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Donald Hinsman (WMO) and Conrado Varotto (CONAE) as Co-Chairs opened the session. The Agenda was then adopted as printed. The Partners then welcomed the Global Geodetic Observation System (GGOS) as a new member of the Partnership. IGOS P-12bis Session Review of the Meeting Record V 0.1 12bis The Record was approved. Review of status of action items from P-12bis & P-12 The status of the action items from P12bis meeting was reviewed and agreed (refer to Annex A attached for the current status as discussed at the meeting as well as new action items from P-13. One new action was agreed with regard to raising the profile of IGOS-P at high-level meetings. ICSU agreed to lead a small group including (FAOP,UNEP. WMO ,WCRP and GCOS) to look into a side event for CSD 15. ACTION 13.1 13-1A dedicated group is formed to evaluate the benefits of and process to review the potential to hold a side event at CSD 15. Leader: ICSU, Members: GCOS, WCRP, FAO, UNEP, WMO. IGOS P 13bisOpen IGOS Partners Reports 3.1 CEOS SIT Steven Briggs(CEOS/ESA) presented the report . The main points were: the relationship that has emerged between CEOS and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). CEOS will provide the primary coordination role for observations from satellites into the GEO process. CEOS members are active in the GEO process leading in 11 and participating in 31 of the 97 Tasks of the GEO 2006 Work Plan. CEOS Sit provides the overall coordination of these contributions. CEOS is working on its response to GCOS Implementation Plan which will be presented to COP-12 in November 2006. 2 The concept of ‘CEOS virtual constellations’ has been advocated for planning of future EO missions by CEOS. 3.2 Interagency Coordination and Planning Committee(ICPC) Donald Hinsman(WMO) reported that the ICPC had replaced the old G3OS group for coordination among the main observing systems with the UN system . Membership included FAO , UNESCO-IOC, WMO , UNEP and ICSU as an observer. ICPC had 3 levels in its mandate- the Executive Heads of the Agencies , a Director level group ( the actual ICPC) and task groups as required. The group meets twice a year in time to provide input to the meetings of the Executive Heads. The Chair of the ICPC will rotate annually . WMO has chaired the first year and as such is the Co-chair of IGOS-P. Both those chairs will move to IOC for the 2006-2007 period starting after IGOS-P13. A copy of the report of the first meeting of ICPC will be posted on the IGOS P web site. GEO UPDATE 4.0 GEO Secretariat Report. The GEO Secretariat represented by Antti Herlevi and Osamu Ochiai provided an update on the status the 2006 GEO Work Plan and also outlined the plans and timetable for the 2007-2009 Work Plan. Key points were: IGOS P members are leading 11 Tasks and contributing to 31 Tasks with the 97 of the 2006 Work Plan. June 23 is the deadline for updates to the Task sheets as a mid year report. A draft Outline for the 2007 09 Work Plan is out for comment with a deadline of June 1st. Version 1 of the Plan will be issued by June 7th for technical review by mid July. Version 2 will be issued the end of July for official comments by Members and Participating Organizations due by October 2nd. A Draft Final Version will be distributed on October 16 for consideration at the GEO III Plenary on Nov.28. A general discussion followed with some specific questions with regard to section “ on Cross Disciplinary Objectives’ . Partners questioned the selection of the 5 cross cutting areas proposed. The also sought clarification on the meaning of the fifth area namely EO and socio-economic development 4.1 IGOS-P / GEO Relationship Co-chair Hinsman provided a short report on the coordination of activities and interventions made on behalf of the Partner to GEO over the past year. Noteworthy was the number of times that IGOS-P was cited during the GEO II Plenary , held in November 2005, as a good example of how GEO could operate. 