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Summary report on ETMSS activities since ETMSS-II 1. The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS) continues to assist Members/Member States in implementing met-ocean services in support of the international maritime navigation. ETMSS experts have participated in several International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) meetings to coordinate the expansion of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) into the Arctic waters and the revision of relevant regulatory publications and IMO Resolutions. ETMSS has reinforced its cooperation with the IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (IHO/WWNWS), whose results are as follows: IMO Resolutions A705(17) on Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC1-Circ-1287.pdf" http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC1-Circ-1287.pdf or  HYPERLINK "http://tinyurl.com/36javhw" http://tinyurl.com/36javhw) and A706(17) on the IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC1-Circ-1288.pdf" http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC1-Circ-1288.pdf or  HYPERLINK "http://tinyurl.com/35e5o8r" http://tinyurl.com/35e5o8r), were updated. Those Resolutions, endorsed by the WMO Executive Council, were submitted to IMO/COMSAR-12 in April 2008 and adopted by IMO/MSC-85 in November/ December2008, and have entered into force on January 2010; A new version of the joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (MSI), containing an updated section on met-ocean MSI including the new METAREA map, was produced. This new version was endorsed by WMO and IHO in October 2008, and was subsequently submitted to COMSAR-13 and adopted by IMO/MSC-86 in May/June 2009. It will enter into force on January 2011 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC_Circ1310.pdf" http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC_Circ1310.pdf or http://tinyurl.com/3xabhdw); A new version of the International SafetyNET Manual was finalized at the first session of the IHO/WWNWS, in August 2009. This new version was submitted to IHO Committee, WMO Executive Council and IMO/COMSAR for approval and subsequently adoption by IMO/MSC in 2010 (MSC Circ. 1364). It will enter into force on January 2012 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC_Circ1364.pdf" http://www.iho-ohi.net/mtg_docs/International_Organizations/IMO/MSC_Circ1364.pdf or http://tinyurl.com/34yj7pr); A new version of the International NAVTEX Manual is in preparation. A draft version, available on IHO web site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iho-ohi.net/english/committees-wg/ircc/wwnws.html" http://www.iho-ohi.net/english/committees-wg/ircc/wwnws.html or http://tinyurl.com/36s3yfu), has been reviewed by IHO/WWNWS-2 in August 2010. The new version is expected to be submitted to IMO COMSAR and MSC in 2011; The new specifications for the Inmarsat System Definition Manual, including the new Arctic areas, have been prepared (agenda item 2.4); Following the request by the WMO Executive Council, at its sixty-first session (Geneva, June 2009), an IMO/WMO World-Wide Met-ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) guideline document was prepared, including Terms of Reference of METAREA Coordinators, to complement the existing IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Services (WWNWS, IMO Resolution A.706(17)). The WMO Executive Council has adopted the WWMIWS, at its sixty-second session (Geneva, June 2010), and subsequently it will be submitted to the next IMO/MSC at the end of 2010, for adoption and inclusion in the regulatory publications expected end of 2011/beginning of 2012. [see WWMIWS Document]. The WMO Secretariat will write formally to all Issuing Services, inviting them to agree to assume the role of Metarea Coordinator, or to propose an alternative Coordinator. 2. Recognizing the increased use in the Arctic region by the marine community, the IMO decided to expand the GMDSS into the whole Arctic Ocean, enhancing a proposal submitted by the Russian Federation. It therefore established (IMO/COMSAR-10, London, March 2006) a joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group (CG) on Arctic Maritime Safety Information (MSI) services to address this issue. Five new NAV/METAREAs have been defined. Canada (METAREAs XVII & XVIII), Norway (METAREA XIX) and the Russian Federation (METAREAs XX & XXI) offered to act as the new Issuing Services for these new areas. The aim of Full Operational Status being declared at COMSAR 15 in 2011 was declared by the CG (this session is provisionally scheduled for March 2011). The CG, supported by the IHO WWNWS, considers this event to be a significant milestone in the delivery of MSI worldwide, and is worthy of major IMO, IHO and WMO celebration. WMO Secretariat has been advised of this, with a view that it may be considered appropriate for the Secretary-General to attend such an event. The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services has been active in this joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group in ensuring that all relevant issues for the METAREA Issuing Services are properly addressed. In addition, the focal points for METAREAs I (UK Met Office), II (Mto-France) and IV (NOAA/NWS) also agreed to provide assistance to the new METAREA Issuing