ࡱ> LNGHIJK'` :bjbjLULU kp.?.?X, r r r r X 0 $ DP:$^QN\)))4M6M6M6M6M6M6M$PhSZMr &~%)hT,ZMr r oM...r r 4M4M..&6r r B hr"º:dC< M`QN;St4SBBxS Cx)Z@ õ4)))ZMZMd)))QN^^LbL^^b   r r r r r r  DRAFT UNESCO-IOC Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide (2nd Edition) (as of 12 December 2010) Sections of the Field GuideResponsible author(s) Total # of Pages (inc. figs)1st Draft provided (as of 12th Dec) Executive SummaryDale2-5Still to doContents list/structure of the guideMariana/DaleAs requiredStill to doList of authors and their affiliations of the Working GroupDaleAs requiredStill to doList of acronyms?????????MarianaAs requiredStill to doAcknowledgementsDale/ALLAs requiredStill to doPart I Introduction to this Field Guide3Done by Dale1. Introduction, Rationale and value of post-tsunami surveys2. Structure of this Field Guide3. Modification of this Field Guide from the First Edition4. Recognizing the need for Flexible Tsunami Survey Teams 5. Aligning post-tsunami research terminology with United Nations/UNESCO definitions Part II Conducting Post-tsunami Field SurveysBefore the field surveyP II 1 National Tsunami Survey Team (NTST) PII 1-1 Laura PII 1-2 Kenji PII 1-3 Ardito Laura Kong (to coordinate this writing section), Lori, Herman Fritz & Eko Yulianto, Kenji to provide example for Japan Ardito (Indonesia UNESCO) 0.5Not yet Done by Kenji Not yetP II 2 International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) Basic Terms of reference (ToR) of ITST ITST Coordination Team, decision-making procedure Composition of ITST, including national and local participants Sub groups; Inundation, Run-up, and Flow depth/direction, Building and Infrastructure damage, Geology and Tectonics (subsidence/uplift, scour, sediments), Ecosystem and Biological impacts, Eyewitness Interviewing, Preparedness, Social and Human ImpactsDale DH, Laura Kong5Done by DaleP II 3 TrainingDale DH, Masahiro Yamamoto, Herman Fritz1Done by DaleP II 4 LogisticDale DH, Laura Kong, Lori Dengler1Done by Dale feedback from Laura and circulate to our groupP II 5 Overall Policies Manner Ethics and survey conduct Cultural awareness, country specific regulation and practices Scientific protocols and psychological care of survey team members, care debriefs and peer support Safety and security ITST identification badges Legal requirementDale DH3Done by Dale with comments from Laura to be revise now by Dale During the field surveyP II 6 Check-in briefing with local host / ITST-National Coordination TeamDale DH, Eko Yulianto1YP II 7 Daily briefings and interaction with host governmentDale DH and other???1Done by Dale P II 8 Check-out briefing Dale DH, Laura Kong, 2YAfter the field surveyP II 9 Reports and publications arising from the ITST ITST Interim and Final Reports Tsunami Event Special Issue Peer-reviewed publication Conferences and workshopsDale DH, Laura Kong, 1YP II 10 Gathering, processing, sharing and distribution of data Survey Team metadata (who, when, where, data collected) Data repository / post-tsunami survey technical clearinghouse for ITST Survey Team early results information sharing and archiving Data sharing policy and data rightsLaura Kong, Paula DunbarPaula and Laura to review and consider definitions and Annexes Part III Data types, data collection equipment and methods and best practiceData to be collected BEFORE going in to the field (and associated equipment and methods)P III- 1 Preliminary Information, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, UN and other situation reports, preliminary numerical modeling and other reconnaissance data and documentation to guide survey area decision makingShunichi Koshimura Fumihiko Imamura P III 1-1 Tsunami and earthquake modeling P III 1-1-a Tsunami modeling; Ahmet P III 1-1-b earthquake modeling; KenjiShunichi KoshimuraY/N Koshimura has already written some material BUT Ahmet to write tsunami modeling part and Kenji to write earthquake modeling part as soon as possibleP III-1-2 Remote sensing data collection. (satellite, aerial photographs, etc from UNOSAT, QuickBird, etc)Shunichi KoshimuraYP III -1-3 Evaluation of tsunami-affected area for the decision of ITST size and equipments to be used.Shunichi KoshimuraYP III -1-4 Instrumental records of wave (DART and Tide.)Laura KongN Laura to write asapP III 2 Data that can be collected DURING the field survey (and associated equipment and methods)P III 2-1 Tsunami wave information Run-up, Inundation, Flow Depth, Wave Height Wave arrival times Wave character (size, description of what wave looked