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Whilst important, every effort should be made to ensure that the manner in which ITST Post-Tsunami surveys are undertaken are culturally informed and sensitive to the needs of communities affected. This will help to reduce stress, improve group dynamics, demonstrate respect for each other and to ensure ITST work is focused and delivers results appropriate for enhancing community resilience to future tsunamis. Ethics and survey conduct ITSTs and their members are expected to seek and obtain all relevant approvals for ethics from their own organization prior to arrival in the affected regions. The ITST Science Focal Point should liaise with the ITST Country Focal Point to ascertain relevant information on ethics and ethical/cultural behaviour and practices. This information should be communicated to all ITST Survey Teams and their members. Mechanisms may be through the ITIC Tsunami Bulletin Board, IOC Tsunami National Contacts, ITST Technical Clearinghouse, and other means. Cultural awareness, country specific regulation and practices Whilst it is understood that members of ITSTs are keen to ‘get on with the job’ of undertaking field survey work as quickly as possible, it is vital that appropriate, culturally-aware and socially-responsible practices are followed. When working in mixed or cross-cultural settings, it is very easy to inadvertently cause offense to host country team members of members of communities that the team is visiting or working in. This is especially possible in post-disaster situations. Every care should be taken to understand and abide by cultural practices and norms and to familiarize with basic practices (greeting people, how to behave when invited in to someone’s home etc) in the area where the work is to be undertaken. All ITST team members are advised to look up basic cultural practices of the area they are visiting prior to arrival. When possible, the ITST Country Focal Point will compile and provide guidance materials on key/common cultural issues and protocols to ITST Survey Teams. Poor, culturally insensitive behaviour in the field can have serious repercussions including the cancelling of host government approval for ITST work, cancelling of research visas, withdrawal of logistical support and embarrassment to all agencies and organizations involved. Scientific protocols and psychological care of survey team members, care debriefs and peer support At the start of an ITSTs survey work, when there are multiple teams entering the field simultaneously, there should be an ITST briefing organized by the ITST Coordination Team and if possible hosted by the ITST Country Focal Point. The meeting can be held at the ITST Command Center or another location. At this briefing, final team composition is confirmed, presentations made by host government officials, and the final research tasks are decided. If there are coincident research tasks, then it is advised that where possible, efforts are made to minimize duplication of work. Teams should identify a “Team Leader” and elaborate on their research approach and techniques to be used. At this briefing, all relevant protocols (including daily activities and briefings and survey, post-survey and end survey reporting) will be detailed. When there is a Command Center which hosts team lodging, daily briefings should be held. These should be: At the start of each day, short (circa 15 min), perhaps informal (such as at breakfast) and discuss where the work program for the day is set. At the end of each day, there should be A night time information briefing by