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ACTION PROPOSED The Management Committee is invited to review information contained in this report, comment, and make decisions or recommendations as appropriate. ______________________ References: MAN-VIII/Doc.3.2, Appendix A, Recommendation 8 (JCOMM-III) Implementation of QMSs for Met-ocean data, products and services by Members/Member states Appendices: A. Approval process for the RMICs B. DBCP Review of WMO and IOC Publications DISCUSSION 1. Quality Management 1.1 JCOMM/IODE Standards Process 1.1.1. It has been recognized that although there were mechanisms to help coordinate ocean data exchange, these had not resulted in the degree of agreement on a wide range of matters that are needed in order to allow the easy exchange and interoperability of data collected. 1.1.2. An internationally recognised process has therefore been developed through the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) for submitting proposed standards and their acceptance by the ocean community. The ODS is coordinated by the IODE-JCOMM Expert Team on Data Management Practises (ETDMP) through a dedicated ODS Task Team. A website dedicated to the Ocean Data Standards has been developed. 1.1.3. The standards that are produced by this process are intended primarily for the use by the marine meteorological and oceanographic community. If they have wider applicability, they may be submitted to appropriate international standards bodies, such as ISO. However, after recommendation, their use will be widely encouraged within IOC and WMO. 1.1.4. One recommended standard was published on 6 January 2010 after expert review and community review in UNESCO Manuals and Guides 54(1) Recommendation to Adopt ISO 3166-1 and 3166-3 Country Codes as the Standard for Identifying Countries in Oceanographic Data Exchange. 1.1.5. Two proposals have been submitted to the ETDMP for consideration and adoption as community wide standards. They include: The Proposal to adopt ISO 8601:2004 as the standard for the representation of Dates and Times in Oceanographic Data Exchange which was submitted in May 2010 and is currently under review; The Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet Common Data Index metadata profile (CDI) as a Standard for Oceanographic Data Exchange which was submitted during the ETDMP-II Meeting in April 2010. 1.1.6. The ODS Task Team will coordinate the development of best practices procedures in the marine community through the IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Process. 1.1.7. There are other additional standards which will be recommended to the ocean community for consideration. They include the Latitude, Longitude and Altitude (ISO 6709) and Units (based on SI). 1.2 JCOMM Catalogue 1.2.1 The Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards under JCOMM and IODE of UNESCO/IOC has been prepared by Mr Robert Gelfeld and a test site has been published on the web by the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE. 1.2.2 The Fourth Session of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG-IV, Ostend, Belgium, 8-9 April 2010) requested the ETDMP and the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) to propose update to those relevant documents that need updating, and to propose new documents as appropriate. 1.2.3 DMCG-IV also requested the ETMC/SOT Task Team on Delayed Mode VOS Data (TT-DMVOS) to take steps so that the marine QC document can be published as a JCOMM Technical Report and IOC Manuals and Guides, and included in the best practices catalogue. 1.2.4 JCOMM-III recommended that the JCOMM Management Committee establish a policy for the systematic review of JCOMM standards related publications before they were recommended for adoption as tools for the QMS. 1.3 Quality Management Systems 1.3.1 JCOMM-III adopted Recommendation 8 - Implementation of Quality Management Systems for Met-ocean data, products and services by Members/Member States - (see Doc 3.2, Appendix A) with the view to encourage Members/Member States in adopting good management practices and enhance confidence in the quality of their data, products and services. Refer to preparatory document 3.2 for details. 1.3.2 The Management Committee is invited to review the status of the JCOMM Quality Management activities, and to make decisions and recommendations in this regard. 2. Instrument practices 2.0 The JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS has been addressing instrument standards and practices as part of its Overarching Implementation Plan, and the following developments and/or achievements related to instrument best practices took place. 2.1 WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) 2.1.1 JCOMM-III approved the recommendations from the Pilot Project, and particularly agreed with the establishment of WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMIC) through Recommendation 1 (JCOMM-III) which defines Terms of Reference of an RMIC, including capabilities and corresponding functions, and a mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC designation of an RMIC. JCOMM stressed that a regular review of the RMICs capabilities should be organized by JCOMM. It agreed that the established procedure for designing an RMIC should be included into the WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observations (WMO-No. 8). The formal process proposed for adopting RMICs is detailed in Annex VI of the Project Report of the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS and reproduced in Appendix A. The Management Committee is invited to endorse the proposed approval process. 