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On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Commission the IOC Assembly at its 24th Session in 2007 and the 41st Session of the IOC Executive Council in 2008 decided to organize a celebration of the 50th Anniversary. Later it was decided that the celebration would start with an inauguration of the anniversary in 2010 at the 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council and finish with the closing ceremony in conjunction with the IOC Assembly in 2011. The celebration was aimed to express the profound gratitude to all those who associated themselves over the last 50 years with the development of the IOC, to create awareness of the IOC achievements in the past and present, and to look into the future and obtain commitments from governments to take action, provide adequate resources and give priority to the ocean and coastal areas. The Executive Council in 2008 (IOC/EC-XLI/3) agreed upon an outline of the Plan of Action for the implementation of the anniversary based on the proposals made by Member States. Since its adoption some adjustments have been made following the recommendations of the IOC Governing Bodies and IOC Officers. Member States, while giving a universal affirmation of the proposals, emphasized that no regular funds would be spent to support the anniversary dedicated efforts and that financing would be made by Member States and other potential donors through extra budgetary contributions. The Director-General of UNESCO was called upon to consider allocating targeted financial resources to IOC in the draft programme and budget for 20102011 (Draft 35C/5) to support the Plan of Action for the 50th Anniversary. Implementation Realization of the anniversary plans agreed upon by the IOC Member States was started in the second half of 2008 with the appointment of an anniversary coordinator and when the first financial contributions were received to a dedicated account for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the IOC specially opened for this purpose. A group was established in the IOC Secretariat to coordinate the efforts of Member States, partners and programmes in meeting the anniversary objectives. At the beginning of 2009 the IOC anniversary logo was designed and made widely available in an electronic form for the use with all activities and products related to the anniversary. During the first year the focus was on creating a dedicated anniversary web page as a part of the IOC web site, to make people aware of the progress achieved in the preparation for the anniversary. The web page contains 50 years of the IOC History presenting milestone decisions and key activities. Visitors to the web page are able to have access to entire texts of relevant documents. The web page became fully operational from February 2010 and since has been continuously updated. The address of the IOC web site is  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org" http://ioc-unesco.org. By clicking on the anniversary logo a visitor is able to reach an anniversary web page. In parallel to that, the book Troubled Waters about the history of the IOC was published under the leadership of David Pugh and Geoffrey Holland, two former Chairpersons of the IOC, while other proposals which had been summarized and presented in the Plan of Action were implemented. The target was to achieve good progress during the first year and a half in order to be able to report to the IOC Executive Council in June 2010 on the achievements, problems and plans for 2011. On 12 and 13 October 2009 the Ministerial Round Table on the subject of Building Stewardship for the Ocean: the Contribution of UNESCO to Responsible Ocean Governance was organized in conjunction with the 35th General Conference of UNESCO (doc. 35C/INF.29). This was done in response to the need to rally effective support from Member States for the implementation of a Regular Process under the United Nations for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, and as a contribution to the IOC 50th Anniversary. In the same year, the Group of Experts on Assessment of Assessments led by IOC and UNEP published its findings which contained a critical appraisal of marine assessments made by different organizations in the previous years and identified a framework and options to build the Regular Process. A landmark event of 2010 was the official inauguration of the Anniversary Year which took place in Paris on World Oceans Day in conjunction with the beginning of the Forty-third Session of the Executive Council. In fact the programme of the inauguration consisted of two parts: A special scientific symposium organized in Paris on the 4th of May within the 2010 Global Oceans Conference, where a group of world renown scientists shared their views on the challenges facing the marine and coastal environment due to climate change and human activities, and on the role of IOC in meeting them (abstracts of presentations were published in a special brochure); A commemorative formal part on the 8th of June which was ceremonial, attended by a group of world known personalities, heads of international organizations and representatives of Member States. The programmes of the special scientific symposium and the Inauguration Ceremony are attached. Information on the inauguration ceremony is available in the anniversary web page and in the 2010 IOC Annual Report. Achievements The easiest way to show the progress is to compare the plans contained in the Plan of Action for the Anniversary approved by the IOC Executive Council at its 41st session with the state of implementation. Table 1 presents the implementation of the Plan of Action as of June 2011. It includes additional activities which had not been foreseen in 2008 when the Plan of Action was adopted. Detailed information on the activities is presented in the IOC anniversary web page. It is more difficult to judge whether the Anniversary objectives were met. These were to: Enhance the level of public awareness of the importance of collaboration and involvement in ocean science at all levels of society; - Take stock of advances in marine sciences and related international cooperation, at the global, regional and national levels, and plans for future directions in this area; - Promote worldwide a better image of IOC and of the solidarity of the international community in the field of ocean science; - Demonstrate to governments