GESAMP Reports & Studies No. 82

Proceedings of the GESAMP International Workshop on micro-plastic particles as a vector in transporting persistent, bio-accumulating and toxic substances in the oceans.

Author(s) Tim Bowmer & Peter Kershaw (Editors)
Summary 28-30th June 2010, UNESCO-IOC, Paris. A workshop was held at UNESCO-IOC in Paris from the 28th to the 30th of June 2010 as part of GESAMP�s remit to advise its sponsoring agencies (IMO, FAO, UNESCO-IOC, UNIDO, WMO, IAEA, UN, UNEP, and UNDP) on new and emerging issues in relation to the state of the marine environment. The invited participants represented the scientific community, the plastics industry, policy makers and environmental NGOs, as well as regional bodies and developing as well as developed countries. The aim was to create a forum where key stakeholders could discuss the broader issues and inform GESAMP on the topic.
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 27 Feb 2014
Keywords gesamp micro-plastics oss
This document is used in the event(s): GESAMP International Workshop on micro-plastic particles as a vector in transporting persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the oceans

Group(s): IOC
Created at 11:20 on 27 Feb 2014 by Thomas Gross
Updated at 11:24 on 27 Feb 2014 by Thomas Gross