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INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc157228647 \h 1 2.1 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GE-BICH-IV WORK PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc157228648 \h 1 2.1.1 GE-BICH wiki  PAGEREF _Toc157228649 \h 1 2.1.2 Vocabularies  PAGEREF _Toc157228650 \h 1 2.1.3 QA/QC activities  PAGEREF _Toc157228651 \h 1 2.1.4 Best practices for data reporting and data exchange  PAGEREF _Toc157228652 \h 2 2.1.5 Membership and collaborations  PAGEREF _Toc157228653 \h 2 2.1.6 Other actions still pending  PAGEREF _Toc157228654 \h 3 2.2 ISSUES ARISING FROM IODE-XX  PAGEREF _Toc157228655 \h 4 2.2.1 New Revised Terms of Reference of GE-BICH  PAGEREF _Toc157228656 \h 4 2.2.2 Cooperation with IPHAB on the development of HAIS  PAGEREF _Toc157228657 \h 4 2.2.3 Integration of OBIS into the IOC/IODE structure  PAGEREF _Toc157228658 \h 4 3. SPLIT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc157228659 \h 5 3.1 VOCABULARIES  PAGEREF _Toc157228660 \h 5 3.2 QC FLAG SCHEME SUBMISSION TO OCEAN DATA STANDARDS  PAGEREF _Toc157228661 \h 5 4. VOCABULARIES AND ONTOLOGIES  PAGEREF _Toc157228662 \h 5 4.1 ISSUES PENDING FROM GE-BICH-IV  PAGEREF _Toc157228663 \h 5 4.1.1 Plankton sampling gears  PAGEREF _Toc157228664 \h 7 4.1.2 Trawl sampling gears  PAGEREF _Toc157228665 \h 7 4.1.3 Water samplers  PAGEREF _Toc157228666 \h 7 4.1.4 Sediment samplers  PAGEREF _Toc157228667 \h 7 4.1.5 Chemical sensors and analysers  PAGEREF _Toc157228668 \h 7 4.1.6 Chemical methods  PAGEREF _Toc157228669 \h 7 4.1.7 In situ imaging systems  PAGEREF _Toc157228670 \h 8 4.1.8 Biological analytical instruments  PAGEREF _Toc157228671 \h 8 4.1.9 Life cycles and life stages  PAGEREF _Toc157228672 \h 8 4.1.10 Non-taxonomic group names  PAGEREF _Toc157228673 \h 9 4.2 WORK ON VOCABULARIES AT BCO-DMO  PAGEREF _Toc157228674 \h 9 4.3 FAO ACTIVITIES AND D4SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES  PAGEREF _Toc157228675 \h 10 4.4 THE WAY FORWARD  PAGEREF _Toc157228676 \h 11 4.4.1 Governance And Maintenance Issues  PAGEREF _Toc157228677 \h 11 4.4.2 Priorities For 2011-12 Workplan  PAGEREF _Toc157228678 \h 12 5. QUALITY CONTROL/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES  PAGEREF _Toc157228679 \h 12 5.1 OUTCOME OF QA/QC WORKSHOP  PAGEREF _Toc157228680 \h 12 5.2 EMODNET QA/QC GUIDELINES  PAGEREF _Toc157228681 \h 13 5.3 BLACKSEASCENE QA/QC ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES ON OTHER INITIATIVES  PAGEREF _Toc157228682 \h 14 5.4 RESULTS OF FOLLOW ON ACTIONS FROM QA/QC WORKSHOP  PAGEREF _Toc157228683 \h 17 5.4.1 Development of quantifiable QC checks  PAGEREF _Toc157228684 \h 17 5.4.2 QC Flags  PAGEREF _Toc157228685 \h 18 5.5 QA/QC PRIORITIES FOR 2011-12 WORKPLAN  PAGEREF _Toc157228686 \h 19 6. COLLABORATION WITH IPHAB on HAIS development  PAGEREF _Toc157228687 \h 19 7. COLLABORATION WITH GE-OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc157228688 \h 20 8. SURVEY ON PROVISION OF/ACCESS TO CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA via SDN and ODP portals.  PAGEREF _Toc157228689 \h 22 8.1 SDN VS ODP: HOW TO CONTRIBUTE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA  PAGEREF _Toc157228690 \h 22 8.2 SDN VS ODP: HOW TO DISCOVER AND ACCESS CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA  PAGEREF _Toc157228691 \h 23 8.3 Presentation by Dr Toru Suzuki  PAGEREF _Toc157228692 \h 29 8.4 DISCUSSION  PAGEREF _Toc157228693 \h 30 9. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA  PAGEREF _Toc157228694 \h 31 10. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER  PAGEREF _Toc157228695 \h 32 11. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD  PAGEREF _Toc157228696 \h 32 12. MEMBERSHIP ISSUES  PAGEREF _Toc157228697 \h 32 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc157228698 \h 33 14. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S)  PAGEREF _Toc157228699 \h 33 15. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc157228700 \h 33 16. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc157228701 \h 33 17. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc157228702 \h 34  ANNEX I AGENDA ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ANNEX III INTER-SESSIONAL WORK PLAN ANNEX IV LIST OF ACRONYMS OPENING OF THE SESSION WELCOME The Chair, Ms Gwenaelle Moncoiff welcomed the participants to the 5th Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH-V). She invited all participants to introduce themselves. The list of participants is attached as Annex II. Ms Moncoiff also introduced the agenda and timetable for the Session. The meeting adopted the Agenda attached as Annex I. INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GE-BICH-IV WORK PLAN The Chair gave a detailed overview of progress made with the GE-BICH-IV work plan. Her presentation is summarized below. GE-BICH wiki Ms Moncoiff recalled that the wiki was set-up in 2009 ( HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/" https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/) and has been kept up-to-date since. The wiki is used to promote GE-BICHs work and provides links to relevant initiatives and web resources. It contains sections, which enable members and collaborators to exchange information about on-going activities. She then provided a brief overview to the content and functionality of the wiki. The wiki currently has 3 owners (M. Kennedy, H. Garcia and G. Moncoiff). All GE-BICH members and collaborators are given edit permission. She reported that areas of the wiki were still in need of editors (e.g. OceanTeacher section). Vocabularies Progress on developing vocabulary lists as discussed in GE-BICH IV report will be discussed under agenda item 4. QA/QC activities The First IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections was organised at the IOC Project Office for IODE, 8-11 February 2010. The report was published in IOC Workshop Report No. 228. The outcome of the workshop was presented at IMDIS 2010, Paris. The workshop and its outcome will be presented in more details under agenda item 5.1. One of the tasks planned by GE-BICH-IV was to map QC flag schemes to each other. This had already been done by Reiner Schlitzer (AWI) and the mapping was presented at the QC workshop and adopted by GE-BICH. The mapping is available from ODV and from the GE-BICH wiki. Work on the white technical paper has not yet started and updates to IOC Manual and Guides No. 26 parameter ranges and to the OceanTeachers tables are still under discussion. As part of QA/QC activities, references to best practices guides have been compiled in the wiki. Work also took place on the creation of regional species lists (e.g. Ms Mary Kennedy and OBIS-Canada) to help with biological data quality control. WoRMS hosts these lists. There will be no attempt to systematically create regional species lists but groups or individuals interested in creating such lists for their own specific region can contact WoRMS. Best practices for data reporting and data exchange Ms Moncoiff recalled that the three guideline papers discussed during GE-BICH IV have now been published. The EPOCA/IOCCP/OCB (manual:  HYPERLINK "http://www.epoca-project.eu/index.php/guide-to-best-practices-for-ocean-acidification-research-and-data-reporting.html" http://www.epoca-project.eu/index.php/guide-to-best-practices-for-ocean-acidification-research-and-data-reporting.html ) contains a paper on data exchange authored by S. Pesant with contributions from others (including G. Moncoiff); The GO-SHIP Repeat Hydrography Manual contains guidelines on quality reference of water sample data (Swift, 2010), determination of dissolved oxygen (Langdon, 2010), CTD oxygen calibration procedures (Uchida, Johnson and McTaggart, 2010), and standard operating procedures for the determination of nutrients (N, P, Si) in seawater (Hydes et al 2010). There is no known contribution from GE-BICH. Ms Moncoiff informed the Group that she was seeking clarification on issues related to GO-SHIP recommendations for the oxygen sensors processing routines using the Sea-Bird software; The IMBER data management cookbook (Pollard, Moncoiff and OBrien) has now been published and was used for the IMBER IMBIZO dry cruise event convened by Alberto Piola and Cyndy Chandler in November 2010, Heraklion, Greece. (see  HYPERLINK "http://imbizo-2010.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=1683" http://imbizo-2010.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=1683). GE-BICH and IODE should encourage the use of these guidelines. Similar guidelines are likely to be produced in the future and GE-BICH will need to remain aware of the need to maintain consistency and avoid conflicting recommendations. Some issues have not been fully resolved yet such as recommendations for reporting measurements converted to kg/l). This will be further discussed under agenda item 10. Membership and collaborations Actions related to membership and extension of the network of collaborators have been completed. Mr Bill Burnett (NDBC) will represent GOOS as an invited expert; Mr Toru Suzuki (MIRC and chair of PICES TCODE) joined GE-BICH as a new short-term member in 2009. Additional experts from Pacific area were invited to the above mentioned QC workshop. Contact with CIESM was initiated by Mr Stphane Pesant. Other actions still pending Report sectionActionStatus2.1.2. Document on need of Data ManagementThe Group requested Hernan Garcia and Edward Vanden Berghe to check on the existence of such a paper and report back to the Group.See (*). 2.2.1. Topics arising from GE-BICH-IIIThe Group requested Edward Vanden Berghe to provide an update on the classification of marine habitats by second week of February 2009.Dr Vanden Berghe noted that some papers had been prepared.(**) The Group decided to follow-up on the issue of identifiers and set-up a discussion on this through the GEBICH wiki.This has not been done. Identifiers are important in developing a strategy for dealing with the issue of duplicates and data to samples traceability The Session noted that this issue could be included in the QA/QC section of the wiki 3.3 Standards for chemical data and metadata exchange in SeaDataNetThe Group recognised that the development of a chemical nomenclature ontology applicable to marine compounds would be a much needed resource. There are existing initiatives in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry. However there are obvious issues about linking up with proprietary and non-proprietary resources. The group will follow development in that domain and discuss the topic at the next GE-BICH meeting.No work was carried out on this topic. It could be part of the vocabulary work. The Session decided to include this in the next work plan. 6.2.3The Group recommended that a survey of existing lists must be completed first before a controlled vocabulary for data types can be recommended. There were issues in particular concerning the terminology used in the definition of some parameter codes. The next step in the process is therefore to review the content of these lists and share results with the vocabulary lists owners. Once this review process has been completed, a controlled vocabulary can be proposed for adoption by the community.No work was done on this item. The Session agreed to include this in the next work plan. It was mentioned that the IODE officers already recommended that the SeaDataNet PUV parameter codes be submitted to the ODS process (led by Ms Sissy Iona). . 6.3 Standards and vocabularies for the management of ocean acidification dataThe Group drew attention to the issue of how to handle data collected during perturbation experiments (Fe-enrichment, mesocosms ..). Many users can mass-download data collected under such modified environmental conditions without knowing it and thus consider these data as natural values. GE-BICH should share this concern with other groups during IODE-XX and find out how they have been addressing the issue.Not done; action needed. Mr Pesant noted that issues related to mesocosms were mentioned in the Guide of best practices in ocean acidification. There is an EU infrastructure project on mesocosms but nothing exists for in situ enrichments. A wiki section will be created. A subgroup composed of Ms Moncoiff, Ms Chandler, and Mr Pesant will coordinate discussions and document this on the wiki. 7.4 Quality control proceduresA syntax for unequivocal representation of units: per meter, m-1 , /m etc be recommendedNot done; action needed. See Agenda Item 5.8. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHERThe Group requested the guidance from the SG for OceanTeacher on the types of materials required, that they can develop without too much extra demand on individual members.Not happened. It was recommended to closer study the current content of OceanTeacher and identify gaps to be filled by GE-BICH. Further discussion was referred to agenda item 10. (*) Publications highlighting the need for data management: Levitus, S., S. Sato, C. Maillard, N. Mikhailov, P. Caldwell, and H. Dooley, 2005: Building Ocean Profile-Plankton Databases for Climate and Ecosystem Research, NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 117, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash., D.C., 29 pp.  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.nodc.noaa.gov/pub/data.nodc/woa/PUBLICATIONS/techr117.pdf" \t "_blank" ftp://ftp.nodc.noaa.gov/pub/data.nodc/woa/PUBLICATIONS/techr117.pdf Glover, D. M., P. H. Wiebe, and C. L. Chandler, and S. Levitus, 2010: IOC Contributions to International, Interdisciplinary Open Data Sharing. Oceanography , 23 (3), 97-107. There were more papers on data management and exchange; on specific on biodiversity, by Costello and myself (Costello M; Vanden Berghe E (2006) 'Ocean biodiversity informatics': a new era in marine biology research and management. MEPS 316:203-214); Vanden Berghe E, Claus S, Appeltans W, Faulwetter S and others (2009) MacroBen integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves: a tool for large-scale analysis across Europe. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 382:225-238). (**)Topics arising from GE-BICH-III: Marine Habitat classification. No global marine habitat classification schemas exist; several local and regional schemas have been developed. One of the better known, and with a relatively large scope, is the European Union Nature Information System (EUNIS, http://eunis.eea.eu.int). Other schemas include those developed for Britain and Ireland ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-1584" http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-1584), USA, Canada and others; a relatively recent review and comparison between these different classification schemas is provided in Ball, D., Blake, S. and Plummer, A. (2006). Review of Marine Habitat Classification Systems. Parks Victoria Technical Series No. 26. Parks Victoria, Melbourne. Available online on  HYPERLINK "http://www.parkweb.vic.gov.au/resources/19_1855.pdf" http://www.parkweb.vic.gov.au/resources/19_1855.pdf. For the pelagic zone, a classification proposed by Longhurst (Longhurst, A.R. (2006). Ecological Geography of the Sea. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, 560p.) has been widely used Two systems of classification of biogeographic regions have recently been proposed: The Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed Biogeographic Classification (UNESCO. 2009. Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed (GOODS) Biogeographic Classification. Paris, UNESCO-IOC. (IOC Technical Series, 84.) Available online  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3931" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=3931 The Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW); available online  HYPERLINK "http://conserveonline.org/workspaces/ecoregional.shapefile/MEOW/view.html" http://conserveonline.org/workspaces/ecoregional.shapefile/MEOW/view.html Both these systems have been already used in the context of management of the marine environment. ISSUES ARISING FROM IODE-XX New Revised Terms of Reference of GE-BICH Reference was made to Resolution IODE-XX.1. Cooperation with IPHAB on the development of HAIS Reference was made to Resolution IODE-XX.2. See agenda item 6. Integration of OBIS into the IOC/IODE structure See agenda item 7 SPLIT SESSION The Group then split into two sessions to discuss in details two of GE-BICHs main deliverables: vocabulary lists and proposal for a new QC flag scheme to the Ocean Data Standard process. VOCABULARIES A group composed of Ms Mary Kennedy, Mr Edward Vanden Berghe, Mr Stphane Pesant, Mr Alexander Kouznetsov, Mr Humberto Gonzlez and Mr Francisco Hernandez met to discuss inter-sessional work on vocabularies. The outcome is discussed under Agenda Item 4.1 QC FLAG SCHEME SUBMISSION TO OCEAN DATA STANDARDS A group composed of Ms Cyndy Chandler, Mr Hernan Garcia, Ms Gwen Moncoiff, Mr Toru Suzuki, Mr Sergey Konovalov and Mr Alex Kozyr met to discuss the draft proposal prepared by the QA/QC workshop working group on QC flag schemes. Outcome of the discussions is discussed under agenda item 5.4.2. VOCABULARIES AND ONTOLOGIES ISSUES PENDING FROM GE-BICH-IV This agenda item was introduced by Ms Mary Kennedy. She referred to the GE-BICH wiki page  HYPERLINK "http://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/vocabularies-2" http://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/vocabularies-2. This section of the wiki includes sub-sections on plankton nets, trawl sampling gears, water samplers, sediment samplers, chemical sensors and analysers, chemical methods, in-situ imaging systems, biological analytical instruments, life cycles and life stages, and non-taxonomic plankton groups. The GE-BICH wiki was used to compile content for the vocabulary project. The procedural steps posted on the wiki included the following: Compile list of terms Sort the initial list into groups based loosely on SeaDataNet hierarchy where relevant. Describe all the terms in the selected category Identify attributes that can be used to define terms Identifyattributes that should be included in dataset metadata but do not need to be included in the term description Define attributes that should be archived separately and not included as part of the term description submit list of attributes to the community for review post the vocabulary list on the wiki and request content from the community review the content and identify synonyms, flag language and singular/plural form and assign an accepted/exchange name Create a list of standard names by extracting distinct accepted/exchange names Submit list of standard names to SeaVox During September 2011 a group of North American data managers met at Silver Spring, USA to discuss data flow and the GE-BICH projects on vocabularies and quality control. Vocabulary discussions included a review of plankton gear, water sampling gear, nutrient names, water sample analysis method code table terms. From these discussions other issues arose and a few of these include: collection methods (vertical, horizontal, oblique, etc) and the need for recommendation on how to standardize entries in bibliographies or authoritative references associated with vocabulary terms. This group of data managers included representatives from the US-NODC, WOD, NMFS COPEPOD, ICES WGZE, DFO.BioChem, OBIS Canada, iOBIS. WHOI reps were unable to attend. Intersessional activities related to vocabulary development, such as the meeting in Silver Spring, identified a few issues that should be noted: there must always be a few general terms such as unassigned, unavailable, unknown, not specified. we are not suggesting that data holders convert their databases but rather that they should consider creating a crosswalk between their terms and the proposed vocabulary. there will always be data that just doesnt fit review of terms for one vocabulary will identify other groups that should be reviewed During the session break-out group meeting discussions it became apparent that we need to clarify the intent of creating a vocabulary clean up spelling, link to accepted term, provide definition, enable QC based upon min/max possibilities. Example, one of the first objectives of GE-BICH was to review and recommend a list of taxonomic names and during GE-BICH-IV ITIS and WoRMS were recognized as standards. By linking dataset name lists to these standard lists one can obtain a standardized spelling of the name plus obtain the accepted name and most recent definition/classification. This should be the objective for all vocabularies. In addition, the assignment of standardized names should facilitate the QC of datasets. WoRMS and its associated regional registers such as the Canadian Register of Marine Species (CaRMS) can be used as a tool to QC distribution information and identify outliers. Use of standardized parameter names can facilitate global and or regional range checks for minimum/maximum values. Plus, authoritative definitions for terms contained in datasets are required in order for the user to properly interpret the data. Further discussions resulted in the adoption of a workplan. The Group decided that the first step is to identify attributes that should be included in the vocabulary term definition and then create a thesaurus table. The design of this table should be circulated to subject experts such as SeaVox, ICES, OBIS, GBIF, WoRMS, etc. As a second step, the thesaurus table should be populated, including synonym names but these must be associated with an accepted or preferred term which will be referred to as the exchange name. A flag must be included to indicate the language of the term. Suggested exchange names will be English. Finally a controlled vocabulary with 2 fields (term plus definition) can be created by the concatenation of fields in the thesaurus table: term short name definition language; description(attributes); authoritative source; The Group decided that Mr Roy Lowry, BODC, will be consulted by Ms Kennedy to inquire if all terms should be included in the SeaVox code list or if only the suggested exchange name should be included and these terms should all be in the adopted standardized format for this vocabulary list (example for life cycle stages all terms should be singular). Plankton sampling gears Ms Kennedy has compiled a list of plankton net terms and definitions based on Mr Peter Wiebes paper (HYPERLINK "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V4F-4Y52R6Y-1&_user=142773&_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1613580638&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000011858&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=142773&md5=1152a34b53e71880ed1947eaa49c8111&searchtype=a#bbib35"Wiebe and Benfield, 2003 P.H. Wiebe and M.C. Benfield, From the Hensen Net toward four-dimensional biological oceanography, Progress in Oceanography 56 (1) (2003), pp. 7136.). The list was circulated to the Group and posted on the wiki. It was then provided to Mr Lowry for feedback. Mr Lowry agreed to take this forward via SeaVox. Breakout group discussions reviewed intersessional tables and documents and discussed the next steps towards defining plankton net gear types. The first step is to submit a list of gear attributes to SeaVox for review by the wider community. Ideally each attribute should be accompanied by a list of controlled vocabulary. The final list of attributes and associated vocabularies would then form the basis for the development of an ontology describing plankton sampling gear. Certain attributes will not be included in the vocabulary term definition but should be included in the dataset metadata. Dataset specific modifications to gear descriptions may be described in the metadata for that dataset. Example colour of the nets or gear frame, package attachments such as type of lights attached to the frame, smaller nets inserted inside the mouth of the net, etc. Trawl sampling gears No report available Water samplers As part of the meeting in Silver Spring two lists of water samplers were compared. These gear lists included the WOD code table and the Canadian BioChem code table. During the vocabulary break out session it was decided that the procedure to follow should mimic that of plankton nets. The Group decided that step 1 is to identify attributes, step 2 is to compile content for each attribute and step 3 is to submit terms and definitions to SeaVox. The initial list of attributes includes terms such as dimensions, bottle composition (metal, PVC, etc) Sediment samplers No report available Chemical sensors and analysers Mr Alex Kozyr presented a list of methods and sensors used to measure carbon-related parameters (see wiki  HYPERLINK "http://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/vocabularies-2/chemical-sensors-and-analysers" http://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/vocabularies-2/chemical-sensors-and-analysers) and then referred to the Guide to best practices for Ocean Co2 measurements ( HYPERLINK "http://cdiac.ornl.gov/oceans/Handbook_2007.html" http://cdiac.ornl.gov/oceans/Handbook_2007.html). A code list of brief descriptions of oceanographic data instruments and sensors is available as part of the NODC World Ocean Database project documentation. The Group discussed community input in identifying existing lists and decided to document this research in the wiki. Chemical methods Initial review of this vocabulary list took place in Silver Spring. During the break-out session the following plan of action was agreed upon and the Group decided to: map the Canadian BioChem parameter codes to WOD parameter codes review and revise parameter definitions for analysis methods post on the GE-BICH wiki for review and community input review community input and submit list to SeaVox In situ imaging systems A list of current in situ imaging systems was compiled from material produced by the SCOR Working Group 130 on Automatic Visual Plankton Identification. The Group decided that this will be posted on the GE-BICH wiki. Biological analytical instruments This vocabulary comprises a very large number of instruments and requires considerable input from the scientific community. There will be opportunities as part of the FP7 EuroMarine project (2011-2012) to fund workshops to build this vocabulary. Life cycles and life stages Various lists were collected: larval names/life stages from BODC, DFO and OBIS databases; a list of terms was extracted from a standard scientific source on this subject, Young, Craig M., Mary A. Sewell, Mary E. Rice (eds). 2002. Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Academic Press. These lists will now be integrated, keeping track of original sources. Different variant spellings or terms for the same concept will be assigned to synonym groups. There is a need to standardize form of term in the list (singular or plural); deal with different languages; scientific terminology, vernacular. What is larval stage name in one taxonomic group can be different in another, hence the need to tie this exercise to taxonomic hierarchy. Larval stages will be grouped in classes: eg copepodite has 6 different stages, which will have separate entries in the vocabulary; but they will have part of their description in common. During the breakout session it was decided to create a thesaurus table for life cycle/stage names. The following fields were identified: taxonomic group (Copepoda) life cycle name (copepodite VI, egg stage 1) plural/singular flag class (copepodite, ovum) definition language suggested exchange name (ovum stage I) authoritative source All terms must be associated with taxonomic groups which should enable QC of life stage terms associated with taxonomic names in biological datasets. Synonym names will also be included in the thesaurus but must be associated with an accepted term which will be referred to as the exchange name. Plural and singular terms will be included in the list but the accepted term will be singular. Inclusion of the plural form of the term will aid in cleaning of the name lists. A flag must be included to indicate the language of the term. The suggested exchange name (accepted name) will be the scientific term (e.g. ovum rather than egg). The objective is to create a controlled vocabulary table with 2 fields (short name plus definition). The definition can include the concatenation of several fields in the thesaurus table (e.g. synonyms, class): term life cycle short name definition language; description; taxonomic group name; authoritative source; plural form The Group requested Ms Kennedy to consult Mr Roy Lowry to see if he recommends that only the accepted/exchange terms be included in the SeadataNet code tables and that all terms be in the singular form. The Group requested Mr Vanden Berghe to provide a list of fields needed as attributes to describe life stages by end of January 2011 so that it can be included in the IODE-XXI working document. Next, taxonomists should be invited to comment on our list. Non-taxonomic group names The Group decided that the OBIS community will be consulted for input into the development of this vocabulary list. The following plan of action was proposed: compile list of terms arrange into groups and prioritize submit to biological community and request content revision submit to SeaVox The Group noted that functional groups could be defined using ontological concepts, but that it will be required first to have controlled vocabularies of the measured parameters. Functional groups (for example, grazers, nitrogen fixers, producers, etc.) would be useful non-taxonomic terms for grouping parameters to facilitate data discovery. Mr Gonzlez reported that in the framework of the global change and ocean acidification, the role of faecal pellets became prominent. Actually it is possible not only to study total fluxes of particulate organic matter POC) and calcium carbonate but it is possible to study the role of specific functional groups (i.e. euphausiids, appendicularians). These groups impact in different ways the carbon sequestration through the production and export of faecal pellets loaded with either POC or calcium carbonate. An effort toward the production of a zooplankton faecal pellet guide can be found in  HYPERLINK "http://www.zfpguide.com/default.aspx" http://www.zfpguide.com/default.aspx , which is a useful tool to start work with these type of particles The Group requested Mr Gonzlez to forward references to Ms Moncoiff who will