and to the public, the value and importance of the Commissions achievements, and make the international community and its leaders aware of the enormous contribution IOC can make in the future in oceanography and related sciences and services. Although we may say that globally and in principle the objectives have been met, the level of success may vary from region to region and from one country to another. It is expected that Member States during their at the 26th Assembly will give their view on what was achieved and what was not and why, and recommend future actions to meet the objectives as they will continue to be valid in the years to come. The anniversary imposed a special sort of responsibility not only on the Secretariat of the IOC. We would not be able to report today on the achievements in meeting the anniversary objectives if Member States, IOC programmes and partners had not been working together to support the IOC secretariat efforts. A detailed description of their contributions is in the anniversary web page. It is worth making special reference to the input of non-governmental organizations such as of the International Ocean Institute (IOI) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST, U.K.); of UN agencies and administrations such as UNESCO, especially the Science Sector and ADM/CLD/PCS, and the UN Postal Administration (UNPA); of IOC programmes and subsidiary bodies such as IODE, GOOS and WESTPAC; and of the Global Ocean Forum. During 20092011, three countries joined the Commission in understanding and appreciating the value of working with UNESCO/IOC as part of their national capacity, best strategy and close engagement. Lessons for the Future Funds are required to implement plans and events. To execute such an activity as the anniversary celebration at least some seed money from the regular fund needs to be allocated from the very beginning of the commemorative activities. It is difficult to implement planning and meet anniversary objectives in the most effective way without having a clear picture of potential funding. Special acknowledgment should be given to those few countries and foundations that provided financial and in-kind support to implement anniversary activities. They are: China, Belgium (Flanders), Canada, France, U.K., USA, Russian Federation, Monaco, The Netherlands, Thailand, Italy, Germany, Nausicaa/World Ocean Network, and, of course, UNPA and Total Foundation. However this constitutes the participation of less than 10% of all IOC Member States in support activities. Because the IOC Secretariat was missing active responses from Member States and some of the programmes to numerous requests for information on planned and implemented activities, and for support, information contained in the web page on the state of implementation of national anniversary dedicated activities may be out of date and fragmented. In this regard we may conclude that in some countries the IOC focal points and action addresses have not fulfilled their functions required for the success of the anniversary. It may be that having the anniversary during the whole year was too long and demanding as the interest of Member States in meeting the anniversary objectives was considerably diminished in 2011, e.g. number of implemented/planned conferences and other dedicated meetings was reduced from 40 in 2010 to 2 in 2011, exhibitions from 27 in 2010 to 4 in 2011, and cruises from 16 in 2010 to 4 in 2011. Table 1 Plan of Action and other proposals of IOC Governing Bodies relevant to the celebration of the 50th anniversaryState of ImplementationOrganization of Global Oceans Conference involving IOC, UN and other partner organizationsThe Global Oceans Conference was implemented in Paris from 3 to 7 May 2010 under the title Ensuring survival, presenting life, improving governance with financial support from France. Organization in September 2010 jointly with IOI of the XXXIII Pacem in Maribus Meeting on climate change and the development challenges of Ocean and coastal cities with financial support from China, was a notable contribution to the discussions of climate impact on coasts.Organization of regional ocean sciences conferencesRegional conferences have been implemented in WESTPAC, IOCARIBE and other parts of the world (more information is available in the anniversary web page under calendar of events)Implemention of a ministerial round table on oceans in 2011 in conjunction with the General Conference of UNESCOMinisterial round table was implemented in October 2009 in Paris in conjunction with the General Conference of UNESCO. Results of the Meeting were submitted to the UN Secretary General. They were referred to in his report on Oceans and Law of the Sea.Publication of the book on the first 50 years of IOCA book under the title Troubled Waters: ocean science and governance edited by D.Pugh and G.Holland, was published by Cambridge University Press and widely circulated in 2010. Publication of the book was possible due to a generous contribution of Belgium (Flanders) and Canada. It contains information on the development of IOC and its programmes during 50 years and it is also a forward-looking publication containing the vision of leading scientists on the future of ocean science and the IOC. Publication of the book was highly appraised by the world scientific community. Member States are encouraged to translate the book into their languages.Creation of a central web-based calendar and portal to all anniversary eventsA web page containing information about the history of IOC and anniversary related activities implemented by Member States, IOC programmes and partners, was developed and became operational from the first of February 2010. Since then it is regularly updated and today has hundreds of entries.Holding of the 43rd session of the IOC Executive Council and anniversary inauguration in 2010 at the UN headquartersBecause of the renovation of the UN main building the UN administration was not able to respond positively to our request and provide necessary space and facilities.Organization of conferences, other meetings and training activitiesDuring the period of almost three years Member States have informed the Secretariat of more than 50 planned/implemented scientific conferences and other meetings at the world, regional and global levels. Among them such activities as an international Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, on awareness raising and