ࡱ> fhe` 2bjbjss .d*)LVVVVd& 8d\-p(,,,,,,,$U/h1Z-V$ 0-VV%-`8VV,,j+hVV^, B9m+,,-`-+|22 ^,2^,`|dy--j- $VVVVVV DRAFT V.02 6 March, 2007. Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership, 14th IGOS Partners Meeting Paris, France, 31 May, 2007. IGOS-P-14 Doc----- Item---- Transitioning of IGOS Themes to GEO SUMMARY AND PURPOSE IGOS-P-13bis invited the Co-chairs to present to IGOS-P-14 a plan for transitioning the IGOS themes to GEO, and to consider the implications of such a transition for the future of the Partnership. ACTION PROPOSED IGOS-P is invited to consider the attached plan and associated recommendations. Transitioning IGOS Themes to GEO Introduction IGOS-P-13bis held in Buenos Aires on 12 November, 2006, discussed a proposal introduced by CEOS to integrate the IGOS Partnership into GEO. Overlap, both in participants and purpose, between IGOS-P and GEO meetings was generally admitted, but there was no clear consensus on the way forward. In order to facilitate a continuation of the debate, Co-Chairs were invited to consult widely, particularly among Theme Leaders as well as the GEO Secretariat, and to produce a paper in good time for consideration at IGOS-P-14 for transitioning the IGOS themes into GEO. The paper should also consider the implications of the themes transition for the future of the Partnership. Co-Chairs have taken advantage of subsequent meetings (such as the GEO Bonn meeting in DecemberNovember, 2006) to discuss this subject with Partners and the GEO Secretariat, and Theme Leaders have been invited to comment. Once again, tThere was a divergence of views: Ssome felt that GEO had not yet demonstrated its ability to take over responsibility for the elements covered by the IGOS themes, whereas others saw GEO as providing the political support which IGOS-P has so far lacked. One of the possible ways forward identified at the meeting on IGOS Theme Integration during the GEO III Plenary in Bonn was to encourage IGOS Partners to map existing IGOS Themes against Tasks in the GEO Work Plan 2007-2009 and the Targets of the GEO 10 Year Implementation Plan. Against this background, the Co-Chairs have considered how best to proceed in a way which does not risk jeopardising the work invested in the IGOS themes so far, and at the same time gives maximum support to the developing efforts of GEO and its Secretariat. The proposal now submitted for consideration of IGOS-P-14 is described in the following paragraphs. It is based on the assumption that the Partnership will wish to be assured that the Theme teams would be satisfactorily housed in GEO as a pre-condition for any decision on the future of IGOS-P. At the Bonn meeting a potential involvement of IGOS Theme Teams in the GEO Work Plan was seen as an opportunity to safeguard the capacity established through these Teams, which ins some cases were in a non-active status following delivery of IGOS Theme Reports. Proposal A common thread in the comments received is the need to differentiate between the themes; one solution is not appropriate for all. It is proposed, therefore to deal with themes in three categories: (1) themes whose reports have already been approved by IGOS-P; (2) theme proposals which have not yet been formally accepted by IGOS-P, and (3) theme proposals which have been accepted by IGOS-P but where the report is still in development. These three categories are examined in more detail below. Category (1) theme reports approved by IGOS-P: Ocean; Carbon; Geohazards; Water; Coastal; and Atmospheric Chemistry. All of these themes are proposed for transfer at once to the care of the GEO Secretariat which will open discussions with each team in order to define the most effective way of integrating the theme into the GEO and GEOSS structure. Annex I gives proposals for each of the themes, identifying which GEO Task of the GEO Work Plan 2007-2009or Implementation Plan Target can be used as a starting point for the discussions between individual Theme Leaders and the GEO Secretariat. In addition the IGOS Theme Teams could increasingly address cross-cutting issues between the Themes and and function as additional interface between the Communities of Practice and GEO. Theme Leaders would be invited to keep the IGOS-P Co-Chairs informed of the progress of discussions with the GEO Secretariat until a satisfactory accomodation has been found. Category (2)-theme proposals which have not yet been formally approved by IGOS-P: Health, Energy and Geodetic themes. It is proposed that IGOS-P undertake no further work on the Health and Energy themes. Similarly, no further IGOS-P action is proposed for the Geodetic theme. This theme maps precisely on to GGOS which is already a Participating Organization of GEO. It is suggested, therefore to leave Geodetic observing strategy development and implementation coordination strategy to GGOS as leader of GEO Work Task AR-07-03 on Global Geodetic Reference Frames.. Category (3) accepted theme proposals with the report still in development: Land and Cryosphere. It is proposed to give further consideration to these two themes at IGOS-P-14. If their reports can be approved at this session, the themes would be transferred to GEO Secretariat, as for Category 1 themes. If not, special arrangements will have to be made for them. It follows from the above that