Services in developing their operating plans for the implementation of the GMDSS in the Arctic areas. The Maritime Safety Services Enhancement Workshop that took place in May 2010 noted the progress being made by all three Issuing Services with a target July 2011 implementation date likely to be met. Based on excellent coordination between the Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) and the Issuing Services, a number of projects are underway in support of the GMDSS. In particular ETSI during its fourth session in March 2010 (JCOMM Meeting Report No.74) developed definition of the mandatory sea ice information and a set of rules for its description in the context of GMDSS (agenda item 4.1). The ETSI was also working on procedures to ensure cross-area coordination and consistency of GMDSS information across the Arctic Metareas. Extended testing of GMDSS broadcasts, the Initial Operational Capability (IOC), started in July 2010 and a WMO/IHI General Arctic Announcement had been broadcasted by Inmarsat to inform mariners of this IOC, with a transition to Full Operational Capability (FOC) on 1st June 2011. Nevertheless, a number of common issues across the five new Arctic Metareas are still pending (agenda item 4) and a major issue, the service gap over Hudson Bay (included in Metarea IV), shall be addressed by USA and Canada. In addition, the implementation of the Marine Pollution Emergency Support System (MPERSS) in the Arctic Ocean (agenda item 9) should also be considered. Arctic Issuing Services are also strongly encouraged to make the necessary arrangements to make their GMDSS SafetyNET, NAVTEX and HF NBDP products available on the GTS and provide Meteo-France with the ad-hoc metadata for inclusion on the GMDSS website (http//weather.gmdss.org) [see Appendix II]. 3. ETMSS has reviewed the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471) and proposed amendments, adopted by JCOMM-III and approved by WMO EC 63. In addition, a complete new edition of the Manual, to incorporate all amendments adopted over the past decade or more, but also to correct noted anomalies, errors and inconsistencies, was planned to be prepared over the coming 12 months. As those documents can be considered as ISO documents by NMHS, it is of major importance to ensure that they are updated appropriately. In this context, The Team will review both documents [see ad-hoc documents] (agenda item 5.1). 4. The JCOMM GMDSS-Weather Website ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org) continues to provide access, in complement to the official dissemination channels, to the official Maritime Safety Information and warnings supplied by the existing METAREA Issuing Services. Mto-France has been managing and hosting this website, which has been in operation for 6 years. Some statistics are available in Appendix II. The website, which will also include the GMDSS products for Arctic areas when available, includes: Met-ocean MSI prepared for SafetyNET dissemination (high seas); Met-ocean MSI prepared for International NAVTEX dissemination (coastal waters), which is under preparation. A number of NAVTEX bulletins are already available online (e.g., METAREAs I, II, III, IV and XI). All Issuing Services were requested during the MSSE Workshop to make the necessary arrangements to make their NAVTEX products available on the GTS and provide Meteo-France with the ad-hoc metadata [see Appendix II], and strongly encouraged to promote the same actions among the others NMS issuing such products on their METAREAs; A specific page gathering the available links to the NAVAREA Websites [see  HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org/navareas.html" http://weather.gmdss.org/navareas.html]. This is the first step of cooperation with IHO towards the joint use of the URL gmdss.org for the provision of both meteorological and navigational warning information Relevant maps showing limits of METAREAs and sub-areas, which are available in publication WMO-No. 9, Volume D Information for Shipping. 5. In order to ensure the use of best practices and the improvement of value for mariners, JCOMM promotes the implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) within the NMS preparing MSI. A QM training, focused on Internal Audit procedures, was provided to Issuing Services by a QM specialist supporting the Australian Bureau of Meteorology during the MSSE Workshop in May 2010. The Team will review the outcomes of the Workshop and the proposals prepared by Mr Bryan Boase, member of the Management Committee with specific responsibility for QMS, on the process for moving forward in the provision of support to developing countries in implementing QMS as they further developed their marine services and the guidelines for implementation of QMS by Issuing Services (Agenda item 3.1). 