each team to share pertinent observations or field logistics conditions status, Data transfer by a nominated person from each team to the ITST Tsunami Technical Clearinghouse (TTC, shared data repository). The TTC can be local, e.g., external hard drive at the Command Center, or remote, e.g., cyber-based through internet connection. All team members must have access to the TTC to ensure all members have access to all data at the end of the survey. These data will also be made available to ITIC/UNESCO according to their usual data acquisition protocols. It is understood that each volunteer ITST member will have specific research questions that they wish to answer and as volunteers, their right to publish data they have collected must be respected and honoured. (MAY WANT TO ADD THE PROTOCOLS already written – see attached) Working in post-disaster situations is stressful and can be upsetting. We must take care of each other, take time to ask if we are ok, take time to sit and listen to each other at the end of each day – formally if needed but definitely informally. We must also respect each other professionally and understand our roles and responsibilities as researchers. Safety and security Working in places affected by natural hazards and disasters is extremely dangerous. ALL ITST team members must take appropriate personal responsibility for their own health and safety. In the field – look out for other team members – if you see them doing something that puts them or anyone else at risk, you MUST stop them and negotiate an alternative course of action to reduce the overall level of risk. Each participant in an ITST is required to complete the relevant health and safety and risk assessment documentation and protocols for your own organization to enable you to go in to the field. The UNESCO-IOC cannot take responsibility for specific field risk assessment. See the relevant advice from your own government prior to travelling in to the field. The overall ITST Science Focal Point is expected to liaise with the ITST Country Focal Point to ascertain ‘broad’ risk management issues and should communicate these to potential volunteer ITST team members as early as possible to enable potential participants to decide if they can join the field survey. The security of ITSTs cannot be guaranteed either by the UNESCO-IOC or the host government. ITST identification badges For large ITST Surveys, official ITST Identification Badges will be provided to ITST Survey Team Members. Each ITST Survey Team Leader should inform the ITIC or ITST Coordination Team, providing name, position, institution, and photograph. Identification badges should be worn in the field when conducting surveys. The nature and form of such identity badges will be culturally variable and thought will be given to their meaning and likely effects. For example, in some places, the wearing of an ‘official identify badge’ might draw the attention of survivors to survey team members in the expectation that the person wearing the badge can provide immediate disaster response or emergency aid help or official government support. Possible scenarios and solutions should be discussed on a country-by-country basis. Additionally, each Team can be provided with an Official Letter of Support signed by the Country Focal Point and/or the responsible Government organization responsible for post-tsunami impact and damage assessment (in the local language and in English). The Letter should identify each participant, the team’s research tasks and will request that person’s assistance in helping the team. The Letters may be helpful in