4.2 IGOS Strategy For Response to the GEO Work Plan 2007-2009 Further to the discussion on section 2 of the proposed Outline , it was agreed that the Co-Chairs through the IGOS Sec will provide to GEO a consolidated report of the know workshops and meetings already held on the topic of socio-economic factors in EO: Action 13.2 13-2IGOS Sec to provide to GEOSec a consolidated report on the results of IGOS workshops and relevant Partner meetings on socio economic factors.June 2006Open Others points raised included: 3. Importance to link poverty to the water as one of the Socio-economic factors. Under the health area the health of ecosystems there was a direct link to disease such as the Avian Flu and this was made evident at a recent workshop sponsored by UNEP. There are number of socio-economic factor data sets available at the FAO. A discussion followed with regard to IGOS P members participation on Tasks and on the Committees of GEO. The challenge is to ensure both effective participation and including tangible contributions as well as a means of reporting this work to the Partnership. It was agreed that this issue should be taken up in particular by the IGOS Theme leaders as they are often the major contributors to the GEO Tasks. As for the Committees it was agreed that the IGOS Sec would prepare a list of proposed members to serve on the Committees and circulate it before June 30th . This would then be confirmed at the 13bis meeting. ACTION 13.3 13-3IGOS Sec to provide a list of proposed candidates to represent IGOS-P on GEO Committees for approval by PartnersJune 30, 2006Open 5.Reports on potential health and energy themes Co-Chair Hinsman provided an update on efforts to find leads to begin scoping papers for these two new theme areas. Meetings had been held at the Director level with the WHO to seek their support, participation and perhaps leadership for the health theme paper. Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum from the WHO attended this part of the IGOS-P13 session and reported that WHO was very active on a number of Environment and Health projects noting a few specifics including health and climate work with the WMO . He also noted that they were very interested in the work of IGOS-P and of GEO and were seeking within the WHO a mandate for further involvement. He expected that a decision and direction on their involvement would be forthcoming in the near future. With regard to the Energy theme less progress has been made to find a lead albeit some contacts have been made. It was noted that the former head of the USGS had retired and was now working at a university in the energy related field . Contact with him will be made to explore his interest and availability to lead this scoping exercise. Discussion on Expanded Partnership Proposal from WHO As noted in section 5 above the WHO has agreed to investigate the possibility of joining the Partnership and will report t the IGOS Co-Chairs in the near future. Brief Status Reports on Themes Theme Leaders Meeting Stuart Marsh who served as the chair of the Theme Leaders meeting on May 22 reported on the outcomes of that meeting. One of the key results was the recommendation to work more towards the integration of the a number of the Theme areas, as stated to find ways to put the I back in IGOS. 4. It was agreed the Team Leaders would prepare a proposed Terms of Reference for the Group for consideration by the Partners.Action 13.4 13-4Theme Leaders Group to draft a proposal for terms of reference to be considered at IGOS P 13bis (S. Marsh)IGOS P 13bisOpen Also the Theme leaders were to prepare a scoping paper on the process for and value of integration . Action 13.5 13-5Theme Leaders Group to prepare a scoping paper on the value of integration of Themes (S. Marsh)IGOS P 13bisOpen 7.2Theme Proposals and Reports Land Theme Report R.Conant presented the report. It was noted that a close link to and relationship with GTOS was import for the Theme.It was agreed that the report needed to be completed by mid August in order for a review by CEOS SIT at its meeting in Sept. Cryosphere Theme Report R.Ryabinin presented the report. There was a suggestion to try and develop a compent in the report or Executive summary addressing the political aspects of the report for consideration by decision-makers. In that context Theme leads were encourage to complete the report so as to have it available early in “==/ so as to take full advantage of the opportunity that the International Polar Year (IPY) may offer, Geodetic Theme Report H_P Plag presented the report.It was noted that the Theme was indeed an earth systems dynamics theme and hence needed to have integrated approach in the development of the Theme. It was agreed that they should make a formal proposal toward the development of the Theme. Approved Themes’ status Carbon Theme r.Dargaville presented the report.The Partners approved the Implementation Plan and the request to publish the IP in a non-glossy format. It was noted that in other Theme Reports the IP is usually a ØÆŗĮĀÉū , 1 2 9 D J v}w~t{…Œ¦µa!i!