6. Direct interaction with and feedback from the marine users is required to ensure that services meet their requirements. It is also a requirement for a Quality Management System (QMS). The former Commission for Marine Meteorology (CMM) therefore initiated a Marine Meteorological Services Monitoring (MMSM) programme in 1981. The first survey was conducted in 1985. Subsequent sessions of CMM and JCOMM had reviewed the survey results, reiterated their value to WMO Members and endorsed their continuation. In the meantime, the questionnaire was regularly reviewed and updated by ETs (especially ETMSS and SOT). The last questionnaire was reviewed during the meeting of the Task Team on MSI (March 2009, Geneva, Switzerland), with ETSI and ETWS Chairpersons. This questionnaire was distributed in early 2009 to ships masters through national PMOs as well as via the Weather-GMDSS Website. The results of the analysis were compiled into a report, which can be accessed at  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/SPA_MSS" http://www.jcomm.info/SPA_MSS. The Team will review the present questionnaire in the light of the outcomes of the MSSE Workshop, with a view to develop with ETOOFS and IHO/WWNWS a complete survey methodology, to provide the feedback necessary for performance assessment of the system (agenda item 3.2). The aim is to conduct a survey in 2011 in order to present the analysis during JCOMM-IV in 2012. 7. A first version of the template to be used for self-assessment reports by Issuing Services was prepared by the ETMSS Chairperson, based on the one used by the NAVAREA co-ordinators. This template was presented and discussed during the meeting of the Task Team on MSI in March 2009 and the MSSE in May 2010. The Team will review this template, expected to be filled annually by Issuing Services or METAREA Coordinators to report to ETMSS (agenda item 3.3). 8. Since 1999, ETMSS has been working on the implementation of graphical/numerical Maritime Safety Information (MSI) broadcast within the GMDSS. The WMO Executive Council, at its sixtieth session (Geneva, June 2008) re-emphasized the continuing importance to mariners in receiving graphical products via radio transmissions and requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users. On the other hand, the WMO Executive Council, at its sixty-first session (Geneva, June 2009), encouraged WMO Members to investigate low-cost options for on-demand approaches that are compatible with Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC). In addition, the imminent increase of ENC systems on SOLAS vessels as regulatory material and the emergence of the e-navigation concept within IMO should reinforce the priority given to this requirement and the need to find appropriate resources to develop a suitable service. Both the ETMSS and ETSI have been working on this issue and ETSI has already developed the Sea Ice Objects Catalogue in accordance with IHO standards. The ETMSS has initiated the development of a catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Classes and Attributes, which would be an essential tool to enable NMHSs to develop products specifically for Electronic Navigation Chart Systems, allowing the implementation of software to decode and display met-ocean information by the manufacturers of these systems, using the S-57 and S-100 chart data exchange standards. The Team will review and complete the draft catalogue (agenda item 6.2). Planned actions, projects or priorities for the JCOMM intersessional period 2010-2012 9. JCOMM-III re-implemented the ETMSS (Resolution 5), but significantly modified the Terms of Reference of the Team (see Appendix I). In particular, all operational activities related to marine pollution (MPERSS) and SAR activities are now under the umbrella of ETMSS. In accordance with the ToRs, the ETMSS liaises with and gathers input from other SFSPA teams - ETSI, ET on waves and surges (ETWS) and ET on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ETOOFS), on all aspects of sea ice, sea state, storm surge and ocean circulation relevant to the operation and improvement of maritime safety services and maritime accident emergency support. A core membership has also been selected (see Appendix I). After JCOMM-III, the core members of the Team have proposed to identify two vice-chairpersons, Mr Nick Ashton from UK (activities in liaison with MSI) and Mr Oyvind Breivik from Norway (activities in liaison with MPERSS and SAR). 10. The Commission endorsed the priority activities for the next intersessional period for ETMSS, as described below, in no particular order: Improve interaction between the GMDSS Issuing Services and the AMOCs of MPERSS; Keep under review the implementation of the GMDSS and MPERSS in the Arctic and continue to support the Issuing Services and AMOCs, to reach the expected target in 2011 for the GMDSS; In association with ETWS and ETSI, develop guidelines and recommendations to update WMO-Nos. 471 and 558, especially for the provision of sea state and sea ice in MSI; Continue to develop the catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Classes and Attributes to define standards for ENC and e-Navigation, in collaboration with ETSI and guidance from IMO and IHO; Facilitate implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMSs) among Members for the provision of MMS (Recommendation 7, ). 