situations where official endorsement is required to obtain information. Legal requirements All ITST team members are required to abide by the legal rules and codes relevant to the area they are working in. Whilst it is understood international volunteers cannot be expected to know/learn all relevant rules, partnering with host country scientists/experts will help to ensure that situations where team members might inadvertently fall on the wrong side of legal practice can be reduced to a minimum. The overall ITST Science Focal Point is expected to seek broad general advice from the ITST Country Focal Point about ‘key’ legal requirements for incoming scientists/experts. ITSTs are expected to seek appropriate visa’s and import/export permits to be allowed to undertake fieldwork and research in each country visited. Laura – many thanks but what do you mean by this? 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T îcHÔĎ.‡@-Š‡@î˝L^ihand to ensure ,22(2(,2'2!,)TdIcÔĎ.‡@-Š‡@I˝L^iTITST =8=TĚc‰ÔĎ.‡@-Š‡@˝@L^iĚ work is focused and delivers results appropriate for enhancing (H2"2('(!2,2',2(,22(2,2,!'(!,'2'(,22!22!,,(!2"(,22,2,31 T<îÖP GĎ.‡@-Š‡@î0(L^iœcommunity resilience to future tsunamis.,2NN220!,',2-,2!22!,'22,N'TTQ Ö} GĎ.‡@-Š‡@Q 0L^iP - TTîIşĎ.‡@-Š‡@îŁL^iP r- % TäîźR-Ď.‡@-Š‡@îL^i€Ethics and survey conductC!8,'288'8,2,2,2878,!TTSźˆ-Ď.‡@-Š‡@SL^iP 6 % T@î/‰ Ď.‡@-Š‡@î‰SL^iôITSTs and their members are expected to seek and obtain all relevant approvals for =8='$,22#2,"#N&" WMFC ' g,N2,"'#,!-#,32,,,2#3#',,3#-22#22,2#,#",,2,2$,32!22,'#!2" TÄî˘ Ď.‡@-Š‡@îüL^itethics from their ow,2,'!!2N2,!2HTœ˘a Ď.‡@-Š‡@ü8L^iźn organization prior to arrival in the affected regions.22"2,2-,222!2!2,!!2,22,,!!-,,2"-122'TTb˘Ž Ď.‡@-Š‡@büL^iP - TTî † Ď.‡@-Š‡@îo L^iP - T,îˆ ‡ů Ď.‡@-Š‡@îâ PL^iěThe ITST Science Focal Point should liaise with the ITST Country Focal Point to =2,) =8=(8,,2-,(73,,(822('2222(,',(H2(2,) =8=(C222"0)72-,(822(1 TPîű l Ď.‡@-Š‡@îU VL^iřascertain relevant information on ethics and ethical/cultural behaviour and practices.,',,!,2!,,3,22!2!O,2222,2,',22,2,-,22!,2,2,222!,222!,,,,'TTű Jl Ď.‡@-Š‡@U L^iP . TTîn ß Ď.‡@-Š‡@îČ L^iP - Tîá cR Ď.‡@-Š‡@î; L^iˆThis information should be com=2'62!2!N,226'222262,6,2NTdá źR Ď.‡@-Š‡@d; "L^imunicated to all ITST Survey TeamsN22,,,2626,7=8=682!2.06=--N'T˝á ˆR Ď.‡@-Š‡@˝; L^id and their 6,2262,! TxîT [Ĺ Ď.‡@-Š‡@îŽ L^i\membersN,N2,!'TT\T tĹ Ď.‡@-Š‡@\Ž L^iP.TTuT ŤĹ Ď.‡@-Š‡@uŽ L^iP 7TČŹT ‰Ĺ Ď.‡@-Š‡@ŹŽ ?L^iĚMechanisms may be through the ITIC Tsunami Bulletin Board, IOC Y-,2,2'N'8N-082,72!231372,9 > C7='23,N7B2,28C2,!28 HC TîÇ 8 Ď.‡@-Š‡@î! IL^iŕTsunami National Contacts, ITST Technical Clearinghouse, and other means.='22,NH,22,C22,,'=8=>,,22-,C,-!21222',,2222,!N--2'TTÇ >8 Ď.‡@-Š‡@! L^iP - TTî: Ť Ď.‡@-Š‡@î” L^iP - % Tźî­ "  Ď.‡@-Š‡@î =L^iČCultural awareness, country specific regulation and practicesH8!8,22I2,,8,'',288!,2'8,,",,,282!282888,2,!,,'TT# ­ Y  Ď.‡@-Š‡@# L^iP 7 % TXî ~‘ Ď.‡@-Š‡@îz L^iPWh_2T4 ˆ‘ Ď.‡@-Š‡@z QL^iđilst it is understood that members of ITSTs are keen to  get on with the job of '%$'%222,!'222%2,%N,N2,!'%2!&=8='%-!,%2,,2%2%"1,%22%H2%2,%22!%2  TDî“ ‰Ď.‡@-Š‡@îí TL^iôundertaking field survey work as quickly as possible, it is vital that appropriate, 222,!,2310!,20'2!3-01H3!20,'022,200,'032''2,00'02,02,/,22!22!,, TˆîkwĎ.‡@-Š‡@î` L^i`culturally,22!,0TTlwĎ.‡@-Š‡@l`L^iP-"T¸ŽuwĎ.‡@-Š‡@Ž`L^ipaware and socially,I,!,,22'2,,0TTv—wĎ.‡@-Š‡@v`L^iP-"T$˜ wĎ.‡@-Š‡@˜`$L^i”responsible practices are followed. !,'222'2,2!-,,,(,!,!22I,2TT J wĎ.‡@-Š‡@ `L^iP . TTîyęĎ.‡@-Š‡@îÓL^iP - TŘîěO]Ď.‡@-Š‡@îFL^i|When working in mixed o_2,2+H2!221+2+N3,2+2TxPěh]Ď.‡@-Š‡@PFL^i\r crossV!