add the information to the wiki. GE-BICH strongly recommend to re-analyse existing time-series zooplankton samples and recommend for future analyse to treat these two groups (when possible) separately. WORK ON VOCABULARIES AT BCO-DMO Ms Cyndy Chandler (BCO-DMO) introduced this agenda item. She explained that the project Vocabularies, Ontologies and Ocean Biogeochemistry Data - Matching and Mapping involves an ongoing collaboration between teams of researchers including Dicky Allison, Bob Groman and Andy Maffei at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and informatics professionals Patrick West, Stephan Zednik and Peter Fox, at the Tetherless World Constellation (TWC at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) ( HYPERLINK "http://bco-dmo.org/" http://bco-dmo.org/) is funded by the US National Science Foundation Division of Ocean Sciences and the Office of Polar Programs to work with researchers to improve access to data resulting from programs funded by their respective offices. In an effort to improve data access, BCO-DMO staff members are transforming a legacy system of human-readable, flat files of metadata into well-ordered controlled vocabularies. To improve semantic interoperability, terms from the BCO-DMO controlled vocabularies are then mapped to controlled vocabulary terms adopted by SeaDataNet, the pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management. In a related effort, BCO-DMO data managers are collaborating with researchers from the Tetherless World Constellation (TWC at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the United States) to develop an ontology that formally describes the concepts and relationships in the data managed by the BCO-DMO. The BCO-DMO metadata database currently contains information that powers several different user and machine-to-machine interfaces to the BCO-DMO data repositories. One goal of the ontology development project is to enable subsequent development of semantically-enabled components (e.g. faceted search) to enhance the power of those interfaces and improve data access through enhanced data discovery. The powerful combination of controlled vocabularies and ontologies will help achieve our objective to provide sufficient metadata to permit unambiguous machine-to-machine interpretation of data resources. Ms Chandlers presentation is available from the IODE web site on  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=6566" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=6566 FAO ACTIVITIES AND D4SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES Mr Anton Ellenbroek (FIPS) made a presentation on building an e-Infrastructure for Capture Statistics and Species Distribution Modeling: the D4Science Approach. Data analysts and environmental scientists expect data to be available at ever shorter intervals and in ever greater detail. Their activities require collaborations across widely dispersed and autonomous groups. These collaborations are often cross-discipline and require innovative research supporting environments that integrate data, processing and work-flows to produce new knowledge. D4Science ( HYPERLINK "http://www.d4science.eu" www.d4science.eu) is a EU funded project that started in 2008 (and has its roots in the DILIGENT project that started in 2004). The aim is to develop a production-level e-Infrastructure providing scientific communities (including the Fishery and Aquaculture Resources Management) with dedicated VREs to serve the needs of various scenarios. D4Science is an e-Infrastructure that can be used to support Fisheries Resources Management. The ever increasing demand for capture data with ever finer geographical resolution, and an ever greater number of environmental variables requires access to advanced information management and computing resources. Here, a few examples are showcased: 1. Fisheries Country Profiles; an innovative approach for the production of dynamic reports that integrate data from heterogeneous sources. These may be the result of complex aggregation, processing, and analysis of continuously evolving data. Partly built using Liferay portals. 2. AquaMaps; provides the generation of model-based, large-scale predictions of occurrence of aquatic species taking into account various environmental variables. Based on e.g. GBIF data, a Postgres database, geoserver, PostGIS. 3. Vessel transmitted information; combines vessel transmitted information, a grid based GIS and earth observation data for scientific analysis. By definition, an e-Infrastructure is a framework enabling secure, cost-effective and on-demand resource sharing across domain boundaries. Resources include storage and computing resources, or software, processes, and data. They can be shared and interact with other resources to provide functions to its clients, that can be human or an application. The e-Infrastructure accommodates the needs of resource providers and consumers. The infrastructure layer supports: (i) resource providers, in selling their resources; (ii) resource consumers, in buying and organizing resources to build their applications. Furthermore, it provides organizations with logistic and technical tools for application building, maintenance, and monitoring. A well-known example of such an e-Infrastructure is represented by the Grid. The potentially unlimited availability of resources allows a new development paradigm based on the notion of Virtual Research Environment (VRE). A VRE is an integrated environment that provides seamless access to resources and offers facilities for communication, collaboration and interaction among scientists and researchers. This is built by aggregating the needed constituents after hiring them through the e-Infrastructure. The resulting research environments are organized views built atop the pool of available assets, ranging from computers and servers to collections and services. The D4Science e-Infrastructure has many interoperability facilities for searching, data discovery, processing and sharing facilities bridging across autonomous e-Infrastructures. This will result in e-Infrastructure Ecosystems that can serve communities dealing with multidisciplinary challenges. From the technological point of view, the development of the software for e-Infrastructure-based VREs applications was complex and demanding in terms of effort and required resources. The VREs provide on-demand, powerful and easy to use functionality for supporting scientific collaboration and in-silico experiments. The VREs now include services for storage (Databases included), processing (e.g. statistical analysis) and presentation of potentially huge and heterogeneous datasets, but they also allow semi-automated transformations across different data schemas and formats. The transformations are supported by a semantic knowledge base that marshals the mappings. The D4Science e-Infrastructure is in production mode since June 2008. Since then it has been populated with widely different resources. These range from multidisciplinary fisheries data sources, such as Fishery Country Profiles, National Aquaculture Legislation Overviews, Capture Time series graphs, species distribution maps, to Earth Observation products. D4Science-II is capable to consume resources coming from other e-Infrastructures established in other areas as well as sharing part of its resources with them. As a consequence of this, the Virtual Research Environments that might be defined and operated on it bring the power of the constituent resources in data processing and storage to users in an easy to understand and intuitive format, with minimal requirements on users bandwidth and processing power. Mr Ellenbroek then provided a brief demonstration of FARM AquaMaps. THE WAY FORWARD Governance And Maintenance Issues There was a discussion about the maintenance and governance process of these vocabularies. At the last meeting it was decided that these lists needed to be submitted to BODCs Vocab server. Vocabulary related to gears will be added to the SeaDataNet Device Categories Vocabulary. For specialised vocabularies such as life stages, Ms Gwen Moncoiffe informed the Group that BODC had recently released a VocabEditor client that would allow external authorities to have editing access. The Group recommended that Mr Roy Lowry submit the device category (specifically the 'SeaDataNet Device Categories' vocabulary ( HYPERLINK "http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L05/current" http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L05/current )) to ODS. Priorities For 2011-12 Workplan The following priorities were proposed for the 2011-12 workplan: Complete on-going work: See Agenda item 11. Chemical nomenclature: GE-BICH-IV agreed that Chemical nomenclature ontologies applicable to marine compounds would be a much needed resource. There are existing initiatives in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry. It was agreed that links to these would be added to the wiki. Example: CAS (chemical abstracts service), GECFA, IUPAC. It was noted that most participants were using CAS. Ms. Moncoiff mentioned that BODC have started adding CAS number to reference chemical compounds in its parameter dictionary. The Group recommended to use CAS. Units: At the QA/QC workshop, the need was identified for a controlled vocabulary for units (eg ISO-1000). It was noted that BODC has a unit vocabulary but this may not have been checked against the ISO standard. The Group requested Ms Moncoiff to check the compliance of the BODC vocabulary with the ISO-1000 standard. The Group will then evaluate a submission to ODS. Parameter codes review: This was mentioned at the last GE-BICH session however nothing was done during the past inter-sessional period. There are two main internationally recognised parameter vocabularies: SeaDataNet PUVs and CF standard names. At GE-BICH-IV it was proposed to look at known issues about the definitions used for some parameters and provide feedback to parameter lists owners. This has been done for some parameters (e.g. primary production parameters) but no systematic review was carried out. Ms Moncoiff suggested that GE-BICH should look at subsets of parameters relevant to GE-BICH. For example, in 2010 CF added a series of new terms related to biogeochemistry. There was some discussion on the need to review primary production parameter descriptions. Mr Gonzlez noted that methodologies to study biological rates are changing fast. For example: for primary production (PP) measurements, regular estimations using radio-isotopes (14C incubations) are now prohibited in several laboratories and research vessels. Thus, many laboratories shift their methods toward stable isotope (13C) methods or to the classical oxygen evolution incubations. The Group decided that the initial review of select groups of parameter codes would be done through the wiki. QUALITY CONTROL/ QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES OUTCOME OF QA/QC WORKSHOP Ms Moncoiff made a presentation about the First IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections which was held in Ostend, Belgium on 8-11 February 2010. The workshop aimed to provide better guidelines for the QC and data reporting of chemical and biological data. Some 20 experts in the QA/QC and management of chemical oceanographic data were selected to participate to this first workshop. The workshop's main objective was to evaluate existing procedures and recommend a minimum set of data quality control and reporting procedures for chemical data collections held at data centres and oceanographic institutions, focusing in a first instance on dissolved inorganic nutrients and dissolved oxygen from discrete water samples. Using these variables as examples, the participants focused on four main areas: quality control checks and procedures, common quality control issues, QC flags schemes and strategy, units and metadata requirements for data reporting and exchange. Discussions and actions from the workshop are detailed in IOC Workshop report No. 228 and on the GE-BICH wiki. The Workshop participants had proposed a way forward with reporting information enabling unit conversion between units per mass and units per volume. However different recommendations related to nutrient data reporting have recently been published in Hydes et al (2010) as part of the experts review of nutrient standards operating protocols of the GO-SHIP manual. The Group recommended that the lead author of that paper be contacted to clarify the minimum requirements for reporting nutrient data. The main actions from the Workshop included the writing up of a proposal for a new quality flag (QF) scheme. The QF scheme proposal will be submitted to the ODS after further fine-tuning. It is expected that the document will be submitted by the end of January 2011. The data processing levels nomenclature will require more work at a later stage. EMODNET QA/QC GUIDELINES Mr Anders Windelin made a presentation about the QA/QC guidelines developed by EMODNET. EMODnets draft QA/QC document written by Neil Holdsworth was also discussed. The EU commission has funded a set of preparatory actions (pilot projects) for different themes: hydrography, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and habitats. These pilot projects should set up a prototype for European Marine Observation and Data Network (ur-EMODnet) to provide access to observations and highlight gaps. The EMODNET Chemical pilot project was shortly presented with focus on data access and products and the related challenges. As a part of the work in the EMODNET Chemical pilot project (chemistry lot) a QA/QC guideline has been developed. These guidelines are based on a number of inputs to the, which are acknowledged at the end of this guideline. It should be noted that to compare small amounts of chemical sample measurements in the same area, over time is a difficult exercise. The challenge of doing this for different instruments, with different techniques, from different institutes, over a much wider area is a challenge in order of magnitudes. This document is provided as a guideline only to demonstrate some of the basic principles that will need to be addressed in order to make the data in the EMODNET Chemical Portal as useful as possible. More information is available on  HYPERLINK "http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/portal/portal/emodnet/Home" http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/portal/portal/emodnet/Home The Group agreed that the EMODNET chemical QA and QC basic guidelines draft version 1.2 compiled by Mr Neil Holdsworth is a good addition to the existing list of authoritative guidelines already identified by GE-BICH. The Group noted that comments were being sought on the draft version. BLACKSEASCENE QA/QC ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES ON OTHER INITIATIVES Ms Kseniia Skuratova made a presentation about the QA/QC activities which have taken place and are being planned as part of the BLACKSEASCENE programme. The Black Sea SCENE project established a Black Sea Scientific Network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes and other organizations from Black sea region countries. . The Black Sea SCENE has developed a distributed