11. After JCOMM-III, the SFSPA coordinator prepared with ET chairs a draft list of projects, outcomes or deliverables. These were discussed during SCG-V just after the MSSE Workshop in May 2010. Those that could involve ETMSS, described in Appendix III, are summarized below : Develop the MPERSS capabilities including the Arctic Ocean [Project #19] Support Issuing Services for GMDSS and AMOCs for MPERSS in the Arctic Ocean. [Project #20] (with ETSI) Update WMO n471 and 558 for sea state in MSI [Project #21] (with ETWS) Preparation of a Catalogue on Met-ocean Object Class for ENC and e-Navigation [Project #22] (with ETSI) Facilitate implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMSs) among Members for the provision of Marine Safety Services [Project #23] Coordinate and support the implementation of the GMDSS in the Arctic Ocean. [Project #28] (with ETSI) Enrich the GMDSS website (NAVTEX products, Arctic MSI) [Project #35] Attachments Appendix I - ToR and Membership of ETMSS Appendix II - GMDSS web site: statistics and metadata for the management of messages Appendix III - ETMSS Planned Actions ______________________ Appendix I Terms of Reference and Membership of Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS) Terms of reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with international organizations and other entities representing users interests, such as the International Maritime Organization, International Hydrographic Organization, International Chamber of Shipping , International Mobile Satellite Organization, and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety, search and rescue and marine pollution issues, including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), shall: (a) In support of the Maritime Safety, Efficiency, and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations: Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea; Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; Develop technical advice and guidance material on Marine Meteorological Services, including keep under review the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), the Guide on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471) and Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9, Volume D Information for Shipping), and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; In support of the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS): Monitor implementation and operations of MPERSS; review and suggest, as necessary, improvements to the contents of the overall system plan; (in consistency with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships , and other international conventions); Facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst the Area Meteorological and Oceanographic Coordinators (AMOCs) of MPERSS, in particular, with a view to ensuring full and ongoing operations in all areas, as well as the exchange of relevant advice, information, data and products between AMOCs, as appropriate and required; (c) Monitor requirements by ensuring feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; (d) Liaise with and gather input from ETSI, ETWS and ETOOFS on all aspects of sea ice, sea state, storm surge and ocean circulation relevant to the operation and improvement of maritime safety services and maritime accident emergency support; (e) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members/Member States on maritime safety issues and marine accident emergency support needs; (f) Assist Members/Member States in the implementation of services and in the development of standardized methods for the quality assurance related to the provision of MSI, especially for the GMDSS, through capacity-building activities; (g) Develop, in accordance with existing standards (for example, from the International Hydrographic Organization), graphical/numerical product specification for marine parameters, foremost wind, sea state, currents and sea ice, in Electronic Navigation Chart Systems; Provide advice to the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to maritime safety services and marine accident emergency support; Continue to liaise closely with relevant groups and teams of organizations, such as IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, EMSA, etc., to coordinate and improve maritime safety services, SAR and marine accident emergency support. As a general principle, these terms of reference will be implemented through specific, defined, time-limited projects. General membership The membership consists of a core membership of up to eight members, including the chairperson, selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise in the provision of services for maritime safety and efficiency, SAR operations and marine pollution response. The following experts serve as core members of the ETMSS: Alasdair Hainsworth (Australia) Mohamed Aitlaamel (Morocco) Nicholas Ashton (United Kingdom) Oyvind Breivik (Norway) Timothy Rulon (United States) Valery Martyshchenko (Russian Federation) Zenghai Zhang (China) Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of a range of activities related to the implementation of services for maritime safety and efficiency, SAR operations and marine pollution response, as well as representatives of international organizations and other entities representing users interests, such as the IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Appendix II: GMDSS web site : statistics and metadata for the management of messages Statistics/hits on the GMDSS web site  Statistics/hits on the GMDSS web site  Statistics/hits on the GMDSS web site  Page intentionally Blank Metadata for the management of messages EGC SafetyNET (Arctic Areas) HEADERMETAREANAME ON THE WEB SITERETENTION (hours)MANAGEMENTCOMMENTSFQRA01.RUVV13HIGH_SEAS_FORECAST27REPLACEWORA01.RUVV13HIGH_SEAS_WARNING15REPLACEFQCN01 CWNT 17MARINE