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S D T ii W   r*   F##FFjj D Th ii     t*   F##FFjjH D 0i ? 3380___PPT10.Pʶ  @( 4'   <Tc`K k3Coastal Theme Update, IGOS-P-14, 30 May 2007, Paris4 4  <c LP. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, and L. Talaue-McManus, Univ. of Miami, Co-Chairs M M&"$ [  <\ƲEV  Spin-up of GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) Coastal workshops and other implementation activities Formulation of (Joint) Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO) H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +     Po (    <D0P a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *b  <tK  The IGOS Coastal Theme has been actively supporting development of a GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP), whose objectives are to: Engage coastal users (e.g., managers and decision makers) and data providers to collaborate in the specification of requirements for in situ & remote coastal observations and derived Information products (variables to monitor, time-space resolution, accuracy, rate, forms and delivery methods in which data and derived products are needed); Evaluate current and projected observational capabilities against these requirements, identifying gaps, redundancies and activities that need to be strengthened; Promote the development of workshops and  proof of concept pilot projects that both address these gaps and enable data integration for the provision of new or improved decision support tools; Promote development or strengthening of networks of institutions globally, regionally, and across Communities of Practice (CPs) that contribute to and benefit from GEOSS; Advise the User Interface Committee, other CPs and GEO on matters relating to coastal zone observations and related societal benefits, and identify priority needs as well as areas for linkage, collaboration and support.  R  Y L X n Z T Q  F/HC  Z   H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +d   (    <&cpY' z Organizing group: Jimmy Adegoke Michael Bruno Robert Christian (IGOS Coastal Theme; Coastal GTOS) Franciscus Colijn Paul DiGiacomo (IGOS Coastal Theme, Co-Chair; GOOS-PICO, Co-Chair) Thomas Malone (IGOS Coastal Theme; Coastal GOOS; GOOS-PICO) Hans-Peter Plag (IGOS Geodetic) Liana Talaue-McManus (IGOS Coastal Theme, Co-Chair) A number of GEO member nations, as well coastal user interests & applications (e.g., sea level rise, water quality, integrated coastal area management) are represented by this group. Monthly (or better) group telecons are taking place to facilitate discussion and plan CZCP activities.   6  V i X  61tC N  <H40@P a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +$  KC0(    < bRecent and ongoing community engagement activities: An open invitation letter to participate in the CZCP was submitted to GEO Secretariat. Coastal users/organizations are being identified by the organizing group, guided by their broad/diverse user knowledge, interests, and national/international activities. A GEO CZCP list server (CP-COASTAL@LIST.GEOSEC.ORG) has been created to facilitate discussion with and between these coastal users; an FTP site has also been established, and a web site (hosted by GTOS) will also come online in the near future. The CZCP, in conjunction with IGOS, GOOS et al., has helped organize, plan, & run recent coastal user workshops and meetings, including: => 3rd GOOS Regional Forum (Cape Town, South Africa, November 2006) => Workshop on Regional Needs for Coastal Remote Sensing (New Hampshire, USA, October 2006)* => GEO Inland & Nearshore Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Workshop (Geneva, Switzerland, March 2007)* *Workshop reports forthcoming for these two meetings addressing space-based coastal observing needs, present capabilities and gaps, and future directions. 5  [ K  U  Z   <0@P a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +     @O (    <菴0PP a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *B  <t\ 1st CZCP workshop:  GEOSS Support for Decision-Making in the Coastal Zone: Observing Requirements for Coastal Development, Urbanization and Hazards . Objectives include: Specify data and information requirements of the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) community in developing nations, particularly longer-term planners, policy makers, and educators. Discuss and prioritize data and information gaps identified in a separate pre-workshop effort. Identify the challenges to filling these gaps, as well as the emerging decision- making approaches and model-based solutions. Facilitate linkage