo 3 sobre Difusin y Comunicacin de Alertas que, en cooperacin con el CTWP, examinara la cuestin del multilingismo en el Caribe para los mensajes de alerta contra tsunamis y los mensajes de prueba. El ICG encarg al Grupo de Trabajo 3 que averiguara si es indispensable faxear todos los Mensajes de Vigilancia durante un incidente real, a fin de determinar si se podra faxear nicamente el Mensaje de Vigilancia inicial durante un incidente real, a menos que el fax sea el nico medio de notificacin. Encarg asimismo al PTWC que buscara otras tecnologas de envo de mensajes por fax, incluyendo el fax electrnico, e informara al respecto en la siguiente reunin del ICG. El ICG apreci que los Estados Unidos de Amrica hubieran aceptado colaborar con el ICG CARIBE-EWS para la presentacin y aprobacin de solicitudes de conexiones adicionales de alta velocidad, y que procuraran proporcionar todas las conexiones que fuera posible con los satlites GOES para la regin del Caribe. El ICG recomend que se examinaran y revisaran los siguientes aspectos del Plan de Comunicaciones: i)Seccin 4, Pgina 8 Difusin de productos, a fin de aadir nuevas tecnologas actualmente en uso tales como EMWIN, WIS, etc., y los correspondientes nuevos trminos en la lista de siglas y acrnimos; ii) Seccin 5, Pgina 9 Prueba de comunicaciones, a fin de revisar el calendario de pruebas de Alerta contra tsunamis; y iii) la evaluacin de los productos de muestra del Apndice 2 por los Grupos de Trabajo 1 y 3. El ICG design Presidente del Grupo de Trabajo 4 sobre Preparacin, Capacidad operacional y Recuperacin al Sr.Juan Luis Guzmn (Venezuela) y Vicepresidente al Sr.Juan Salado (Repblica Dominicana). El ICG inst a los Estados Unidos de Amrica a proseguir el establecimiento gradual, antes de diciembre de 2012, del Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe para atender a la cuenca del Caribe y el Atlntico Occidental; y pidi a los Estados Unidos que en la Sptima reunin del ICG presentaran un calendario de cumplimiento de los criterios aprobados por el ICG/CARIBE EWS para el Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe, comprendida su plantilla completa. El ICG alent a Nicaragua y la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela a proseguir sus esfuerzos y avances tcnicos para el establecimiento de un Centro Regional de Alerta contra los Tsunamis adicional en apoyo al Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe; invit a la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela a presentar en su Sptima reunin un documento en el que se definan las funciones de los centros regionales de alerta adicionales; y alent a otros pases a desarrollar sus capacidades y establecer centros regionales de alerta adicionales para apoyar al Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe. El ICG convino en organizar el prximo ejercicio CARIBE WAVE en 2013, tras lo cual se determinar si conviene que tenga periodicidad anual o bienal. El ICG recomend que el ejercicio se realizara, en lo posible, en asociacin con el ejercicio LANTEX de los Estados Unidos de Amrica. El ICG recomend adems que CARIBE WAVE constituyera la base y la plataforma de ensayo del alcance y la eficacia educativa en el plano nacional. El ICG pidi a la Secretara Tcnica que actualizara el Plan de implantacin del CARIBE EWS y lo presentara a los Estados Miembros en julio de 2011. El ICG agradeci la propuesta de Curaao y acord celebrar su Sptima reunin en Curaao en el curso del primer semestre de 2012. El ICG acord que marzo de 2013 sera la fecha apropiada para celebrar su Octava reunin. Trinidad y Tobago ofreci acoger esa reunin. P01>G55 @57N<5 (5AB0O A5AA8O 56?@028B5;LAB25==>9 :>>@48=0F8>==>9 3@C??K ?> !8AB5<5 ?@54C?@5645=8O > FC=0<8 8 >?0A=>AB8 4@C38E 154AB289 2 ?@81@56=KE @09>=0E 0@81A:>3> 10AA59=0 8 ?@8;530NI8E @538>=>2 (/ -! -VI) A>AB>O;0AL 2 3.!0=B>-><8=3>, ><8=8:0=A:0O 5A?C1;8:0, 26-29 0?@5;O 2011 3. 0 A5AA88 ?@8ACBAB2>20;8 70 CG0AB=8:>2 87 18AB@0= 0@81A:>3> @538>=0 8 =01;N40B5;8 >B B@5E >@30=870F89 ( ,  8 ).  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MrBernardo Aliaga, Technical Secretary ICG/CARIBE-EWS, on behalf of UNESCOs Director General, MsIrina Bokova, and IOCs Executive Secretary, MsWendy Watson-Wright, thanked kindly the Government of the Dominican Republic for receiving the coordination group in Santo Domingo. During his intervention, MrAliaga stressed that lives are the most valuable asset that we have and losing them by neglect or ignorance is unacceptable. He indicated that while the lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 are still on the wall, new disasters in Chile, Haiti or Japan came to remind threatened communities not to relax efforts to build warning capabilities, preparedness measures and community based response. He expressed that thanks to the impulse of the ICG, the Caribbean sea level and seismic observational networks and emergency communication mechanisms are improving at an accelerated rate, which are good news for the region. Chair DrLorna Inniss in turn welcomed the delegations emphasizing that as a Member of a small island developing state herself, she fully appreciates the efforts made to overcome both financial and capacity challenges in order to support the process engaged through the ICG. Then, she acknowledged the progress made in Haiti since 2010, towards the development of a resilient national multi-hazard warning system, and invited the audience to stand up with her and have a moment of silence to reflect on those in Japan, who are still weeping, because of the tragic loss of loved ones. She expressed that every major catastrophic event reminds us of the enormity of the task at hand. And when we consider that Japan is one of the best prepared countries in the world for major earthquakes and tsunamis, the tendency is to exchange complacency for futility. Chairperson DrInniss shared her concern about complacency when speaking about disasters. She reminded that the recent events showed clearly that preparedness minimizes losses both loss of life and assets. She added that media are a key partner to prepare for, and respond to, these events, and suggested working with media as a priority consideration for the work of the ICG going forward. DrInniss indicated that improved capability for tsunami response was tested very well at the recently conducted CARIBE WAVE2011 tsunami exercise held on 23 March. She offered, on behalf of the ICG, congratulations and sincere thanks to ICG Vice-Chair and head of the CARIBE WAVE2011 ICG Task Team, MsChrista von Hillebrandt for her extremely hard work and dedication in ensuring success in the first ever tsunami test throughout the region. She also stressed the crucial role of the Tsunami Unit at UNESCO/IOC towards the tsunami programme in the region. She conveyed heartfelt thanks to the Government and people of the Dominican Republic and its high level of commitment and support for the goals and ideals of the ICG that are source of inspiration to others to follow its great example. EngineerGloria Ceballos, General Director of the Dominican Republics Meteorology National Office (ONAMET), expressed her satisfaction of having the privilege of hosting the ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI. MsCeballos stressed the important role of all the scientist and technicians that work to mitigate the impact of tsunamis in the region which represents a very important asset for communities that live with this permanent threat. She highlighted as well the crucial role of education to prevent loses of lives in case of tsunami, the importance of having response plans at community level and of looking for synergies among all the relevant institutions. On behalf of the Government of the Dominican Republic, Eng.Ceballos warmly welcomed all participants. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Chair informed the Plenary that the agenda was prepared by the Secretariat and the Officers taking into account the Recommendations and instructions given at ICG/CARIBEEWS-V, as well as the relevant parts of the IOC Rules of Procedures. She also informed delegates that the Officers suggest one amendment to the agenda, to replace under agenda item5.1, the presentation on the experience of Bridgetown (Barbados) with a presentation on the Tsunami Manual for Port Operators, to be presented by a representative of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN). United Kingdom (Anguilla) proposed to include under agenda item3.5, a report about the Common Alerting Protocols (CAP) Implementers Workshop held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 6 and 7 April 2011. The agenda was approved with the above amendments. DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Chair requested delegates to propose candidates for Rapporteur of the meeting. As customary at the ICG/CARIBEEWS meetings, it was requested to choose one rapporteur for each of the three languages of the meeting (English, French and Spanish). United States, France and Dominican Republic were proposed to provide rapporteurs. The Chair informed the Session that, as per established practices for subsidiary bodies, there is not a line by line approval of the report but only of the decisions and recommendations. The ICG approved the proposals and thanked the United States, France and Dominican Republic for providing the rapporteurs. CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION The Chair noted that interpretation was available in French, English and Spanish. She informed the Plenary that in order to facilitate the proceedings of the meeting a timetable had been prepared by the Secretariat in coordination with the Officers and the local organising committee. At this point, she offered the floor to the local host to provide logistic details above the planned field trip to the locality of Matancitas in Nagua, to the north east of Dominican Republic. The Secretariat was solicited about the logistics for Working Groups and Plenary. The chair opened the floor for comments from delegates on the timetable, contained in Document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/1 Prov. Provisional Timetable (English only). In response to a question from France, the ICG decided to discuss and exchange views about the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan under point3.6. PTWC was asked to provide a report on the operational response to this event. The Timetable was approved as is by delegates. In order to smooth the work of the session and facilitate the generation of recommendations and agreements, the plenary decided to set up six intra-sessionnal Working Groups to address some of the major issues to be discussed at the meeting. Four of them to contribute to update the four main components of the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan (Monitoring and Detection Systems and Warning Guidance; Hazard Assessment; Warning Dissemination and Communication; and Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience), all of them under the Chairmanship of their respective inter-sessional established Working Groups, one to address the Work Plan of the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) under the Chairmanship of Saint Lucia and one to discuss about Programme & Budget for 20122013 under the Chairship of USA. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARYS REPORT The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBEEWS, MrBernardo Aliaga, presented the report of the Executive Secretary. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/5 and briefly reported on actions led or coordinated by the Secretariat in 20102011, in particular Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) trainings held in Haiti and in several countries of the Indian Ocean including Tanzania and Mozambique. He also made reference to post-event assessments conducted after the 27 February 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile, and after the 25 October 2010 Sumatra Tsunami that affected the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia. He further mentioned specific projects to develop or reinforce tsunami early warning systems in Oman, South America and Haiti, and one risk assessment and awareness project in the Makran zone, Indian Ocean. He emphasized that all these initiatives are guided by the respective ICGs and are developed jointly by Member States. The ICG noted the report of the Executive Secretary CHAIRPERSON`S REPORT The Chair of ICG/CARIBEEWS, DrLorna Inniss, presented the report recalling that the South Sandwich Islands event on 6 March 2011 was the only event triggering the CARIBEEWS since the last ICG session. She stated that monitoring and detection is one of the areas where there are still challenges. She noted that it is the responsibility of each Member State to contribute to ensure monitoring and detection systems capabilities for tsunami are in place in the region. She encouraged Member States to have a multi-hazard approach aligned with standards for tsunami warning. Regarding communication systems, DrInniss recalled that for those countries that have Meteorological services as TWFP, they should ensure that the WMO Global telecommunication System (GTS) is working correctly, and encouraged those countries that do not have access to GTS to secure alternate reception modes including the Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN). DrInniss noted the need of training for local meteorological offices that are TWFP and mentioned that Saint Lucia developed specific training for TWFP and Tsunami National Contacts (TNC). Santa Lucia offered a copy of the training programme to those delegates interested in this training programme. Furthermore, DrInniss informed that the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) has been invited to become an observer of the ICG and mentioned the possible cooperation that CIMH could provide regarding EMWIN training and hazard assessment in the region. She stressed the need for more interaction among ICGs and recognised the usefulness and contributions of the inter-ICG task teams and the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG). Finally, she mentioned that the ICG/CARIBE has gained some visibility among other fora and meetings as in the Annual Comprehensive Disaster Management Conference held from 6 to 10 December 2010 in Montego Bay, Jamaica; the Technical Cooperation Workshop for Development of the Caribbean Regional Cooperation Programme in Multi-Hazard Early Warning System organised in Barbados from 2 to 5 November 2010 in Christ Church, Barbados; the Workshop on Enhancing Resilience in the Caribbean organised by UNDP on 2 and 3 March 2011 in Bridgetown, Barbados, and the Regional Risk Reduction Initiative (R3I) Technical Meetings organised in Anguilla (UK) from 26 to 29 January 2011. The ICG noted the report of the Chair. CARIBEEWS SECRETARIAT REPORT The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBEEWS, MrBernardo Aliaga, presented the report of the Secretariat. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/8 ICG/CARIBEEWS-V Recommendations Status Report and briefly addressed the status of accomplishment of the recommendations agreed by the ICG at previous meetings. MrAliaga indicated that the TWFP and TNC list was fully checked before the CARIBEWAVE11 Exercise and described in detail the procedure indicated in the CARIBEEWS Communications Plan to nominate and update contact details for TWFP and TNC. He praised the support of Caribbean Member States Permanent Delegations in UNESCO that have greatly contributed to raise funding towards the completion of the tsunami sea level network in the region, with financial contributions from Brazil, Monaco and Saint Vincent and The Grenadines. Under this item, the floor was offered as well to MrCesar Toro, Secretary for the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) to report on IOCARIBE activities. MrToro introduced his presentation referring to the contributions of the IOCARIBE towards the High-Level Objectives and Actions of the IOC Medium and Long-Term Strategy. MrToro referred in particular to the IOCARIBE-GOOS Strategic Planning Meeting which updated the IOCARIBE-GOOS governance component, decided the creation of an IOCARIBE-GOOS Working Group and recommended developing a six year Implementation Plan that shall address the sea level and coastal meteorology components of the observing system. It also was agreed the establishment of National GOOS Committees for the IOCARIBE Region. Furthermore, MrToro noted that IOC of UNESCO and UNESCO Sciences sector organised jointly with Barbados Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU) a Caribbean Regional Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management from 16 to 18 March 2011 in Barbados. The main objective of the meeting was to assist Member States in building the resilience of SIDS economies mainly dependant on coastal tourism using knowledge and expertise of the CZMU to help them developing their own capacity to manage coastal areas. Following the report of MrToro, the Chair stressed the importance of national internal coordination among TWFP/TNC and the IOC Official Focal Point. IOCARIBE Secretary recalled delegates the advantages of having close contact with Permanent Delegations of UNESCO in Paris as well to promote IOC programmes. The ICG noted the report of the ICG/CARIBEEWS and IOCARIBE Secretariats. REPORT OF THE CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER (CTIC) The Chair opened this item by recalling delegates that ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV recommended that Member States identify funding for CTIC activities within their annual regular budgets (Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV.6) and that ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV agreed to address the issue of Member States financial contributions to the CTIC during this session. The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBEEWS, MrBernardo Aliaga, recalled that the CTIC is been established thanks to a three-year funding agreement between UNDP OECS Subregional Office and the Government of Italy, under the framework of the project Enhancing Resilience to reduce vulnerability in the Caribbean. He referred to the diplomatic note received from the Permanent Delegation of Barbados to UNESCO stating its willingness to host CTIC and reported that the Government of Barbados and UNESCO are yet to identify the administrative mechanisms to run such a centre. MrAliaga stressed that it is necessary that the ICG has a clear definition about financial support that Member States can provide to CTIC in order to finalize officially the agreement with the Government of Barbados and UNPD. The representative of UNPD OECS Subregional Office, MrIan King, informed that a work plan regarding the structure of the CTIC has been developed and revised and expressed its willingness to continue working with the Government of Barbados and UNESCO for the further formulation of this plan. MrKing stated that it is expected to have significant advance on this matter by the end of 2011. The Chair recalled that France and Venezuela have undertaken initiatives regarding possible contributions and encouraged Member States to participate at the intra-sessional Working Group on CTIC and define mechanisms to explicit financial contributions because concrete offers are needed to go forward with the project. MsDawn French (St Lucia), Chair of the intra-sessional Working Group established for this agenda item, reported on the proposed updates to the CTIC Work Plan for 2011. The sessional Working Group recommended that CTIC and ITIC, as the regional information centre for the Caribbean and Pacific, respectively, work together to share resources and training opportunities, especially targeting small island nations and countries that share both the ocean basins. It was also proposed to develop a web-based information management system for the CTIC to achieve its objectives in all relevant languages before 2013. The group also proposed that CTIC realize an inventory and compile the available information resources and conduct a gap analysis, both in terms of information, as well as availability in English, French and Spanish, to the extent possible by 2014, and develop a strategy to fill the gaps. The group proposed to invite collaborative programmes and donor partnerships with such regional organizations as Cariforum, ACS, OAS, among others. MsFrench indicated that the group considered that having finalized these institutional arrangements, the partners in CTIC and the wider Caribbean region will be able to secure resources (financial, human, equipment and others) to support the 20112014 programme. The CTIC Work Plan will be based on four pillars: (i) finalize the tsunami education strategies at the national level; (ii) support education and awareness efforts in schools (iii) develop and distribute an array of culturally appropriate public education materials; (iv) develop a similar partnership initiative for the wider Caribbean region as appropriate. In addition, CTIC will support the full Integration of Countries in Regional Decision-making on the Tsunami Warning System, and will assist Member States to participate in Working Groups and ICG plenary meetings to the extent possible according to the UNESCO rules. Moreover, training programmes for key operators with national responsibilities within the warning system will be undertaken. It is planned also to conduct training for tsunami warning focal points and alternates between 20112012, and training on SOPs and communications protocols between 20112014. Barbados indicated its willingness to finalize a formal agreement with UNESCO in 2011. Barbados, Venezuela and France agreed to formalize their collaborative roles working with the CTIC to fulfil its overall objectives, taking into account language and diversity of the region. The ICG encouraged ICG members to make annual financial contributions to the CTIC. The ICG agreed that CTIC should develop a robust training and communications programme between the CTIC and key stakeholders within Member States throughout the region on all aspects of the warning system. The ICG furthermore agreed that CTIC shall create a business plan that includes: (i) an annual work plan; (ii) a five-year strategy; (iii) a four-year budget and fund-raising plan; (iv) a partnership strategy; (v) a communications plan; and (vi) an annual report. The ICG adopted  HYPERLINK \l "Rec1" Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.1. REPORTS FROM UN AND NON UN ORGANISATIONS MrEdgard Cabrera, Head of the Marine Services Division of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), noted the progress that ICG/CARIBE has reached since its first meeting in Barbados in 2006. He provided a brief introduction of WMO and its specialized programmes, highlighting the marine programme that was initially designed to serve Navy and Marine Merchant activities but that has been extended to other coastal and oceans users. MrCabrera recalled that WMO supports IOC in tsunami warning issues and recalled that globally 50% of TWFP are meteorological offices. He referred to the Storm Surges Workshop held in Santo Domingo in February 2011, and mentioned that WMO promotes a multi-hazard approach for the Caribbean Region. Furthermore, MrCabrera highlighted the limitations in the observational component and recalled that WMO has a policy of free and not restricted data exchange. Trinidad and Tobago inquired about coordination matters regarding WMO meetings. The representative of Bermuda and MrCabrera reported that a web site is being used to post advanced notice of WMO meetings to raise awareness among potential participants. SaintLucia pointed out the importance of providing access to communication tools used by WMO and training also to alternate TWFPs like the Police and Fire Department in the case of St Lucia. Anguilla (UK) reported on the WMO facilitated Common Alert Protocol Implementers Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, on 6 and 7 April 2011, which was a high level meeting with some key technology players such as Google, ITU, Sahana, Bing and ESRI, as well as key implementers and interested countries and territories such as Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Anguilla (UK). Anguilla (UK) indicated that they are in an advance stage of implementing CAP for all hazards including tsunamis. STATUS OF OTHER ICGs This item was presented by MrBernardo Aliaga, Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBEEWS. He summarized the status of progress of ICG/IOTWS, ICG/NEAMTWS and ICG/PTWS. He indicated that for the Indian Ocean the new Regional Tsunami Service Provider scheme (RTSP) will come into service later in 2011. Under this scheme there will be a forecast based system, defining threat/no threat zones, with sea level used for confirmation. RTSP public bulletins and website will reflect national warning status as supplied by the National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs). A presentation about the Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 was also delivered under this agenda item. DrCharles McCreery, Head of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), presented a time line of the actions of the PTWC and the North West Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) during the Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami. He presented also the RIFT models developed for this event to forecast inundation and run-up. MrMcCreery stated that it was a 5001000 year event, with amplitudes superior to 2m as far away as Chile. It caused probably more than 25,000 casualties in Japan and there were two casualties outside Japan. He considered the monitoring a general success for PTWS and stated that probably hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to tsunami awareness and preparedness including through warning systems. As lessons learned, MrMcCreery mentioned that it is necessary to be prepared for the largest credible event even if a 5001000 year event and that another level of warning for potential mega-tsunami could be implemented. Furthermore, he recommended to locate nuclear power plant emergency generators above maximum credible tsunami. The discussion in plenary focused on the importance of changing the paradigm from lives lost to lives saved, underpinning financial efforts for tsunami risk reduction. In this respect, Curacao proposed an agenda item for next ICG meeting in order to define a scheme to stress lives saved in the communication activities and encouraged other ICG Members to propose ideas in this respect. The ICG/CARIBEEWS Vice-Chair DrChrista von Hillebrandt-Andrade noted that there are reports indicating that not all of mitigation structures including sea wall and earthquake resistant buildings were washed away. The ICG/CARIBEEWS Technical Secretary emphasized the need for adequate territorial planning, avoiding building residences in high risk zones. Finally, the Chairperson noted the importance of including tsunami and storm surges mitigation initiatives into integrated coastal management. The ICG agreed that it is important to explore methodologies to assess after a tsunami event the amount of lives saved due to tsunami preparedness. NATIONAL PROGRESS REPORTS Delegates made short presentations on main actions and status of their national tsunami and other coastal hazards warning systems. Anguilla (UK), Aruba (Kingdom of the Netherlands), Barbados, Bermuda (UK), Curacao (Kingdom of the Netherlands), Dominican Republic, France, Haiti, Panama, Saint Lucia, United States, and Venezuela presented national reports. The delegate of Anguilla (UK) stated that the Government of Anguilla, National Disaster Management Committee, the Department of Disaster Management, and partner stakeholders, are committed to the completion of a comprehensive multilingual-multimedia all hazard alert, warning and notification system for the country. The first and second phases of the process included standardized International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) 2006 Piloted RDS, implemented communications backbone, SMS, Roster email, Popup, RDS and Radio Interrupt 2007/8; The delegate of Anguilla indicated that the national level Warning Working Group for activation of protocols and policy development, and TWFP(s) are clearly defined and trained. The third phase is in progress and includes Tsunami Hot Button Activation; VHF SkyKing Radio; evaluate social media security issues; and developing and testing R3I mutual aid activation concept. The delegate also informed that a Pre-R3I Meeting coordination meeting was held with France, Netherland Antilles and IGC/CARIBEEWS. She indicated that the development of the R3I Multi-Lingual Public Registration Portal is in progress. Aruba reported on the new department responsible for meteorological and seismological activities on Aruba. The new department named 'Departamento Meteorologico Aruba (DMA)' has been appointed by the government of Aruba as the source for Meteorological, Seismological and Climatological data for Aruba, as well as the official governmental entity to issue severe weather bulletins for Aruba. Employees of DMA will receive seismological training in 2011 by a private company, and the same company will upgrade the seismological softwares of DMA. DMA will be upgrading its tsunami SOPs in 2011 and will be conducting exercises related to natural disasters with the local Emergency Management Office of Aruba. Barbados informed that national Working Groups have been established matching the regional framework, plus one Working Group on coastal evacuation. These Working Groups form the Standing Committee on Coastal Hazards with Department of Emergency Management (DEM) and CZMU as Co-Chairs. The private sector has been invited to participate at the Committee. Activities of the Committee include monitoring of the seismic network information, upgrading tide gauges once funding is identified and development of public awareness activities. The Committee was also responsible of organizing the participation of Barbados at the CARIBEWAVE Exercise. Bermuda (UK) reported on the events they faced during the inter-sessional period including a 4.6 magnitude earthquake on 18 April 2011 (at 12:38 PM local time) that was triggered around 50miles west of Bermuda. There was not tsunami danger and the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WCATWC) phoned in as a courtesy to advice on details. The delegate informed that the Minister of Environment has been briefed on local needs for bathymetry mapping, monitoring systems, hazard assessment, mitigation and public awareness and preparation. Bermuda also reported on its participation in the CARIBEWAVE Exercise. Curacao informed that works related to tsunami hazard are delegated to a national commission (CoTsuRiMa - Commissie Tsunami Risk Management). Curacao mentioned their efforts regarding risk assessment, and monitoring and detection systems. In this regard, a sea level station (CUR) has been installed in cooperation with UHSLC & NOAA and the PRSN, EMWIN is available and three seismometers have been installed (Corporation KNMI). Plans include an additional seismometer and GPS-system. Curacao also reported on its participation at the CARIBEWAVE Exercise where gaps were identified as need of response plans at community level. In addition to the presentation, Curacao informed that the Netherlands Antilles has ceased to exist as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 10 October 2010. From that day on, the Kingdom consists of four parts: the Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao and Saint Martin. The islands enjoy internal self-government within the Kingdom, which implies a new structure of the meteorological services, having each island its own meteorological service. Dominican Republic reported on the implementation of a tsunami unit at ONAMET and active cooperation with PRSN. The delegate indicated that Dominican Republic has received equipment and training for EWMIN and has conducted several activities for tsunami awareness. The country participated as well at the CARIBEWAVE Exercise. France reported on its efforts to improve the seismological network (five seismic stations contributing to the Caribbean) and the tide gauge network. The delegate reported that shallow water bathymetry (isobaths30m and topography) for Guadeloupe and Martinique will be delivered in 2012. Haiti presented their efforts to install a seismic network and the activities conducted within the framework of the project Strengthening Haitian Tsunami Warning Services for Coastal Hazards coordinated by a Steering Committee of national agencies and UNESCO. Among the activities mentioned, it is to note the participation at the Caribbean EMWIN training in Puerto Rico, a visit to the PRSN and a SOP workshop held in Port-au-Prince. Plans include the installation of a tide gauge in Port-au-Prince and the installation of a CTBTO National Data Centre at the Bureau de Mines et de lEnergie (BdME). Panama reported on the efforts to improve the infrastructure of the Geosciences Institute that will host the National Tsunami Warning Centre. It is planned to acquire tide gauges and EMWIN equipments as well as to develop redundant communication system with the ports and other relevant areas. Saint Lucia presented a video developed for tsunami awareness. The delegate of Saint Lucia expressed her willingness to share this material to delegations interested. United States reaffirmed that the responsibility for issuing tsunami warning information to the Caribbean is currently shared by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC). The Area of Responsibility (AOR) of the WC/ATWC includes the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico of the USA, Eastern Canada, and in the interim includes Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. PTWC covers the rest of the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. The delegate of USA indicated that on 1 February 2010, NWS established the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program (http://www.srh.noaa.gov/srh/ctwp), collocated with the Puerto Rico Seismic Network at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagez. Currently it is staffed by the Manager and one student. Plans are underway to hire additional personnel by September 2011. This is the first step of the U.S. phased deployment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center. The CTWP worked with local, national and international stakeholders and partner to improve tsunami monitoring (Sea Level, Seismic and GPS), warning (new forecast models), communications (EMWIN Workshop and the CARIBEWAVE exercise) and education and preparedness efforts, including the TsunamiReady program. Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) reported on its efforts to conduct hazard assessment and improve the national seismic network, which include the installation of Earthworm to process seismic data. Studies on paleotsunamis have been conducted in different zones and different education and public awareness initiatives have been undertaken, especially with schools. Venezuela participated at the CARIBEWAVE which included the elaboration of a website for information to the public and drills at community level. All National Reports presented at this session of the ICG are available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventDocs&eventID=774&lang=en&Itemid" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventDocs&eventID=774&lang=en&Itemid= INTERIM ADVISORY SERVICES REPORT (PTWC) DrChip McCreery presented a report from PTWC on the interim services provided to ICG/CARIBEEWS. DrMcCreery stated that PTWC responded to more than 500 global earthquakes during the last year. PTWC issued Observatory Messages for 16earthquakes in the Caribbean with more than 6minutes average response time (more seismic data) and Observatory Messages for 13earthquakes in the Atlantic. Furthermore, PTWC issued Caribbean Tsunami Bulletins for just 1 of the earthquakes above: A Tsunami Information Statement for a magnitude 6.6Mw earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands. DrMcCreery further stated that based on the CARIBEWAVE Exercise feedback, most TWFPs appear to be receiving Bulletins from PTWC in a timely way, but that communication tests are currently unable to verify or confirm most designated methods of communication. He explained that communication tests are difficult because the level of response is inadequate to really test the system. He proposed to conduct monthly tests on a particular day and particular hour. DrMcCreery recalled that the current message criteria are based on limited historical data and are very conservative for safety reasons, which may lead to over-warning. In addition, there is no information about levels of impact. Considering these limitations of current warning criteria, DrMcCreery presented a series of proposed changes in message criteria and solicited feedback to PTWC on the development of new procedures, criteria and products based on model forecasts; testing and staging their implementation; taking into account the strengths and limitations of forecasting, the needs of the Member States; and also taking into account the TOWS-WG recommendations. In addition, he mentioned that one of the shortcomings of the proposed model for the Caribbean is that the model needs to be confirmed with sea level readings which might be a problem if the current gaps for real time sea level data in the Caribbean persist. DrMcCreery indicated that PTWC is having high fax costs for event messaging. He proposed to send just the first message by fax for tsunami events and continue through other mechanisms (web, email), also that for countries having provided several fax numbers they should confirm if all the numbers are necessary. The Chair, inquired about methods of message dissemination in the region. Most of the countries confirmed to receive warning messages by mail, SMS and fax. Some use GTS but reported problems with the audio. Curacao (Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Bermuda (UK) indicated they agree to use fax as starting point and move afterwards to email and SMS. Bermuda (UK) proposed that GTS should be considered as primary channel for countries that have access to it. Saint Lucia reported problems for its alternate TWFP to receive warning products. The Chair reminded that every TWFP must be aware of the ICG/CARIBEEWS-II/11 Communications Plan for the Interim Tsunami Advisory Information Service to the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions, particularly to be able to propose amendments if required. In the exchange of views that followed, there was no agreement on the way forward with respect to the establishment of a fix day/time for communication tests. This matter was discussed by the intra-sessional group on Warning Dissemination and Communication (Agenda item4.3.). WORKING GROUP PROGRESS REPORTS WORKING GROUP 1 PROGRESS REPORT: MONITORING AND DETECTION SYSTEMS, WARNING GUIDANCE This agenda item was presented by MrEmilio Talavera (Nicaragua), Chair of Working Group 1. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-V/9, Working Group 1 Report. MrTalavera informed that in 2010 the National Science Foundation funded the Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network (COCONet). As part of this project, the plan is to install 50GPS stations in the Caribbean and integrate 50 existing GPS stations. A meeting of USA and Caribbean stakeholders and researchers was held on 3 and 4 February 2011 in San Juan Puerto Rico. The Workshop Geophysical Hazards and Plate Boundary Processes in Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean was held from 24 to 27 October 2010 in Heredia, Costa Rica, to build seismological collaboration and capacity. In February 2011, the leaders of the Working Groups met again to follow-up on actions, it was also proposed to call the initiative ALMA (Alliance for Middle America). MrTalavera reported that the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme (CTWP) has been tracking data availability from the CARIBEEWS seismic stations in real time for tsunami warning purposes and at IRIS for research applications. As of March 2011, 74% (73/98) of the seismic stations of the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan are contributing in real time. Sixteen per cent (16/98) do not contribute data to the system, for 8stations funding needs to be identified, while 2 are in planning stages. There are 26stations from the Atlantic and 6 from the Pacific that are also monitored for tsunami warning purposes. MrTalavera noted that this marks a significant improvement over last year with new data being contributed from Mexico, Colombia and the Cayman Islands. On IRIS, a virtual seismic network was established to view the status of seismic data from Caribbean seismic stations being archived at the Data Management Centre ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iris.edu/gmap/CARIBE-EWS" http://www.iris.edu/gmap/). The PRSN also has a graphical tool where one can view data from seismic stations contributing to the warning component of the system ( HYPERLINK "http://prsn.uprm.edu/" \t "_parent" http://prsn.uprm.edu). MrTalavera recalled that within the framework of the CPER project, in the next two years, 4Broadband (BB) stations will be installed in the Guadeloupe archipelago, one will be installed in Saint Barthlmy (close to Saint Martin). As well, the two-year TSUAREG InterReg project (European Commission) aiming at strengthening the seismological monitoring network and the sea-level monitoring network in the Lesser Antilles has been funded. It is a collaborative project between the Martinique and Guadeloupe Volcanological and seismological Observatories (from the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, IPGP), the SHOM (French Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service), Mto-France (French Meteorological Service), the Conseil Gnral de la Martinique (Martinique General Council, CGMA) and the Seismological Research Center SRC (The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago). In addition, four real-time-broad band stations will be installed in Martinique Island and four real time broadband stations will been installed in Cariacou, Northern Santa Lucia, Northern Dominica and Antigua in collaboration with SRC. Nicaragua has installed one new BB station in Cosiguina Volcano and will install eight BB stations in the north of country, in 20112012. Data will be delivered in real time and shared with other institutions. MrTalavera reported that with the support of IOCARIBE, the CTWP developed a Google Map interface to view the status of sea level stations in the Caribbean and Adjacent regions. It can be accessed through the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.srh.noaa.gov/srh/ctwp/" \t "_parent" http://www.srh.noaa.gov/srh/ctwp/). Currently, the implementation plan includes 106sea level stations. Seven correspond to DART buoys, while 99 are coastal sea level stations in the Caribbean. Of these 99coastal stations, 31% (31) are contributing data within 6minutes over GOES and FTP, 27stations are existing, but either the data is not available or is transmitted with a time delay greater than 6minutes, 28stations are planned to be installed while funding needs to be identified for 9stations to cover gap areas. There are two stations whose status is unknown, while two others are non operational, but not considered a priority. Over the past year, new stations were installed by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC) and the PRSN in Dominican Republic (2) and Curacao (1). By June 2011, additional stations in Haiti, Dominica, Grenada and Barbuda will have been installed or upgraded. Moreover, the three sea level gauges belonging to SHOM (le Royale in French Guyana, Fort de France in Martinique, and Pointe Pitre in Guadeloupe) will be upgraded and the transmission will be real time. The Martinique General Council will upgrade its sea level gauge (Le Prcheur) and install a new tide gauge on the eastern coast of Martinique. MrTalavera indicated that WG1 has inquired and be assured that the United States can assign priority for available slots on GOES for high frequency transmission rates, recognizing its relevance for tsunami warning purposes. MrTalavera also reported on the second UNESCO/IOC/CARIBE EWS-GLOSS Caribbean Training Course for Operators of Sea Level Stations that took place from 24 to 28 January 2011 in St.George, Grenada. The first course had been held in June 2008 in Mayagez, Puerto Rico. Curacao nominated MsPdzi V.J. Girigori to Working Group1. The intra-sessional Working Group highlighted in its report to the plenary that the core observing networks are not fully implemented and priority should be placed on: (i) ensuring that those observing stations, that are not currently contributing to the CARIBEEWS, be integrated into the system on a priority basis; and (ii) funding the acquisition, installation and operation of the stations required to fill the gaps of the core network. The intra-sessional Working Group considered that the PTWC and other warning and monitoring centres are currently working on developing new tsunami warning operational products and recognized the recommendations of IOC Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) in this respect. The ICG decided to establish a Task Team composed by the ICG Officers, Director of the PTWC and Manager of CTWP, to provide feedback during the development of enhanced tsunami warning products for the ICG/CARIBEEWS, validate these new products, procedures and implementation and provide a report to the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS. This Task Team will be chaired by the director of the PTWC. The ICG instructed Working Group1 to establish a Task Team to address the full implementation of the observing networks by providing support to Member States to allow them to contribute their observational data to CARIBEEWS and install seismic, sea level and GPS observation system. The Task Team should present a report at the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS. WORKING GROUP2 PROGRESS REPORT: HAZARD ASSESSMENT This agenda item was introduced by DrAurelio Mercado (USA), Chair of Working Group2. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/10 Working Group2 Report. DrMercado started his intervention by reporting on the activities conducted in Puerto Rico (USA). Among these activities, he mentioned that computer runs have been finalized for a new generation of tsunami inundation maps for 276local sources using the MOST model. During the summer of 2011, inundation maps for selected landslide tsunamis scenarios will be started. He indicated that paleotsunami studies are being carried out by MsZamara Fuentes, from the Geology Department at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagez Campus, under the guidance of DrBrian Atwater of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). MsElizabeth Klute (Anguilla, UK) presented the activities conducted in Anguilla regarding hazard assessment in the framework of the R3I project. She mentioned, among others, the workshop that was held in Anguilla from 26 to 29 January 2011, which included the topic of tsunami deposits. She noted as well that full new GIS data layer takeoffs, GIS database development are key deliverables as well as a 50cm Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for flood and tsunami modelling for Anguilla. These will guide their national hazard, risk and vulnerability assessment, sea level change monitoring, evacuation planning and siren location modelling. DrMercado reported as well on the activities held in different Caribbean countries and territories. In British Virgin Islands and in Saint Martin, bathymetry and topography data were gathered as part of the R3I project to produce tsunami and storm surge inundation maps. He also confirmed that the bathymetry and topography high resolution LIDAR data collected for Guadeloupe and Martinique in 20102011 will be available in December 2012. In Dominican Republic, tsunamis were included in the JCOMM/TCP Workshop for Storm Surges and Waves Forecasting, held at Santo Domingo from 21 to 26 February 2011 (WMO). In addition, DrMercado reported on the main outcomes of the systematic search of paleotsunamis in the geologic record of Venezuela low coastlands that was launched in 2009. Bermuda (UK) asked what the minimum resolution is for tsunami modelling purposes for countries that do not have bathymetry. DrMercado answered that 90meters resolution or higher. This is especially important for islands in the Caribbean where the coast is very irregular and therefore there is a high level of dissipation. Barbados informed that funding has been secured to conduct tsunami hazard assessment in the country. The intra-sessional group reaffirmed the need of high resolution bathymetry and topography and that it be shared. It also suggested to Integrate tsunami warning system with existing and planned coastal hazard mitigation and preparedness systems, as part of the tasks of Working Group4 on Preparedness Readiness and Resilience. The intra-sessional group recommended to update and enlarge existing tsunami hazard maps building on the existing CDEMA and CEPREDENAC previous efforts. The ICG decided to organize a training on ComMit (NOAAs MOST model) to be hosted by France in the second half of 2011. The ICG instructed Working Group2 on Hazard Assessment to provide a catalogue of tsunamigenic sources in the Caribbean region (tectonic, landslide, volcanoes) and coordinate a validation process for the tsunami run-up data in the NOAA/NGDC database for the Caribbean. It further instructed Working Group2 to make an inventory of tsunami models being used in the Caribbean. WORKING GROUP3 PROGRESS REPORT: WARNING DISSEMINATION AND COMMUNICATION This agenda item was presented by MrRafael Mojica (USA), Chair of Working Group3. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/11 Working Group3 Report. MrMojica reported on the Caribbean EMWIN training held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from 21 to 25 February 2011 that was attended by 50participants. As a result of this initiative, supported by NOAA and USAID, 36 EMWIN systems will be distributed across the region to national meteorological and emergency management offices. As well, UNDP is hosting another EMWIN training in Aruba from 4 to 6 May 2011 for British and Dutch overseas territories in the framework of the R3I project. MrMojica mentioned that CIMH is a training institution for MET officers in the Caribbean and they plan to begin holding regional EMWIN training. This will ensure the sustainability of the program regionally. Furthermore, PTWC conducted two communication tests for the CARIBEEWS during the inter-sessional period, in addition to the CARIBEWAVE11 Exercise. WG3 Chair reported his participation as the ICG/CARIBEEWS representative in the Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Support Forecasting with Multi-Hazard Approach held in Cayman Islands on 7 March 2011, where he conducted a presentation on the CARIBEEWS and the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme. WG3 Chair also participated as representative of the CARIBEEWS during the WMO RAIVHurricaneCommittee meeting in Cayman Islands on 8 March 2011. One of the recommendations of the meeting was that Member States 24/7 focal points, and their alternates, must be reminded to actively participate in the tsunami warning centres communications tests. In addition, regional centre should try to issue communication tests on a monthly basis. MrMojica addressed one of the points mentioned under point3.8 regarding the use of an alternate internet-based communication method based on the CISN Global Earthquake Reporting Display/Interface. Dominican Republic nominated MrFabian Espinal from ONAMET to Working Group3. The intra-sessional Working Group outlined revisions and additions to the ICG/CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan and verified references to the Implementation and Communications Plans of the ICG/CARIBE. The ICG requested that the Technical Secretariat defines a webpage for sharing Standard Operating Procedures protocols and standards. The ICG agreed to revise the ICG/CARIBEEWS Communications Plan to include the following schedule for PTWC TWFP communication tests: Hold communication tests on the first Thursday of every month at 15:30 (UTC/GMT) as from 1st September 2011. Members States TWFPs should report only issues and errors during these monthly tests to the PTWC and IOC Secretariat; Hold twice yearly TWFP No Notice verification communication tests. For these tests, Member States TWFPs shall verify PTWC communication (and all means received and not received) within one (1) hour of the No Notice test; All verifications by Countries for issues from monthly tests shall be sent to the PTWC within one (1) hour to facilitate active action or repetitive action education on a monthly basis. The ICG instructed WG3 on Warning Dissemination and Communication to evaluate automated feedback mechanisms for communication tests and report to the Seventh session of the ICG. The ICG further agreed that the Technical Secretariat notifies ICG Member States of the testing to be held routinely. It also encouraged Member States to internally document messages received from PTWC and others. The ICG agreed that the CTWP collects from each Member State the receiving method for tsunami products using a template to be sent to Member States by the Technical Secretariat. Each Member State should identify at least two (2) ways of receiving the PTWC notification at the TWFP. This should be an ongoing task in the Implementation Plan. The ICG instructed the Working Group3 on Warning Dissemination and Communication to address, in cooperation with the CTWP, the multi-lingual issue in the Caribbean for tsunami alerts, warning and testing messages. The ICG instructed Working Group3 to explore whether faxing each Watch message during an actual incident is essential, with a view to decide if only the initial Watch Message could be faxed during an actual incident unless fax is the only means of notification. It further instructed PTWC to explore alternate technologies for sending fax messages to include (eFax) and report at the next ICG meeting. The ICG acknowledged that United States has agreed to work with ICG/CARIBEEWS for the submission and approval of requests for additional high rate slots, and will work toward providing as many GOES slots to the Caribbean Region as possible. The ICG recommended to review and revise the following areas in the Communications Plan: (i) Section 4, Page 8 Product Dissemination to add new currently used technologies such as EMWIN, WIS etc and reflected new terms in the Acronym list; (ii) Section 5, Page 9 Communications Test to revise Tsunami Warning testing schedule; and (iii) Working Groups 1 & 3 to evaluate the sample products in Appendix II. WORKING GROUP4 PROGRESS REPORT: PREPAREDNESS, READINESS AND RESILIENCE This agenda item was introduced by MrJuan Luis Guzman (Venezuela), Vice-Chair of Working Group4. He referred to document ICG/CARIBEEWS-V/12 Working Group IV Report. Two additional members of WG-IV joined the meeting via Skype for this session: MsJulie Leonard (USA) and MsStacey Edwards (Seismic Research Centre, University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago). MrGuzman reported on the TsunamiReady Summit that was held from 10 to 14 May, 2010 in Mayagez, Puerto Rico. The meeting was organized by PRSN with funding from NOAA and USAID. It was attended by 96participants from the local, regional, state, national and Caribbean emergency management agencies and earthquake and tsunami monitoring institutions from Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, the wider Caribbean and the US mainland. The purpose of the Summit was to update the participants about the TsunamiReady program and provide them with tools so that they can strengthen their Tsunami preparedness. He also reported on the activities related to preparedness developed by Barbados, United States and Venezuela. The Technical Secretary reported that it has not been possible to contact the nominated Chair of this Working Group from the previous session therefore the ICG should assume that the post is vacant. Under this agenda item, MrPatrick Parrish, Senior Project Manager at the COMET Program/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, presented a project that consists in the development of e-learning modules regarding tsunami science, warning systems and preparedness. Audiences expected for this product include tsunami warning focal points/warning coordinators, disaster response professionals decision makers, educators and students, and general public. The COMET is a cooperative programme sponsored by NOAA NWS, NOAA NESDIS, US Navy, EUMETSAT, MSC and others. It is to note that all materials are free to use, borrow, translated and adapt. Dominican Republic nominated MrJuan Salado from ONAMET to Working Group4. MsJulie Leonard presented the major conclusions and recommendations of the Best Practices on Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Community Preparedness and Readiness in Central America and the Caribbean workshop, on the occasion of the release of the workshop report. Among the relevant recommendations for ICG/CARIBEEWS consideration are: Identify communities vulnerable to tsunamis and other coastal hazards, and specific populations within these communities, such as physically handicapped, elderly, hospitalized, etc. Risk assessments should target these groups; Develop educational and public awareness materials and campaigns that target vulnerable communities and take into account people with special needs. Warnings can only be effective if they reach the people who need to respond in a timely fashion and in a culturally understandable context; Build bridges between the scientific and local communities to improve hazard mapping and evacuation planning; Develop evacuation maps, and preparedness and mitigation plans, in collaboration with vulnerable populations, to ensure the shared identification of problems and solutions; Encourage and facilitate participation by non-governmental and private sector organizations in the development of national components of their early warning systems; Utilize the services of the regional tsunami warning and information centres once established to support the above activities; Hold hands-on training/workshops in areas that have been affected by a tsunami and that have a community-based warning system in place, e.g. Masachapa, Nicaragua; Tumaco, Colombia; Mayagez, Puerto Rico, USA. The intra-sessional group recommended to update and revise the actions specified in the Implementation Plan and to establish an agenda for meetings and a database online to publish educational material. The ICG appointed MrJuan Luis Guzman (Venezuela) as Chair of Working Group4 on Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience, and MrJuan Salado (Dominican Republic) as Vice-Chair. SPECIAL INVITED LECTURES: COMMUNITY-BASED TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM Under this agenda item, the Chairp referred to the Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV.4, which urges Member States to consider the recommendations of the Best Practices on Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Community Preparedness and Readiness in Central America and the Caribbean workshop, held in August 2008 in Panama. In this respect, representatives of Dominican Republic were invited to present their activities in the area of Nagua, Dominican Republic, with focus on the development of their community-based warning systems. Due to time constraints, it was decided to hold the session regarding the activities in the area of Nagua in Dominican Republic on site during the field trip. Delegates had the opportunity to speak to survivors of the 1946 earthquake and tsunami from the locality of Matancitas, in the area of Nagua, Dominican Republic, during the field trip. They also interacted with representatives of the Civil Defence and local school students. MsCarolina Hincapie, Education Expert at the PRSN, presented the draft of the Tsunami Guideline Plan for Operators of Caribbean Ports. The content of the guidelines was reviewed and discussed at the NSF/PRSN/NOAA-NWS Tsunami Ports Operators Workshop held on 2 and 3 November 2010 in Mayagez, Puerto Rico. The guideline presents the procedures that port operators must follow before, during and after a tsunami The purpose of this guideline is to suggest the plans document content and proposed actions to be acquired in case of a tsunami. MsHincapie encouraged the ICG members to provide comments on the document to improve it, and enhance its usefulness for the countries of the region. POLICY MATTERS ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER (CTWC) The Chair introduced this topic recalling that according to Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-II.3, the Group decided to establish a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center to be located in the region. Also, through Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-II.12, it agreed to actively plan to take over the full responsibility for the system with a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center in the region by 2010. She recalled that at its Fifth session in March 2010, the ICG welcomed and appreciated Venezuelas efforts and technical advances for the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, welcomed and appreciated Nicaraguas efforts and technical advances for the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center and welcomed and appreciated the United States efforts for establishing a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagez in Puerto Rico, USA, as part of a phased contribution to the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center. The Chair offered the floor to Member States to report on progress made in the establishment of a CTWC. United States recalled and confirmed that a phased approach has been adopted for the establishment of such a centre in the USA. The first step towards this phased approach was the selection of a manager to contribute improving the capabilities of the region. The delegate stressed the PRSN expertise in the region. The delegate further noted the strong cooperation of the PTWC and the WC/ATWC with the Caribbean Region and the support from political authorities for a Regional Warning Centre including the Governor for Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In conclusion, the Delegate manifested his optimism of moving forward to a phase of implementation of the CTWC at the PRSN, University of Puerto Rico. Nicaragua acknowledged the progress made for the development of the CTWC and pointed out also the progress made by Nicaragua regarding monitoring capacities. Building on these capabilities the delegate put forward the option of having an alternate centre hosted in Nicaragua. Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) presented apologies on behalf of MrFrancisco Garces, Vice-Chair of ICG, for not being able to attend the meeting due to previous engagements related to his duties as Minister for Transport and Communications. The delegate emphasized the efforts that Venezuela has undertaken in the study of vulnerability to different natural hazards, including tsunamis. Venezuela is conducting projects to update the seismic and tide gauge network, including installation of GPS equipments. Venezuela endorses the US proposal of hosting the Centre considering the technical capacities and the support of the Government. In addition, considering possible communication problems and language issues, Venezuela supported the proposal of Nicaragua of establishing an alternate Centre. Saint Lucia expressed its agreement with the proposal of having an alternate Centre considering the recommendations of CDEMA to look for redundancies in communication. Curacao also supported the proposal and suggested that it be included in the recommendations for the ICG. Barbados recalled that in a previous occasion the country did support the proposal of United States of hosting the CTWC. The ICG urged the USA to continue the phased implementation with the establishment of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center to serve the Caribbean and Western Atlantic Basin by December 2012; and requested the USA to present a schedule for fulfilling the requirements approved by the CARIBEEWS for the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, including its full staffing at the Seventh session of the ICG. The ICG encouraged Nicaraguas and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelas continued efforts and technical advances for the establishment of an additional Regional Tsunami Warning Center in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center; invited the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to present a document defining the roles of the additional regional tsunami warning centres at the Seventh session of the ICG, and encouraged other nations to further develop their capacities and additional tsunami warning centres in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center. The ICG approved  HYPERLINK \l "Rec2" Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.2. REPORT OF THE CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI EXERCISE (CARIBEWAVE 2011) The Chair introduced this topic recalling that the CARIBEWAVE11 was conducted on 23 March 2011, and that 34 Member States participated. She offered then the floor to DrChrista G. vonHillebrandt-Andrade (USA), CARIBEEWS Task Team leader CARIBE WAVE2011, to present the report and the findings of the post exercise survey performed by the ICG. She referred to Document ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/13. Drvon Hillebrandt-Andrade recalled the chronology, the objectives and the scenario of the exercise. She pointed out the difficulties in the translation of the terms for warning level into Spanish. She informed that press releases were sent prior to the exercise at the local and international level, which helped limit the number of false alarms and encouraged participation. The exercise had broad media coverage with at least 300 citations. DrvonHillebrandt-Andrade highlighted the high participation with 35 participating countries, which she considered as excellent bearing in mind that it was the first time a regional exercise was held. Thirty-three completed questionnaires were received from 35 countries and territories (Bahamas and St.Eustatius did not send final evaluation). Two of the countries, Canada and Peru (member outside the region) did not participate. In addition, 28 local and private institutions submitted reports. At least 188 schools participated as well as 130 private entities (hotels, ports operators, media outlets). DrvonHillebrandt-Andrade stated that most objectives were met and there was a generalized satisfaction with the event. The exercise was recognised as very useful to identify gaps in the system. From the results of the exercise, it arises that alternatives need to be identified at the local level for the reception and dissemination of messages. In addition, care must be taken with the translation of terms used in the tsunami bulletins and some countries suggested that bulletins be also in French and Spanish. Bermuda requested clarification about the term regional and expressed concern as Bermuda is not within the Caribbean Sea. MsvonHillebrandt-Andrade explained that the CARIBEEWS has officially the mandate over the Caribbean and adjacent regions. She noted that IOC must ensure that all regions are covered by a warning system. Curacao noted that the length of the messages might be too long. Dominican Republic underscored the concern about the confusion about warning translation into Spanish (alerta and aviso). MsvonHillebrandt-Andrade explained that the wording in different languages is a problem at global level, and that the recommendation has been to refer to the level of threat, in other words, whether there is going to be inundation or not. In short, a proposal for harmonization of terms should be developed in order to use only two levels of threat and provide more detailed information to Member States. Regarding communication issues with GTS raised during the discussion, the Representative of WMO indicated that GTS is the most endurable system, but it has constraints. Therefore, it is evolving to the WMO Information System (WIS) which can disseminate the same