WEATHER FORECASTS NORTH OF 75N (HF NBDP)27REPLACEFQCN02 CWNT17MARINE WEATHER FORECASTS SOUTH OF 75N (SAFETYNET)27REPLACEFICN21 CWIS17SEA ICE BULLETINS NORTH OF 75N (HF NBDP)27REPLACEFICN22 CWIS17SEA ICE BULLETINS SOUTH OF 75N (SAFETYNET)27REPLACEFQCN03 CWNT 18MARINE WEATHER FORECASTS NORTH OF 75N (HF NBDP)27REPLACEFQCN04 CWNT18MARINE WEATHER FORECASTS SOUTH OF 75N (SAFETYNET)27REPLACEFICN23 CWIS18SEA ICE BULLETINS NORTH OF 75N (HF NBDP)27REPLACEFICN24 CWIS18SEA ICE BULLETINS SOUTH OF 75N (SAFETYNET)27REPLACE1919FQRS01 RUSP20HIGH_SEAS_FORECAST (including sea ice ?)27REPLACEWORS01 RUSP20HIGH_SEAS_WARNING15REPLACEFQRA01 RUSP21HIGH_SEAS_FORECAST (including sea ice ?)27REPLACEWarning ?21 Metadata for the management of messages NAVTEX For the moment, retention is 12 hours for warnings and 24 hours for scheduled forecasts HEADERNAVTEX stationPOSITIONNAME ON THE WEB SITERETENTION (in hours)MANAGEMENTCOMMENTSMETAREA IFPUK73 EGRRNiton [E]NITON-FORECASTREPLACEWOUK59 EGRRNITON-WARNINGREPLACEFPUK73 EGRRCullercoats [G]CULLERCOATS-FORECASTREPLACEWOUK55 EGRRCULLERCOATS-WARNINGREPLACEFPUK73 EGRRPortpatrick [O]PORTPATRICK-FORECASTREPLACEWOUK57 EGRRPORTPATRICK-WARNINGREPLACEMETAREA IIFQNT51.LFPWCROSS Corsen [A]4824 N 447 WOFF_SHORE_FORECAST27REPLACEFQNT53.LFPWOFF_SHORE_FORECAST27REPLACEWONT51.LFPWOFF_SHORE_WARNING15REPLACEMETAREA IIIFQMQ51.LFPWCROSS La Garde [W]4306 N 559 EOFF_SHORE_FORECAST27REPLACEFQMQ53.LFPWOFF_SHORE_FORECAST27REPLACEWOMQ51.LFPWOFF_SHORE_WARNING15REPLACEFQME50 LGATIrakleio [H]IRAKLEIO-FORECASTREPLACEFQME51 LGATKerkyra [K]KERKYRA-FORECASTREPLACEFQME52 LGATLimnos [L]LIMNOS FORECASTREPLACEMETAREA IVFZNT25 KNHCMiami [A]SW_N_ATLANTIC_S_OF_31N_AND_W_OF_65W FORECAST15REPLACEFZUS72 KMLBMELBOURNE,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KMLBMELBOURNE,_FL WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KTBWTAMPA,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KTBWTAMPA,_FL WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KMFLMIAMI,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KMFLMIAMI,_FL WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KKEYKEY_WEST,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KKEYKEY_WEST,_FL WARNING15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEFZNT25 KWNMCharleston [E]MURRELS_INLET,_SC_TO_FLAGLER_BEACH,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEFZUS72 KCHSCHARLESTON,_SC FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KCHSCHARLESTON,_SC WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KJAXJACKSONVILLE,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KJAXJACKSONVILLE,_FL WARNING15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEFZNT23 KWNMBoston [F]EASTPORT,_ME_TO_SANDY_HOOK,_NJ FORECAST15REPLACEFZNT21 KWBCNEW_ENGLAND_AND_SLOPE_WATERS FORECAST15REPLACEFZNT22 KWBCW_CENTRAL_AND_N_ATLANTIC FORECAST15REPLACEFZUS71 KBOXTAUNTON,_MA FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KBOXTAUNTON,_MA WARNING15REPLACEFZUS71 KGYXGRAY_PORTLAND,_ME FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KGYXGRAY_PORTLAND,_ME WARNING15REPLACEFZUS71 KOKXNEW_YORK FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KOKXNEW_YORK WARNING15REPLACEFZUS71 KCARCARIBOU,_ME FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KCARCARIBOU,_ME WARNING15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEFZNT27 KNHCNew Orleans [G]GULF_OF_MEXICO FORECAST15REPLACEFZNT23 KNHCSW_AND_TROPICAL_N_ATLANTIC_AND_CARIBBEAN_SEA FORECAST15REPLACEFZNT24 KNHCGULF_OF_MEXICO FORECAST15REPLACEFZUS74 KLCHLAKE_CHARLES,_LA FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KLCHLAKE_CHARLES,_LA WARNING15REPLACEFZUS74 KBROBROWNSVILLE,_TX FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KBROBROWNSVILLE,_TX WARNING15REPLACEFZUS74 KCRPCORPUS_CHRISTI,_TX FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KCRPCORPUS_CHRISTI,_TX WARNING15REPLACEFZUS74 KHGXHOUSTON,_TX FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KHGXHOUSTON,_TX WARNING15REPLACEFZUS74 KLIXNEW_ORLEANS,_LA FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KLIXNEW_ORLEANS,_LA WARNING15REPLACEFZUS74 KMOBMOBILE,_AL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS54 KMOBMOBILE,_AL WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KTAETALLAHASSEE,_FL FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KTAETALLAHASSEE,_FL WARNING15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEFZNT24 KWNMPorthsmouth [N]SANDY_HOOK,_NJ_TO_MURRELLS_INLET,_SC FORECAST15REPLACEFZUS71 KAKQWAKEFIELD,_VA FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KAKQWAKEFIELD,_VA WARNING15REPLACEFZUS71 KLWXWASHINGTON,_DC_MARYLAND FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KLWXWASHINGTON,_DC_MARYLAND WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KILMWILMINGTON_NC FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KILMWILMINGTON_NC WARNING15REPLACEFZUS72 KMHXNEWPORT_MOREHEAD FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS52 KMHXNEWPORT_MOREHEAD WARNING15REPLACEFZUS71 KPHIPHILADELPHIA,_NEW JERSEY FORECAST15REPLACEWHUS51 KPHIPHILADELPHIA,_NEW JERSEY WARNING15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEFZNT26 KNHCSan Juan [R]CARIBBEAN_SEA_AND_SW_N_ATLANTIC FORECAST15REPLACEWHCA52 TJSJSAN_JUAN,_PR WARNING15REPLACEFZCA72 TJSJSAN_JUAN,_PR FORECAST15REPLACEWEXX20 PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEXX30 