of space-based observations, in situ measurements and models with sustained programs that will provide data and information needed to: > Assess changes in susceptibility and resilience to coastal inundation and storm surge in high risk regions and > Assess and forecast impacts on human health risks, the state of coastal ecosystems and the living resources they support  V q Y  W B  %`H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +   #   (    <731 : |1st CZCP workshop:  GEOSS Support for Decision-Making in the Coastal Zone: Observing Requirements for Coastal Development, Urbanization and Hazards . Objectives (continued): Initiate planning for a Coastal Data Assimilation System pilot project (CODAS) and corresponding Integrated Coastal Decision Support System (ICoDSS) for data acquisition, analysis, modeling and integration toward improved decision-making across the land-sea interface in two or more target regions. Specifically, the workshop will examine the state of coastal predictive models and decision-support systems and identify what steps will be needed to satisfactorily address user needs in developing nations. Planned tentatively for April 2008 at a location to be determined; there have been multiple expressions of interest in hosting this workshop. A workshop prospectus will be submitted to the GEO Secretariat by early next week for review and distribution to member nations, organizations etc. Several AGU Oceans Sciences (March 2008) special sessions have also been proposed. U  U  9RD  <0PP a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +  p(    0s v8Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO)"90 9  <dw`  'Just as the global modules of GOOS and GCOS must coordinate the ocean-climate system across the air-sea interface, the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS must address coordinated implementation across the land-sea interface. The IGOS Coastal Theme Report recommended the formation of the J-PICO to satisfy this need; we are working to establish this panel to provide technical & strategic guidance for integrated implementation as follows: Obtained endorsements for J-PICO from the Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), the GOOS and GTOS Steering Committees, the 3rd GOOS Regional Forum, and the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS; Working to secure support from the IOC and the FAO (the primary sponsors); and Contributed to the preparation of Terms of Reference for J-PICO by IOC and FAO. We are awaiting establishment of this J-PICO (to be discussed next month at the IOC Assembly); further IGOS/GEO endorsements most welcome. In the interim, there is a newly created GOOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO), a sub-committee of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee; P. DiGiacomo has agreed to serve as the PICO Co-Chair. N0 0 PM  0 P 0 PQ 0 Pg0 "      1w 1H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10. 0:/n  @8 (    <XĪl OIGOS Ocean Theme Update   <pdW <K. Alverson, GOOS, and P. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, Co-Chairs = =&1    <B< # [' Status of Ocean Theme Rolling Review:( (H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10.  o  #(    <1l OIGOS Ocean Theme Update   <0pdW <K. Alverson, GOOS, and P. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, Co-Chairs = =&1   <Ъ<_ > Status of Ocean Theme Rolling Review: on hold pending guidance/clarification per IGOS future and relationship with GEO& .$T , H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10.  orD0C,$;>EKM0dmxqXd3vC( F/ 0|DArialgs  v0 0"DTahomags  v0 0" DWingdings  v0 00DTimesngsOh+'08U px $0 P \ h tSlide 1Dr. Paul M. DiGiacomoXMacintosh HD:Applications:Microsoft Office X:Templates:Presentations:Designs:ShimmerPaul M. DiGiacomo639Microsoft PowerPoint@- @D~@H@PGS;  )'  A  """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3ff333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffff3fff333f3f3ff3ff33f̙̙3̙ff̙̙̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3ffffffffff!___wwwff4'A x@(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___wwwlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll8l8lll8l88l8llll8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888lll88l8888888888888l888888l88888888888l8888888888888888l8888888888888l8l88888888lll8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888lll88lll8l8888lll8l8l8lll88888888l8ll8l8l8l8l8l8888888l8lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|DArialgs  v0 0"DTahomags  v0 0" DWingdings  v0 00DTimesngs  v0 0@DSymbolgs  v0 0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@``    u8 ,,HG//HG,,   1         #%$ G0  50   0     W!