information but in a more friendly way, by transmitting not just messages but also the products. The representative of WMO further stated that EWMIN is very useful system but the core of it is GTS. GTS works properly under normal circumstances. He suggested to have a pre-operational exercise to ensure that the system is working properly before WAVE exercises. He informed that WMO is ready to provide advice and follow up for WAVE exercises. SaintLucia proposed to have another exercise in two years to give countries the opportunity to amend current gaps. The ICG agreed to have the next CARIBEWAVE in 2013. It will be then evaluated for annual vs biannual. The ICG recommended that the exercise be conducted, when feasible, in partnership with the USLANTEXexercise. The ICG further recommended that the CARIBEWAVE be the basis and platform for testing outreach and education effectiveness at the Country level. UPDATES TO THE CARIBEEWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN At the intra-sessional Working Groups several proposals for update of the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan were developed with the information provided by Member States. The Technical Secretariat was requested to update the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan (IOC Technical Series, 78) following the recommendations of the intra-sessional groups and the recommendations and decisions approved during this session of the ICG. The ICG requested the Technical Secretariat to update the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan and to submit it to Member States by July 2011. PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 20122013 The Chair offered the floor to the Chair of the intra-sessional Commission established under agenda item2.3 to deliver the conclusions and recommendations of the group. MrBill Proenza (USA) indicated that in order to complete the compilation of financial data on the contributions of Member States to the ICG/CARIBEEWS, the Technical Secretariat agreed to resend the template to Tsunami National Contacts for indicating the national budget allowances contributing to the CARIBEEWS Implementation Plan. The ICG approved  HYPERLINK \l "Rec3" Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.3. NEXT MEETING CONFIRMATION OF DATE AND PLACE OF ICG/CARIBEEWS-VII The Chair introduced this item by recalling that at ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV there were no offers for hosting the Seventh session. As well, she will recall that the group agreed to target March 2012 for that session. She then opened the floor for Member States to indicate their interest to host. Curacao (Kingdom of the Netherlands) offered to host the ICG/CARIBEEWS-VII. The ICG acknowledged this offer with appreciation and agreed to hold the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS in Curacao during the first semester of 2012. TARGET DATE FOR ICG/CARIBEEWS-VIII The ICG agreed March 2013 as a target date for the Eighth Session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS. Trinidad and Tobago offered to host the ICG/CARIBEEWS-VIII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Under this agenda item, MrBill Proenza, Head of the Delegation of USA, presented the results of a research publication entitled Tsunami Hazard and Total Risk in the Caribbean Basin (Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 29, No.2, p. 70, 2010), co-authored with MrGeorge Maul. In his concluding remarks, MrProenza explained that while tsunami hazards in the Caribbean is lower than in Pacific coastal areas, the total risk to life and property is at least as high as the USA West Coast, Hawaii or Alaska. This is due to the higher Caribbean population density and beach tourism so attractive to more than 35 million visitors a year. It is to note that the total risk is defined as hazard (frequency of tsunami events) times measures of elements at risk (human exposure), times measures of vulnerability (preparedness) in a given epoch. Considering this level of risk, the allocation of resources by governments, industry and insurers needs to be adjusted for a better protection of life, for coastal engineering, and for infrastructure. ADOPTION OF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the reports of the Working Groups and discussions at the Plenary Sessions, the ICG adopted three recommendations. CLOSURE OF THE MEETING The ICG/CARIBEEWS Chair thanked the Government of Dominican Republic for hosting the meeting and thanked the Local Organizing Committee for the excellent facilities provided for the organization of the meeting. Dominican Republic, Barbados, Curacao and Haiti took the floor and expressed their satisfaction with the results of the meeting, thanked the Government of Dominican Republic for hosting the meeting and highlighted the importance of continue strengthening the bonds of cooperation among all Member States. The Sixth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions was closed at 4.00 p.m. on Friday, 26 April 2011. ANNEX I AGENDA WELCOME AND OPENING Representative of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Dr. Lorna Inniss: Deputy Director, Coastal Zone Management Unit CZMU Barbados, ICG/CARIBE EWS Chair Welcome Address by National authorities ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION Adoption of Agenda Designation of the Rapporteur Conduct of the Session, Timetable and Documentation REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IOC Executive Secretarys Report Chairmans Report CARIBE EWS Secretariat Report REPORT OF the CaRIBEAN TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER (ctic) Reports from UN AND NON UN ORGANISATIONS STATUS of OTHER ICGs National Progress Reports Interim Advisory Services Report (PTWC) WORKING GROUP PROGRESS REPORTS Working Group1 Progress Report: Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance Working Group2 Progress Report: Hazard Assessment Working Group3 Progress Report: Warning, Dissemination and Communication Working Group4 Progress Report: Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience SPECIAL INVITED LECTURES: COMMUNITY-BASED TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM MICHES, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (During field trip) TSUNAMI MANUAL FOR PORTS OPERATORS POLICY MATTERS ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER REPORT OF THE CARIBEAN TSUNAMI EXERCISE (CARIBEWAVE11) UPDATES TO THE CARIBE EWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20122013 NEXT MEETING Confirmation of date and place of ICG/CARIBEEWS-Vii target date for ICG/CARIBEEWS-vIii ANY OTHER BUSINESS ADOPTION OF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CLOSURE OF THE MEETING ANNEX II ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.1 CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER The Intergovernmental Coordinating Group for Tsunamis and Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Recalling Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWSIV.6 on the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Information Center, and the acceptance by the ICG/CARIBEEWS of the offer by Barbados to host the Centre, Acknowledging the generous contribution by the Government of Italy through UNDP for the operations and activities of the CTIC for the first three years, Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to ensure the arrangements for the operationalization of the CTIC before 2012; Request further that Barbados, France, Venezuela and others to initiate discussions on joint programmes that advance the activities of the CTIC in the three major languages of the region; Instructs the Working Group IV to begin developing CTIC first business plan and to present the 2012 work plan at ICG VII; Invites Member States to begin providing human resources and other support to the CTIC in the short and medium term; Urges the IOC Executive Secretary to invite annual contributions from all Member States to CTIC when the final agreement is negotiated; Requests continued CTIC/ITIC collaboration in provision of education and training to the Caribbean region. Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.2 Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Recalling Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-V.2 welcoming consideration of Member States contributions to a Regional Tsunami Warning Centre, Underscoring the importance of Member States support to the strengthening of monitoring and observing capacity in accordance with the criteria identified in the Technical and Logistical and Administrative Requirements of the Regional Tsunami Warning Centre for the CARIBEEWS in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre approved at the Fourth session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS, Acknowledging the USA phased approach for implementing the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center co-located with the Puerto Rico Seismic Network at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagez, Recognizing the support that USA has been providing for the ICG/CARIBEEWS in the past year through the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program for improved tsunami monitoring, outreach, education and preparedness and in particular through the leadership provided for the immensely successful tsunami CARIBEWAVE 2011 exercise, Urges the USA to continue the phased implementation for the establishment of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre to serve the Caribbean and Western Atlantic Basin by December 2012; Requests the USA to present a schedule for fulfilling the requirements approved by the ICG/CARIBEEWS for the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre including its full staffing at the Seventh session of the ICG; Encourages Nicaraguas and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelas continued efforts and technical advances for the establishment of additional Regional Tsunami Warning Centers in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre; Invites the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to present a document defining the roles of additional regional tsunami warning centres at the Seventh session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS; Encourages other nations to further develop their capacities and additional tsunami warning centres in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre. Recommendation ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.3 Implementation Plan (20112014) and ICG/CARIBEEWS Budget (20122013) The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Recognizing the establishment of a Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions, Noting the need for continuous funding for building and maintaining the ICG/CARIBE EWS, Recalling the decisions and results of ICG/CARIBE EWS V, Recommendations ICG/CARIBE EWS-V.5 and IOC Resolutions XXIII.13 and XXIV.13, Acknowledging that Member States and other UN bodies and organizations are willing to assist in the establishment of a Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Acknowledging further the ICG/CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan, Calls on the recommendations of the previous five sessions of the ICG in Barbados, Venezuela, Panama, Martinique and Nicaragua; Decides to update the CARIBE-EWS Implementation Plan for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, considering the discussions held at ICG-CARIBE-VI and to submit it to Member States by July 2011; Urges Member States to seek financial resources to implement the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to seek funding for the implementation of the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions, and to ensure the finalization of the 20122013 budget by October 2011. ___________________________ Financial Implications: USD 30,000 (IOC Regular Programme) ANNEXE II RECOMMANDATIONS ADOPTES Recommandation ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI.1 Centre d'information sur les tsunamis dans les Carabes Le Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, Rappelant la recommandation GIC/CARIBE-EWS-IV.6 relative la cration dun Centre d'information sur les tsunamis dans les Carabes, et lacceptation par le GIC/CARIBE-EWS de loffre faite par la Barbade daccueillir le centre, Reconnaissant la contribution gnreuse du Gouvernement italien, par lintermdiaire du PNYD, au fonctionnement et aux activits du CITC pendant les trois premires annes, Prie la Secrtaire excutive de la COI de veiller prendre des dispositions pour que le CITC devienne oprationnel avant 2012; Demande par ailleurs que la Barbade, la France, la Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela et dautres pays entament lexamen de programmes communs qui feraient avancer les activits du CITC dans les trois principales langues de la rgion; Charge le Groupe de travail IV de commencer llaboration du premier plan daction du CTIC et de prsenter le plan de travail 2012 la septime session du GIC; Invite les tats membres commencer fournir au CITC des ressources humaines et autre appui dans le court et moyen terme; Prie instamment la Secrtaire excutive de la COI inviter tous les tats membres verser leur contribution annuelle au CITC lorsque laccord dfinitif sera ngoci; Demande une collaboration suivie CTIC/CIIT visant dispenser un enseignement et une formation dans la rgion des Carabes. Recommandation ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI.2 Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes Le Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, Rappelant la recommandation GIC/CARIBE-EWS-V.2 saluant le fait que les tats membres envisagent de verser des contributions un centre rgional d'alerte aux tsunamis, Soulignant limportance de lappui des tats membres au renforcement de la capacit de surveillance et dobservation, conformment aux critres dfinis dans les spcifications techniques, logistiques et administratives du Centre rgional dalerte aux tsunamis pour le CARIBE EWS lappui du Centre dalerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes approuvs par le GIC/CARIBE-EWS sa quatrime session, Sachant la dmarche graduelle adopte par les tats-Unis dans la mise en uvre du Centre dalerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes implant Universit de Porto Rico Mayagez, o se trouvait dj le Rseau sismique de Porto Rico, Reconnaissant lappui que les tats-Unis ont apport au GIC/CARIBE-EWS au cours de lanne coule par le biais du Programme d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes en vue damliorer la surveillance, la mobilisation des publics, lducation et la prparation au tsunamis, et, en particulier, grce leur rle de chef de file qui a fait de lexercice CARIBE WAVE 2011 une russite exceptionnelle, Prie instamment les tats-Unis de continuer, par tapes, la mise en uvre de la cration, avant dcembre 2012, du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes pour desservir les Carabes et le bassin de lAtlantique Ouest; Demande aux tats-Unis de prsenter, la septime session du GIC, un calendrier pour la satisfaction des spcifications approuves par le GIC/CARIBE-EWS pour le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes, y compris sa dotation complte en effectif; Encourage laction soutenue que mnent le Nicaragua et la Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela et les progrs techniques raliss pour la cration de centres rgionaux supplmentaires d'alerte aux tsunamis lappui du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes; Invite la Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela prsenter, la septime session du GIC/CARIBE-EWS, un document dfinissant les rles des centres rgionaux supplmentaires dalerte aux tsunamis; Encourage dautres pays renforcer encore leur capacit et poursuivre la mise au point des centres supplmentaires dalerte aux tsunamis lappui du Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans les Carabes. Recommandation ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI.3 Plan de mise en uvre (2011-2014) et budget du GIC/CARIBE-EWS (2012-2013) Le Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, Reconnaissant la cration d'un Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et aux autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, Notant la ncessit d'un financement permanent pour tablir le GIC/CARIBE-EWS et en assurer le fonctionnement, Rappelant les dcisions et conclusions de GIC/CARIBE-EWS V, la recommandation GIC/CARIBE-EWS-V.5 et les rsolutions XXIII.13 et XXIV.13 de la COI, Sachant que les tats membres et d'autres organismes et institutions des Nations Unies sont prts aider la cration d'un Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et aux autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, Notant par ailleurs le Plan de mise en uvre du GIC/CARIBE-EWS, Rappelle les recommandations formules lors des cinq sessions prcdentes du GIC, la Barbade, en Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela, Panama, en Martinique et au Nicaragua; Dcide de mettre jour le plan de mise en uvre du GIC/CARIBE-EWS pour le Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, compte tenu des changes de vues qui ont lieu ICG-CARIBE-VI et de le soumettre aux tats membres avant juillet 2011; Exhorte les tats membres chercher des ressources financires permettant de mettre en uvre le Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes; Prie la Secrtaire excutive de la COI de rechercher le financement de la mise en uvre du Systme d'alerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes, et de veiller ce que le budget 2012-2013 soit arrt avant octobre 2011. ___________________________ Incidences financires: 30000 dollars des tats-Unis (programme ordinaire de la COI) ANEXO II RECOMENDACIONES APROBADAS Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.1 Centro de Informacin sobre los Tsunamis en el Caribe El Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras amenazas costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, Recordando la Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWSIV.6 sobre el establecimiento de un Centro de Informacin sobre los Tsunamis en el Caribe (CTIC), y la propuesta de Barbados de albergar el Centro, aceptada por el ICG/CARIBEEWS, Agradeciendo la generosa contribucin del Gobierno de Italia aportada por conducto del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) destinada al funcionamiento y las actividades del CTIC durante los primeros tres aos, Pide a la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la COI que tome las disposiciones necesarias para que el Centro pueda comenzar a funcionar antes de 2012; Pide adems que Barbados, Francia, Venezuela y otros emprendan discusiones sobre programas conjuntos que impulsen las actividades del CTIC en las tres lenguas principales de la regin; Encarga al Grupo de TrabajoIV que comience a preparar el primer plan institucional del CTIC y presente el plan de trabajo para 2012 en la Sptima reunin del ICG/CARIBEEWS; Invita a los Estados Miembros a comenzar a proporcionar recursos humanos y otros tipos de apoyo al CTIC a corto y medio plazo; Insta a la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la COI a que invite a todos los Estados Miembros a ofrecer contribuciones anuales al CTIC cuando se haya negociado el acuerdo definitivo; Pide una colaboracin permanente entre el CTIC y el Centro Internacional de Informacin sobre los Tsunamis de la COI (ITIC), en cuanto al suministro de educacin y formacin para la regin del Caribe. Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.2 Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe El Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras amenazas costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, Recordando la Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWS-V.2 en la que se agradecan las contribuciones de los Estados Miembros a un centro regional de alerta contra los tsunamis, Subrayando la importancia de que los Estados Miembros respalden el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de seguimiento y observacin de conformidad con los criterios definidos en el documento Technical and Logistical and Administrative Requirements of the Regional Tsunami Warning Center for the CARIBE EWS in support of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center [Requisitos tcnicos, logsticos y administrativos de un Centro Regional de Alerta contra los Tsunamis para el Caribe y regiones adyacentes] aprobado en la Cuarta reunin del ICG/CARIBEEWS; Reconociendo el enfoque de los Estados Unidos de Amrica de establecimiento gradual del Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe situado conjuntamente con la Red Ssmica de Puerto Rico en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en Mayagez, Agradeciendo el apoyo prestado por los Estados Unidos de Amrica al ICG/CARIBEEWS durante el ao pasado mediante el Programa de alerta sobre los tsunamis en el Caribe con miras a mejorar la vigilancia, difusin, educacin y preparacin respecto de los tsunamis, y, en particular, gracias a la conduccin del ejercicio CARIBEWAVE2011 sobre tsunamis, que tuvo gran xito, Insta a los Estados Unidos de Amrica a proseguir el establecimiento gradual, antes de diciembre de 2012, del Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe para atender a la cuenca del Caribe y el Atlntico occidental; Pide a los Estados Unidos que en la Sptima reunin del ICG presenten un calendario de cumplimiento de los criterios aprobados por el ICG/CARIBEEWS para el Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe, comprendida su plantilla completa; Alienta a Nicaragua y la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela a proseguir sus esfuerzos y avances tcnicos para el establecimiento de un centro regional de alerta contra los tsunamis adicional para apoyar al Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe; Invita a la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela a presentar en su Sptima reunin un documento en el que se definan las funciones de los centros regionales de alerta adicionales; Alienta a otros pases a desarrollar sus capacidades y establecer centros regionales de alerta adicionales para apoyar al Centro de Alerta contra los Tsunamis en el Caribe. Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.3 Plan de implantacin (20112014) y presupuesto del ICG/CARIBE-EWS (20122013) El Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras amenazas costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, Reconociendo el establecimiento de un Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, Tomando nota de la necesidad de una financiacin continua para establecer y mantener el CARIBEEWS, Recordando las decisiones y los resultados de la Quinta reunin del ICG/CARIBEEWS, la Recomendacin ICG/CARIBEEWS-V.5 y las Resoluciones XXIII.13 and XXIV.13 de la COI, Considerando que los Estados Miembros y otros organismos de las Naciones Unidas desean colaborar en el establecimiento de un Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, Reconociendo adems el Plan de implantacin del CARIBEEWS; Pone de relieve las recomendaciones de las cinco reuniones anteriores del ICG en Barbados, Venezuela, Panam, Martinica y Nicaragua; Decide actualizar el Plan de implantacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, habida cuenta de los debates celebrados en la Sexta reunin del ICG/CARIBEEWS, y someterlo a los Estados Miembros en julio de 2011; Insta a los Estados Miembros a buscar recursos financieros para implantar el Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes; Pide a la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la COI que busque financiacin para la implantacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras amenazas costeras en el Caribe y regiones adyacentes, y que finalice el presupuesto para 20122013 en octubre de 2011. ___________________________ Consecuencias financieras: 30.000 dlares estadounidenses (Programa Ordinario de la COI)   II  /"+ & 5:><5=40F8O ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI.1 0@81A:89 &5=B@ =D>@<0F88 > &C=0<8 56?@028B5;LAB25==0O :>>@48=0F8>==0O 3@C??0 ?> !8AB5<5 ?@54C?@5645=8O > FC=0<8 8 >?0A=>AB8 4@C38E 154AB289 2 ?@81@56=KE @09>=0E 0@81A:>3> 10AA59=0 8 ?@8;530NI8E @538>=>2, =0?><8=0O > @5:><5=40F88 ICG/CARIBEEWS IV.6 >1 CG@5645=88 0@81A:>3> F5=B@0 8=D>@<0F88 > FC=0<8 8 ?@8=OB88 /  ! 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(N465B >1KG=>9 ?@>3@0<<K ) ANNEX III OPENING SPEECHES MrBernardo Aliaga Technical Secretary ICG/CARIBEEWS Estimada Lic. Idalia Acevedo, Viceministra de Asuntos Costeros y Marinos, muy estimada Licenciada Gloria Ceballos, Directora Nacional de ONAMET, Excelencias, seoras y seores, estimados colegas: Permtaseme, en primer lugar, agradecer, calurosamente, la invitacin de convocar el Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del sistema de alerta contra los tsunamis y otras amenazas costeras de la regin Caribe aqu, en Santo Domingo (Repblica Dominicana). Hace poco ms de un mes, estuvimos en la Isla Espaola haciendo un curso de Procedimientos Operacionales Estndar en Puerto Prncipe para aproximadamente 80personas y es un gran privilegio retornar a esta zona del Caribe en tan poco tiempo. Lives are the most valuable asset we have, losing lives by neglect, ignorance, or carelessness should never happen. Loosing livelihoods, that is peoples ability to lead the life they care for, should also not happen. Both do happen when disasters strikes after natural phenomena like earthquakes, storm surges, hurricanes, floods or tsunamis attack unprotected lives of livelihoods. The lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004 are still on the wall when new disasters in Chile, Haiti or Japan reminded our small community not to relax efforts to build warning capabilities, preparedness measures and community based response. Science is at the very core of our job because we need to identify the hazard, be aware of the risks and then develop counteracting measures. The recent event in Japan is a solid message to all of us about the importance of what has been called the forewarning from the past. More need to be done in this area of tsunami knowledge. One of the now very obvious counteracting measures is to establish warning centres at the regional level and have basic capacities at the national level to discriminate the level of the threat once a regional warning has been issued. Some countries have made significant progress in this area in the Caribbean and we hope to see the fruit of your hard work at this meeting. In this area we are presently concentrating in developing and refining Standard Operating Procedures to streamline the operation of warning centres. But where more needed to be done according to the conclusions and recommendations of previous meetings were in the area of observations and communications in the Caribbean. And here we have good news I think: thanks to the efforts of many experts and colleagues, financial support of some key agencies and significantly from national sources, the sea level network, the seismic network and the emergency communication mechanisms within the Caribbean are improving at an accelerated rate. Since 2005 you have been working hard on the Tsunami Warning System for the Caribbean, CARIBEEWS. Progress has been good, but it takes time. I wish you, also in the name of the Director General of UNESCO, MmeBokova and the Executive Secretary of IOC, MmeWendy Watson-Wright all a successful sixth Meeting of your ICG. Muchas gracias. DrLorna Inniss Chair of the ICG/CARIBEEWS Good morning. Master of Ceremonies, Seora Ceballos, National Director of ONAMET, MrBernardo Aliaga, Representative of the IOC and the ICGs own beloved Technical Secretary. Delegations of Member States, observers and international organisations, ONAMET staff, members of the media, translators, ladies and gentlemen. I want to begin by giving a special welcome to you, the delegations, to this VI session of the ICG for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. May I say that as a Member of a small island developing state myself, I fully appreciate the efforts made to overcome both financial and capacity challenges in order to be present here today. Last year at the ICG, we were offering condolences to the representatives of one of our own Member States, and we are especially pleased to acknowledge the progress made in Haiti since then, towards the development of a resilient national multi-hazard warning system. But we dont want to forget why our tasks within the ICG are so important; and to help us remember today, please stand with me and let us bow our heads in a moment of silence as we reflect on those in Japan today, who are still weeping, because of the tragic loss of loved ones. Thank you, please be seated. Every major catastrophic event reminds us of the enormity of the task at hand. And when we consider that Japan is one of the best prepared countries in the world for major earthquakes and tsunamis, the tendency is to exchange complacency for futility. I am very concerned about the number of people who have said to me since March 11th, Why are you working so hard? If the Caribbean has an event like Japan, there is nothing we can do. We will all be dead anyway. Ladies and gentlemen, for the past five years we have been fighting complacency. Let us fight futility with just as much vigour. If we have learned nothing else from tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, American Samoa, Haiti, Chile and Japan, we now understand clearly that preparedness minimizes losses both loss of life and assets. Would it not be wonderful if we could quantify every life saved because of readiness rather than the number of lives lost? I have heard the criticisms by the media and others, being levelled at different Governments coping with losses, and it is clear, in my view that extensive media training improves the resilience of a country and region through mutual cooperation and support. The media are a key partner with us working to prepare for, and respond to, these events, and I view this as a priority consideration for the work of the ICG going forward. Another top priority, in my view, is a better understanding of the probable sources of those very large earthquakes around the globe, and this issue has already been discussed at the global level; thus we need to follow suit in our regional activities as well. The ICG has been busy this past year, and I look forward to hearing national as well as working group reports. But it is my hope that we, the Member States of the Tsunamis and Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions are committed enough and prepared to advance the pace of development of our warning system. This meeting represents the end of our fifth year of regional activities and operations in this area. While we yet have some work to do in respect of monitoring and detection networks, hazard assessment, national alerting systems and protocols, and public education and awareness, I trust that every country can boast of some tangible improvement in national warning capability and public awareness of this very complex hazard. And I believe that this improved capability was tested very well at the recently conducted CARIBEWAVE2011 tsunami exercise held on March 23rd. I am sure that you would wish to join me in offering congratulations and sincere thanks to ICG Vice-Chair and head of the CARIBEWAVE2011 ICG Task Team, Christa von Hillebrandt at the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program for her extremely hard work and dedication, in ensuring success in the first ever tsunami test throughout the region. The ICG Executive has worked hard this year and I would like to thank the other vice Chairs as well. And we cannot stress enough the crucial role of the Tsunami Unit at IOC/UNESCO to our programs here in the region. During this year our Technical Secretary Bernardo Aliaga, has been working above and beyond normal duties in continuing his commitment to us in the Caribbean, as well as acting for most of the year, as the Head of the Tsunami Unit. I wish to acknowledge Bernardos dedication to the CARIBEEWS under very challenging circumstances. And on behalf of the Member States of the ICG I would like to welcome the new Tsunami Unit Head, Thorkild Aarup. We have already benefited from his expertise, especially in the advancement of the sea level network, and look forward to working with him during this coming year. Let me close by expressing our heartfelt thanks to the Government and people of this beautiful country the Dominican Republic. During these lean years of global economic uncertainty, it is heartening to see such a high level of commitment and support for the goals and ideals of the ICG. Know that you inspire others to follow your great example, and in this respect, let me also express gratitude to all the countries and territories of the region, willing to provide support. There is no such thing as a small contribution to coin a phrase from our US colleague and friend Bill Proenza, there can be no greater goal than the protection of life. And this is our mission. We intend to have a very productive meeting, and thanks to all of you. ANNEX IV LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ICG/CARIBEEWS OFFICERS Chair ICG DrLorna INNISS Deputy Director Coastal Zone Management Unit Bay Street, St. Michael West Indies Barbados Tel: +246 228-5950 Fax: +246 228-5956 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:linniss@coastal.gov.bb" linniss@coastal.gov.bb Vice-Chair ICG MsFrdrique MARTINI Managing Ministre de l'cologie, du dveloppement durable des transports et du logement La Dfense 92055 La Dfense Cedex Paris France Tel: +33 1 40 81 88 58 Fax: +33 1 40 81 89 83 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:frederique.martini@developpement-durable.gouv.fr" frederique.martini@developpement-durable.gouv.fr MsChrista VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Manager and Researcher NOAA Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program Mayagez, Puerto Rico 00680 United States Tel: 1-787-833-8433 Fax: 1-787-265-1684 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:christa.vonh@noaa.gov" christa.vonh@noaa.gov IOC MEMBER STATES Anguilla (UK) MrsElizabeth KLUTE Director Disaster Management PO Box 726 The Valley, ANGUILLA AI-2640 Tel: 264-235-3622 Cell: 760-600-9656 Email: elizabeth.klute@gmail.com Aruba (Kingdom of Netherlands) MrMarck ODUBER Interim Director Meteorological Department Aruba Sabana Berde 73-B Aruba Tel: +297-582-6497 Fax: +297-583-7328 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:marck.oduber@meteo.aw" marck.oduber@meteo.aw Barbados MsJudy R. THOMAS Head of delegation Director Department of Emergency Management Barbados #30 Warrens Industrial Park Warrens, St. Michael Barbados Tel: 246 421-8134 Cel: 246 2302693 Fax: 246 421-8612 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:thomas_judy@hotmail.com" thomas_judy@hotmail.