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACEMETAREA XIFQJP61.RJTDNAHA [G]ROUTINE SYNOPSIS AND FORECAST FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP71 RJTDIMPORTANT WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP81 RJTDVITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEFQJP62.RJTDMOJI [H]ROUTINE SYNOPSIS AND FORECAST FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP72 RJTDIMPORTANT WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP82 RJTDVITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEFQJP63.RJTDYOKOHAMA [I]ROUTINE SYNOPSIS AND FORECAST FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP73 RJTDIMPORTANT WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEWWJP83 RJTDVITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA30REPLACEFQJP64.RJTDOTARU [J]ROUTINE 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PAAQTSUNAMI_ADVISORY_WATCH WARNING15REPLACEWEAK51 PAAQTSUNAMI_PUBLIC_MESSAGE WARNING15REPLACE Appendix III ETMSS Planned Actions Project #19: Developing the MPERSS capabilities including the Arctic Ocean Project Leaders: Henri Savina, Oyvind Breivik Project Description: The primary objective of Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support Systems (MPERSS) is to have in place a coordinated, global system for the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information for marine pollution emergency response operations outside waters under national jurisdiction. The areas covered have the same geographical distribution as those for the GMDSS, and Area Meteorological Coordinators have been identified for all of them. Expected Outcomes: - New MPERSS capability for the Arctic Ocean Recognition of MPERSS services outside the WMO (e.g., IMO) Updated user requirements for MPERSS Key Activities: Coordinate with Issuing and Ice services to implement the MPERSS for the Arctic Ocean Interact/outreach to key International bodies (e.g., IMO/MEPC) Timeline, Major milestones: Initial MPERSS capability established July 2011 ETs, Other Contributing Organizations: ETMSS, ETSI, ETOOFS Project #20: Supporting Issuing Services and AMOCs for GMDSS in the Arctic Ocean Project Leader(s): Vasily Smolyanitsky, Henri Savina Project Description: The Arctic METAREAs are characterized by the ice cover occurrence during the whole year which is a serious obstacle for navigation and a factor of risk. The ice Services provide support for both for efficiency of ice navigation and the safety of navigation in the ice covered waters. The goal of the GMDSS in the Arctic is to warn the navigators on the danger of encountering the ice within the route of navigation and to support further decision-making of changing the route or requesting ice-breaker support and/or support from the Issuing ice Services. Canada, Norway and Russian Federation are Preparation Services for METAREA XVII-XXI and adjacent parts of METAREA I and IV with support from Denmark and USA. Following WMO/IHO/IMO decisions the GMDSS in the new Arctic METAREAs should be maintained in an Initial Operational Capability (IOC) since 1 July 2010 and implemented in Full Operational Capability (FOC) since 1 July 2011. To that effect ETSI will a) update relevant IHO and WMO publications for a complete and unambiguous definitions of ice information to be included into the GMDSS text broadcasts and disclaimer for additional information for ice navigation, b) establish operating procedures to coordinate text ice information between adjacent Arctic METAREAs to ensure continuity of the ice edge at the METAREA boundary. Simultaneously, additional (graphic and/or binary) sea ice information on Ice Logistics Portal ( HYPERLINK "http://www.bsis-ice.de/Iceportal"www.bsis-ice.de/Iceportal) will be organized by METAREAs with links from Ice Logistics Portal to GMDSS website and reciprocal links from GMDSS website. The ETSI will also review and provide amendments on the IMO/WMO Guidance Document for the World Wide Met-Ocean Information for reference to WMO No. 574 Sea Ice Services in the World, monitor provision of ice information in the Antarctic, monitor and determine what countries transmit graphic ice charts by radiofax and advise WMO Secretariat to update Publication No. 9 accordingly. Expected Outcomes: Experimental suite of Met-Ocean products for the Arctic (text) Experimental suite of Met-Ocean products for the Arctic (graphic) Key Activities: Development of integrated sea ice-marine weather text products Development of integrated sea ice-marine weather graphic products Timeline/milestones: July 2011: Text suite available ETs, Other Organizations and participants: ETSI, ETMSS, ETOOFS Project #21: Update WMO 471 and 558 for sea state in MSI Project Leader(s): Henri Savina, Val Swail Project Description: There is a significant room for improving the provision of sea state, that should be considered as the most important parameter, in Maritime Safety Information (MSI). At the moment, the majority of Issuing Services preparing GMDSS MSI provide information on the significant wave height only, generally using the Douglas scale. This is very limited in comparison with data available from the NWP and certainly the constraints and needs of ships at sea. Many accidents occurred in coastal or open seas due to sea state, where significant wave heights were far below the thresholds fixed for the vessels, but in situations where