+,!2''TTiěŠ]Ď.‡@-Š‡@iFL^iP-"T„‹ě‰]Ď.‡@-Š‡@‹F4L^i´cultural settings, it is very easy to inadvertently ,22!,+',21'++'+2,#0,,,)0+2+2,22,!,20 &" WMFC  gT î_‰ĐĎ.‡@-Š‡@îšNL^ičcause offense to host country team members of members of communities that the ,,2'-*2!",2',*3*22'*-222"0*,,N*O,N2,!'*3!*N,N2,!(*2"*,2NN22,'*2,*2- TŕîŇú CĎ.‡@-Š‡@î,CL^iÔteam is visiting or working in. This is especially possible in post,,N'2'212!H2!2212=2'','2,,,032''2,222'TTű Ň CĎ.‡@-Š‡@ű ,L^iP-!TÄ ŇţCĎ.‡@-Š‡@ ,L^itdisaster situations.2',',!'2,22'TT˙Ň+CĎ.‡@-Š‡@˙,L^iP - TTîEśĎ.‡@-Š‡@îŸL^iP - Tô)Ď.‡@-Š‡@îL^i„Every care should be taken t=2,#0"-,!,"'2222"3,"-2,2"T˜‹¸ˆ)Ď.‡@-Š‡@‹7L^iźo understand and abide by cultural practices and norms 2"222,!',22#,22"-22,"30#,22!,"2",,,-'",22"22!N' TLî+ˆœĎ.‡@-Š‡@î…UL^iřand to familiarize with basic practices (greeting people, how to behave when invited ,22 2 !,N,!-, H2 2,', 2!-,,,' "2!,,31 3,22, 22H 2 2,3,2, I2,2 22,2 TîžsĎ.‡@-Š‡@îřIL^iŕin to someone s home etc) in the area where the work is to be undertaken.22'2N,22,!'22N,,-!22,,!-,H2-!,2,I2!2'22,222,!,2,2TTtžĄĎ.‡@-Š‡@třL^iP . TTî‚Ď.‡@-Š‡@îkL^iP - TDî„( őĎ.‡@-Š‡@îŢ)L^i All ITST team members are advised to lookH' =8=&,,N&O,N2,!(&,!-&,22',3&2&222TD) „‰őĎ.‡@-Š‡@) Ţ)L^i  up basic cultural practices of the area &22'2,',&,22",&2!-,,,''2!&2,',!-- T,î÷hĎ.‡@-Š‡@îQ%L^i˜they are visiting prior to arrival. 2-0,!,2'213!2!2,!!2,TT÷JhĎ.‡@-Š‡@QL^iP . TTîjŰĎ.‡@-Š‡@îÄL^iP - T î݉NĎ.‡@-Š‡@î7NL^ičWhen possible, the ITST Country Focal Point will compile and provide guidance _2,2,22''2,,2,-=9=,C222"0-72,,,822,H,,2N2,,,22,2!222,,123,2,- TîPIÁĎ.‡@-Š‡@îŞKL^iämaterials on key/common cultural issues and protocols to ITST Survey Teams.N,,!,'222.0,2NN32,22!,''2,',222!22,2'2=8=82!2.0>-,N'TTJPvÁĎ.‡@-Š‡@JŞL^iP - TTîĂ4Ď.‡@-Š‡@îL^iP - TĚî6E§Ď.‡@-Š‡@îL^ixPoor, culturally inse822!2,22!,/22',TŔF6‰§Ď.‡@-Š‡@F>L^iČnsitive behaviour in the field can have serious repercussions 2'2,22,2,222!2222,2!,22,,222,2,2',!22'2!-2,!,2''22' T8Ď.‡@-Š‡@îRL^iđincluding the cancelling of host government approval for ITST work, cancelling of 2,2221&2,&-,2,,32&2!&22'&122-!2N,2&,32!22,&!2!' =8=&H3!2&-,2,,31&2! TXĎ.‡@-Š‡@îvWL^iüresearch visas, withdrawal of logistical support and embarrassment to all agencies and !,',-!,22','H22!-I,2!21',,'2222!,32,N2,!!,''N,22,-1,3,,',22 TŘĎ.‡@-Š‡@îéL^i|organizations involved.2!2,2-,22'2222,2TT™ĹĎ.‡@-Š‡@™éL^iP - TTîsĎ.‡@-Š‡@î\L^iP - % TŚ&BWMFC  gTîu#ćĎ.‡@-Š‡@îŃL^iP 6 TTîč#YĎ.‡@-Š‡@îDL^iP 6 TTî[#ĚĎ.‡@-Š‡@îˇL^iP 6% €6i6^i6^66h6]h6]66g6\g6\66f6[f6[66e6Ze6Z66d6Yd6Y66c6Xc6X66b6Wb6W66a6Va6V6 6 `6U`6U 6  6 _6T_6T 6  6 ^6S^6S 6  6 ]6R]6R 6  6 \6Q\6Q 6 6[6P[6P66Z6OZ6O66Y6NY6N66X6MX6M66W6LW6L6  ‚..űź"System-űđ˙ź@Times New Roman- 2 r{,ƒPART II  2 rź,ƒ– #2 rĹ,ƒ Conducting Post     2 r=,ƒ-R2 rB/,ƒtsunami Field Surveys (before the field survey)         2 r‰,ƒ   2 …{,ƒP 2 ……,ƒII 2 …’,ƒ-2 …—,ƒ5 %2 …Ł,ƒOverall Policies   2 …,ƒ  űđ˙@Times New Roman- 2 —{,ƒ -2 Ť{,ƒManner  2 Ťł,ƒ  -†2 ˝{R,ƒIt is recognized that ITSTs wish to undertake rapid assessments and cover as much            z2 Đ{J,ƒground as possible as quickly as possible. Whilst important, every effort       2 Đp ,ƒshould be U2 ă{1,ƒmade to ensure that the manner in which ITST Post         2 ăŐ,ƒ-:2 ăÚ,ƒTsunami surveys are undertaken   }2 ö{L,ƒare culturally informed and sensitive to the needs of communities affected.     2 öv ,ƒThis will  R2 {/,ƒhelp to reduce stress, improve group dynamics,      2 Ć ,ƒdemonstrate  +2 ,ƒ respect for each oth2 Ľ,ƒer  2 {,ƒand to ensure 2 Ţ,ƒITST k2 @,ƒ work is focused and delivers results appropriate for enhancing     G2 /{(,ƒcommunity resilience to future tsunamis.     