2.1.2 Three countries have offered to host RMIC facilities at this point: the USA for the Regional Association IV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean) at the USA National Data Buoy Centre (NDBC) of NOAA in Mississippi, Morocco for the Regional Association I (Africa) at the National Meteorological Service in Casablanca, and China for the Regional Association II (Asia) at the National Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology (NCOSM) of SOA in Tianjin. 2.1.3 To prove concept, a training workshop on marine instrumentation for the WMO Regional Association IV was organized at the NDBC from 13 to 15 April 2010. The feedback received from the participants has been excellent, demonstrating the demand that existed in developing countries for more training on instrument practices and standards, quality assurance, marine observing programme management and operational aspects, and data exchange. The workshop permitted to initiate new collaborations in the view to improve availability of ocean observations from the Regional Association, as well as the quality and traceability to standards of the corresponding data. 2.1.4 Mr Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat) visited the NCOSM in Tianjin in late July 2010 to assist in the setting up of the RMIC. 2.1.5. It is planned to regularly organize training events at existing and candidate RMICs regionally. Discussions have been initiated to organize such workshops in China and Morocco before JCOMM-IV. 2.1.6 While contacts have been made informally with other countries for establishing RMICs in other regions, the Management Committee is invited to propose a strategy for the further development of the RMIC network, and the funding of regular training and/or intercomparison workshops at RMICs. 2.2. Instrument/Platform Metadata Metadata centres 2.2.1 JCOMM-III adopted Recommendation 3 (JCOMM-III) Provision of ODAS and Water Temperature Metadata. It is recommending (i) Members/Member States to record and provide to the ODAS Metadata Service (ODASMS, China) on a routine basis appropriate metadata about ODAS platforms that they operate; (ii) Members/Member States to provide to China and the USA on a routine basis appropriate metadata about water temperature instrumentation that they use; (iii) China and the USA to expand their Meta-T facilities to include the management of metadata related to other ocean variables than water temperature; and (iv) The JCOMMOPS to routinely contact platform operators so that the metadata are being submitted to the ODASMS, including for operational platforms and for historical ones. 2.2.2 A key strategy recommended by Meta-T is to include as much metadata as is practically available at the time of GTS encoding in the BUFR templates. Therefore, of primary importance to the overall management and distribution of data and metadata, is the design of BUFR templates. 2.2.3 USA (NDBC) and China (NMDIS) developed two mirrored instrument/platform metadata servers for water temperature observations. NDBC needs to begin extracting metadata from surface drifter reports delivered in BUFR, and NMDIS needs to start extracting metadata from the available netCDF files at the Argo Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs). Buoy Metadata 2.2.4 The DBCP has made good progress in defining the content and structure of metadata reporting requirements (as an extension to the ODAS metadata standard) for moored buoys, which, when implemented will further enhance the metadata holdings at JCOMMOPS. 2.2.5 The BUFR templates for buoy data are yet to be updated, as the JCOMM Task Team on Table Driven Codes (TT TDCF) has focused on the XBT and VOS templates. Close cooperation between OceanSITES and the rest of the DBCP Moored Buoy community was recommended by DBCP-26 when considering metadata content and standards. VOS Metadata 2.2.6 Regarding the management of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) instrument/platform metadata, the Pilot Project recommended to have WMO Publication No. 47 regulatory part included in the future WIS or WIGOS manual, and the ship metadata regarded as data as part of WIS. This recommendations was accepted by the fifth Session of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT-V, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 May 2009), and by the second meeting of the Sub-Group of the WMO Executive Council Working Group on WIGOS and WIS (Geneva, Switzerland, 19-23 October 2009). Efforts will have to be made as part of the Pilot Project legacy to achieve this goal. Inclusion of metadata in BUFR Templates 2.2.7 A number of BUFR templates that are used for the encoding and distribution of marine meteorology and oceanographic data on the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) have been reviewed, and proposals made by the META-T Pilot Project through the JCOMM DMPA Task Team on table Driven Codes (TT-TDC) so that appropriate metadata are included in BUFR appropriate template. Good progress was made with regard to the XBT/XCTD and VOS templates so that they include appropriate instrument/platform metadata. The BUFR template for buoy data needs to be reviewed for the same purpose. These changes will be submitted to the IPET-DRC to permit validation, and future approval by the CBS. 2.2.8 A holistic approach is now being adopted by the JCOMM TT-TDC when developing BUFR templates and requirements for consistency between the different templates are now being considered, moving away from the traditional platform based approach to GTS messages. This aims at including as much metadata as possible in future BUFR templates, and reviewing the data types which are common to many JCOMM observing platforms. The goal is to create consistent descriptions of observations using new sequences. 