the sea state was complex (e.g. cross seas) or unusual (e.g. steep sea, risk of abnormal or freak waves). Key parameters should be proposed to provide more useful information for the safety of ships, especially in complex and dangerous seas. Type of parameters, and the related thresholds if any, should be defined in association with the ship masters, owners and manufacturers. The provision of improved sea state products should then be promoted among the Issuing Services and the WMO recommendations and guidelines updated accordingly. Expected Outcomes: Guidelines and recommendations for updating WMO 471 and 558 on Sea State in MSI Promote the provision of improved sea state products among the issuing services Key Activities: Review the documents Update key parameters/guidance Coordinate with the user survey (Proj. #4) Timeline, Major milestones: ETWS to provide input: May 10 ETMSS to incorporate inputs into the survey: Dec. 2010 ETs, Other Contributing Organizations ETMSS, ETWS, ETOOFS Project #22: Catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Class for ENC and e-Navigation Project Leader(s): Henri Savina Project Description: Since 1999, ETMSS has been working on the implementation of graphical/numerical Maritime Safety Information (MSI) broadcast within the GMDSS. The WMO Executive Council, at its sixtieth session (Geneva, June 2008) re-emphasized the continuing importance to mariners in receiving graphical products via radio transmissions and requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users. On the other hand, the WMO Executive Council, at its sixty-first session (Geneva, June 2009), encouraged WMO Members to investigate low-cost options for on-demand approaches that are compatible with Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC). In addition, the imminent increase of ENC systems on SOLAS vessels as regulatory material and the emergence of the e-navigation concept within IMO should reinforce the priority given to this requirement and the need to find appropriate resources to develop a suitable service. Both the ETMSS and ETSI have been working on this issue and ETSI has already developed the Sea Ice Objects Catalogue in accordance with IHO standards. The ETMSS has initiated the development of a catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Classes and Attributes, which would be an essential tool to enable NMHSs to develop products specifically for Electronic Navigation Chart Systems, allowing the implementation of software to decode and display met-ocean information by the manufacturers of these systems, using the S-57 and S-100 chart data exchange standards. The IMO e-Navigation concept reinforce the need to go forward on this issue, to be able to finalize the catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Class for ENC and e-Navigation, especially for parameters included in MSI. A strong support and contribution from ETSI is expected, as the Team has already developed such catalogue for sea ice. WMO, through the Secretariat and ETMSS, need also to be proactive in dealings with IHO and IMO on e-navigation development, to ensure compatibility between e-navigation and future metocean services by Members. Expected Outcomes: Met-Ocean object class for parameters included in MSI (wind, wave height, etc) and additional met-ocean parameters (surface current,), based on templates from the Ice Objects Catalogue. Key Activities: Coordinate with IHO to validate requirement Finalize the draft object catalogue Timeline/milestones: Oct 2010: Meeting between WMO/IHO/IMO Jan 2012: Finalize the met-ocean object class ETs, Other Organizations and participants: ETMSS, ETWS, ETSI, IHO, IMO Project #23: Facilitate implementation of QMS among members of the provision of MMS Project Leader(s): Henri Savina Project Description: Quality Management Systems (QMS) for aviation has being undertaken within a global regulatory environment. If such regulations do not presently exist for marine services, IMO is moving in this general direction. In order to ensure the use of best practises and the improvement of value for mariners, JCOMM promotes the implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) within the NMS preparing MSI. JCOMM should take the lead within WMO in the provision of support to developing countries in implementing QMS as they further developed their marine services. A process for moving forward will be prepared and guidelines for implementation of QMS by Issuing Services will also be drafted by Bryan Boase, member of MAN with specific responsibility for QMS. Those documents will be reviewed by ETMSS and MAN. As a first step, a QM training, focused on Internal Audit procedures, was provided to Issuing Services by a QM specialist supporting the Australian Bureau of Meteorology during the Workshop for Enhancement of Maritime Safety Services in May 2010. That allowed awareness and demystification of QMS practices for participants, and acquisition of an insight into the practical implementation of a QMS within an NMHS. Participants were formally provided with an introduction to internal QM auditing processes" certificate at the end of this item, which indicated they had had an introduction to internal QM auditing processes. Expected Outcomes: Issuing Services are trained for QMS Guidance documents for QMS implementations Key Activities: QMS trainings