Š!Ų!T"^"m"w"ŗ"Į"$$($7$@$V%b%q%{%‹&–&·&Į&É&Ō&ć&ģ&("(1(:())V)_)Ķ)Š)]*g*·*¼*Æ,½,q-y-ˆ-’-ó-ż-F/J/÷1ś1 33<4C4ø5Ā5&6.6Y6`6¦6Æ6Ū6ą6ł67#7*7č7¦°ŠÕ{€‚‹ĪÕ ÅįŲāū š Ÿ   ą ź f l Ž›NWelP•hnŅę\aAHŲą˜ „ 7$@$V%b%ć&ģ& ((1(:(Ü(ć(×)Ś)]+†+“,·,ˆ-’-»/Į/č0ó0ø1ŗ1Ž2™23344R4_4ø5Ć5&6:67737@7č73333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333¼Ē‹©ž<ą ė y‹«õ¢®Æ“&:Õē«Įä3: A $!.!N!`!T"l" $$/%G%H%T%·&Č&¹'(G)U)P*\*L-p-·1Ē1z4Ź4P5f5č7’’helpdeskgC:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 13 p IGOS.asdhelpdeskgC:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 13 p IGOS.asdhelpdeskgC:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 13 p IGOS.asdhelpdesk?C:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\My Documents\13 p IGOS.dochelpdesk?C:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\My Documents\13 p IGOS.dochelpdesk?C:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\My Documents\13 p IGOS.dochelpdeskgC:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 13 p IGOS.asdhelpdeskgC:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 13 p IGOS.asdhelpdesk?C:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\My Documents\13 p IGOS.dochelpdesk?C:\Documents and Settings\ODonnell B\My Documents\13 p IGOS.docĘSØ.÷Ŗø’’’’’’’’’N*™\źėųŻ’’’’’’’’’†z…]„™d:’’’’’’’’’„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žOJPJQJ^Jo(-€ „ „˜žĘ ^„ `„˜žOJQJo(o€ „p„˜žĘp^„p`„˜žOJQJo(§š€ „@ „˜žĘ@ ^„@ `„˜žOJQJo(·š€ „„˜žĘ^„`„˜žOJQJo(o€ „ą„˜žĘą^„ą`„˜žOJQJo(§š€ „°„˜žĘ°^„°`„˜žOJQJo(·š€ „€„˜žĘ€^„€`„˜žOJQJo(o€ „P„˜žĘP^„P`„˜žOJQJo(§š„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žo(.„Š„˜žĘŠ^„Š`„˜žo(.„8„0żĘ8^„8`„0żo(..„8„0żĘ8^„8`„0żo(... „ „ČūĘ ^„ `„Čūo( .... „ „ČūĘ ^„ `„Čūo( ..... „„`śĘ^„`„`śo( ...... „„`śĘ^„`„`śo(....... „p„ųųĘp^„p`„ųųo(........„¤„˜žĘ¤^„¤`„˜žo(.„¤„˜žĘ¤^„¤`„˜žo(.„ „0żĘ ^„ `„0żo(..„ „0żĘ ^„ `„0żo(... „t„ČūĘt^„t`„Čūo( .... „t„ČūĘt^„t`„Čūo( ..... „Ü„`śĘÜ^„Ü`„`śo( ...... „Ü„`śĘÜ^„Ü`„`śo(....... „D„ųųĘD^„D`„ųųo(........N*™\ĘS؆z…]’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’\¹P¼                 (–ķ        ÉĪ~‹‘ęėyƒˆ‰Æ“&49:½Ā- : ? @ ² · !$!)!*!Ä,É,?-L-Q-R-Ź4Ļ4P5^5c5d5č7–––––––’@€C4C40œtC4B4ę7@@’’Unknown’’’’’’’’’’’’G‡z €’Times New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €’Arial?5 ‡z €’Courier New;€Wingdings"qˆšŠhļĮ„fģ„&ČĆ„f&.b!šnnn“‚‚20dš8 2ƒqš’’dDraft Record -13th IGOS Partners Meeting May 23, 2006 Geneva, Switzerlandhelpdeskhelpdeskž’ą…ŸņłOh«‘+'³Ł0䘠0<HX lx ”   ¬ øÄĢŌÜäeDraft Record -13th IGOS Partners Meeting May 23, 2006 Geneva, SwitzerlandMraf helpdeskordelpelpNormalk helpdeskord8lpMicrosoft Word 9.0I@dB)@ų3Ę@b«yõ~Ę@ĘŪŖ+ƒĘ.ž’ÕĶ՜.“—+,ł®0L hp|„Œ” œ¤¬“ ¼ -äwmobš8 eDraft Record -13th IGOS Partners Meeting May 23, 2006 Geneva, Switzerland Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345ž’’’789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOž’’’QRSTUVWž’’’YZ[\]^_ž’’’ż’’’bž’’’ž’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄF°«D»+ƒĘd€1Table’’’’’’’’’’’’6~2WordDocument’’’’’’’’&jSummaryInformation(’’’’PDocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’’’’’XCompObj’’’’jObjectPool’’’’’’’’’’’’°«D»+ƒĘ°«D»+ƒĘ’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’ ’’’’ ĄFMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8ō9²qRoot Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄF0³­_ŗwĒj1Table’’’’’’’’’’’’6~2WordDocument’’’’’’’’&jSummaryInformation(’’’’P  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345ž’’’789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOž’’’QRSTUVWž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’iż’’’ž’’’ž’’’ž’’’h’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’ ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’TitleĄH$€,4<Ht _AdHocReviewCycleID_NewReviewCycle_EmailSubject _AuthorEmail_AuthorEmailDisplayName° t6ˆzIGOS-Sec TeleconB.Lee@unesco.org Lee, BoramDocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’’’’’PCompObj’’’’jObjectPool’’’’’’’’’’’’°«D»+ƒĘ°«D»+ƒĘ’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’ ’’’’ ĄFMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8ō9²qž’ÕĶ՜.“—+,ł®DÕĶ՜.“—+,ł®L hp|„Œ” œ¤¬“ ¼ -äwmobš8 eDraft Record -13th IGOS Partners Meeting May 23, 2006 Geneva, Switzerland