like, direction, velocity/current Tidal data/condition Location and Elevation measurement GPS (Hand-held, Differential GPS (DGPS, USGS system), Real Time Kinematic GPS (RTK GPS, NZ GNS system) Laser Rangefinder or similar Eye-safe laser distance instrument (Laser distometer) Stadia or other height level rods Optical survey equipment Hand-level with sighting arrangement (carpenters level) LIDAR?Ahmet Yalciner, Fumihiko Imamura, Koshimura Koji Fujima5Y YP III 3 Tsunami impact on the built environment, building damage and engineering aspects Classification Primary (hydrostatic, hydrodynamic) Secondary (debris, driftwood, fire) Discrimination of damages by earthquake and/or tsunami Building damage surveys Physical Damage to Buildings and residential structures Public facilities, Infrastructure, Lifelines Harbor and port facilitiesAhmet Yalciner, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura Ahmet Yalciner, Billy Edge & Stefan Reesce 5Y N Ahmet to liaise with these other authors to get this section writtenP III 4 Impacts on ecosystems (natural and agricultural) Brian McAdoo, Hermann Fritz, Roland Cochard5Y Masha to remind Brian to meet deadline of 31st December asap!P III 5 Geophysical monitoring and measurement (including seismological, geodetic etc) Kenji Satake5-7N Kenji to provide as soon as possibleP III 6 Geologic and Geotechnical Information Coastal uplift or subsidence (indicators used), surface faults, tilt Tsunami deposits- onshore and offshore and erosion and geomorph changes Paleo-tsunami deposits survey Liquefaction, scour Coastal Landslide Authors to consider quality control/ reliability of data Equipment needed: Compass (Brunton) Long (100m) measuring tape D-handled shovels about 1 m long (handle plus blade) Round point (cupped blade) Square point (flat blade) Folding shovel (U.S. military, 1944 or 1945 model, handle 0.5 m long) Nejirigama (a Japanese weeding tool) Paint brush (for bringing out bedding) Laundry spray bottle (also for bedding) Supplies for sediment peels (again, for bedding) Gouge corer (just in case; but I'd go with pits and outcrops first) Hand pushable piston cores Peels- great for on-the-spot educationJames Goff, Bruce Jaffe 5-7Y in draft form supplied by Goff. Not yet edited by JaffeP III 7 Marine information Survey equipment Environmental and biophysical information Conducting post-tsunammi ecological surveys Brian McAdoo10Done by BrianP III 8 Interviews Consider purpose of interviews Ethics Training Psychological support for interviewees AND interviewer Quantitative .v. qualitative data Quick answer versus story telling interviews Video recording of interviews Lori Dengler, Walter Dudley David Johnston and Deanne Bird, Dale DH, Eko (or other Indonesian)5Masa to invite David and Deanne to come onboardP III 9 Socio-economic Impact and Human and Community Vulnerability information Human response and behavior to earthquake and tsunami Availability and impact to public services, utilities (power, water, electricity), communications, lifelines Disruption of daily activities Non-physical damage Economics Tourism activity Agriculture damage/Aquaculture damage Causalities and injuries, Displaced person Women Children Elderly Poor Tsunami Response Public and general population Performance of emergency management agencies; Effectiveness of response plans in effect Response of different population Elderly and young, Gender-based Tourism and transient population sector Preparedness and Awareness prior to tsunami Early warning systems and official warning messages? Indigenous knowledge, Traditional Cooping Strategies P III 10 Socio-economic Impact and Human and Community Vulnerability information Human response and behavior to earthquake and tsunami Availability and impact to public services, utilities (power, water, electricity), communications, lifelines Disruption of daily activities Non-physical damage Economics Tourism activity Agriculture damage/Aquaculture damage Causalities and injuries, Displaced person Women Children Elderly Poor Tsunami Response Public and general population Performance of emergency management agencies; Effectiveness of response plans in effect Response of different population Elderly and young, Gender-based Tourism and transient population sector Preparedness and Awareness prior to tsunami Early warning systems and official warning messages? Indigenous knowledge, Traditional Cooping Strategies Shona, Lori Dengler, Dale DH5Draft Y but needs workP III 11 Other Portable lightweight energy sources for re-charging