Preparations for guidance documents on implementations Timeline, Major milestones: MSS training workshop May 2010 Draft documents on QMS implementation Sept. 2010 (ETMSS-3) ETs, Other Contributing Organizations: ETMSS, ETSI, ETOOFS, MAN Project #28: Coordinate and Support the implementation of GMDSS in the Arctic Ocean Project Leader(s): Vasily Smolyanitsky, Henri Savina Project Description: Recognizing the increased use in the Arctic region by the marine community, the IMO decided to expand the GMDSS into the whole Arctic Ocean, enhancing a proposal submitted by the Russian Federation. It therefore established in 2006 a joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group (CG) on Arctic Maritime Safety Information (MSI) services to address this issue. Five (5) new NAV/METAREAs have been defined. Canada (METAREAs XVII & XVIII), Norway (METAREA XIX) and the Russian Federation (METAREAs XX & XXI) offered to act as the new Issuing Services for these new areas. The aim of Full Operational Status being declared at COMSAR 15 in March 2011 was proposed by the CG. The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services has been active in this joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group in ensuring that all relevant issues for the METAREA Issuing Services are properly addressed. In addition, the focal points for METAREAs I, II and IV also agreed to provide assistance to the new METAREA Issuing Services in developing their operating plans for the implementation of the GMDSS in the Arctic areas. During the workshop on Enhancement of Maritime Safety Services (Melbourne, may 2010), the status of implementation of the system was reviewed, including any difficulties or major issues encountered. The workshop was pleased to note the progress being made by all three Issuing Services, covering the five new METAREAs, with a July 2010 date for extended testing of GMDSS broadcasts, and a target July 2011 implementation date, both likely to be met. A number of common issues across the Arctic METAREAs were noted. Some were agreed as requiring wider discussion within the ETMSS, such as possible review and modification of METAREA boundaries, protocols for ensuring consistency between GMDSS and national products, coordination and consistency across METAREA boundaries, and the service gap over Hudson Bay. Expected Outcomes: GMDSS services implemented in the Arctic METAREAs in 2011 Key Activities: Revise WMO Manuals and Guides for Marine Meteorological Services for Sea Ice Procedures for coordinated delivery of services in the Arctic METAREAs Support issuing services for implementation of the GMDSS Timeline/milestones: June 2010: Revise Manuals and Guides Oct 2010: Procedures established July, 2011: GMDSS services implemented in the Arctic Ocean ETs, Other Organizations and participants: ETSI, ETMSS Project #35: Enrichment of the GMDSS website Project Leader(s): Henri Savina Project Description: The JCOMM GMDSS-Weather Website ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org) continues to provide access, in complement to the official dissemination channels, to the in-force official Maritime Safety Information (scheduled forecasts and warnings) prepared for the GMDSS. Mto-France has developed, manages and hosts this website, which has been in operation since 2004. Most of the MSI prepared for SafetyNET dissemination by the METAREA Issuing Services are included (the messages prepared for the Arctic to be added when available). A number of NAVTEX bulletins (around 10 %) are also already available (e.g., METAREAs I, II, III, IV and XI) [see for example  HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org/II.html" http://weather.gmdss.org/II.html]. The aim is to provide access to most of the NAVTEX products in the near future. In this context, Issuing Services are urged to ensure that NAVTEX messages prepared for transmitters within their area of responsibility are available on the GTS and to collect the related metadata for inclusion on the GMDSS website. The objective is to reach a rate between 50 and 70 % before JCOMM-IV in 2012. Expected Outcomes: Inclusion of significant part of the MSI prepared for NAVTEX dissemination Link to graphical products (e.g., IPY website) Key Activities: Make necessary arrangements for the availability of the NAVTEX products on the GTS (50-70%) Collection of metadata related to the NAVTEX products Timeline, Major milestones: 10% May 2010 30% Oct. 2010 (By ETMSS-3) 50-70% by JCOMM-IV ETs, Other Contributing Organizations: ETMSS     JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 3 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 5 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 2 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 7 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 6 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 9 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 8 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 11 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 10 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 18 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 12 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 19 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  PAGE 26 JCOMM/ETMSS-III/Doc. 2.1(1), p.  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