education in marine sciences; conferences in Nordic countries, Australia and Malaysia, Mexico and Japan and many other places. Summer schools, floating university cruises, training seminars and workshops implemented in different parts of the world helped to increase knowledge of hundreds of trainees. Go to the web page for detailed information under news and calendar.Implementation of research cruises under the IOC anniversary flagMore than 30 cruises were implemented in different parts of the world ocean. Description of cruises and cruises maps can be found on the web page. Some of the cruises, such as on board Brazilian training vessel Brazil and Ukrainian vessel Professor Vodjanitski were actively used for promoting IOC and its programmes through organizing open door days and round table discussions in the ports of call.Publications dedicated to the anniversaryThe IOC Secretariat was informed that 11 publications dedicated to the anniversary were issued by Member States from 2009 to May 2011. Among them: China and IOC by China; special issue of Oceanography journal by Oceanography Society of the USA; childrens book Into the Sea with the Vehicle-Whale by Japan; an Atlas of African Oceans and Coasts by ODINAFRICA; publication of educational materials on tsunami in Chile and others. There were numerous proceedings and reports of meetings dedicated to the anniversary. A special mention of the publication of the book Troubled Waters: ocean science and governance has already been done under item 4.Organization of promotional/awareness campaign and development of the materials on the importance of the oceans of interest to media and general publicAll activities implemented and described in the web page and above were targeted on raising awareness of the IOC and its activities. Development of the IOC anniversary logo to be used with all dedicated to the anniversary products and activities helped to facilitate this campaign. Opportunity of presenting IOC past and future at high level meetings, such as of German Parliament, at EuroOcean 2010, PIM and others, by the IOC Chair and Executive Secretary helped to not only raise awareness of the IOC but also bring the ocean issue to a high political level. Among events organized by Member States we may mention the Ocean and Society event organized by Brazil; the Workshop on Enhancing Awareness on Toxic Marine Organisms held in Vietnam; or inauguration of a children park in the National Aquarium of the Dominican Republic focused on teaching children how to protect the marine environment of the Caribbean. Many countries launched the anniversary dedicated web sites or organized hyper links with the IOC web page. Other countries issued promotional flyers and brochures, made posters, prepared briefs, such as Indonesia and Ecuador, describing the IOC and their countries inputs to the Commission as well as challenges facing the ocean. An IOC information kit and its abbreviated version, specially developed to meet mass media needs, as well as a Power Point Presentation have been issued by the IOC Secretariat and included on the web page for wide use. For more information visit the anniversary web page.Organization of Exhibitions and FestivalsThese were the most popular contributions to the anniversary objectives. Almost 50 countries, IOC programmes and partners informed of the exhibitions organized for promoting ocean issues and IOC. To cite just a few: in conjunction with the Ministerial Meeting in Paris during the UNESCO General Conference; with the IOC Executive Council in 2010; Future Oceans in Germany; exhibitions in Mauritius, Bulgaria, Iran and many other countries; Maritime Fair in Colombia, children artworks exhibitions in Paris by IOI and in Russia; and, of course, NAUSICAA/World Ocean Network Travelling Exhibition and Multi- Media Art Exhibition at Rockefeller Centre in New York, and many more. Underwater film festivals were also carried out under the anniversary logo in Russia and France.Development of promotional products with the logo and generic activities (in brackets there are names of contributors Member States or Programmes)Table and ship flags with the anniversary logo (UK); flash drives (GOOS); 2010 calendars (GOOS and Thailand), 2011 calendar (IODE), stamps (UNPA), ball pens, document folders and notebooks (Russia/RSHU, IODE), pencils (Italy), ties and scarves (Thailand), copies of posters and maps (Germany), posters (outdoor exhibition by Total Foundation), pins, coffee coasters and stickers (Canada).Launching of Medals, Awards and Fellowships50th anniversary medal was developed and presented in 2010 to the former Chairs and Executive Secretaries of the IOC. This year specially established Nomination Committee granted 44 individuals with the medals for their outstanding contribution to the IOC. With funding from the Total Foundation Young for the Ocean Award will be launched this year for the contribution of young scientists to the theme: Planning the Future of the Oceans and Coasts for the Benefit of Humanity. Three Awards will be offered every two years from 2013 onwards. 12 fellowships were awarded under the IOC 50th anniversary Fellowship programme Young African Leaders for Adaptation to Climate Change on Ocean and Coastal Zones to young marine scientists from Africa to address ocean and coastal zone adaptation to climate change. The programme was co-sponsored by the US Department of State and NOAA/USA.EXPO 2010 and 2012A film Cities on the Edge developed by IOC was demonstrated in the UN Pavilion at EXPO-2010 in China. A wide participation of the IOC is planned in EXPO-2012 in the Republic of Korea. The details of the participation are now being discussed with EXPO organizers. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel.: +33 1 45 68 10 10 Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 12 http://Ioc-unesco.org     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3  IOC/INF-1257 Part II Paris, 12 June 2011 English only INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO)  Progress in the Preparation for the 50th Anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Part III Achievements, lessons learned and follow up to the IOC 50th Anniversary results IOC/INF-1257 (III) page PAGE 2 IOC/INF-1257 (III) page PAGE 3 IOC/INF-1257 (III) IOC/INF-1257 (III) page PAGE 5 IOC/INF-1257 (III) page  PAGE 4 IOC/INF-1257 (III) page  PAGE 8 INFORMATION DOCUMENT . 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