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:jthomas@barbados.gov.bb" jthomas@barbados.gov.bb;  HYPERLINK "mailto:cero@caribsurf.com" cero@caribsurf.com MrHampdon LOVELL Director Meteorological Services Building No. 4 Grantley Adams Industrial Estate CHRIST CHURCH Barbados Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hlovell@barbados.gov.bb" hlovell@barbados.gov.bb Bermuda (UK) DrMark GUISHARD Director, Bermuda Weather Service BAS-Serco Ltd. GEBX St. George's Bermuda Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mguishard@bas-serco.bm" mguishard@bas-serco.bm Tel: 1441 2935067 ext. 400 Fax: 1441 2936658 British Virgin Island (UK) Ms Carishma HICKS Training Officer Department of Disaster Management #3 Wailing Road MacNamara, Tortola BVI, VG110 Virgin Islands British Tel: (284) 468-4200 Fax: (284) 494-2024 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:chicks@gov.vg" chicks@gov.vg Colombia Captain Esteban URIBE Head of Delegation Executive Secretary Comisin Colombiana del Ocano Carrera 54 No. 26-50 piso 4 (Edificio DIMAR) Bogot D.C. Colombia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:oceano@cco.gov.co" oceano@cco.gov.co German Augusto ESCOBAR OLAYA Director Centro de Investigaciones Oceanogrficas e Hidrogrficas del Pacfico (CCCP) Va El Morro Capitana de Puerto San Andrs de Tumaco Nario Colombia Tel: 057 (2) 7276057 Fax: 057 (2) 7272637 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gecajsev@gmail.com" gecajsev@gmail.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:jefcccp@dimar.mil.co" jefcccp@dimar.mil.co Curacao (Kingdom of Netherlands) Dr Albert MARTIS Head of Delegation Director Meteorological Department Curacao Willemstad Curacao Netherlands Antilles Tel: 59998393366 Fax: 59998683999 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:albmartis@meteo.an" albmartis@meteo.an MsPedzi GIRIGORI Meteorological Department Curacao willemstad Curacao z/n Netherlands Antilles Tel: +5999 8393364 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pedzi.girigori@meteo.an" pedzi.girigori@meteo.an Dominican Republic Gloria CEBALLOS Head of Delegation Director ONAMET: Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa - National Meteorological Service Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa Onamet 1153 Santo Domingo, Este. Dominican Republic Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gceballos_7@yahoo.com" gceballos_7@yahoo.com MrClaudio MARTINEZ ONAMET Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa Encargado Unidad de Tsunami 1153 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: 1 829 779 0818 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:claudiomartin85@hotmail.com" claudiomartin85@hotmail.com MrMiguel CAMPUSANO ONAMET Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa 1153 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: 809 788 1122 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mcampusano@onamet.gov.do" mcampusano@onamet.gov.do SrHeriberto Antonio FABIN ESPINAL Enc. Onamet. Aeropuerto Punta Cana 1153 Santo Domingo, Este Dominican Republic Tel: 809 613 9623 Fax: 809 688 5303 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fabianespinal@gmail.com" fabianespinal@gmail.com MrEurpides LEDESMA Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa 1153 Santo Domingo Este Distrito Nacional Dominican Republic Tel: 8097881122 ext.242 Fax: 8095932601 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bolesma@yahoo.com" bolesma@yahoo.com SrJuan SALADO Miembro de la Unidad de Alerta de Tsunami Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa (ONAMET) 1153 Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Este Dominican Republic Tel:+1.809.788.1122 Ext 278/279 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ing.jsalado@gmail.com" ing.jsalado@gmail.com Mr Julio CESAR Tcnico (TMM) III Especializado Radar Doppler & Automa Calle Juan Moline 1153 Santo Domingo Este Dominican Republic Tel: 8097881122 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:julioc_ordonez@hotmail.com" julioc_ordonez@hotmail.com Mr Leonardo DUARTE GARCA Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa (ONAMET) 1153 Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Este Dominican Republic Tel:+1.809.788.1122 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:duarteg7@yahoo.com" duarteg7@yahoo.com Lic. Eugenio POLANCO RIVERA Director Instituto Sismolgico Universidad Autnoma de Santo Domingo Ciudad Universitaria Santo Domingo Distrito Nacional Dominican Republic Tel: 1809-533-5900 Fax: 1809-532-1023 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:eugenio.fisico@gmail.com" eugenio.fisico@gmail.com MrRamn DE LA ROSA VILA Planes y proyectos/Tcnico Oficina Nacional de la Defensa Civil Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: 1-809-472-8614 Cell: 1-829-961-8883 Mr Sergio VARGAS PUENTE Encargado Departamento de Socorro Cruz Roja Dominicana Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional Dominican Republic France Prof. Stephen TAIT Head of Delegation Director of French Volcanologic and Seismologic Observatories Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris 1 Rue Jussieu 75230 Paris cedex 05 Paris France Tel: +33 6 23 57 12 04 Fax: +33 1 44 27 24 81 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tait@ipgp.jussieu.fr" tait@ipgp.jussieu.fr DrMarie-Paule BOUIN Seismologist Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de la Guadaloupe / IPGP Le Houlmont 97113 Gourbeyre Guadeloupe, F.W.I France Tel: 590 (0) 590 99 11 33 Fax: 590 (0) 590 99 11 34 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:bouin@ipgp.fr" bouin@ipgp.fr DrValrie CLOUARD Directeur Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Martinique / IPGP Morne des Cadets 97250 Fonds Saint-Denis Martinique F.W.I France Tel: +596 (0) 596 78 41 44 Fax: + 596 (0) 596 55 80 80 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:clouard@ipgp.jussieu.fr" clouard@ipgp.jussieu.fr LCL. Philippe COVA Saff of the West Indies Zone 97262 Fort de France Martinique Tel: 00 11 596 (0) 596 393 937 Fax: 00 596 (0) 596 393 936 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:philippe.cova@martinique.pref.gouv.fr" philippe.cova@martinique.pref.gouv.fr Mr Eric JOURET Observer Prfecture de Guadeloupe 97100 Basse Terre Guadeloupe France Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:eric.jouret@guadeloupe.pref.gouv.fr" eric.jouret@guadeloupe.pref.gouv.fr DrJean-Marc MOMPELAT Interrgional head manager for french West Indies and french Guyana BRGM (French Geological Survey) Morne Houelmont Route de l'Observatoire 97113 Gourbeyre Guadeloupe France Tel:+590590413550 +590590948582 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jm.mompelat@brgm.fr" jm.mompelat@brgm.fr Mr Steve-Michel SIMPHOR Observer Conseil Gnral de la Martinique 97200 Martinique France Tel: 0596696295903 Fax: 0596596598505 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:steve-michel.symphor@cgste.mq" steve-michel.symphor@cgste.mq Mr Julien MARIE Observer Adjoint Chef SIDPC Prfecture de Martinique 97200 Fort de France Martinique France Tel: +33596393934 Fax: +33596393929 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:julien.marie@martinique.pref.gouv.fr" julien.marie@martinique.pref.gouv.fr MrBernard NAIGRE Observer Conseil Gnral de la Martinique DGA2/DIE/IT Immeuble Concorde Route de la folie 97200 Fort de France Martinique France Tel: +596 (0)596 596 600 Fax: +596 (0)596 596 627 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bernard.naigre@cgste.mq" bernard.naigre@cgste.mq Mr. Alexander NERCESSIAN Observerf Seismologist IPGP 1 Rue Jussieu 75230 Paris Cedex Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nerces@ipgp.fr" nerces@ipgp.fr Haiti Ms Yvrose JEAN Head of Delegation Directrice General Service Maritime et de Navigation dHaiti SEMANAH Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%7a%79%76%72%6f%75@%68%6f%74%6d%61%69%6c.%63%6f%6d" zyvrou@hotmail.com MrGerard METAYER Port au Prince Tel 509 37135936 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%67%65%72%61%72%64%5f%6d%65%74%61%79%65%72@%79%61%68%6f%6f.%66%72" gerard_metayer@yahoo.fr MrRonald SEMELFORT Directeur Centre National de Mtorologie Aroport International de Port-au-Prince Tel: 50937332885 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ronasem@yahoo.fr" ronasem@yahoo.fr MrRoosevelt COMPERE Coordonnateur a la Prevention Direction de la Protection Civile Ministere de lInterieur No. 29 Rue Duncomb Port au Prince Haiti Tel: 509 34035147/ 37015147 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:roosecomp@hotmail.com" roosecomp@hotmail.com Ms. Alta JEAN BAPTISTE Directrice Direction de la Protection Civile Ministre de lInterieur No. 29 Rue Duncomb Port au Prince Haiti Tel: 509 34612228 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:altajeanbaptiste@yahoo.com" altajeanbaptiste@yahoo.com Mr Dieuseul ANGLADE Director Bureau de Mines et de lEnergie Port au Prince Haiti Tel: 509 34455890 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dsanglade@yahoo.com" dsanglade@yahoo.com Mr Abel NAZAIRE Deputy Coordinator Permanent Secretariat of Risk and Disaster Management Ministere de l'Interieur/Protection Civile #29,Rue Duncombe,Bois-Verna HT 6110 Port-au-Prince Ouest Haiti Tel: 509-3863-2636 Email: abelnazaire@yahoo.com Nicaragua MrEmilio TALAVERA Director de Sismologia Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales Frente a Hospital Metropolis Apdo. Postal 2110 Managua Nicaragua Tel: 505 224 92761 ext 115 Fax: 505 224 91082 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%65%6d%69%6c%69%6f.%74%61%6c%61%76%65%72%61@%67%66.%69%6e%65%74%65%72.%67%6f%62.%6e%69" emilio.talavera@gf.ineter.gob.ni Panam Mr Arnulfo SNCHEZ Jefe de la Unidad Ambiental Depacho de la Administracin Autoridad Maritima de Panama Edificio 5534 Diablo Heights P.O. Box 8062 Panam 7 Repblica de Panam Tel: 507 501 5197 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%61%72%6e%75%6c%66%6f%73%61%6e%63%68%65%7a@%68%6f%74%6d%61%69%6c.%63%6f%6d" arnulfosanchez@hotmail.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:asanchez@amp.gob.pa" asanchez@amp.gob.pa Saint Lucia Ms A. L. Dawn FRENCH Director National Emergency Management Organisation Castries Saint Lucia Tel: 758-452-3802 Fax: 758-453-2152 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:director@nemo.gov.lc" director@nemo.gov.lc Trinidad and Tobago Mr Eric MACKIE Head of Delegation Regional Coordinator Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management Trinidad and Tobago 4A Orange Grove Road Trincity Tacarigua Trinidad and Tobago Tel: 1(868)640-1285 Fax: 1(868)640-8988 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:emackie@mns.gov.tt" emackie@mns.gov.tt MrMarlon NOEL Assistant Director Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services Piarco Airport Trinidad and Tobago Tel: 1 868 669 5465 Fax: 1 868 669 4009/1 868 685 7935 Email: marlon.noel@gmail.com  HYPERLINK "mailto:synop@tstt.net.tt" synop@tstt.net.tt; dirmet@tstt.net.tt United States of America Mr Bill PROENZA Head of Delegation Regional Director, National Weather Service Southern US US Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/National Weather Service Fort Worth Texas 76102 United States Tel Office: 817-9181000/ cell: 817-999-4200 Fax: 817-978-4187 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bill.proenza@noaa.gov" bill.proenza@noaa.gov Mr Arthur PATERSON Deputy Director National Ocean Service, International Programme Office National Ocean Service Rm 5641 SSMC 3 1315 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 United States Tel: +1 301 713 3078 x217 Fax: 301-713-4263 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:arthur.e.paterson@noaa.gov" arthur.e.paterson@noaa.gov Dr*+,\]^_`ghiѷяyn_M>M/M/hx@CJ4PJ\^JaJ4h @CJ4PJ\^JaJ4#hl}hi`U@CJ4PJ\^JaJ4hl}@CJ4PJ\^JaJ4h(|h2OJQJ*jhl}OJQJUmHnHsH tHuh(|hiOJQJ9h6hi`Uhi`U6CJ$OJPJQJaJ$mH nHsH tH3h6hi`U6CJ$OJPJQJaJ$mH nHsH tHh(|hi`UOJQJ%h(|hi`Uhi`U5CJ$OJQJaJ$h(|hi`U5CJ$OJQJaJ$+,]^_bcdepbSS 9r $Ifgdi $Ifgdi:kdO$$Ifl%&&4 layth$ $Ifa$gdl}:kd$$Ifl%&&4 layth $Ifgdi ) * .efghi  4 E F G H I J K zgdC $@&a$gd5 $@&a$gdi`U $Ha$gdb $a$gdi`U$a$gdigdiJkd$$Ifl0% &4 la    3 4 9 : D E F L P Q W ˻vk`SF6h(|h25CJ$OJQJaJ$hy-5CJ$OJQJaJ$hl}5CJ$OJQJaJ$h(|h2OJQJh(|hiOJQJh(|hi`UCJ$OJQJaJ$$hl}hi`UCJ OJPJQJ^JaJ $hl}h5CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ 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aurelio.mercado@upr.edu Ms Christa Glee VON HILLEBRANDT- ANDRADE Manager NOAA NWS Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program Mayagez, PR. USA 00680 Tel: 1 787 833 8433 Fax: 1 787 265 1684 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:christa@prsn.uprm.edu" christa@prsn.uprm.edu BG Elton LEWIS Director Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency St. Thomas 00802 Virgin Islands US Tel: 340-228-1320 Fax: 340-715-6847 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:elton.lewis@vitema.vi.gov" elton.lewis@vitema.vi.gov Mr Rafael MOJICA Warning Coordination Meteorologist National Weather Service, Southern Region Headquarters Carretera 190, #4000 Carolina Puerto Rico US Puerto Rico Tel: 7872534586ext223 Fax: 7872537802 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rafael.mojica@noaa.gov" rafael.mojica@noaa.gov Mr Wilfredo RAMOS Special Assistant to the Director San Juan Puerto Rico 00906-6597 Puerto Rico Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wramos@aemead.gobierno.pr" wramos@aemead.gobierno.pr Ms Jenifer RHOADES NOAA's Tsunami Program Coordinator National Weather Service/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration 1325 East-West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910 United States Tel: +00 (0)1 301 713 1677 x 102 Fax: +00 (0)1 301 713 1520 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jenifer.rhoades@noaa.gov" jenifer.rhoades@noaa.gov Mrs Carolina HINCAPI-CRDENAS Research Assistant Puerto Rico Seismic Network Mayagez, Puerto Rico 00681-9017 United States Tel: (787) 833 8433 Fax: (787) 265 1684 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:carolina@prsn.uprm.edu" carolina@prsn.uprm.edu DrPatrick PARRISH Senior Project Manager The COMET Program/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Boulder Colorado 80307-3000 United States Tel: 303-497-8366 Fax: 303-497-8491 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pparrish@comet.ucar.edu" pparrish@comet.ucar.edu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Mr Guy VERNAEZ Head of Delegation President Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research Prolongacin Calle Mara El Llanito Caracas 1070 Distrito Federal Venezuela Tel: 58 416 5156347 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gvernaez@funvisis.gob.ve" gvernaez@funvisis.gob.ve Mr Juan Luis GUZMN Instructor de Prevencin FUNVISIS Av. Guaicaipuro con calle Tiuna, prolongacin calle Mara, El Llanito Caracas- 1070 Venezuela. Tel: 58 4168214391 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jguzman@funvisis.gob.ve" jguzman@funvisis.gob.ve Ms Gloria ROMERO Head of the National Seismological Service FUNVISIS Av. Guaicaipuro con calle Tiuna, prolongacin calle Mara, El Llanito Caracas- 1070 Venezuela. Tel: 58 2 122575153 Fax: 58 2122579860 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:%67%72%6f%6d%65%72%6f@%66%75%6e%76%69%73%69%73.%67%6f%62.