2.9 Dr Bill Burnett (USA) succeeded the position of the JCOMM Task Team Chair, from Mr Bob Keeley (Canada) after his retirement. The JCOMM Task Team will continue to create, review and enhance BUFR templates for Marine and Ocean Data, lead by Bill Burnett. META-T Pilot Project 2.2.10 The overall framework for making improvements to the metadata management for all JCOMM observing systems is being considered by the Meta-T Pilot Project, chaired by Derrick Snowden. The Pilot Project started in early 2006 with the goal to facilitate collection and distribution of instrument/platform metadata from ocean observing platforms making SST and water temperature measurements. The Pilot Project is now nearing completion and the steering team is in the process of writing a final report with recommendations. The Pilot Project categorized metadata and explored two directions - distribution of the metadata in real-time using BUFR, and building a system of mirrored metadata servers. 2.2.11 Some achievements have been realized including (i) specific proposals made for the updating of BUFR templates (VOS, XBT), and (ii) some exploration of distributed, potentially mirrored metadata servers in China and USA. Although achievements were made, progress has been slow, work is incomplete, and the proof of concept has not been fully demonstrated yet (only the BUFR template for XBT data is undergoing evaluation and the Meta-T servers have not been tested in a wide enough scale). Despite slow progress some lessons have been derived from the Pilot Project as detailed below: The concept of a single point of access to all JCOMM metadata that operates independently from the platform data management process is not sustainable, especially in a low funding environment. Organizing the metadata development effort around a geophysical variable, temperature in this case, was less effective than organizing around platforms. JCOMM is organized into panels that have common platforms and data processing systems. Exploiting this organizational infrastructure will likely be more effective than creating a separate metadata service that aims to integrate across panel activities and is developed independently. Data content and data representation standards are enabling technologies that can serve to integrate the platform focused activities of the panels. A similar group focused on exploring web based technologies could leverage the TT-TDCF efforts and extend them with web-services that provide deeper functionality than the GTS can currently deliver. For example, a project in the U.S. to deliver data and metadata using the Open Geospatial Consortium, Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard is ongoing at the NOAA/National Data Buoy Center. This development, as part of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOC), is proving successful and capable of satisfying many, if not all, of the requirements set out in the initial Meta-T planning documents. Continued focus on these and similar technologies may provide a technical solution to the Meta-T aims. Two key differences between this solution and that advocated by the original Meta-T scoping documents is that the NDBC Sensor Observation Service does not decouple data management from metadata management and the NDBC SOS service is organized by platforms for which NDBC has operational responsibility. Following this model, a network of servers which adhere to industry standards for data exchange and representation will be easier to develop and likely more effective than a single metadata-only service that deals with metadata separately from the operational dataflow of the ocean observing platform. A key strategy recommended by Meta-T is to include as much metadata as is practically available at the time of GTS encoding in the BUFR templates. Therefore, of primary importance to the overall management and distribution of data and metadata, is the design of BUFR templates. The JCOMM Task Team on Table Driven Codes Forms should continue its efforts to work with the panels to create BUFR templates (a data representation standard) for GTS distribution of data and metadata. The timeline for implementing BUFR ends with a complete transition to BUFR based encoding for GTS distribution in 2012 and the process of getting a template approved for operational use can take years. The JCOMM task team on table driven codes (TT-TDC) which is dealing with the transition to BUFR in an integrated way for all JCOMM data streams has been active in revising the XBT template to include more metadata and is progressing with an update to the SHIP template for VOS. The update to the XBT template may affect buoy operators who have used BATHY messages in the past for temperature profiles as a new template will be needed to suit their needs once they move to using BUFR. DBCP has only just begun to develop a new BUFR template for drifting and moored buoy data. ETMC-III recommendations on Rigs and Platforms 2.2.12 JCOMM-III noted that the ETMC and the Ship Observations Team (SOT) had different views about where information about manual observing systems on rigs and platforms should be recorded (in ODAS or in WMO-No. 47), and strongly recommended that a coordinated strategy for the preservation and archival of metadata associated with ocean rigs and platforms be devised. Since JCOMM-III, discussions took place with the ETMC-III, DMCG-IV, DBCP-26, and the SOT Chairperson. See document 3.1.3 for details on this issue. 