data and information infrastructure, that gives access to the data collected by the partners in standardized formats, allows exchange and improves use of the data and information about the Black sea. The research infrastructure encourages exchange of knowledge and expertise, scientific cooperation and adoption of international meta-data standards and data-management practices. The UP-GRADE BS-SCENE project aims include extension of the existing research infrastructure, implementation of the results of the Joint Research Activities of the FP6 RI SeaDataNet project, adoption of the standardized methodologies for data quality checking to ensure the quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources. During the project it became clear that work on the biological QC/QA guidelines is needed and should be arranged. Thus several groups of specialists from partner organizations were formed and are working closely on developing such guidelines and building automatic biological DQC procedures. Unfortunately, at the moment only manuals were compiled and distributed within the community, but no automatic biological DQC procedures or tools are available. It was recognized that special software for automatic DQC is needed to be developed though. The IBSS team in the frame of Black Sea SCENE project has developed a wiki-based phytoplankton check-list tool and maintains and enhances it in the UP-GRADE BS-SCENE project under umbrella of the Black Sea Commission. It incorporates list of the Black sea phytoplankton on species level and all available and related metadata. On its base certain automatic DQC procedures can be described and implemented in a specific software, which will allow to input, process and store data as well as ensure the possibility to exchange data between specialists from various institutes and organizations. Mr Alex Kozyr then gave a presentation on the 2nd level quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedure (GLODAP example) for ocean carbon data. ANALYTICAL AND CALIBRATION TECHNIQUES Total carbon dioxide (TCO2) analysis and calibration All TCO2 samples that were retained in this synthesis work were analyzed by coulometric titration. The primary differences between the various groups were the sample volume use, the level of automation, and the primary calibration method. On many cruises the coulometer (UIC, Inc.) was coupled to a semi-automated sample analyzer (Johnson and Wallace 1992; Johnson et al. 1985, 1987,1993, 1998). The most common system, a single-operator multiparameter metabolic analyzer (SOMMA), was typically outfitted with a 20- to 30-mL pipette and was calibrated by filling a gas loop with a known volume with pure CO2 gas, then introducing the gas into the carrier gas stream and performing subsequent coulometric titration (Johnson and Wallace 1992; Johnson et al. 1987,1993, 1998). Some systems were calibrated by analyzing sodium carbonate standards. In TCO2 systems that were not coupled with a semi-automated sample analyzer, the sample was typically introduced manually by a pipette or a syringe. Total alkalinity (TALK) analysis and calibration. All shipboard TALK measurements were made by potentiometric titration using a titrator and a potentiometer. TALK was determined either by characterizing a full titration curve (Brewer et al. 1986; Millero et al. 1993; DOE 1994; Ono et al. 1998) or by a single point titration (Perez and Fraga 1987). Analytical differences were in the volume of sample analyzed, the use of either an open or closed titration cell, and the calibration methods. Results were obtained from different curve-fitting techniques such as Gran plots, nonlinear fitting, or single-point analysis. Fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) analysis and calibration. Two different types of instruments were used to measure discrete fCO2 samples. With each, an aliquot of seawater was equilibrated at a constant temperature of either 4 or 20C with a headspace of known initial CO2 content. Subsequently, the headspace CO2 concentration was determined by non-dispersive infrared analyzer (NDIR) or by quantitatively converting the CO2 to CH4 and then analyzing the concentration using a gas chromatograph (GC) with flame ionization detector. The initial fCO2 in the water was determined after correcting for loss (or gain) of CO2 during the equilibration process. This correction can be significant for large initial fCO2 differences between the headspace and the water, and for systems with a large headspace-to-water volume ratio (Chen et al. 1995). pH analysis and calibration The pH measurements were determined by a spectrophotometric method (Clayton and Byrne 1993), with m-cresol purple as the indicator and either scanning or diode array spectrophotometers, or by using pH electrodes RESULTS OF SHIPBOARD ANALYSIS OF CERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIALS Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) were used on many of the cruises as secondary standards for TCO2, with some exceptions during the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic survey. Routine analysis of shipboard CRMs helped verify the accuracy of sample measurements. Certification of the CRM for TCO2 is based on vacuum extraction/manometric analysis of samples in the laboratory of C. D. Keeling at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). A complete discussion of the technique developed for CRMs can be found at: http://www-mpl.ucsd.edu/people/adickson/CO2_QC/. Most groups which routinely ran CRM samples for TCO2 also analyzed the samples for TALK. The CRMs were certified for TALK in July 1996. However, archived CRMs produced prior to 1996 were calibrated as well so that post-cruise adjustments of TALK could be made (See Table 3 in Lamb et al, 2002) CRMs at the time of measurements were not available for the other carbon parameters REPLICATE SAMPLES Replicate samples were routinely collected and analyzed at sea, thus allowing the analyst to determine the overall precision of the measurement. The imprecision of replication includes the error associated with the collection and handling of the carbon sample, as well as the analytical precision. In addition, replicate samples for TCO2 were collected and stored for analysis ashore at SIO by laboratory of C.D. Keeling (see Guenther, P. R., C. D. Keeling, and G. Emanuele III. 1994b. Oceanic CO2 Measurements for the WOCE Hydrographic Survey in the Pacific Ocean, 1990-1991: Shore Based Analyses. SIO Reference Series, Ref. No. 94-28. University of California, San Diego) CONSISTENCY OF DEEP CARBON DATA AT THE LOCATIONS WHERE CRUISES CROSS OR OVERLAP One approach for evaluating the consistency of the cruises was to compare data where cruises crossed or overlapped. A location was considered a crossover if stations from two cruises were within 1 (~100 km) of each other. If more than one station from a particular cruise fell within that limit, the data were combined for the comparison. For this analysis, only deep-water measurements (>2000 m for the Pacific Ocean, >2500 m for the Indian Ocean, and >3000 m for the Atlantic Ocean) were considered, because CO2 concentration in shallow water can be variable, and the penetration of anthropogenic CO2 can change relationships between the carbon parameters measured at different times. Once the stations were chosen, the data were plotted against potential density referenced to 3000 dB (or 4000 dB in the Atlantic) since water moves primarily along isopycnal surfaces. In order to quantitatively estimate the mean difference between legs, each of the two fitted curves for a restricted deep water density range was evaluated at evenly spaced intervals covering the range of space common to the selected stations from both legs. A mean was taken of the differences, and standard deviation was calculated MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS Another approach used to evaluate the data at the crossover locations was a multi-parameter linear regression analyses (MLR). Brewer, et al. (1995) and subsequently others (Wallace 1995; Slansky et al. 1997; Goyet and Davis 1997; Sabine et al. 1999), have shown that both TCO2 and TALK concentrations in deep and bottom waters can be fit well with MLR functions using commonly measured hydrographic quantities for the independent parameters. The geographic extent over which any such function is applicable depends on the number of water masses present, and the uniformity of chemical and biological processes which have affected the carbon species concentration in each water mass ISOPYCNAL ANALYSES At a few locations in the North Pacific the estimated offsets at the crossovers were not consistent with the offsets from the basinwide MLR analysis. In an attempt to determine whether the limited number of stations analyzed biased on the crossovers, we expanded the crossover analysis to include additional stations along each cruise and/or stations from neighboring cruises. The deep (> 2200 m) station data were averaged at specific potential density (sigma-3) values and fitted with a 2nd-order polynomial function. The average differences and standard deviations were determined from evenly spaced differences along the curves. The range of values observed for a particular cruise at each isopycnal level indicated whether the stations initially used in the crossover analysis were offset from the surrounding stations. Although more assumptions about oceanographic consistency are necessary, the additional stations used in the isopycnal analysis can provide a better estimate of the difference between cruises because more data points are included in the analysis INTERNAL CONSISTENCY OF MULTIPLE CARBON MEASUREMENTS An additional independent approach for evaluating the accuracy of data is the examination of the internal consistency of the CO2 system parameters. The CO2 system parameters in seawater can be characterized by temperature, salinity, phosphate and silicate, and two of the four measured inorganic carbon parameters: TCO2, TALK, fCO2, or pH. Thus, the carbon system is overdetermined on cruises where three or more carbon parameters were measured. By comparing estimates using different pairs of carbon measurements, one can evaluate potential offsets. In addition, examination of internal consistency over several cruises lends confidence to the reliability of the equilibrium constants. The constants of Mehrbach et al. (1973) as a refit by Dickson and Millero (1987) were used for this analysis, along with equilibrium constants for other components (e.g., boric acid dissociation, solubility of CO2, water hydrolysis, and phosphoric and silicic acid dissociation) necessary to characterize the carbonate system in seawater as recommended in Millero (1995). This choice was made based on the analysis of a large data set (15,300 samples) obtained from all the ocean basins (Lee et al. 2000; Millero et al. 2002). For this analysis, TALK was calculated using a combination of either TCO2 and fCO2, or TCO2 and pH [adjusted upward by 0.0047 (DelValls and Dickson 1998) for the Pacific and Indian Ocean but not for the Atlantic analysis]. Ms Moncoiff then introduced a contribution by W. Burnett (National Data Buoy Center, USA) regarding work which has taken place on developing quantitative approaches for quality control among NOAA IOOS partners. . They recommended that: At a minimum, the following quality control tests should be applied to the observations to ensure they meet a minimum level of standards before they are released to the public, the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) or websites. Syntax check this test evaluates whether the observation is in the expected syntax (i.e., of the specified length, proper characters and format). Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Range test (gross) this test ensures that all the measurements or values fall within established upper and lower limits (i.e. user defined within manufactures limits considered). Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Range test (climatological) this test ensures that all measurements or values fall within established upper and lower limits (i.e. within the limits of seasonal historical observations.) Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Rate of change tests this test evaluates the difference between three consecutive measurements or values of a parameter verified to be less than a maximum allowable change defined for a specific time period (i.e., a fail occurs when the difference between adjacent measurements is too steep: Test value=V2-(V3+V1)/2 where V2 is the measurement being tested and V1 and V3 are the previous and following values). Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Outlier test this test is defined as points more than M times the standard deviation away from a mean series. Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Spike test this test evaluates the differences between sequential measurements where one measurement is quite different than adjacent ones, causing a spike in both size and gradient (i.e., Test value=V2 (V3+V1)/2 (V3-V1)/2 where V2 is the measurement being tested as a spike, and V1 and V3 are the previous and following values). Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. Stuck values test this test evaluates a value that does not change more than the resolution of the sensor over a period of several observations (i.e., the rate of change of the data is below the threshold of the instrument over a specified period of time). Output of this test is a pass/fail flag of the observation. RESULTS OF FOLLOW ON ACTIONS FROM QA/QC WORKSHOP Development of quantifiable QC checks This agenda item was introduced by Mr Hernan Garcia. He recalled that the meeting had proposed the following minimum quantifiable quality control checks based upon WOD09 or more appropriate local climatologies: (i) range checks based on the depth-resolved acceptable ranges; (ii) excessive gradient (vertical and otherwise) based on WOD09 limits. These limits will be checked for suitability by the user community; (iii) excessive spike based on threshold values still to be defined; and (iv) No gradient (constant values). He also recommended to undertake a community-wide effort to develop less subjective tests. He further recommended compiling a list of available statistical and objectively analyzed climatologies such as Brickman and Petrie 2003, World Ocean Atlas 2009, Hydrobase, GLODAP, Gouretski and Koltermann 2004, the Baltic Atlas of long term inventory and climatology, Oceanographic Atlas for the Black and Azov seas 2009, MEDAR/MEDATLAS, etc. Mr Alexander Kouznetsov showed examples of gradients and spikes tests for dissolved oxygen and nutrients in some marine basins (Black Sea, Barentz Sea). He recalled that there exist many manuals and guides on this subject such as: Manual of quality control procedures for validation of oceanographic data. IOC. Manuals and Guides 26. UNESCO 1993 NOAA technical report NESDIS 79. Quality control and processing of historical oceanographic nutrient data. 1994. NOAA technical report NESDIS 81. Quality control and processing of historical oceanographic temperature, salinity, and oxygen data. 1994. World Ocean Database, Documentation and Quality Control. OCL, NODC, NOAA 1998, 2001, 2005, 2009 MEDAR/MEDATLAS II. Final report for the period 01/01/1998-31/12/2001 GTSPP Real-Time Quality Control Manual, Revised Edition, 2010 He concluded that numerical criteria should be an important matter of concern in the framework of QC standardisation. Range values are better investigated against other criteria (gradients, spikes) and published for the ocean basins and several seas (WOD database, MEDATLAS, GLODAP, etc). Improvement and localization (seas, bays, river runoff, deep layers, instruments) of numerical criteria used for QC is very important and continuous task. Procedures for numerical criteria deriving should be clearly defined and documented. Publishing of parameter extreme values by the authors of atlases and statistical generalizations should be encouraged. The Group decided to start compiling a list, to be made available through the wiki, of available objective data quality tests that should be used in QC procedures. The Group recommended that metadata should include the list of tests used. QC Flags A quality flag scheme was proposed at the first First IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections Oostende, Belgium, 8-11 February 2010. Consulted experts (Ms Cyndy Chandler, Mr Hernan Garcia, Ms Gwenaelle Moncoiff, Mr Toru Suzuki, Mr Sergey Konovalov, Mr Reiner Schlitzer, Ms Laure Devine) reviewed the original proposal and agreed to modify the scale by incorporating a 2-layer quality flag (QF) standard scheme to accompany the exchange of oceanographic and marine meteorological data and associated metadata. The Group decided that a formal proposal will be submitted by Mr Konovalov on behalf of the GE-BICH to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) by the end of January 2011. QA/QC PRIORITIES FOR 2011-12 WORKPLAN This is covered under Agenda Item 11 COLLABORATION WITH IPHAB on HAIS development Ms Moncoiff presented an update on HAIS development based on a presentation provided by Mr Henrik Enevoldsen, IOC, coordinator and technical secretary of the Harmful Algal Bloom Programme. It was recalled that The IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species within WoRMS is the back bone of a Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS). A Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System was established and met once since its establishment. Recent developments: Taxonomic Task Team Mtg in Oct 2010 to update the IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species in WoRMS Action taken to have all ICES Countries update and complete submissions to HAEDAT before March 2011 HABMAP re-launched jointly with OBIS at 14th International Conference on HAB at Crete Nov 2010 (joint poster and Eds meeting) Customizing of HAEDAT format to OBIS and vice versa A FP7 proposal entitled SpEcoSS (SPecies to ECOsystems using Semantic Standards) has been submitted with IOC HAB Centre as partner. If approved it will contribute to further develop elements of HAIS. A FP7 Initial Training Network Proposal will be submitted this month with IOC as partner and will if approved provide a 2 year post doc full time to compile and analyze data for HAIS primarily but not exclusively from EU. More information: HAIS / HAEDAT  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/haedat/" http://www.iode.org/haedat/ ; IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species /WoRMS: World Register of Marine Species:  HYPERLINK "http://www.marinespecies.org/hab/index.php" http://www.marinespecies.org/hab/index.php The meeting noted that progress has been slow and expressed hoped that this would change, especially taking into account that OBIS is now part of IOC/IODE. The Group encouraged the HAB programme to archive their data in IODE NODCs or other relevant data centres that promote free and open access to data. It was noted that they should not be restricted to data associated with HABs but also all monitoring and other data. GE-BICH is willing to play a role in the HAIS project to provide technical expertise in data and information management and highly recommends continued and increased collaboration between IODE (including OBIS) and HAB. The Group requested Mr Vanden Berghe to contact Mr Enevoldsen to discuss ways and means to enhance collaboration. COLLABORATION WITH GE-OBIS Progress on the formation of the GE-OBIS and the vision of how the collaboration between GE-OBIS and GE-BICH should develop was introduced by Mr Edward Vanden Berghe. An overview was given of the different steps that were taken to integrate OBIS into IODE. This involved discussions and recommendations at various IOC and IODE governing bodies; recommendations have been drafted for the creation of new subsidiary bodies within IOC: a Steering Group for IODE/OBIS; a Group of Experts for OBIS. These recommendations will be presented to the 25th meeting of IODE, and if approved by the IODE meeting to the IOC General Assembly in June 2011. IOC Circular Letter 2333, issued 16 February 2010, informed Member States that an IOC Trust Fund dedicated to OBIS had been established, and invited Member States to contribute. Several Member states have made a financial contribution in response to this appeal, or have pledged to do so (Australia, Brazil, Canada, United States). Funds acquired are sufficient to carry the salary of the OBIS Project Officer, and half time data manager. Rutgers University, New Jersey, offered to continue hosting the OBIS Secretariat, now as the International OBIS Project Office. Part of the offer was support for one full time equivalent staff position; part of this offered support will be used to make the position of the data manager full-time. In addition, several Member states and/or institutes have offered assistance in kind. The Government of Flanders has offered support in organizing meetings. INCOIS, MGEL, USB and VLIZ have offered assistance in the maintenance and further development of the OBIS IT infrastructure and assistance with data management. The proposed Terms of Reference for the GE-OBIS were presented, with a view to identify potential collaboration between GE-OBIS and GE-BICH, and to enable a discussion on how to share responsibilities between the two groups of experts. An overview was given of the data content available through OBIS; as of January 2011, the number of records in OBIS is 30.3 million; the rate of data acquisition is still constant, despite the decrease in the size of the average dataset. The fact that OBIS is able to maintain its rate of data acquisition is that the workload is shared by the many OBIS Nodes. The OBIS IT infrastructure was recently rebuilt; the old version was created some years ago (2003), and was not scalable. The new version is built on PostgreSQL, GeoServer and OpenLayers, so is standards-compliant. OBIS is now able to offer OGC services. The exchange protocol for the new infrastructure is DiGIR, as it was in the old version; the longer the more, data are also exchanged using direct access to providers databases, or via FTP transport. The data exchange format is Darwin Core and OBIS Schema; the latter is an extension of the former. A new version of the Darwin Core was published recently by TDWG, and will be investigated as an alternative to the previous Darwin Core and OBIS Schema. A number of issues were listed that were seen as potential joint interest between GE-OBIS (to be established in 2011) and GE-BICH: Protocol: DiGIR and potential alternatives Exchange format: Darwin Core; new version allows extensions OBIS Schema Metadata formats DiGIR GCMD Standard vocabs Taxonomy: WoRMS, IRMNG, NCBI Larval names/life stages/life forms Sampling methods Especially the standard vocabularies were seen as a shared interest between the two groups of experts. It was suggested that the standard vocabs would remain the remit of the GE-BICH, but that other topics might be best discussed by the GE-OBIS. The meeting saw no need to change the Terms of Reference of GE-BICH. It was noted that there were some other metadata formats that are very relevant; FGDC is used by the US contributors to OBIS. VLIZ has developed its IMIS system. Darwin Core is very widely used and can be generated from metadata transmitted through DiGIR. Both EurOBIS and iOBIS expose a Dublin Core version of their database through an OAI server. The relationship between OBIS and ODP was discussed. There is a suggestion, made during the 2010 IODE Officers meeting, to make OBIS data available through ODP. EurOBIS data is alreadyavailable through SeaDataNet. At the same time, SeaDataNet could be a mechanism for acquisition of data by OBIS. It was noted that OBIS offers a specialised view on biogeographic data, incorporating complexities such as the taxonomic hierarchical classification and synonymy, and will always have the mandate to present the end users this specialised view on its data holdings. The data content available through OBIS could be enriched with other data types, such as chemical or physical oceanographic data. These data could, for example, be incorporated using web services harvesting data from servers hosting these data, such as the US NODC. It was suggested to investigate building such systems in collaboration with the D4Science project and/or its potential successors. Another important extension would be to deal with quantitative data. Now there are several fields in he OBIS Schema to accommodate quantitative data, but input in these fields is not very structured, and many data providers dont provide content for these fields, even if they have it available. It was noted that the controlled vocabularies in development by GE-BICH would be a great help to structure the data for these fields in OBIS, but that it would also be necessary to extent the OBIS Schema to better accommodate quantitative data. Standardisation of input in these fields will be a major issue; the ICES working group on Zooplankton has been looking in these issues, and should be consulted. The Group requested Ms Kennedy to contact the ICES zooplankton working group to seek collaboration on exchange standards related to abundance data. All OBIS data, and derived information such as diversity indices and measures of species richness are available from the OBIS web site, also through OGC web services. These services are available through third-parties for inclusion in their own web sites. Contributing to OBIS has been made easier now that OBIS is part of the IOC; this makes it easier for government employees in IOC Member States to devote time to OBIS. A full discussion on potential contributions to OceanTeacher (OT) was deferred to agenda item 10. Options for extra pages in OT are lesson plans on how to use OBIS how deal with presence data, presence absent data, abundance, etc. The OBIS Schema has fields for institutes, but does not use a controlled vocabulary for this field. The possible use of GCMD vocabs for these fields were discussed, as were some alternatives. The Group decided to contact the GE-MIM Chair on this issue as it related to the IODE OceanExpert database. SURVEY ON PROVISION OF/ACCESS TO CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA via SDN and ODP portals. SDN VS ODP: HOW TO CONTRIBUTE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA This agenda item was introduced by Mr Alexander Kouznetsov. He explained that conceptually both SeaDataNet (SDN) and IODE OceanDataPortal (ODP) serve to integrate multidisciplinary marine and oceanographic data distributed in different data centers and to enable user access to this information resources (it may be said provide data exchange) on the base of Web-technologies. A set of standards which are in use within the systems should be strictly adhered to by data providers and accepted by data users. It is important for the community involved in oceanographic data exchange to know whether or not the systems use the same standards, or different but compatible and so on. It is important for GE-BICH to know whether or not the above mentioned systems are flexible and scalable enough to ingest the standards developed by GE-BICH, controlled vocabularies for example. Do the systems provide facilities for comprehensive and adequate description of chemical and biological data? Do the systems provide suitable formats for data exchange and forms for publishing data? -What are the value added services or products provided by the systems with respect to chemical and biological data? Could the two systems aim at global or supra-regional coverage without bringing more confusion to the data users and to the developers of global information systems? Mr Kouznetsov, in his summary, stated that approaches for thematic (disciplinary) data identification employed in the framework of SDN and ODP systems have been considered. Basically thematic identification is implemented through data description (metadata) with use of controlled vocabularies for parameters and observational instruments. The ISO19115 metadata standard for geographic digital data has been accepted for metadata development in both systems. In the framework of the SDN project the Common Data Index (CDI) metadata profile for marine community has been developed and implemented strictly in accordance with the rules for creating extensions and profiles given in the ISO19115 standard. In the framework of ODP metadata is presented in an XML format based on the ISO 19115 standard and WMO Core Profile v.0.1. It means that ODP metadata implementation is distinct of CDI. Both systems have adopted the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) for parameter identification, but up to date ODP uses an internal vocabulary mapped with the BODC vocabulary. SDN employs different levels of PDV within CDI-metadata (P021) and within data file (P011). ODP presently employs codes of parameters mapped with P011 vocabulary both in metadata and data file. Instruments and devices used for collecting observations are specified in CDI by terms of controlled vocabulary. Description of instruments in ODP for the moment is implemented as a plain language text. SDN and ODP systems employ distinct formats for data exchange. In his conclusion Mr Kouznetsov noted that presently, to be a partner of both SDN and ODP systems, data providers will be forced to duplicate their efforts required for metadata and data contribution. SDN has distinct advantage with respect to thematic data identification and CDI could be recommended for use in ODP. With regards to different data formats it could be recommended to develop software enabling data conversion. SDN VS ODP: HOW TO DISCOVER AND ACCESS CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA This agenda was introduced by Mr Sergey Konovalov. In his presentation he addressed the following questions at a first level: Does the system provide standards and utilities for comprehensive and adequate description of chemical and biological data? Does the system provide utilities for publication of chemical and biological data? What is the value added service or product provided by the system with respect to chemical and biological data? And the following questions at a second level: What are the strengths and weaknesses of ODP and SDN with regards to chemical and biological data exchange (i.e. data provider use case and data