2 /‡,ƒ  2 B{,ƒ -12 U{,ƒEthics and survey conduct      2 U3,ƒ  -ˆ2 h{S,ƒITSTs and their members are expected to seek and obtain all relevant approvals for        )2 {{,ƒethics from their ow  _2 {˙8,ƒn organization prior to arrival in the affected regions.    2 {[,ƒ  2 Ž{,ƒ ƒ2 Ą{P,ƒThe ITST Science Focal Point should liaise with the ITST Country Focal Point to              Œ2 ł{V,ƒascertain relevant information on ethics and ethical/cultural behaviour and practices.     2 ł¤,ƒ  2 Ć{,ƒ 82 Ů{,ƒThis information should be com         >2 Ů`",ƒmunicated to all ITST Survey Teams       2 Ůj ,ƒ and their  2 ě{,ƒmembers   2 ěˇ,ƒ. 2 ěť,ƒ  j2 ěÄ?,ƒMechanisms may be through the ITIC Tsunami Bulletin Board, IOC                y2 ˙{I,ƒTsunami National Contacts, ITST Technical Clearinghouse, and other means.i             2 ˙x,ƒ  2 {,ƒ -g2 %{=,ƒCultural awareness, country specific regulation and practicesC            2 %',ƒ  -2 8{,ƒWh …2 8“Q,ƒilst it is understood that members of ITSTs are keen to ‘get on with the job’ of i        ‰2 K{T,ƒundertaking field survey work as quickly as possible, it is vital that appropriate,      2 ^{ ,ƒculturally  2 ^š,ƒ-&2 ^ż,ƒaware and socially   2 ^9,ƒ-A2 ^?$,ƒresponsible practices are followed.   2 ^&,ƒ  2 q{,ƒ .2 „{,ƒWhen working in mixed o      2 „3,ƒr cross  2 „a,ƒ-Y2 „f4,ƒcultural settings, it is very easy to inadvertently  €2 —{N,ƒcause offense to host country team members of members of communities that the          p2 Ş{C,ƒteam is visiting or working in. This is especially possible in post       2 Ş!,ƒ-)2 Ş&,ƒdisaster situations.  2 ŞŸ,ƒ  2 ˝{,ƒ 52 Ď{,ƒEvery care should be taken t ^2 Ď<7,ƒo understand and abide by cultural practices and norms    ‹2 â{U,ƒand to familiarize with basic practices (greeting people, how to behave when invited         y2 ő{I,ƒin to someone’s home etc) in the area where the work is to be undertaken.           2 ő^,ƒ  2 {,ƒ I2 {),ƒAll ITST team members are advised to lookm      I2 Ş),ƒ up basic cultural practices of the area m   C2 .{%,ƒthey are visiting prior to arrival. i   2 .T,ƒ  2 A{,ƒ €2 T{N,ƒWhen possible, the ITST Country Focal Point will compile and provide guidance            |2 g{K,ƒmaterials on key/common cultural issues and protocols to ITST Survey Teams.c         2 g,ƒ  2 z{,ƒ +2 {,ƒPoor, culturally inse   h2 >,ƒnsitive behaviour in the field can have serious repercussions     †2  {R,ƒincluding the cancelling of host government approval for ITST work, cancelling of           Ž2 ł{W,ƒresearch visas, withdrawal of logistical support and embarrassment to all agencies and        .2 Ć{,ƒorganizations involved.    2 Ć,ƒ  2 Ů{,ƒ - 2 ě{,ƒ   2 ˙{,ƒ   2 {,ƒ  -ƒƒ,,ƒƒ,,ƒƒ,,ƒƒ,,ƒƒ,,‚‚,,‚‚++‚‚++‚‚++‚‚++‚‚++++**********€€**€€))ţ˙ŐÍ՜.“—+,ůŽ0L hp˜ ¨° ¸ŔČĐ Ř .ä University of New South Wales:o ' JPART II – Conducting Post-tsunami Field Surveys (before the field survey) Title ţ˙˙˙!"#$%&'ţ˙˙˙)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>ţ˙˙˙@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Šţ˙˙˙ŒŽ‘’ţ˙˙˙ý˙˙˙ý˙˙˙–ţ˙˙˙ţ˙˙˙ţ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙Root Entry˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ ŔF(˛ŽÄ¢€Data ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ 1Table˙˙˙˙(Ĺ,WordDocument˙˙˙˙0>SummaryInformation(˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙?ŕ–DocumentSummaryInformation8˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙‹CompObj˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙q˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ţ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ţ˙ ˙˙˙˙ ŔFMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8ô9˛q