2.3. Review of WMO and IOC Publications dealing with instrument practices Review of the WMO Guide on Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation 2.3.1 Following recommendations from the Pilot Project, the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) and the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) have been substantially reviewing the marine chapter of the WMO Guide on Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO No. 8, CIMO Guide). Changes were then reviewed by CIMO, and submitted for comment to WMO Members by way of a letter. Feedback from Members has been included, and a revised version of the CIMO guide submitted to the fifteenth Session of CIMO (Helsinki, Finland, 2-8 September 2010) and approved. The changes are now about to be published. Review of the WMO Guide to Marine Meteorological Services 2.3.2 Substantial changes to the WMO Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO No. 471) have been proposed by the SOT and agreed upon by JCOMM-III in particular (i) to permit integration of the VOSClim in the wider VOS, (ii) to introduce an AWS sub-class of vessel, (iii) to consider required changes to the International Marine Meteorological Tape (IMMT) format (now version IV), and (iv) to consider changes to the Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS, now version VI). These changes are now about to be published. Documenting the scope for marine instrument inter-comparisons 2.3.3 The JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS is promoting dialogue within JCOMM regarding the scope for marine instrument inter-comparisons in cooperation with CIMO, and based on the experience of CIMO. Information on why and how inter-comparisons should be organized is stated in the CIMO Guide (WMO-No. 8, Chapter III.4). At present, there is much experience in calibration or test laboratories and on sites on land, but experience is very limited with inter-comparisons on site on sea. Moreover no international inter-comparisons were organized by CIMO dealing with instruments typically developed to measure marine operational variables. Therefore it was proposed to review and update the particular chapter in the CIMO Guide. Manufacturers, through The Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry (HMEI), should play a substantial role in the future with regard to marine instrument inter-comparisons. For example, HMEI can provide equipment through Members. The Pilot Project identified a need to develop JCOMM guidelines for marine instrument inter-comparisons. 2.3.4 The DBCP Pilot Project on Wave Measurement Evaluation and Test (PP-WET) has started inter-comparison of wave measuring buoys and was asked to provide input in drafting generic guidelines for marine inter-comparisons as a deliverable of the Pilot Project. The Pilot Project Steering Committee has initiated communication with national buoy operators and wave buoy manufacturers In order to prepare response to this request. The Surface Marine programme (E-SURFMAR) of the Network of European Meteorological Services (EUMETNET) was also asked to help with regard to VOS data. Efforts will be coordinated between JCOMM and the CIMO Management Group. DBCP Review of WMO and IOC Publications by a consultant 2.3.5 The DBCP is contributing to the development of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM in a number of ways. In particular, DBCP-25 agreed to review and update the following Publications from a marine/ocean observations perspective in order to make them consistent to each other and reflect latest technological progress: IOC Manual and Guides No. 4, Guide to Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Instruments and Observing Practices IOC Manual and Guides No. 26, Manual of Quality Control Procedures for Validation of Oceanographic Data WMO No. 8, Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observations (CIMO Guide); WMO No. 544, WMO Manual on the Global Observing System (GOS); WMO No. 488, WMO Guide to the Global Observing System (GOS); 2.3.6 DBCP-25 agreed to assist financially the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS in the review of those Publications. Following agreement by the DBCP Task Team on Instrument Brest Practices and Drifter Technology Developments (TT-IBP), Mr David Meldrum (UK) has been recruited as a consultant to undertake this review during the period October 2010 to January 2011 thanks to funding provided by the DBCP and the WMO Secretariat at a level of USD 10,000 each. Details about this review and the Terms of Reference of the consultant are provided in Appendix B. 2.4. Links with the HMEI 2.4.1 Closer links were established with the manufacturers of ocean measuring instruments. Many are now regularly attending Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and Ship Observations Team (SOT) meetings. 