user use case)? Are the two systems competing in a manner which could waste IODEs resources (including those of some of its data centres)? Could the two systems aim at global or supra-regional coverage without bringing more confusion to the data users and to the developers of global information systems? What are our recommendations to avoid duplication of effort and build on what has already been developed and what is currently being planned at the European and international level? IODE Ocean Data Portal (IODE ODP) The Ocean Data Portal (further, ODP) aims at providing seamless access to collections and inventories of marine data from the NODCs (National Oceanographic Data Centres) of the IODE network and allows for the discovery, evaluation (through visualization and metadata review) and access to data via web services. ODP is the IODE infrastructure for Ocean data accessibility. SeaDataNet (SDN) SeaDataNet has federated open digital repositories to manage, access and share data, information, products and knowledge originating from oceanographic fleets, new automatic observation systems and space sensors. It is a Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine data management. So a difference between SDN and ODP is that SDN also aims at managing the data and not just on making them available. Are the systems multidisciplinary? Both systems declare being multi-disciplinary. With regards to user interface, both web-portals provide the page for data discovery: SDN:  HYPERLINK "http://seadatanet.maris2.nl/v_cdi_v2/search.asp" http://seadatanet.maris2.nl/v_cdi_v2/search.asp ODP  HYPERLINK "http://data.oceandataportal.org/" http://data.oceandataportal.org/ Searching Both systems have a good advanced search tool. There are no real differences. However ODP only provides data. SDN provides data and tools to manage the data (ODV, DIVA) which is quite useful. What data are now provided by ODP? GTSPP, TS Black Sea, Hydrometeorological data, Wind wave data, Sea-surface temperature and salinity, Sea level data, Turbidity, Water transparency Oxygen, Nutrients Secchi disc, Chlorophyll, Bioluminescence, Fluorescence What data are now provided by SDN? Temperature, Salinity, Sea level Ammonium, Oxygen, Sulfide, Total nitrogen, Nitrate, pH, Phosphate, Silicate, Total phosphorus Chlorophyll and a long list of various biological data (Im not sure about the volume of these data) The list of biological data is much longer than for ODP. When looking at the US NODC it seems that much more data could be made available: NODC US ( HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/OC5/SELECT/builder.pl" http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/OC5/SELECT/builder.pl) There are also other sources: JGOFS data at http://www1.whoi.edu/jg/dir/jgofs/ NODC US data at http://www.nodc.noaa.gov BCO-DMO data at http://www.bco-dmo.org/ MEDAR/MEDATLAS data at http://www.ifremer.fr/medar/ NATO TU BlackSea at http://sfp1.ims.metu.edu.tr/texts/dbcdrom.htm EMODNET at http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/portal/portal/ This actually means that both ODP & SDN are currently aimed to develop systems and tools, rather than to provide data and services to data users ODP Products and Services ODP WMS service at http://data.oceaninfo.ru/ (An extremely reach source of data, but, well, in Russian) Geographic information (location, names, IHB codes) on different objects such as countries, oceans and seas at http://www.esimo.net/geows/ws?wsdl ODP dictionary service. Provides information on following code lists: Administrative areas, Buoys, Cities, Countries, Oceans and seas at http://www.esimo.net/dictionaryws/ws?wsdl MAPS service does not work. SDN Products and Tools SeaDataNet Climatologies: Arctic (temperature, salinity) Atlantic (temperature, salinity) Baltic Sea (temperature, salinity, O2, H2S, N, P, Si) Black Sea (temperature, salinity, sea level anomalies) Global (sea level anomalies) Mediterranean Sea (temperature, salinity, sea level anomalies, O2, pH, N, P, Si, Chlorophyll) NE Atlantic (temperature, salinity) North Sea (temperature, salinity) Thus, chemical and biological climatologies are provided for the Baltic and Meditarranean Seas only. SDN provides an excellent tool to plot climatological maps and transects Yet, when it comes to the maps, some of the reviewed maps look awkward. Thus, for example, the map of the distribution of annual average concentration of oxygen in the Mediterranean sea reveals extremely high values in the eastern part of the sea and unusually low values in the southern part of the sea.  As chemical and biological climatologies for the Black Sea are not suggested, the distribution of salinity at the depth of 1500 meters has been reviewed.  While changes in the third digit are possible in the central and eastern part of the sea, the map reveals unusually high variations all over the sea. No information is suggested on the source of climatological data and the structure of data used to generate this climatology. Thus, though the proposed service looks valuable, the revealed mistakes make it hardly useful for any purposes. Example to obtain data from the systems: ODP request for Oxygen: no data ODP request for secchi disk: no data So it seems that ODP cannot well provide chemical data For SDN there should be a lot of oxygen data but it is necessary to register first and this seems to take several days. . It has taken 4 days to obtain the login and password after registration at the SDN portal. This login and password has been required by the system several times over the process of data request. The number of stations is limited to 500 and not more than 100 stations can be selected for downloading at one screen session. The only request is generated at the first stage and an additional email informs on the need to check the status of the generated request and an actual possibility to get an access to data. Thus, it takes days-to-weeks to get real data sets for analysis. So obtaining the data is extremely inconvenient and does not seem to target end users. This also means that SDN data with the current procedure of accessibility cannot be available for a system of a higher level, like ODP at IODE. Similarities between the systems: These are two systems, which are very similar in their general features. ODP is the IODE system, SDN is a EU system that was initiated within the SeaDataNet project. Still, SDN is under IODE umbrella and it is transformed into a pan-Europen infrastructure with a long-lasting support. ODP is global, while SDN officially addresses European data and data providers, but it gradually becomes global too. Both systems identify themselves as multidisciplinary and include chemical and biological data; Both systems provide similar utilities for data discovery and accessibility; Dictionaries/vocabularies are used for chemical and biological data in both systems Differences between the systems Differences between the systems There are some differences between these systems, but they are temporal, as both systems are actively developing in a competitive way. ODP is the IODE infrastructure for the Ocean data accessibility. SDN is the Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine data management. Comparison of the two systems As compared to ODP, SDN currently accounts for data from a bigger number of data holders and provides a wider variety and larger sets of chemical and biological data; Unlike ODP, SDN currently provides a set of extremely helpful tools and services (ODV, DIVA). He considered this as a very important advantage for end users; Unlike SDN, ODP does not require registration. Registration can protect data from bad guys, but it does take time and irritate. He considered this as a very important advantage for end users. Unlike ODP, SDN make it extremely difficult and uncomfortable to get real access to data and to get data sets for analysis. Common problems Chemical and biological data are extremely limited in variety and quantity, as compared to physical data, and they are often inaccessible. Both ODP and SDN rely on distributed data providers, which do not and cannot guarantee accessibility and availability of data on-line for a long time. Both systems provide data files of original structures reserving for data users data management. ODP states that it can receive data from any provider. Dr Konovalov states that it should focus on NODCs that are organized and stable. Dr Konovalov then recalled the initial questions and addressed each: 1- What are the strengths and weaknesses of ODP and SDN with regards to chemical and biological data exchange? Strength: The idea of distributed data sets looks good, as it potentially provides an access to a wider ranger of data. This is specifically true for chemical and biological data that is reserved at specific project and institution sites. Weakness: Yet, it often results in inaccessible data. This is specifically true for chemical and biological data remaining outside NODCs after project completion. A possible Solution: Data may remain at project sites for the project duration, but data must be submitted to NODCs upon completion of projects/programs. A global data system should be based on NODCs & WDCs. 2. Are the two systems competing in a manner which could waste IODEs resources (including those of some of its data centres)? An example of productive interaction is SDN with ODV, DIVA, climatologies, etc., when products and services are developed by different groups, but come to the system strengthening end users capabilities. The coexistence of and competition between ODP and SDN and other parallel sources of data is an example of wasted resources. Resources are spent for the very same task, but results in more confusion for end users and data contributors. 3. Could the two systems aim at global or supra-regional coverage without bringing more confusion to the data users and to the developers of global information systems? The more systems exist, the more confusion they bring to data users, as the users have to compare, for example, data sets collected from different systems in order to exclude duplicates. Thus, users have to perform all actions that NODCs do collecting data from different sources. But can an average chemist or biologist do it? The global data system should join efforts of NODCs, rather than compete with them. 4. What are recommendations to avoid duplication of effort and build on what has already been developed and what is currently being planned at the European and international level? A global data system must be based at IODE UNESCO, rather than at any national or regional platform/institution. The system must be based at an international structure. All useful features from OPD and SDN, as well as NODC US and other NODCs and project portals, should be integrated to the global international system. If EU is ready to provide some financial support, it would provide a possibility for the developers of SDN to joint ODP and to make one truly global international system stronger. The meeting thanked Dr Konovalov for his excellent work. CONCLUSIONS: ODP and SDN are two systems, which are very similar in their general features. ODP is the IODE system, SDN is a EU system that was initiated within the SeaDataNet project. Still, SDN is under IODE umbrella and it is transformed into a pan-Europen infrastructure with a long-lasting support. ODP is global, while SDN officially addresses European data and data providers, but it gradually becomes global too. Both systems identify themselves as multidisciplinary and include chemical and biological data; Both systems provide similar utilities for data discovery and accessibility; Dictionaries/vocabularies are used for chemical and biological data in both systems As compared to ODP, SDN currently accounts for data from a bigger number of data holders and provides a wider variety and larger sets of chemical and biological data; Unlike ODP, SDN currently provides a set of extremely helpful tools and services (ODV, DIVA). This as a very important advantage for end users and they should be implemented for ODP too; Unlike SDN, ODP does not require registration. It extremely difficult and uncomfortable to get real access to data and to get data sets for analysis. Chemical and biological data are extremely limited in variety and quantity, as compared to physical data, and they are often inaccessible. Both ODP and SDN rely on distributed data providers, which do not and cannot guarantee accessibility and availability of data on-line for a long time. Both systems provide data files of original structures reserving for data users data management. ODP states that it can receive data from any provider. It should focus on NODCs that are organized and stable. Presentation by Dr Toru Suzuki Mr Suzuki summarized the technical requirements to host the ODP data provider software:  He then described the data registration process for ODP: Create resource file by XML via Web browser Step 1: Identification and connection to data Step 2: Data presentation and dissemination Step 3: Time and geographic characteristics Step 4: Contacts information In his conclusion Dr Suzuki summarized the ODP data provider and interface as follows: Easy to use for user and data provider Seamless access and download data and information Graphically, interactively, user friendly interface 30 min. or less to create a resource file No big budget required All freeware Reuse powerless/old model hardware Dissemination by laboratory/institute Good for integrated/analytical database, not for many different files To the question Is ODP good for chemical/biological data? Dr Suzuki responded Yes, if codes/dictionaries/vocabularies are complete. To the question Should we install both ODP and SDN? Dr Suzuki responded No, either is good if ODP integrated server can connect with SDN (and OBIS). Dr Suzuki recommended that GE-BICH recommend that ODP should implement a function of interconnection with SDN and OBIS DISCUSSION It was noted that ODP is not a data repository system but a way to make data available. ODP data provider creates and manages resource files described for data, and does not change existing data and database. ODP integration server harvest just resource files in ODP data providers, not data and database. The Group requested Mr Konovalov and Mr Kouznetsov to prepare a document for IODE-XXI based upon their presentations (Deadline: end of January 2011). This document should be sent to the SDN and ODP technical teams for their comments and feedback. The combined document will then be submitted to IODE-XXI. The Group recommended that ODP employs the BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary for biological and chemical data which is also used by SDN, to enable the generation of data resource files by the ODP data provider. The Group also stressed the need for interoperability between ODP and SDN and OBIS. The Group noted that SDN enables easy use of excellent tools such as ODV and DIVA. The Group recommended that ODP should develop file formats to similarly enable easy import of data in tools like ODV and DIVA. The Group recommended that a netCDF Convention (extension to the CF) (see also  HYPERLINK "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html" http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html ) for biological and chemical data be further developed (taking into account the work from groups such as IOOS). The Group also recommended that ODP should adopt it as the transfer data file format when ready. The Group decided to establish a separate section on the wiki about this topic, to document initiatives and to link to existing conventions. It was agreed that GE-BICH should not take the lead in the development but should monitor progress. The Group called on NODCs for increased input of biological and chemical data into ODP and called on the ODP developers to urgently ensure that the system is ready to ingest them. The Group suggested that SDN identifies a point of contact to address quality issues in the climatologies generated by DIVA and available through the SDN web site. The Group recommended for the IODE Committee to address data flow procedures including to the WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA and its WOD product. In addition the Group recommended that close collaboration should be established between OBIS nodes and IODE NODCs to ensure efficient and effective data flow of biogeographic data. The Group recommended that IODE identifies the long-term and permanent archival for all oceanographic data, including OBIS data products. The Group recommended that project and institutional data should be sent first and foremost to IODE NODCs, which should then be served through the IODE ODP. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA This section was introduced by Mr Humberto Gonzlez. He showed an example where 4 ministries deal with funding for marine research but with different data exchange requirements. While in most of them the data should become available to the public in form of reports or directly send it to the CENDHOC. In the case of the Ministry Education the information must be published in national or international per-review scientific journals. In some programs dealing with apply research (where the industry should also allocate resources) the information is included in public and reserved reports that probably will never reach CENDHOC. In the cases where the supreme decree 711 is invoked, the results and final reports of each project will be intellectual property of the Chilean Government and will be distributed for public knowledge according to the Supreme decree N430 of 1991 from the Ministry of Economy. International scientific programs favour data exchange (or at least this is my perception during the last years). Some possible actions: Asking for mandatory submission of data to data centre (at the Government or funding agencies levels). Given additional points/value to scientific proposals that explicitly mention data exchange procedures during the review process. Putting barrier (or disqualifying) scientist/programs to apply for a new grant, until the data was sent to a data centre. Stimulating mechanisms and actions to improve/facilitate the relationship between NODC / WODC and scientific institutions and researchers (i. e. preparing talks and posters in international scientific meetings promoting the benefits of data exchange for the users and society). Give appropriate credit to the scientists that exchange their information through either direct citation (when few authors or oceanographic cruises or ship scientists) or through a web page citation (when many authors/ship scientists are involved) Ms Chandler noted that often projects have a data policy but they make provisions so they do not override national laws that might be more restrictive. The research project data policies can not include requirements that would make it impossible for a researcher to participate if their respective national policy was more restrictive for some reason. The Group called on IODE to recommend for NODCs to liaise with Government funding agencies to ensure that the data are sent to NODCs and that NODCs are properly resourced. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO GE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER This agenda item was introduced by the Chair. She invited Mr Kouznetsov to provide a brief overview of content currently available in OceanTeacher ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org" http://www.oceanteacher.org) related to chemical and biological data management. The Group recommended investigating the navigation tree of the OceanTeacher (OT) digital library (see  HYPERLINK "http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/OceanTeacher" http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/OceanTeacher) to identify missing topics or content that needs to be revised. The Group identified the page  HYPERLINK "http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/Marine_Parameter_Value_Ranges" Marine Parameter Value Ranges as a starting point. The Group considered what topics GE-BICH members could contribute to. The Group established a inter-sessional working for GE-BICH contributions to OceanTeacher. The following volunteered to participate in this group: Mr Hernan Garcia, Ms Mary Kennedy, Ms Kseniia Skuratova, Mr Edward Vanden Berghe. The Group tasked them to (i) identify topics that should be added in the OT library relevant to the scope of GE-BICH; (ii) enter content in the OT library; (iii) check the quality of existing content in the OceanTeacher library relevant to GE-BICH. The Group recommended that a representative of the working group should participate in the upcoming meeting of the SG-OT, to be held in Miami in April 2011. The working group will coordinate with Ms Claudia Delgado, Training Coordinator at the IOC Project Office for IODE. The meeting recalled that Mr Kouznetsov had volunteered to edit the page  HYPERLINK "http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/Marine_Parameter_Value_Ranges" Marine Parameter Value Ranges and that some modifications were made in response to the comments made at GE-BICH-IV by the former Chief Editor. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD The Group prepared the work plan for the next inter-sessional period based upon discussions on all agenda items. The Action List is attached as Annex III. MEMBERSHIP ISSUES This agenda item was introduced by Peter Pissierssens. He recalled that IODE-XIX had adopted Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 (STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS). This adoption (later approved by the 24th Session of the IOC Assembly, 2007) had reorganized the membership of IODE Groups of Experts to include: 4 long-term members : The long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; 4 short-term members: The short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods. Mr Pissierssens reported that the GE-BICH currently had 4 long-term members and 3 short-term members. Of the 4 long-term members 3 were now due to leave the Group: Gwenaelle Moncoiff, Mary Kennedy and Alexander Kuznetsov. The short-term members could all continue. Mr Pissierssens informed the Group that in accordance with the above-mentioned recommendation, an IOC Circular Letter will be sent out immediately after the current Session of the Group, inviting IOC Member States to nominate suitable candidates for replacement of the four long-term members. The Group recommended that Mr Hernan Garcia should continue membership in the Group as a long-term member and requested the Secretariat to discuss this with the IODE national coordinator for data management of the United States. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No other business ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) The Secretariat invited candidates for the positions of Co-Chair to make themselves known. The Group unanimously elected Mr Sergey Konovalov and Mr Hernan Garcia. The new Co-Chairs expressed its appreciation to the outgoing Chair Ms Gwenaelle Moncoiff, thanking her for the hard work as Chair which has enabled the Group to display an impressive range of activities and achievements. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION The Group decided that this should be dealt with by the newly composed Group and Co-Chairs but decided that one Session of the Group should be held in the next inter-sessional period of IODE (2011-2013). ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT The Group adopted the draft summary report and requested the Secretariat to finalise the report and publish it on the IODE web site. CLOSURE The outgoing Chair, Ms Gwenaelle Moncoiff thanked all participants and Secretariat for the hard work carried out during the past inter-sessional periods that she had the pleasure to Chair, and wished the new Co-Chairs success with the further development of IODE activities related to biological and chemical data management and exchange. The Chair closed the Session on Thursday 20 January 2011 at 14h30. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION 1.1. WELCOME 1.2. INTRODUCTION OF PARTICIPANTS 1.3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2.1. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GE-BICH-IV WORK PLAN (Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-IV.1) 2.1.1. GE-BICH wiki 2.1.2. Vocabularies 2.1.3. QA/QC workshop 2.1.4. Best practices for data reporting and data exchange 2.2. ISSUES ARISING FROM IODE-XX 2.2.1. New revised Terms of Reference of GE-BICH (Resolution IODE-XX.1) 2.2.2. Cooperation with IPHAB on the development of HAIS (resolution IODE-XX.2) 2.2.3. Integration of OBIS into the IOC/IODE structure 3. SPLIT SESSION 3.1. VOCABULARIES 3.2. SUBMISSIONS TO OCEAN DATA STANDARDS 4. VOCABULARIES AND ONTOLOGIES 4.1. ISSUES PENDING FROM GE-BICH-IV 4.1.1. Plankton sampling gears 4.1.2. Trawl sampling gears 4.1.3. Water samplers 4.1.4. Sediment samplers 4.1.5. Chemical sensors amd analysers 4.1.6. Chemical methods 4.1.7. in situ Imaging systems 4.1.8. Biological analytical instruments 4.1.9. Life cycles and life stages 4.1.10. Non-taxonomic plankton groups 4.2. WORK ON VOCABULARIES AT BCO-DMO 4.3. FAO ACTIVITIES AND D4SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES 4.4. THE WAY FORWARD 4.4.1. Governance and maintenance issues 4.4.2. Priorities for 2011-2012 work plan 5. QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 5.1. OUTCOME OF THE QA/QC WORKSHOP 5.2. EMODNET QC/QA GUIDELINES 5.3. BLACKSEASCENE QA/QC ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES ON OTHER INITIATIVES 5.4. RESULTS OF FOLLOW-ON ACTIONS FROM QC/QA WORKSHOP 5.4.1. Development of quantifiable QC checks 5.4.2. QC flags 5.5. QA/QC PRIORITIES FOR 2011-2012 WORKPLAN 6. COLLABORATION WITH IPHAB ON HAIS DEVELOPMENT 7. COLLABORATION WITH GE-OBIS 8. SURVEY ON PROVISION OF/ACCESS TO CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA VIA SDN AND IODE ODP PORTALS 8.1. SDN vs ODP: how to contribute chemical and biological data 8.2. SDN vs ODP: how to discover and access chemical and biological data 8.3. Presentation by Toru Suzuki 8.4. Discussion 9. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA 10. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO HE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER 11. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD 12. MEMBERSHIP ISSUES 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 14. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) 15. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT 16. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION 17. CLOSING OF THE SESSION ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Long-Term Members Dr. Hernan GARCIA Oceanographer (Chemical) Ocean Climate Laboratory NOAA/NODC SSMC-III, E/OC5, Room 4306 1315 East-west highway Silver Spring Maryland 20910 United States Tel: [1] (301) 7133290 ext 184 Fax: [1] (301) 7133303 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Hernan.Garcia@noaa.gov" Hernan.Garcia@noaa.gov Dr Humberto GONZLEZ Professor Universidad Austral de Chile Chile Tel: 56-63-221559 Fax: 56-63-221455 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hgonzale@uach.cl" hgonzale@uach.cl Mary KENNEDY Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans, Nova Scotia P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth B2Y 4A2 Nova Scotia Canada Tel: +1-902-426-3263 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca" KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Dr. Sergey KONOVALOV Head of department National Academy of Science of Ukraine / Marlin-Yug, Marine Hydrophysical Institute 2a, Kapitanskaya Street, 99011 Sevastopol Ukraine Tel: +38-050-588-1952 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sergey_konovalov@yahoo.com" sergey_konovalov@yahoo.com Alexander KOUZNETSOV Head of Department All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk 6, Koroleva Street Obninsk Kaluga region, 249020 Russian Federation 249020 Tel: +7-48439-74674 Fax: +7-499-795-2225 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kuznet@meteo.ru" kuznet@meteo.ru Dr Gwenaelle MONCOIFFE Marine Data Scientist British Oceanographic Data Centre Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gmon@bodc.ac.uk" gmon@bodc.ac.uk Dr Toru SUZUKI General Manager Marine Information Research Center, Ota-Ku Daiichi Sogo Bldg. 6F, 1-6-6, Hanedakuko Ota-ku 144-0041 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81-3-5708-7106 Fax: +81-3-5708-7075 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:suzuki@mirc.jha.jp" suzuki@mirc.jha.jp Invited Experts Cyndy CHANDLER Informatics Specialist MS 36, Woods Hole, MA, 02543 United States Tel: 1-508-289-2765 Fax: 1-508-457-2169 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cchandler@whoi.edu" cchandler@whoi.edu Mr. Klaas DENEUDT Project manager Data Centre (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Belgium Tel: ++32(0)59/34.21.43 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:klaas.deneudt@vliz.be" klaas.deneudt@vliz.be Mr. Anton ELLENBROEK D4Science NA5 Leader FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Headquarters Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Roma Italy Tel: 00390657054029 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:anton.ellenbroek@fao.org" anton.ellenbroek@fao.org Francisco HERNANDEZ Manager Datacentre (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Belgium Tel: [32](59)34.21.30 Fax: [32](59)34.21.30 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francher@vliz.be" francher@vliz.be Mr. Alex KOZYR Oceanographic Data Analyst Oak Rigde National Laboratory, CDIAC Building 1509, Mail Stop 6335 Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831-6335 United States Tel: +1-865-576-8449 Fax: +1-865-574-2232 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kozyra@ornl.gov" kozyra@ornl.gov Dr Stphane PESANT Research Scientist University Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences Leobener Strasse POP 330 440 28359 Bremen Bremen Germany Tel: +49 (0)421 218 65583 Fax: +49 (0)171 273 3611 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:spesant@marum.de" spesant@marum.de Ms Kseniia SKURATOVA Lead Engineer Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Tel: +380500582683 Fax: +380692544110 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:k.skuratova@ibss.org.ua" k.skuratova@ibss.org.ua MS Anders