Pre-departure checklist Travel medicine and vaccination Permits, research visas, general country entry visas?Dale DH & others to check and add to.Some already done in other sections but needs moving across to this sectionP III 12 ConclusionsTo list the 3 main points/issues from this revised guide Next steps Feedback from the wider community on this Key take home message from this guide ALL (with feedback)N References To be added later Annexes To be added later Annex A Glossary of terms contained in this Field Guide: Xxx NOTE: in addition to the terms defined in this Glossary, Field Survey participants are referred to the official UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Glossary (Technical Series 85, 2008). The UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Glossary is available online at: http:// xxxxx Annex B ???? Annex C ???? Annex X Prototype eyewitness interview questionnaire Basic information Earthquake information Tsunami information Aftershocks and aftershock tsunami Crustal movement information Other information/informants For those who were in boats or the beach For older persons Annex $ Field survey form Tectonic source information Effects of earthquake deformation Earthquake parameters Surface-earth landslides and/or submarine slumps Tsunami sources type Tides and datum Site configuration and tsunami arrival Runup/inundation cross-section transects Tsunami transported sediment and debris Audio-visual records photographs aerial photographs videos audio-cassettes Tsunami damage and causalities Public and authorities response Additional tsunami effects and observations Recommendation for further research- Field survey Form ( Example of Report (breakdown of content) Annex N ???? Etc etc Index To be added later Possible reviewers???? Definite: Emile Okal Costas Synolakis Shuto Marco Cisternas Michael Bonte (SOPAC) Possible: David Johnston??? (social sciences) Sanny Jegillos (UNDP Bangkok)???? Reserves: Jose Borrero Stefano Tinti Martin Eskijian Slava Gusiakov Possible OCHA and/or UN-ISDR people Masa to check     Ahmet is this correct? Should these equipment types and methods be associated with collecting tsunami wave information data? Masa to send invitation to Billy and Stefan to author this section Kenji to ALSO provide info on equipment and techniques Masa needs to write to Goff and Jaffe to ask them to write this equipment section as well! Lori to take lead on drafting an interviews section a page For interview survey forms we need to explicitly differentiate between quantitative data that is easily reportable to UNESCO VERSUS detailed, contextural interview data (transcripts) that will not easily be reducable to simple classes of data. The point to make is that different interviews and questions and reporting styles are required to reflect different purposes of interview and data collection. The key is to not be prescriptive but flexible For interview survey forms we need to explicitly differentiate between quantitative data that is easily reportable to UNESCO VERSUS detailed, contextural interview data (transcripts) that will not easily be reducable to simple classes of data. The point to make is that different interviews and questions and reporting styles to reflect different purposes Laura and Paula to merge best of other survey instruments as a reporting form template Masa to formally invite reviewers to review revised field guide Laura to ask David Coetzee if he can recommend someone in socially oriented field!! 035>?@HIXYZjuvƽwgwgggwgVgw!h=hA5CJH*\^JaJh=hA5CJ\^JaJhA5\^JhA5CJ\^JaJho1,hA5CJ\^JaJh`h5B*\^Jph h5\^JhR)/h5\^Jh55\^Jho1,h55\^J!h?h55CJH*\^JaJho1,h55CJ\^JaJh55CJ\^JaJ@YZv$$7$8$H$Ifa$gdgb $7$8$H$Ifgd5$7$8$H$a$gd5ob X4e4:[MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kd$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytA  ) * 5 6 A C ~   9 ; < םh4h_95B*\^Jph3fhX$hA5\^JaJhACJ\^JaJhA5CJ\^JaJ'hFiyhA6B*CJ\^JaJphhhACJ\^JaJh ?ehA5CJ\^JaJhA5\^Jh~hA5CJ\^JaJ, * 6 B [MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kd$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytAB C  [MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kd"$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytA [MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kd$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytA [MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kdD$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytA   [MMMM $7$8$H$Ifgd5kd$$Ifl\l%+L5  t0644 laytA  : ; = J [MMMM 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