IGOS-P would not start any further themes. Relations with GEO Secretariat The Co-Chairs are grateful to Prof. Jos Achache, Director of the GEO Secretariat, for nominating a senior point of contact within the GEO Secretariat, which has facilitated discussions at a working level during the production of this paper. Careful account has been taken of comments received from senior GEO Secretariat staff, but it is understood that this does not constitute formal agreement to the proposed transition plan. It would be helpful to have this agreement , at the latest, at the meeting of IGOS-P-14. Implications for IGOS-P of the Co-Chairs Proposal The Co-chairs were asked to consider the implications of their proposals for the Partnership as a whole. A final recommendation on this score depends on the progress made by the Land and Cryosphere themes. If the reports for the Land and Cryosphere themes can be approved at IGOS-P-14, the two themes could be treated as Category 1, and no further IGOS-P action would be required in respect of any of the IGOS themes. Partners may nonetheless consider that until satisfactory arrangements for the transition to GEO have actually been put in place for each of the themes, Theme Leaders need to have the continued possibility of seeking advice and guidance from IGOS-P Co-Chairs. XX (Co-Chairs understand the importance of maintaining the active participation of Theme participants even after the transfer to GEO.) XX Proposed sentence here: It remains an important task for IGOS-P to establish and support appropriate mechanisms to ensure the cross-integration between themes. If the Land and/or Cryosphere theme reports are not approved at IGOS-P-14, It may be necessary to arrange for this to be done at a further IGOS-P meeting at an appropriate time. In all the circumstances, the Co-chairs recommend that no final decision on the future of IGOS-P be taken at IGOS-P-14, and that tentative arrangements be made for at least one more meeting of the Partnership. This would allow time for the orderly transition of the themes to GEO, and for mutual confidence to be established in the transition arrangements. Recommendation IGOS Partners are invited to approve, subject to agreement with the Director of the GEO Secretariat, the transition of its themes, as described in paragraphs 4-8 above, and to agree to consider the wider implications of this transition at the next meeting of IGOS-P. ANNEX I Suggested mechanisms for the transfer of individual IGOS themes to GEO. These suggestions are not intended to be binding on the Theme Tteams, and the comments of the Theme Leaders are urgently sought for inclusion in the form of the paper to be presented to IGOS-P-14. OCEAN Coordination of the Ocean observing strategy development should be left to GOOS, as leader of GEO Work Plan Task CL-06-06 (Global Ocean Observation System). (IGOS-P should suggest to CEOS and other interested Partners to become members of this task.) CARBON The Integrated Global Carbon Observation (IGCO) theme is already identified one to one with GEO Work Plan Ttask EC-06-01 (Integrated Global Carbon Observation), and can continue to operate in this way. IGOS Partners should be encouraged to join the task group. GEOHAZARDS The organisation of the Geohazards theme team is sufficiently advanced for it to be able to fit easily into the GEO framework and the hazards Disaster Ttasks, notably DI-06-07 (Multi-hazard Zonation and Maps),DI-06-08 08 (Multi-hazard Approach Definition and progressive Implementation) and DI-06-09 (Use of Satellites for Risk Management). WATER The IGWCO report is fully consistent with GEO Ttargets and Wwork Plan Ttasks, and particularly with the Heron HARON initiative. An even stronger involvement in wWwater related Capacity Building activities (WA-06-07 Capacity Building Programme for Water Resource Management) and networks (i.e. in situ plus EO data, vis. WA-07-02 Satellite Water Quantity Measurements and Integration with in-situ Data, water quality and precipitation) would be welcome in addition to an enhanced product development capability of this theme.d. COASTAL The Coastal theme should continue to operate as a Ccommunity of Ppractice within the GEO User Interface Committee, and can provide leadership and/or participation in relevant GEO tasks including DI-07-01 (Risk Management for Floods); DI-06-04; HE-06-03; HE-07-02; CL-06-06; WA-7-01 & -02; EC-06-07; AG-06-02 (Data Utilisation in Aquaculture) ;and US-06-02 (Pilot Communities of Practice); US-07-01 and US-07-03. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY This theme will have no difficulty in mapping onto GEO Wwork Plan tTasks including those under Health and Weather, as for instance HE-07-03 (Integrated Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting). LAND Even in advance of the approval of the Land Theme report, there is a good connection with GEO secretariat through the organisation of dedicated workshops (see IGOL booklet, 2006 relevant to AG-07-03 Operational Agricultural Monitoring System). CRYOSPHERE The draft Ttheme report already shows that it the Theme Team will be possible able to insert support the IPY legacy aspects through GEO Task CL-06-05 (GEOSS IPY Contribution)into the GEO framework. (     Draft V.02, 6 March,2007. 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