WINDELIN Academic Associate Frederiksborgvej 399 Denmark Tel: +4546301250 Fax: +4546301114 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:awi@dmu.dk" awi@dmu.dk Secretariat Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org Dr Edward VANDEN BERGHE Executive Director Ocean Biogeographic Information System Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71, Dudley Road New Brunswick New Jersey 08901 United States Tel: +1 732 932 6555 ext 565 Fax: +1 732 932 8578 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:evberghe@iobis.org" evberghe@iobis.org ANNEX III INTER-SESSIONAL WORK PLAN Agenda itemActionBy whomBy whenCost4.1The Group decided that the first step is to identify attributes that should be included in the vocabulary term definition and then create a thesaurus table. The design of this table should be circulated to subject experts such as SeaVox, ICES, OBIS, GBIF, WoRMS, etc. As a second step, the thesaurus table should be populated, including synonym names but these must be associated with an accepted or preferred term which will be referred to as the exchange name. A flag must be included to indicate the language of the term. Suggested exchange names will be English. Finally a controlled vocabulary with 2 fields (term plus definition) can be created by the concatenation of fields in the thesaurus table: term short name definition language; description(attributes); authoritative source; The Group decided that Mr Roy Lowry, BODC, will be consulted by Ms Kennedy to inquire if all terms should be included in the SeaVox code list or if only the suggested exchange name should be included and these terms should all be in the adopted standardized format for this vocabulary list (example for life cycle stages all terms should be singular).M. Kennedy M. Kennedy/ R. Lowry M. Kennedy1/2011 2/2011 2/20114.1.3The Group decided that Step 1 is to identify attributes, step 2 is to compile content for each attribute and step 3 is to submit terms and definitions to SeaVox.M. Kennedy6/20114.1.5The Group discussed community input in identifying existing lists and decided to document this research in the wikiA. Kozyr/ H. Garcia2/20114.1.6 the Group decided to: map the Canadian BioChem parameter codes to WOD parameter codes review and revise parameter definitions for analysis methods post on the GE-BICH wiki for review and community input review community input and submit list to SeaVox  M. Kennedy/H. Garcia/ G. Moncoiff 10/20114.1.7The Group decided that this will be posted on the GE-BICH wiki S. Pesant2/20114.1.9Different variant spellings or terms for the same concept will be assigned to synonym groups. There is a need to standardize form of term in the list (singular or plural); deal with different languages; scientific terminology, vernacular. What is larval stage name in one taxonomic group can be different in another, hence the need to tie this exercise to taxonomic hierarchy. Larval stages will be grouped in classes: eg copepodite has 6 different stages, which will have separate entries in the vocabulary; but they will have part of their description in common. During the breakout session it was decided to create a thesaurus table for life cycle/stage names. The following fields were identified: taxonomic group (Copepoda) life cycle name (copepodite VI, egg stage 1) plural/singular flag class (copepodite, ovum) definition language suggested exchange name (ovum stage I) authoritative source The Group requested Ms Kennedy to consult Mr Roy Lowry to see if he recommends that only the accepted/exchange terms be included in the SeadataNet code tables and that all terms be in the singular form. The Group requested Mr Vanden Berghe to provide a list of fields needed as attributes to describe life stages by end of January 2011 so that it can be included in the IODE-XXI working document. Next, taxonomists should be invited to comment on our list. E. Vanden Berghe/ M. Kenedy 11/20114.1.10The Group decided that the OBIS community will be consulted for input into the development of this vocabulary list. The following plan of action was proposed: compile list of terms arrange into groups and prioritize submit to biological community and request content revision submit to SeaVox ACTION: Table with type of content for non-taxonomic terms to be prepared by half February by Edward and Mary. The Group requested Mr Gonzlez to forward references to Ms Moncoiff who will add the information to the wiki. GE-BICH strongly recommend to re-analyse existing time-series zooplankton samples and recommend for future analyse to treat these two groups (when possible) separately.. E. Vanden Berghe10/20124.4.1The Group recommended that Mr Roy Lowry submit the device category (specifically the 'SeaDataNet Device Categories' vocabulary (HYPERLINK "http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L05/current"http://vocab.ndg.nerc.ac.uk/list/L05/current )) to ODSG. Moncoiff to contact R. LowryContact by end 1/2011 n/a4.4.2The Group decided that the initial review of select groups of parameter codes would be done through the wiki.All membersGE-BICH-VIN/A5.1The Group recommended that the lead author of that paper be contacted to clarify the minimum requirements The Group requested Ms Moncoiff to check the compliance of the BODC vocabulary with the ISO-1000 standard. The Group will then evaluate a submission to ODS. H. Garcia G. Moncoiff2/2011 2/2011n/a5.4.1The Group decided to start compiling a list, to be made available through the wiki, of available objective data quality tests that should be used in QC procedures. The Group recommended that metadata should include the list of tests used. AllStart 2/20115.4.2The Group decided that a formal proposal will be submitted by Mr Konovalov on behalf of the GE-BICH to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) by the end of January 2011. S. Konovalov (lead) 2/20116The Group requested Mr Vanden Berghe to contact Mr Enevoldsen to discuss ways and means to enhance collaborationE. Vanden Berghe2/20117The Group requested Ms Kennedy to contact the ICES zooplankton working group to seek collaboration on exchange standards related to abundance data. The Group decided to contact the GE-MIM Chair on this issue as it related to the IODE OceanExpert database.M. Kennedy H. Garcia3/2011 2/20118.4The Group requested Mr Konovalov and Mr Kouznetsov to prepare a document for IODE-XXI based upon their presentations (Deadline: end of January 2011). This document should be sent to the SDN and ODP technical teams for their comments and feedback. The combined document will then be submitted to IODE-XXI. The Group recommended that ODP employs the BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary for biological and chemical data which is also used by SDN, to enable the generation of data resource files by the ODP data provider. The Group noted that SDN enables easy use of excellent tools such as ODV and DIVA. The Group recommended that ODP should develop file formats to similarly enable easy import of data in tools like ODV and DIVA. The Group recommended that a netCDF Convention (extension to the CF) (see also HYPERLINK "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html"http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html ) for biological and chemical data be further developed (taking into account the work from groups such as IOOS). The Group also recommended that ODP should adopt it as the transfer data file format when ready. The Group decided to establish a separate section on the wiki about this topic, to document initiatives and to link to existing conventions. It was agreed that GE-BICH should not take the lead in the development but should monitor progress. The Group called on NODCs for increased input of biological and chemical data into ODP and called on the ODP developers to urgently ensure that the system is ready to ingest them. The Group suggested that SDN identifies a point of contact to address quality issues in the climatologies generated by DIVA and available through the SDN web site. The Group recommended for the IODE Committee to address data flow procedures including to the WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA and its WOD product. In addition the Group recommended that close collaboration should be established between OBIS nodes and IODE NODCs to ensure efficient and effective data flow of biogeographic data. The Group recommended that IODE identifies the long-term and permanent archival for all oceanographic data, including OBIS data products. The Group recommended that project and institutional data should be sent first and foremost to IODE NODCs, which should then be served through the IODE ODP. S. Konovalov/ A. Kouznetsov S. Konovalov to contact Chair SG-ODP through document S. Konovalov to contact Chair SG-ODP through document H. Garcia to contact IOOS and Chair SG-ODP G. Moncoiff GE-BICH Co-Chairs during IODE-XXI and include in action paper S. Konovalov to contact Chair SG-ODP through document Co-Chairs to include this in their input for the Action Paper and during IODE-XXI Co-Chairs to include this in their input for the Action Paper and during IODE-XXI End of 1/2011 End of 1/2011 End of 1/2011 Start 2012 Start 1/2011 1/2011 + 3/2011 1/2011 1/2011 + 3/2011 1/2011 + 3/2011 9The Group called on IODE to recommend for NODCs to liaise with Government funding agencies to ensure that the data are sent to NODCs and that NODCs are properly resourced. Co-Chairs to include this in their input for the Action Paper and during IODE-XXI 1/2011 + 3/2011 10The Group recommended investigating the navigation tree of the OceanTeacher (OT) digital library (see HYPERLINK "http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/OceanTeacher"http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/OceanTeacher) to identify missing topics or content that needs to be revised. The Group identified the page HYPERLINK "http://library.oceanteacher.org/OTMediawiki/index.php/Marine_Parameter_Value_Ranges"Marine Parameter Value Ranges as a starting point. The Group established a inter-sessional working for GE-BICH contributions to OceanTeacher. The following volunteered to participate in this group: Mr Hernan Garcia, Ms Mary Kennedy, Ms Kseniia. Skuratova, Mr Edward Vanden Berghe. The Group tasked them to (i) identify topics that should be added in the OT library relevant to the scope of GE-BICH; (ii) enter content in the OT library; (iii) check the quality of existing content in the OceanTeacher library relevant to GE-BICH. The Group recommended that a representative of the working group should participate in the upcoming meeting of the SG-OT, to be held in Miami in April 2011. The working group will coordinate with Ms Claudia Delgado, Training Coordinator at the IOC Project Office for IODE. Inter-sessional working group (H. Garcia to Lead) H. GarciaBy 4/2011 and participate in SG-OT (Miami, 4/2011) April 2011 $2.5K12The Group recommended that Mr Hernan Garcia should continue membership in the Group as a long-term member and requested the Secretariat to discuss this with the IODE national coordinator for data management of the US. Secretariat1/201115decided that one Session of the Group should be held in the next inter-sessional period of IODE (2011-2013).All2012-2013$30K Total financial requirements for 2011-2013: US$ 35,000 ANNEX V List of acronyms AWI Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) BCO-DMO Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office BODC British Oceanographic Data Centre CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre CENDHOC Centro Nacional de Datos Hidrogrficos y Oceanogrficos de Chile CIESM International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea COPEPOD Coastal & Oceanic Plankton, Ecology, Production, & Observation Database CRM Certified Reference Materials DFO Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) DiGIR Distributed Generic Information Retrieval DILIGENT DIgital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology (project) EPOCA European Project on OCean Acidification EU European Union FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee (USA) FIPS FAO Statistics and Information Service FP7 European Framework Programme 7 FTP File Transfer Protocol GBIF Global biodiversity information Facility http://www.gbif.org/ GCMD Global Change Master Directory http://gcmd.nasa.gov/ GE-BICH Group of Experts GIS Geographic Information System GOOS Global Ocean Observing System GO-SHIP Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program HAB Harmful Algal Blooms HAIS Harmful Algal Information System ICES ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES WGZE Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research IMDIS International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems INCOIS Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission http://ioc-unesco.org/ IOCCP International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project IODE International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange IPHAB Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms IRMNG Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera ISO International Organization for Standardization ITIS Integrated Taxonomic Information System MGEL Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (Duke University, USA) MIRC Marine Information Research Center (Japan) NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA) NDBC National Data Buoy Center (USA) NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service (USA) NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NODC National Oceanographic Data Center iOBIS International Ocean Biogeographic Information system OBIS Ocean Biogeographic Information system OCB Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry OGC Open Geospatial Consortium ODP Ocean Data Portal ODV Ocean Data View PICES North Pacific Marine Science Organization QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control SG Steering Group TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards TOR Terms of Reference UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USB Universidad Simn Bolvar (Venezuela) VLIZ Flanders Marine Institute VRE Virtual Research Environment WDC World Data Centers WG Working group WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WOD World Ocean Database WoRMS World Register of Marine Species [end]     [Type the document title] [Type the date] IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 page PAGE ii PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/5 Page (i) IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 page (PAGE i) IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Page PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Page  PAGE 5 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex I - Page PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex I - Page PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex II - Page PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-BICH-IV/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex IV - Page 2 IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcdeg٭٭ففogaWaOa9*h+h @ A Z [ ` a b c d e g h i l o p r s z { } ~ µɚ|ɚttttthhh ? 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