%    )) )) !             BCDE GH IKM_$$R$.Kb|Mb$A+\AMb$x%Tr'avH#T 0AApf@8+oO ʚ;J8ʚ;g4OdOd$0;ppp@ <4ddddPh0ب  <4!d!dP̨0<42d2dP̨0h___PPT2001D<4X0___PPT10 ?  %< >b ;_ <` =a Bh ?d  @e  Af  Di    80p(    0s v8Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO)"90 9  <dw`y FJust as the global modules of GOOS and GCOS must coordinate the ocean-climate system across the air-sea interface, the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS must address coordinated implementation across the land-sea interface. The IGOS Coastal Theme Report recommended the formation of the J-PICO to satisfy this need; we are working to establish this panel to provide technical & strategic guidance for integrated implementation as follows: Obtained endorsements for J-PICO from the Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), the GOOS and GTOS Steering Committees, the 3rd GOOS Regional Forum, and the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS; Working to secure support from the IOC and the FAO (the primary sponsors); and Contributed to the preparation of Terms of Reference for J-PICO by IOC and FAO. We are awaiting establishment of this J-PICO (to be discussed next month at the IOC Assembly); further IGOS/GEO endorsements are most welcome. In the interim, there is a newly created GOOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO), a sub-committee of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee; P. DiGiacomo has agreed to serve as the PICO Co-Chair and will liaise with GEO/IGOS. N0 0 PM  0 P 0 PQ 0 P0 "      1 5H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10. 0:/n  .&(    <3l OIGOS Ocean Theme Update   <3pdW <K. Alverson, GOOS, and P. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, Co-Chairs = =&1   <@   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)@YPicturesCurrent User SSummaryInformation(hUPowerPoint Document(OBDocumentSummaryInformation8p  v0 0@DSymbolgs  v0 0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@``    u8 ,,HG//HG,,   1         #%$ G0  50   0     W!%    )) )) !             BCDE GH IKM_$$R$.Kb|Mb$A+\AMb$x%Tr'avH#T 0AApf@8+oO ʚ;J8ʚ;g4OdOd$0;ppp@ <4ddddPh0ب  <4!d!dP̨0<42d2dP̨0h___PPT2001D<4X0___PPT10 ?  %< >b ;_ <` =a Bh ?d  @e  Af  Di    p(    0s v8Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO)"90 9  <dw`  +Just as the global modules of GOOS and GCOS must coordinate the ocean-climate system across the air-sea interface, the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS must address coordinated implementation across the land-sea interface. The IGOS Coastal Theme Report recommended the formation of the J-PICO to satisfy this need; we are working to establish this panel to provide technical & strategic guidance for integrated implementation as follows: Obtained endorsements for J-PICO from the Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), the GOOS and GTOS Steering Committees, the 3rd GOOS Regional Forum, and the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS; Working to secure support from the IOC and the FAO (the primary sponsors); and Contributed to the preparation of Terms of Reference for J-PICO by IOC and FAO. We are awaiting establishment of this J-PICO (to be discussed next month at the IOC Assembly); further IGOS/GEO endorsements are most welcome. In the interim, there is a newly created GOOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO), a sub-committee of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee; P. DiGiacomo has agreed to serve as the PICO Co-Chair. N0 0 PM  0 P 0 PQ 0 Pk0 "      1w 5H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10. 0:/nI  I(    <1l OIGOS Ocean Theme Update   <0pdW <K. Alverson, GOOS, and P. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, Co-Chairs = =&1 @  <Ъ<  Status of Ocean Theme Rolling Review: On hold, pending guidance/clarification re IGOS future and the relationship with GEO. $* k H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10.  o  #(    <3l OIGOS Ocean Theme Update   <3pdW <K. Alverson, GOOS, and P. DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, Co-Chairs = =&1   <@ <1  > Status of Ocean Theme Rolling Review: On hold, pending guidance/clarification re IGOS future and the relationship with GEO. As it was for IGOS, the Ocean Theme could serve as a pathfinder for GEO ocean coordination efforts. $*  H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10.  or v?AQDiv]D( F/ 0 ՜.