2.4.2 Following WIGOS Pilot Project recommendation, JCOMM-III considered the HMEI could be a mechanism to represent manufacturers within the WMO and UNESCO/IOC through JCOMM, and therefore suggested that the HMEI could be given similar status within the UNESCO/IOC as those non-governmental organizations that were already granted consultative status by WMO. The Management Committee is invited to provide further guidance in this regard in particular to the IOC. ____________ Appendix A Formal adoption of the RMIC and inclusion in the CIMO Guide (draft) According to the Terms of Reference of a RMIC, the mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC designation of RMICs implies the following: Governance for defining the functions and adoption of an RMIC is proposed by JCOMM and endorsed by the WMO and UNESCO/IOC Executive Councils; A candidate RMIC is required to produce a statement of compliance, list capabilities of the proposed centre, state the suite of instrument expertise offered, state the formal commitment to voluntarily host the centre, and demonstrate capability to JCOMM. The approach proposed by JCOMM is the following: The RMIC evaluates the extent to which it will be addressing the RMIC requirement in terms of capabilities and functions as described in the RMIC Terms of Reference. Once the candidate RMIC believes that it meets the requirements to a sufficient extend, its Director writes to the JCOMM Co-President to formally state the host commitment to voluntarily run and operate the RMIC on behalf of the WMO and IOC, and to request that the RMIC be listed in the list of RMICs through appropriate channels. In doing so, the candidate RMIC also provides for a statement of compliance in terms of RMIC capabilities and corresponding functions as described in the Annex of the RMIC Terms of Reference. The list of variables measured by specific instruments for which expertise will be offered as part of the RMIC activities is also provided. According to the ToR, an RMIC must apply international standards applicable for calibration laboratories, such as ISO/IEC 17025, to the extent possible. The Candidate RMIC will indicate to what extent it will meet these requirements. The letter should be copied to the Permanent Representative of the host country with the WMO, the IOC Action Addressee for the host country, the Secretary General of WMO, the Executive Secretary of IOC, and the President of the WMO Regional Association where the RMIC is located. Capability is also demonstrated by means of a training workshop on Marine instrumentation to be organized within 12 months of the request; resources should be committed by the host country for providing financial assistance to participants of developing countries in the region. As the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG) will be the primary advisory body for JCOMM regarding the RMICs, the JCOMM Co-President requests the OCG to evaluate and verify the capabilities of the proposed Centre. The OCG evaluates the request and advises whether the candidate RMIC should be endorsed. The OCG may wish to delegate this work to individuals and/or groups acting on its behalf (e.g. one of the component teams, depending on the nature of the proposed centre), but any advice and proposal to JCOMM should still be assessed by and come through the OCG. OCG will also conduct reviews of performance and capabilities at the required intervals. If endorsed by the OCG, and depending on timing, the latter makes an informed recommendation to the JCOMM Management Committee (MAN) or the JCOMM Co-Presidents (acting on behalf of the Commission) and invites them to provide further advice to the next JCOMM Session. If endorsed by MAN or the JCOMM Co-Presidents as appropriate, a recommendation is passed to the next JCOMM Session, or depending on timing directly to the WMO and IOC Executive Councils. If endorsed by the JCOMM Session or the JCOMM Co-Presidents as appropriate, a recommendation is passed to the WMO and IOC Executive Councils for including the candidate in the list of RMICs. If the JCOMM recommendations is approved by the WMO Executive Council, the candidate RMIC is listed in the WMO Publication No. 8 (CIMO Guide) and becomes a WMO RMIC; If the JCOMM recommendation is approved by the IOC Executive, the candidate becomes an IOC RMIC; If the JCOMM recommendation is approved by both WMO and IOC Executive Councils, the candidate becomes a joint WMO-IOC RMIC. It is expected that this process, from submission of the RMIC proposal to the JCOMM co-president, to formal approval by either of both the WMO/IOC Executive Councils, may take from 6 to 12 months. ____________ Appendix B DBCP review of WMO and IOC Publications Background The JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS identified documenting and integrating instrument best practices and related standards as one of its key deliverable. The goal is to permit provision of consistent, coherent, and traceable ocean data through interoperable data exchange systems to address the requirements of WMO and IOC programmes. Significant achievements have been already been realized including updating of the marine chapter of the WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO No. 8), and the production of a catalogue on JCOMM best practices and standards. At its second meeting, the joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) and the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS (Ostend, Belgium, 15-16 October 2009) noted that Technical Publications are not always up to date or there is room for achieving better compatibility between WMO and IOC standards, or even higher level standards (e.g. through ISO). The meeting therefore proposed a strategy for the review of the WMO and IOC Technical Publications in light of the Pilot Project developments. The meeting agreed that the following Publications required substantial review and/or updating; and should be made consistent with each other: IOC Manual and Guides No. 4, Guide to Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Instruments and Observing Practices IOC Manual and Guides No. 26, Manual of Quality Control Procedures for Validation of Oceanographic Data WMO No. 8, Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observations (CIMO Guide); WMO No. 544, WMO Manual on the Global Observing System (GOS); WMO No. 488, WMO Guide to the Global Observing System (GOS); In addition, the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS has also identified the following publication of interest to the DBCP: IOC Manuals and guides No. 18, User guide for the exchange of measured wave data; The role of the DBCP At its 24th Session (Cape Town, South Africa, 13-16 October 2008), the DBCP had approved a WMO request for the Panel to undertake the updating of a number of WMO Manuals and Guides. Nonetheless, at its 25th Session (Paris, France, 28 September 1 October 2009), no volunteers had yet come forward, and the Executive Board felt that the Panel needed to become more proactive in discharging this action. The Panel noted the need to review and update the Publications listed above from a marine/ocean observations perspective in order to make them consistent to each other and reflect latest technological progress. DBCP-25 recommended that the chair of the Task Team for Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Developments (Mr W Burnett) take responsibility for identifying suitable authors, and, if needs be, to use Panel funds up to a maximum of USD 10,000 to pay for the hire of a suitably qualified consultant. It further recommended that these funds should only be called upon only if matched funding from other sources could be identified. WMO is offering to provide equivalent funding as a contribution from the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS. The DBCP Task Teams on Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Developments (TT-IBP) has proposed the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the consultant as detailed in the Annex, and Mr David Meldrum has been selected for undertaking the tasks. ___________ Annex Terms of Reference for the DBCP consultant to review WMO and IOC Publications In consultation with the DBCP Task Teams on Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Developments (TT-IBP), and Moored Buoys (TT-MB), the consultant shall review the following WMO and IOC Publications, and suggest revisions to those Publications, or a strategy for their updating as proposed below. In his/her review, the consultant shall: Make sure that the proposed changes are consistent with the strategy proposed by the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS (Final report, meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the ODP and the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS, Ostend, Belgium, 15-16 October 2009, Annex VI), and the mandates of WMO and IOC are respected; Take into account the state of the art of DBCP network management and instrument best practices for drifting and moored buoys; Avoid duplication, and make sure appropriate cross-references are made between WMO and IOC Publications; Make proposals for the further review of the Publications if needed; Report to the twenty-sixth session of the DBCP and submit the proposed changes for endorsement. The Publications to be reviewed are divided in two groups and include the following: Publications for which the consultant should propose specific changes: IOC Manual and Guides No. 26 WMO No. 8 WMO No. 544 WMO No. 488 Publications for which the consultant should propose a strategy for updating them, and make specific recommendations regarding how particular chapters should be updated: IOC Manual and Guides No. 4 IOC Manuals and Guides No. 18 ______________  :  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" http://www.oceandatastandards.org  :  HYPERLINK "http://bestpractice.iode.org/" http://bestpractice.iode.org/  : See document No. 2, and Implementation Plan:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/documents/Impl_Plan_JCOMM.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/documents/Impl_Plan_JCOMM.pdf  :  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=0" http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=0  :  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000599/059947eo.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000599/059947eo.pdf  :  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001388/138825eo.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001388/138825eo.pdf :  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/CIMO-Guide/CIMO_Guide-7th_Edition-2008.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/CIMO-Guide/CIMO_Guide-7th_Edition-2008.html :  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Manuals_GOS.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Manuals_GOS.html :  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/MediaPublic/Publications/WMO488_GOSguide/488_Guide_2007.pdf" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/MediaPublic/Publications/WMO488_GOSguide/488_Guide_2007.pdf  :  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000599/059947eo.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000599/059947eo.pdf  :  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=874" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=874 :  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/CIMO-Guide/CIMO_Guide-7th_Edition-2008.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/CIMO-Guide/CIMO_Guide-7th_Edition-2008.html :  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Manuals_GOS.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Manuals_GOS.html :  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/MediaPublic/Publications/WMO488_GOSguide/488_Guide_2007.pdf" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/MediaPublic/Publications/WMO488_GOSguide/488_Guide_2007.pdf : http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=866     MAN-VIII/ Doc 4.2, p.  PAGE 2 PQR      ! 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