%76%65" gromero@funvisis.gob.ve OTHER OBSERVER COUNTRIES Saint Kitts and Nevis Mr Carl HERBERT National Disaster Coordinator National Emergency Management Agency P.O.Box 186 Lime Kiln Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel: 1-869-466-5100 Fax: 1-869-466-5310 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:carlrock@yahoo.com" carlrock@yahoo.com ORGANIZATIONS Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Dr Charles (Chip) MCCREERY Director PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center 91-270 Fort Weaver Rd, HI 96706 United States Tel: 808-689-8207 x301 Fax: 808-689-4543 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:charles.mccreery@noaa.gov" charles.mccreery@noaa.gov Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC (of UNESCO) Tsunami Unit Mr Bernardo ALIAGA Technical Secretary ICG-CARIBE-EWS IOC Tsunami Unit Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) 1 Rue Miollis 75732 Pars, France Tel: (33) 1 456 83 980 Fax: (33) 1 456 85 810 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:b.aliaga@unesco.org" b.aliaga@unesco.org Ms Diana Patricia Mosquera Calle Assistant Programme Specialist UNESCO Port-au-Prince 19 Delmas 60 Tel: +509 3445 1204 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:d.mosquera@unesco.org" d.mosquera@unesco.org IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) Mr Cesar TORO IOC (UNESCO) Secretary for IOCARIBE The Towers, 25 Dominica Drive, 3rd Floor Kingston 5 Kingston, Jamaica Tel: +1 876 630 5317 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:c.toro@unesco.org" c.toro@unesco.org Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Dr Virginia CLERVEAUX Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Building #1 Manor Lodge, Lodge Hill St Michael Barbados Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:virginia.clerveaux@cdema.org" virginia.clerveaux@cdema.org UNPD OECS Subregional Office Mr Ian KING Program Manager United Nations Development Program, Barbados and the OECS Marine Gardens, Hastings Christ Church Barbados Tel: 246 467-6032 Fax: 246 429-2448 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ian.king@undp.org" ian.king@undp.org World Meteorological Organization Mr Edgard CABRERA Chief, Ocean Affairs Division World Meteorological Organization 7bis, avenue de la Paix Case Postale 2300 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 82 37 Fax: +41 22 730 81 28 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ecabrera@wmo.int" ecabrera@wmo.int OBSERVERS Mr Olivier NICOLAS DIT DUCLOS Journaliste France Tlvision (Martinique 1re) La Clairire B.P. 662 97263 Fort-de-France cedex France Martinique Tel: 0696968600 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:olivier.nicolas-dit-duclos@orange.fr" olivier.nicolas-dit-duclos@orange.fr Mr Serge ZOBEIDE Journaliste France Tlvision (Martinique 1re) Fort-de-France France Martinique Tel: 0696773549 Fax: 0596595226 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:serge.zobeide@rfo.fr" serge.zobeide@rfo.fr Local Organizing Committee Ms Jacqueline Estevez ONAMET: Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa - National Meteorological Service Oficina Nacional de Meteorologa Onamet 1153 Santo Domingo, Este. Dominican Republic Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jestevezc@yahoo.com" jestevezc@yahoo.com ANNEX V PROVISIONAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS Working Documents Document CodeDocument titleICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/1 Prov.Provisional Agenda (English, French and Spanish)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/1 Prov. AdProvisional Timetable (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/2 ProvProvisional annotated agenda (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3Draft Summary Report (to be prepared after the session) (English only with Executive Summary in English/French/Spanish and Russian)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/4RevProvisional List of Documents (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/5IOC Executive Secretary's Report (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/6Chairman's Report (English)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/7ICG/CARIBE EWS Secretariat's report (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/8ICG/CARIBE EWS-V Recommendations Status Report (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/9Working Group I Report (English/Spanish)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/10Working Group II Report (English/Spanish)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/11Working Group III Report (English/Spanish)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/12Working Group IV Report (English/Spanish)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/13Report of the CARIBE Wave Exercise 2011. Caribbean Tsunami ExerciseICG/CARIBE-EWS-V/3Summary Report of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System For The Caribbean And Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS-V), Managua, Nicaragua, 1517 March 2010ICG/CARIBE EWS-IV/13Working Group1: Technical, logistical and administrative requirements of a Regional Tsunami Warning Centre for the CARIBE EWSICG/CARIBE EWS-IV/14ITIC's Report of Tsunami signageIOC/TOWS-WG-IV/3Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Fourth Meeting, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 2122 March 2011IOC Technical Series 78CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan (English only)ICG/CARIBE EWS-II/11Communications Plan for the Interim Tsunami Advisory Information Service to the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions (English only)IOC Technical Series 90Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE EWS), 12 January 2010 Haiti Earthquake and Tsunami EventPost-Event Assessment of CARIBE EWS PerformanceInformation Documents Document CodeDocument titleInformation for participants (venue, hotels, airport, bus) (see website)ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/Inf. 1List of Caribbean National Contacts updated 6 April, 2011 (posted in the website) IOC Assembly Resolution XXIII-13 (English/Spanish)CL 2370 Letter of Invitation to ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI (English/Spanish/French)ICG/CARIBE EWS-II/12A Caribbean Tsunami Information Center: Roles and Functions for the Implementation of an Effective Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Warning and Mitigation System (English only)IOC/INF-1202.rev Dec. 08National Report Format (English, French)Working Groups Fact Sheets ANNEX VI LIST OF ACRONYMS ACSAssociation of Caribbean StatesALMAAlliance for Middle AmericaAORArea of ResponsibilityAWS Anguilla National Warning System (UK) BdMEBureau de Mines et de lEnergieCAP Common Alerting Protocol CDEMACaribbean Emergency Management AgencyCEPREDENAC Central American Coordination Center for Disaster Prevention CGMAConseil Gnral de la MartiniqueCIMHCaribbean Institute for Meteorology and HydrologyCISNCalifornia Integrated Seismic NetworkCOCONetContinuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational NetworkCOMETCooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and TrainingCoTsuRiMaCommissie Tsunami Risk ManagementCTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization CTIC Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre CTWC Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre CTWPCaribbean Tsunami Warning ProgrammeCZMUCoastal Zone Management UnitDARTDeep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of TsunamisDEMDepartment of Emergency ManagementDMADepartamento Metereolgico ArubaDTMDigital Terrain ModelEMOEmergency Management OfficeEMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (USA) ESRIEuropean Space Research InstituteEUTMESATEuropean Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological SatellitesFTPFile Transfer ProtocolGISGeographic Information SystemGLOSS Global sea level Observing System (UNESCO/IOC) GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (US/NOAA) GOOS Global Ocean Observing System (WMO-UNEP-IOC) GTS Global Telecommunication System ICG Intergovernmental Coordination Group ICG/CARIBE EWSIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent RegionsICG/IOTWS Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System ICG/NEAMTWS Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected Seas ICG/PTWS Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System INETER Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Territoriales INTERREG EU-funded programme IOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [UNESCO]IOCARIBE IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions IPGP Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France) IRISIntegrated Regional Information NetworksITIC International Tsunami Information Center ITU International Telecommunication Union JCOMM Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology LiDAR Light Detection And Ranging (optical remote sensing technology) MOSTMethod of Splitting TsunamiNESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (USA) NGDC National Geophysical Data Centre (USA) NOAA National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration (USA) NSFNational Science FoundationNWPTACNorthwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory CenterNWSNational Weather ServiceOASOrganization of American StatesOECSOrganization of Eastern Caribbean StatesONAMETOficina Nacional de MeteorologaOVSG Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (France) PRSN Puerto Rico Seismic Network PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center RANET Radio and Internet for the Communication of Hydro-meteorological Information for Rural Development (US/NOAA) RTWC Regional Tsunami Watch Centres SHOM French Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service SIDSSmall Island Developing StatesSMS Security Management System SOPStandard Operating ProcedureSRC/UWI Seismic Research Center of the University of West Indies TCP Tropical Cyclone Programme (WMO) TNC Tsunami National Contact TOWS Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems TWFP Tsunami Warning Focal Point TWS Tsunami Warning System UHSLCUniversity of Hawaii Sea Level CenterUN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development USGS United States Geological Survey WC/ATWC West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (USA) WGWorking GroupWMO World Meteorological Organization ( This document contains the Executive summary and Annex II in English, French, Spanish and Russian.     ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Page ( PAGE ii) ICG/CARIBE-EWS-VI/3 Page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT i) ICG/CARIBE-EWSV/3 Page  PAGE 1 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Page  PAGE 20 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 19 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex I page  PAGE 2 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex I ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Annex II page  PAGE 12 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Annex II page  PAGE 11 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Annex II ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex III page  PAGE 2 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex III page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI/3 Annex III ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex IV ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex IV page  PAGE 8 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex IV page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex V page  PAGE 2 ICG/CARIBE-EWSV/3 Annex VI - page  PAGE 3 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex V ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex VI page  PAGE 2 ICG/CARIBE-EWS VI/3 Annex VI page  PAGE 3 ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/3 Annex VI  (.01Ddv}~mX?X#7j Fh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 1jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (h5Ch1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5ChXeCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5ChXeCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h hXeCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5ChXeCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h5ChjXCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h5Ch=CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH  ;stu溥u`O:O)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ h9h1CJOJQJ^JaJ(h5ChiCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH h9hb.CJOJQJ^JaJ h9hiCJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ(h5ChiCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5Ch1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,h5Ch10JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH  ";I[m9REYn13 $a$gd|G$a$gd,R+,CDEҿҮs^I^I^I4(h6h1CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH)jh9hjXCJOJQJU^JaJ(h6hjXCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h hjXCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h9hjXCJOJQJ^JaJ h9h1CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h10JCJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ/jFh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJEHYhjnįĚąpppp_J9 h9h[CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h[CJOJQJU^JaJ h9hiCJOJQJ^JaJ(h6hcECJOJQJ^JaJmH 4sH 4(h6hiCJOJQJ^JaJmH 4sH 4(h5ChcECJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h5ChLpCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h5ChiCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h6hiCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH"h1CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH./01һҪsbJs7sb)h%CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9hbl0JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jHh9hblCJOJQJU^JaJ h9hblCJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9hblCJOJQJU^JaJ h9hjCJOJQJ^JaJ h9hiCJOJQJ^JaJ h9h1CJOJQJ^JaJ-h9h[0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)jh9h[CJOJQJU^JaJ/jGh9h[CJOJQJU^JaJ1236ɱڞxڞjUD h9h"CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h"CJOJQJU^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ/jJh9h&2CJOJQJU^JaJh%CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h&20JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jIh9h&2CJOJQJU^JaJ h9h&2CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h&2CJOJQJU^JaJ h9hblCJOJQJ^JaJ3, ,Or^rXj$a$gd,R $a$gd|G $a$gd|G$a$gd|G $a$gd1 $a$gd|G*+,/QZa#ҿҮ}lT}A}l$h9h10JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jLh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ h9h1CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJh=CJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h"CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h"0JCJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h"CJOJQJU^JaJ/jKh9h"CJOJQJU^JaJ#)*+,ɶzeMz6ze,h6h10JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH /jMh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ(h6h1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ"h|GCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h6h;CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH $h9h10J:CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h;0J:CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h;0J;CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h;CJOJQJ^JaJ,-5NOP_rABC̺u`uK`3K/jNh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ(h h1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h)CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h=h=CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h)CJOJQJ^JaJh%CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h D5CJOJQJ^JaJhSx5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h95CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h[5CJOJQJ^JaJC[\]^adpqrԿnYnYnYD/D(h6h2CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h6h\CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h h\CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h2CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h%CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hJwCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ,h h10JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH =>?VWXY./սxgR=R(h h=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h h5,|CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h9h5,|CJOJQJ^JaJ(hzdhCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h6h\CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH5h6h5,|0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJmHphsH/jOh9h5,|CJOJQJU^JaJ(h6h5,|CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH)jh9h5,|CJOJQJU^JaJ& -@ct?` $a$gd|G $a$gd|G $a$gd|$a$gd,RMQɸo\J8J8#h9h95CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9hi5CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h=0JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jPh9h=CJOJQJU^JaJ)jh9h=CJOJQJU^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJh=CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h=CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h=5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h=hms5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h=h=5CJOJQJ^JaJmyzɸ}lT}A}l0 h9h|GCJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h10JCJOJQJ^JaJ/jQh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ h9h1CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ$h9h[0J:CJOJQJ^JaJ$h9h[0J;CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h[CJOJQJ^JaJ#h|Ghi5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h95CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9hi5CJOJQJ^JaJ ,-/0'()ɷɩvaP8a/jRh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ h5Ch1CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ h5ChiCJOJQJ^JaJ h9hiCJOJQJ^JaJ h9h[CJOJQJ^JaJh%CJOJQJ^JaJ#h=hi5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h|Ghi5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9hi5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h9h95CJOJQJ^JaJ)<=>?BǶwbMb8b)jh9h DCJOJQJU^JaJ(h5Ch=CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5Ch DCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h9h DCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h5Ch DCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH(h5Ch%CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH h5ChiCJOJQJ^JaJ h5Ch1CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh9h1CJOJQJU^JaJ$h5Ch10JCJOJQJ^JaJ GUpyJ"?. 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