+,0@    On-screen ShowOAO CorporationB  ArialTahoma WingdingsTimesSymbol TexturedSlide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7Slide 8Slide 9 Slide 10  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles )_ Paul M. DiGiacomoPaul M. DiGiacomo<1  I  Status of Ocean Theme Rolling Review: On hold, pending guidance/clarification re IGOS future and the relationship with GEO. As it was for IGOS, the Ocean Theme could serve as a pathfinder for GEO (and CEOS) ocean coordination efforts. $*   H  0޽h ? +T3f3f80___PPT10.  or?Dri8D( F/ 0|DArialgs  v0 0"DTahomags  v0 0" DWingdings  v0 00DTimesngs  v0 0@DSymbolgs  v0 0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@``    u8 ,,HG//HG,,   1         #%$ G0  50   0     W!%    )) )) !             BCDE GH IKM_$$R$.Kb|Mb$A+\AMb$x%Tr'avH#T 0AApf@8+oO ʚ;J8ʚ;g4OdOd$0;ppp@ <4ddddPh0ب  <4!d!dP̨0<42d2dP̨0h___PPT2001D<4X0___PPT10 ?  %< >b ;_ <` =a Bh ?d  @e  Af  Di       Po (  b  <tK  The IGOS Coastal Theme has been actively supporting development of a GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP), whose objectives are to: Engage coastal users (e.g., managers and decision makers) and data providers to collaborate in the specification of requirements for in situ & remote coastal observations and derived Information products (variables to monitor, time-space resolution, accuracy, rate, forms and delivery methods in which data and derived products are needed); Evaluate current and projected observational capabilities against these requirements, identifying gaps, redundancies and activities that need to be strengthened; Promote the development of workshops and  proof of concept pilot projects that both address these gaps and enable data integration for the provision of new or improved decision support tools; Promote development or strengthening of networks of institutions globally, regionally, and across Communities of Practice (CPs) that contribute to and benefit from GEOSS; Advise the User Interface Committee, other CPs and GEO on matters relating to coastal zone observations and related societal benefits, and identify priority needs as well as areas for linkage, collaboration and support.  R  Y L X n Z T Q  F/HC  Z     <]0PP a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +d   (    <&cpY' z Organizing group: Jimmy Adegoke Michael Bruno Robert Christian (IGOS Coastal Theme; Coastal GTOS) Franciscus Colijn Paul DiGiacomo (IGOS Coastal Theme, Co-Chair; GOOS-PICO, Co-Chair) Thomas Malone (IGOS Coastal Theme; Coastal GOOS; GOOS-PICO) Hans-Peter Plag (IGOS Geodetic) Liana Talaue-McManus (IGOS Coastal Theme, Co-Chair) A number of GEO member nations, as well coastal user interests & applications (e.g., sea level rise, water quality, integrated coastal area management) are represented by this group. Monthly (or better) group telecons are taking place to facilitate discussion and plan CZCP activities.   6  V i X  61tC N  <d0PP a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +$  KC0(    < bRecent and ongoing community engagement activities: An open invitation letter to participate in the CZCP was submitted to GEO Secretariat. Coastal users/organizations are being identified by the organizing group, guided by their broad/diverse user knowledge, interests, and national/international activities. A GEO CZCP list server (CP-COASTAL@LIST.GEOSEC.ORG) has been created to facilitate discussion with and between these coastal users; an FTP site has also been established, and a web site (hosted by GTOS) will also come online in the near future. The CZCP, in conjunction with IGOS, GOOS et al., has helped organize, plan, & run recent coastal user workshops and meetings, including: => 3rd GOOS Regional Forum (Cape Town, South Africa, November 2006) => Workshop on Regional Needs for Coastal Remote Sensing (New Hampshire, USA, October 2006)* => GEO Inland & Nearshore Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Workshop (Geneva, Switzerland, March 2007)* *Workshop reports forthcoming for these two meetings addressing space-based coastal observing needs, present capabilities and gaps, and future directions. 5  [ K  U  Z   <,W0PP a)Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)* *H  0޽h ? +T3f3fy___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +r|; 5>uiXD( F/ 0|DArialgs  v0 0"DTahomags  v0 0" DWingdings  v0 00DTimesngs  v0 0@DSymbolgs  v0 0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@``    u8 ,,HG//HG,,   1         #%$ G0  50   0     W!%    )) )) !             BCDE GH IKM_$$R$.Kb|Mb$A+\AMb$x%Tr'avH#T 0AApf@8+oO ʚ;J8ʚ;g4OdOd$0;ppp@ <4ddddPh0ب  <4!d!dP̨0<42d2dP̨0h___PPT2001D<4X0___PPT10 ?  %< >b ;_ <` =a Bh ?d  @e  Af  Di  riD